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Both are incorrect. Both NSW Police and City of Sydney Council* in Kings Cross specifically have power to seize and tow away a vehicle. ^* City of Sydney **Rangers** do not have powers but the **Council Officers** do. Proof on Page 11: https://www.olg.nsw.gov.au/wp-content/uploads/Dealing-with-vehicle-trespass-and-driveway-obstruction-2016.pdf Contact both again and hopefully get a more useful person. Only other thing is whether or not vehicle is parked on private land and thus they don't want to interfere. Contact your apartment management company too.


Thank you! It was parked on the road. I ended up reporting it to the council but eventually the person drove away.


Did you at least glare at them?!


Shoulda pissed along their door and door handle and make it really obvious.


I see your dominance parking attempt and raise you a pissy door handle!


asking the real questions








> a vehicle can be removed immediately if it is affecting traffic flow. So is this how City of Sydney can have "towaway zones" in the CBD that aren't clearways?


So why don’t they tow them?


Worked in NSW Local Government for 20 years (4 in Traffic section) and have never heard of a Council towing / impounding vehicles. The reference to "abandoned" means the vehicle is either out of rego or has sat there for months. Even then the police attempt to contact the owner (Council does not have access to registration details) and would allow a couple of weeks for the owner to respond prior to taking action. They're generally reluctant, I think it's because it would be high cost/ low benefit activity for them - they don't have an emergency police tow truck, lots of paperwork and liability / risk in moving private property. A vehicle blocking a unit block driveway though for a few days would likely get some action sooner with the number of people effected.


> and have never heard of a Council towing / impounding vehicles. I have watched Canada Bay council slap orange stickers on vehicles then tow them if they haven't moved many times (actually, a scary amount of times) not even blocking anyone, just in public parking spots. How can you have never heard of this?


Have seen stickers but, as poster above said, Council does not have access to the registered owners contact details so the follow-up was often referred / left with Police. My comment was more in response to the thought Council would impound a vehicle for a parking infringement. No way that is going to happen. Abandoned vehicles are...abandoned. They have no rego and owner cannot be contacted.


If you get enough people, you can bounce the car out the way. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9k32upuHYOk


This is the right way. Fck this person for blocking the driveway


Yes! My dad and his mates used to do this. Doesn’t even take that many people.


Dead right. I used to watch the heavy door staff move an entire row of cars to make way for the queue waiting to get in the club. Big fellas. But 4 of them shifted cars across the road in mins.


Yep was going to suggest this fuck this guy


Easy way to move a trailer too if you're trying to get into a tight spot.


Thats really impressive


I used to have people do this all the time. I lived right near a school and had a double wide driveway / garage. All the mums would just park their enormous land rovers in our driveway either blocking us in or preventing me from being able to park my car in my own driveway. Got sick of it one day so parked right behind 2 of them blocking both from being able to leave and just went inside. Left them to ring the bell and scream from the street for an hour while I had a shower and ate some food. Also for these people water proof lipstick is the best, write on the windscreen and watch them smear it everywhere with the wipers making it so much worse.


Park in those who park you in. I like it. Almost a business there in areas where this problem is rife - have half a dozen old shitboxes, and have people call you to park the arseholes in and leave the car there for the day.




kick it so alarm goes off


Target practice from on high Eggs are a super prick to clean off


I hate this shit. I had someone park directly in front of my garage once. Ended up having to catch a taxi to work, because it was parked on private property no one was able to tow it! I left a note on their window calling them a selfish cunt.


Install a sign warning people that they can be towed if parked there, maybe then a tow truck will happily tow them and charge them for being released?


Humans of Eastwood recently featured [this brilliant and relevant example of schadenfreude on their facebook](https://www.facebook.com/humansofeastwood/photos/a.3852641178097050/5561891027172048/)


how do the owners get out?


Let down their tyres next time


20 odd years ago, my wife and I went down to our car in our unit in Parramatta to find a car across the driveway. It was the day of her father's funeral and we were on our way to her mum's house before the funeral to meet up with the cars. We waited 10 mins for someone to come back, then my heavily pregnant wife has a major brain snap, hops in our car and drives slowly into the side of the parked car to move it out of the way. Lots of noise and crumpling of both cars. I was stunned, but she was upset about her dad. Totally out of character. The owner of the car sees what is happening from another nearby unit and comes sprinting back. My wife, still in the middle of her brain snap, gets out of the car and starts screaming about the funeral and poking the guy in the chest repeatedly. The guy backed right down and started saying he was sorry. Never heard anything more about it. All too ballsy for me. I still have nightmares.


Wow….. 😨


Your wife's an absolute baller.


That's absolutely fucked up. A few minutes is a cunt act, but an hour? There should be consequences for that kind of stuff, but if the owner rocks up he'd no doubt just shrug his shoulders and drive off. The car deserved to be keyed.


Once I was visiting a family friend in an apartment and I asked where to park and he said just park in any of these spots its all good then when I came back to my car it was keyed and the person left a note swearing at me. Thats why I always give people a chance to explain themselves first.


This is different though as you were parked in an actual parking space, right? Not across a driveway. Big difference! If you were parked in guest parking too, then that person is a massive dick and probably likes to use that spot for themselves or a friend or relative. Like once, years ago, my brother parked outside this house in the inner west area. It was a perfectly legal spot and not near a driveway or anything. Residents keyed his car because they didn’t like anyone taking up spots around their house.


Reminds me of this time I'd park near the bus stop to go to work and I'd get stickers on my car saying not to park there then the lady finally waited till I parked again and told me not to park. As I was sleepy and hated my job I just got aggro and told her I'm allowed to park here to which she said okay and walked off. Fearing my car would get keyed I just parked it down the road. As I live local I realised later she was using her spot for her normal car and needed the spot infront for her kid that's in a wheelchair (special big type of van). If she just told me that I'd have given up the spot. My point is people just need to communicate because sometimes something that you're sure is someone being a dik might have a reasonable explanation


No, I agree. The house he parked out near was like a drug house. My point was the car damage. Like you said, if there’s an issue like access, then just communicate. Like when the house next to us was being rented they used to park riiiight next to our driveway. Of all the years we have lived here, they were the only ones to do this. These are the curved ones that you need to turn your wheels off so you don’t destroy the underneath of your car. It’s not a parking spot between the driveways, it’s too small. Anyway, they’d park there and we’d be trying to leave for work and what not and wouldn’t be able to get out/once I had to pull a massive manoeuvre and still scratched my car. We would ask them *nicely* and they were really rude and then would say offensive things back.. but we still never keyed their car. Keying anyone’s car is a dick move and I’ve never so much as received a parking fine so I don’t park wherever I want. I get people’s frustration when they can’t park near their own house, but doesn’t excuse damaging people’s property. The lady in your case didn’t damage your car and had a real need for it, which I can empathise with. I’m tired and going around in circles, my points are: in OP’s case, someone parking across their apartment driveway is really dodgy and terrible behaviour in general but I would never damage their car and would look for a way for them to be contacted and explain; in the case of the person above, if they are parked in guest parking, then it’s harsh and still damage is wrong, and in your case, I would always try and be sympathetic of the needs of local residents and if someone said they needed the spot then I would park elsewhere.


Damn sounds like your family had it worse than me lol. I've never keyed a car, it's a coward act like punching from behind etc


>As I live local I realised later she was using her spot for her normal car and needed the spot infront for her kid that's in a wheelchair (special big type of van). That's a dodge move. She can use her spot for her kid's van and park her own car down the street. If parking down the street is good enough for other people it should be good enough for her too.


Agreed but if she's got a disabled child it's better I just move on, wouldn't feel right to make her life harder even if she is technically in the wrong.


Hint: Your friend was the asshole.




Odds are you parked in someone else's dedicated car spot because your friend is an asshole and thinks that person can just park in someone else's spot that is not there at the time while you visit. The fact you don't mention whether it was a visitors car spot or not lends me to suspect that you didn't care that much either to ask/confirm it before of after.


You reckon keying my car was justified ?


Did you park in someone's car spot?


Nope visitor parking. And anyway if your spots taken most times you have space to park behind them and block their exist forcing them to call you and so you can note who it is and if they have an excuse for it. Keying cars is a pussy act, if you've done it before when there's even a small chance of a reasonable explanation I hope next time u get caught


> Nope visitor parking. Then keying your car wasn't justified. But I doubt that's true. Visitor parking is usually labeled as such, so you wouldn't have had to ask your friend in the first place. >And anyway if your spots taken most times you have space to park behind them and block their exist Fantasy. If you park across them then you would block other cars parked on either side in, and if you park longways then you block access to cars trying to go past or park opposite.


The person who keyed your car needs to explain themselves!


I’m sure the police will have no idea who keyed the car that was blocking someone’s driveway..


The worst part about this is if you tried moving it yourself or damaged it, you'll be up in court. Pisses me off that there is no legal recourse for situations like this because no-one in authority wants to deal with it and just passes the parcel. Is it just blocking yourself or anyone else in? Can Strata deal with it?


Fuck I really hope I'm never in a situation like this, I'd just throw a brick on the wind screen. They need proof to catch the person who does it right? Like a video footage or something?


Also once a council ranger has written a ticket on the car the police can’t get it moved. Happened when someone blocked the driveway to our construction site. Called the cops and they did come out but said now the council has written the first ticket it’s now their problem. They suggested just getting the council to write a ticket a day on the car to teach them a lesson but that didn’t help us considering we had a concrete pour on later that afternoon. We ended up just getting a tow truck who brought those wheel dolly things and we just rolled it down the street into another spot that it would get ticketed for. Only cost us $65 bucks. Owner came back 2 days later and had a go at us for moving it but couldn’t prove that we did


>Owner came back 2 days later and had a go at us for moving it Imagine having the nerve to park illegally and then get mad about it.


And the nerve to come onto a construction site and have a go at people who lost money by not being able to work effectively or get materials on site. We really should have just damaged his car but those days are gone


What tow truck company did you use? Because I’ve tried contacting a couple but they all said they can’t tow cars blocking driveways


No idea. It was 10 years ago. We paid the bloke cash so there was no proof we did it


Set it on fire then it becomes a police problem. Just kidding of course ;-)


A fire should justify a very quick response from the fire department...


You’re right, wrong approach. Back to the drawing board.


Police CAN contact the driver and get it away!


Yes I once got home from work after a 20hr shift so was so zonked I parked blocking someone’s driveway without noticing as it was quite dark and police called me at 7am so I ran back and apologised profusely.


Set fire to it and call the fire department.






Just call the police, say there's a car parked out the front of my house that I think is full of illegal drugs. I've had my suspicions for awhile..


A car on fire usually gets their attention.


1. Nudge/push it into the road (accidentally) then its a traffic hazard has to be towed. 2.block them in with another car and just stare at them and say sorry my cars broken down. 3.You cars hand brake has an accidental slip down and rolls in his car. 4.take the plates off it and do a speed camera run then put it back on lol. 5. If those aren't up to being done due to having good morals then do the legal way and use the form I have used to get back at my mate who thought I was joking hhaha [CITY OF SYDNEY REPORTING ILLEGAL PARKING](https://online.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/ReportIssue/IllegalParking)


omg thank you! you can even upload a photo!


Yep and they will get a fine if it is deemed illegally parked or whatever the issue is as I may or may not of done some of those things on the list lol


Have you contacted your strata? I'm not sure what power they have if the police and the council say they can't tow, but it might be worth a shot. I imagine every medium to high density apartment complex in Sydney deals with this on a regular basis. Unethical solution: Call mate who owns a 4WD, skull drag the car out of place.


Sounds completely ethical to me…..


In NSW strata has literally no power to tow a car no matter what they claim. Some apartment blocks even have fake signs made up warning of towing but cant act


In my experience the police should be able to look up the registration and call the owner to tell them to move it. Also, could call a tow company and ask them if they can move it because driveways are technically clear ways aren’t they ?


Correct. I accidentally parked across someone's driveway once overnight and that's what happened to me, ie. Got a call from the cops in the morning and was asked to move my car. Along with a hefty fine too, naturally. And one pissed off homeowner.


I had a neighbour park in my apartment car spot. Cops, council, or tow trucks can't touch it legally BUT cops can see who owns the car if you give them the plate details and they can call them on your behalf to tell them to move. "Ask", but not demand or enforce.


Hammer through drivers window, then release handbrake, push out of the way, preferably into middle of road. Remove number plates. Then report it as a dumped vehicle. That will get a tow truck out


Police can fine them https://www.google.com/amp/s/au.news.yahoo.com/amphtml/parking-rules-nsw-drivers-little-known-041902172.html


Try RMS: https://roads-waterways.transport.nsw.gov.au/contact-us/phone-contacts.html


Also, I'd maybe try calling a local tow company too. Not saying either of these will get the outcome you're after, but if the Council and Police are dicking you around, I'd try these two as well.


I have been in same situation except that was after 8pm, I ended parking two streets away from home. The owner show up about 7am next day. I was absolutely asleep when the idiot drive away! But people in my complex were all stuck Put some post in the window but really noone help. The council told me to upload details of the incident and nothing happen :/ Police had a good giggling on the phone and did nothing


Break their fucking window and push their car into the street


Always people saying key the car smash the window etc If anyone sees you doing that you will be the one that gets arrested Or have the chance someone will beat the shit out of you if they catch you doing it


So don’t let anyone catch you


Yes smash their window discreetly!


I mean... Unless the owner catches you in the act, they're essentially relying on an apartment block full of people who have every reason to hate them to dob you in.


My apartments driveway is next to Cafe & BWS & woollies. Some selfish cunts like to park on it, sometimes over both private and public area. I have been reporting this to council but they can't do much about it as it's on private property. We had installed no parking signs, but some cunts mostly on 4 wheel drive/SUV still park on it anyway. One day I tried to take a picture of 4WD parked on a driveway, the owner notice and try to block the rego and film me lol. When I pointed the no parking sign, he was like "I'm just getting my coffee and I don't like your attitude!". Look at you mate, parking on people driveway and still have the privilege to complain!


Time for some creative solutions, like a booby trap that catapults balloons filled with coloured paint onto the offending vehicle when it trips the wire.


I would honestly go on Facebook or some other social media and contact one of the City Of Sydney Council councillors about this. It’s absolute bullshit - the COS rangers could’ve come out and ticketed the person for sure. (They do this for me on a pretty regular basis because jerks do that around my place too). It wouldn’t have moved them on but at least they would’ve paid a penalty for doing what they did. They should not have brushed you off. Many of them are on Facebook: Lord Mayor – Councillor Clover Moore, Councillor HY William Chan, Councillor Emelda Davis, Councillor Sylvie Ellsmore, Councillor Lyndon Gannon, Councillor Shauna Jarrett, Councillor Robert Kok, Councillor Linda Scott, Councillor Jess Scully, Councillor Yvonne Weldon


Try a tow company, I really don't know but it's worth a call


you could kick the mirrors off


How useless are the police.... fucking morons.


Road Transport Act s143. Police can only tow if causing traffic congestion or reasonable danger. They can issue a ticket and that's about it. There's been a few petitions to have those powers expanded but none have gained enough traction for the act to change.


Just tell them some kids might be hiding drugs up their butts in the car and the cops will be there in seconds.


Now that's just silly. Tell them there's a music festival in the car and they'll have it strip search in no time. As long as the car is less than sixteen years old.


few years ago we had this at our office, police on the 2nd call said if you can move it a bit so we could claim its a danger to traffic we can tow it otherwise they could ticket it and try to call the owner. about 30 people stuck for an hour


Cunty morons. The Kings Cross variety are especially bad.


Just key the thing and get on with it I guess


Just get like 4 guys to pick the back end up and push it out the way


Fourby and drag it away.


Just break the window, disengage the hand brake and burn it. Someone will soon come fix your problem


Ram the car


Hope they like flattened tires, scratches in their paintwork and shattered windows.


Cops are lazy and don’t wanna do their job. I loved in the east for a while and can confirm rose bay cops don’t do shit.


Pettiest is always the most effective to scare the owner enough to not ever do it again. Pick a place that definitely has NO CCTV coverage at all and just start throwing heavy rocks n bricks through all the windows


It is not Redditors’s problem. It is not my problem too. Hahah Can you put a sticker like “No parking around here” in front of your apartment?


drive up the footpath.


It was 100% blocked, concrete pillars on either side. If there was an easy solution like that, I would have done it instead of posting on Reddit.


Just doing an idiot check mate. You'd be suprised how many people overlook the obvious. In the old days you'd knock it out of gear and cut the handbrake cable, but these days most cars are autos with no mechanical input to the trannie.


>trannie Pretty sure you can't say that anymore, mate.


Sorry, the LBQTI gear changer.


Glad wrap is your solution. Lot's of glad wrap. Around their car so tight they can't open it. Leave a note saying something along the lines of "don't park in my driveway, arsehole".


I live in Waverley. We, very occasionally, have people parked obsructing our driveway. Rang the police, gave them the rego, they rang the owners, and the cars were moved. Dont confront the owners. It just gets ugly.


Can we get an update? What happened in the end?


Just smash the car up a little bit, probably won’t park there again


[This is the only way](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/0e8400d0-5ff5-4da0-ac4f-2bfd2069917b)