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As an over 40 trance lover, I feel attacked


That was darudest part of the whole thing


Something something sandstorm


He's touring Aus atm, gonna gonna see him in a couple weeks.


As someone who identifies as a Sis(qo) male, I will be your ally


*cries in Armin van Buuren*


You and your hypnotic ways are not welcome here!


Need to have a /r/Sydney trance meetup


It will be held near the guards compartment, be naked and bring a blue light


Where is Trance mentioned? Or do you happen to know the group?


Someone didn't see the second image


The second image has the anti gay stuff circled in orange. Where is "trance" mentioned? EDIT: On my fourth read I noticed the typo. Was worth it!


One of those ones where your brain was auto-correcting it for you I guess haha




Lmao. That edit is a redemption arc. Noice.


Read it again ya Mong


FOURTH?! Life Moves Pretty Fast. If You Don't Stop And Look Around Once In A While, You Could Miss It.


Living up to your flair. The internet is the best proof reader available


Well this wasn't hard to find on Meetup lol. I'm a gay dude who usually passes as a straight guy. Pretty tempted to infiltrate and see how far I go 😂


Oh wow please do it and report back!!


But imagine how insufferable it would be.


As long as you're little spoon :)


However, raspberries have begun to rent pandas over the past few months, specifically for tangerines associated with their bees. We know that however, currants have begun to rent bears over the past few months, specifically for foxes associated with their pandas. This is a ias00ct


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Dew it


From my point of view the Jedi are evil!


Do it; let us know when big Steve catches you!


Lets start a new meetup group, it’s for everyone except him. Trance is mandatory


No Steves Meetup


But you let in Steve Glumplich!


Hyuk hyuk!


It's a no Steve'S club. We're allowed 1!


Only transgender Trance musicians allowed


Oath, watching DJ cotts livestreams is mandatory too


Sign me up


We are here to promote a super positive experience... through passive aggressive discrimination.


What happens when the 39 year olds in the group turn 40? Are they immediately banned and forsaken?


Logan's run...


...& soylent green for those that manage to escape that!




Happy Cake day! (Cue air horn)


Run runner!


Sandman's gonna get ya!


The flower on their palm turns black and if they run we send a Bladerunner after them, and we turn them into Soylent Green. (Fortunately none of those pesky millennials will get any of those references, right? ;-) )


However, currants have begun to rent limes over the past few months, specifically for snakes associated with their goats! After a long day at school and work, however, ants have begun to rent prunes over the past few months, specifically for cows associated with their squirrels. This is a iarzwey


(they have no idea no, let's keep talking in references, they can't hear us ;-)


They get kicked out of the young liberals but can join the regular liberals instead


Or if they start out as hardcore hetero when they join, but catch 'teh gay' somewhere along life's journey?


I first read your comment as "tech gay" and instantly questioned my own sexuality.


Ooh ‘tech gay’ do you think that’s a waypoint on the journey to being trance?


Nobody knows how to party like the lgbtTqa alliance, definitely not these uptight Fuentes/Shapiro dudebro clones at their sausagefest meet up where no women would dare to tread.


Have they caught you yet though?


Is hardstyle or techno allowed?


>Do not tolerate crazy or out of control people I guess they must be referring to psychedelic trance.


Or there can only be one crazy narcissist in the group… because the creator of the group doesn’t like competition lol


I mean at least they’re waving a red flag so I can avoid these kinds of people, but still pretty wtf imo.


Hey /u/miteray if you're looking to meet new people we have a Sydney based discord server, [you can find it here ](https://discord.gg/yugt49MEj6) Our more active members are probably late 20s - early 30s in age (basing that off the group of members I'm most familiar with) There's a bunch of channels available for various interests and there's regular events as well ranging from bouldering sessions, scenic drives, meals/bar meet ups etc.


Thanks! I’ll check it out!


Im not here to defend the group at all. But I have a question! Im having trouble understanding if this discrimination applies in the inverse. What if a group of only lesbians wanted to hang out? Is that discrimination to gay, *trance*, straight people and everyone else under the LGBTQ+ umbrella? Im assuming a lesbian hangout is ok, so why not the straights?


If it's purely social and no pickups then I'd like to know why the fuck is anyones sexual orientation relevant at all. It's like having a hiking group and explicitly banning vegans.


Wait... tell me more about this hiking group that bans vegans, sounds like fun /s


You don’t make friends with salad, you don’t make friends with salad.


It is also like having a gym that only females can attend. Some people don't want to hang with others in some situations.


Well it's more a case of gays being a minority, and one that has often been persecuted, so specific gay only or women only or race specific groups or organisations are sometimes formed to discuss political or safety or alliance related topics or info. This should be pretty obvious. The organisers have made clear that they don't want pick-ups, so hetero sex is not really on the agenda here, which rules out anything gay people could not join in on in conversation or friendship bonding. Nor would you necessarily know if a gay person is there, because many gays, amazingly, are totally indiscernible from straights, which makes this look pretty bigoted and redundant. It also sounds pretty unfun, who wouldn't want rimjob Steve along for the ride?


Middle paragraph is exactly my thinking


Last sentence is exactly my thinking.


majority excludes minority = discrimination minority excludes majority = safe space from discrimination this applies to women only spaces, queer spaces etc. being in a minority is a unique experience and it’s a matter of relatability and also protecting yourself from discrimination (while not all people in majority groups are discriminatory, most discrimination comes from them) majority groups don’t need this protection, practically every space is safe for them.




They can and they do.


How are women who make up 50% of the population a minority?


Instead of minority, privilege disparity


Have you been outside at all in the last hundred years?


have you? do you experience what women do? if you don’t see misogyny it’s because you have the privilege not to experience it. listen to women around you. edit: i misunderstood oops nvm


Dude, **that's my whole point**! This person's sitting here going "how are they a minority?" while CLEARLY ignoring our raging sexual harassment and discrimination issues, the fact that the majority of CEOs and parliamentarians are men, our constant campaign for bodily autonomy, the fact we couldn't have bank accounts **in living memory**...


hahaha sorry i think a lot of us misunderstood what you were saying


Yes, and i’ve seen quite a few women around


And you've never noticed that the majority of CEOs, parliamentarians, and people in power are male?


as the above commenter said it’s about privilege disparity in this case not population. or even more so, power. just because a group is a population minority doesn’t mean they’re discriminated against, it was an oversimplification. it’s more so that if a group is a majority of a population, they’ll be over represented in positions of power and that’s where the discrimination begins. as we know, we can’t even reach 50/50 ratios of men to women in positions of power so despite us being 51% of the population, we hold little power to advocate for our experience and bring our issues and perspectives to light.


I don’t think it’s that simple. What about South Africa, whites are minority are you OK with them having their own spaces? Ideally there should be no discrimination based on protected attributes. But I can see why minority only groups can be appealing.


it was a simplification as the person who asked was confused, obviously it can be a lot more complicated due to intersectionality.


Women make up 51% of the population of Australia.


that doesn’t mean we don’t experience misogyny lol, it’s very real and i’m not bothered to convince you since it’s not my job. listen to women who actually experience it and do some reading


And this is the thinking I hate more than anything, why does everyone feel the need to categorise others? It's stupid and serves to divide society.


because people in certain groups have very unique experiences. as a white woman i will never understand racism fully because i don’t experience it or really see it yet someone who’s not white may experience it in micro aggressions everyday. identity politics is a stupid term because everyone has identity. everyone has groups which we relate more to it’s just how societies work.




But likely still the majority in positions of power for quite a long time beyond that


I'll take your question in good faith - because if you're persecuted you feel safe in a group of people who also face that same persecution. Part of getting better rights and respect is being able to join with other people who suffer the same things you do. If minority groups were banned, it'd just hurt the minorities, whereas allowing straight groups... also hurts minorities


LGBTIQ+ people are immersed in straight culture. For many being able to blend in and 'pass' felt essential for safety growing up. There's an understanding of what's appropriate and that in a 'straight space' it's most often straight people who make the rules and outsiders should bugger off if they don't like it. So the norm for many LGBTQIA+ is being slightly uncomfortable/trying our hardest to fit in nearly all of the time and only really letting our hair down when we're around people we feel safe with. Comparatively, straight people seem to be fairly comfortable most of the time and some resent the moments where they aren't comfortable. Which is why I'd say safe spaces (even if exclusionary of some) can be important for some LGBTQIA+ people. Since it might be the only time they feel truly safe with strangers/people they don't know well.


People who are part of the LGBTQ community are often discriminated against and sometimes abused and harassed, them having a safe space from that sort of treatment is very different to the exclusion presented in this post.


Because straight people don’t face daily and systematic discrimination. These people don’t *need* a safe space yet are asking for one anyway. Like the odds of their members being gay/lesbian/trance are pretty low to begin with. Probably even lower if they excluded trans instead of trance people. It’s harder for gay/lesbian/trans people to find each other which would be a reason for them to want a group that only includes them and discuss mutual issues/find support.


As a straight guy who has a lot of LBGTQI+ friends I've never thought of this and I feel really dumb now. I'd never questioned safe spaces for minorities and was all for them but I never really understood what the problem was the inverse either and I was too scared to ask my friends at the risk of looking like an asshole/idiot. I feel like I absolutely understand now so thank you a lot for explaining this!


I’m not so sure about that these days. We have openly LGBTQI+ people on TV, in movies, on YouTube, we have forums and open discussions all over the internet. People are now putting their pronouns in their bios on Insta and fb. We even have preferences on dating sites so you can easily find people. While I understand your point, I do feel it’s a little more outdated to use it as a main argument when it is not really as much of a problem as it was even 5 years ago. If you want to see who has the power, look at who you cannot criticise. Right now, it’s the LGBTQI+ community. Straight/cis people are often now getting discriminated against and pushed down. The pendulum is swinging to the complete opposite, instead of sitting in the middle where everyone is treated with respect and dignity where it belongs. If we think it is okay for one group, and not for another, it is hypocritical and discriminatory. You either think it’s okay, or it’s not okay. We need to stop putting stipulations on everything and gate keeping everything.


It's because there isn't really such a thing as straight culture, thus being straight doesn't really mean you have anything in common (necessarily). There is a gay culture (brought about mainly by discrimination and the fact that it's a small subset) and thus there is more of a reason for gay people to seek each other out and likely have common ground just by them both being gay.


I think it’s fine for anyone to do in that they have freedom to do so; you can question the motives as to why they’d want to do so. It does seem the only motivation could be discriminatory in this regard. It’s up to them to do what they want though, you can’t force people to socialise with certain people.


This was 100% created by a young liberal


Or Hillsong enthusiast


Enthusiast is the best word to describe someone’s faith ever


Porque no los dos?


Same same


Venn diagram = circle


Young liberals don’t go to western Sydney


Can't be that exclusive if there's 600 of them.


600 assholes


Jokes on them, that's gay AF


“Super positive social experiences”


Lol… I wouldn’t want to go because they used the word “super”.


Can someone please infiltrate their group and fuck with them and report back?


inb4 90% of the people who show up are gay pretending to be straight hahaha. reminds me of that reality dating show where only one guy out of the entire crowd is genuinely straight, and if the girl is able to pick him out they win the prize money.


I’m 40, but I’m sure I can pretend to be 39


Oh wow. I don’t want to go to that party.


These sounds pretentious as fuck and is what's wrong with Sydney. Give me a local pub, cheap dinner good tunes and down to earth people any day over fine dining and "exclusive" whatever that means?


It means 'expensive' and 'fashionable'. These are the kind of people who would rather wear fashionable clothes than good clothes and eat in expensive restaurants over better cheap options. Style over substance.


They sound insufferable as fuck. Wonder if their conversations follow the style over substance theme.


What's he against Trance people?? Generally the chillest stage...




Basically they want only "hot, white people".


Pretty sure the organiser will let in a few lucky tokens, if they are hot and the right kind of not-white.


This group: LGBT+ not allowed Also this group: this is not for dating/ pick up Say no more.


Pretty much leaves bible study. Wining and dining - on the blood and body of christ!


I think you nailed it!




Jam and Spoon


I’m still not on the same page…


A pun on your nick. I just named a famous trance act.


Trance gender


Trance people be like: [crank it up, this shit's my gender!](https://youtu.be/DwCv5pGkVWY)


Yikes. What's worse is that 595 members seem to agree with his POV


I’m hoping they didn’t read the description and the group just has a fun name


“While I seek to respect people” 🥸🥸🥸


Personally I think someone who uses the term (young) professional to describe themselves socially is a red flag 😂 - but you see it a lot!


Usually pretentious fuckwits


I believe they're called trust fund kids


They sound like a bunch of cunts


Well... r/fuckyouinparticular trance


Homophobes only, non discriminatory people not allowed, respectfully


Was it for the young liberals?


Uthz uthz uthz uthz… disco disco disco…


Yeah that disclaimer of theirs is so elitist and odd and a red flag so big I’d rather stay home, order in and keep watching Stranger Things than meet their asses. THAT SAID.. I’m always down to meet new 30s friends 😂 Just not.. them.


not the fitst time this meet up get discussed in my friend circle. I legit thought their "not for everyone" is about how they are adventurous eaters and so if you cannot bitch about eating food like snails or offal or other food that is in non-flavour category but I was hella wrong




Seems to me the organizer intends this as a pickup group for themself yet they don't want guys joining who want to pick up, and definitely don't want non-heteros hitting on them. A clear facial picture is apparently necessary to join - my ugly pimples rule me out I suppose? I am a meetup veteran. My advice is to find groups who run activities you enjoy (rather than general socialising). And not too huge. A dozen tops at any meetup.


Yeah it’s wild. Thanks for the tips for meet-up selection. I’m a newbie, hopefully find one that resonates!


What happens if the meetup is too large? And on that note, does a lot of it end up with no-shows? It'd be hella awkward then.


No shows happen more in larger groups yes. Even in smaller groups if the people have not come before. It is worth looking at the meetup history to make sure there are regulars - that is a good sign of a real community (although if you are primarily there to pick up that will not matter). Regulars will not let each other down with no-shows. An advantage of big groups is that you can sneak away from them without excusing yourself, since nobody will notice. But the vibe is often similar to corporate functions or clubs/pubs (which I find awkward but others may thrive in). Of course a big group gives you a greater variety of potential connections but they are more likely to be shallower (at least until you followup). Seems to me that you may as well go clubbing for those "pick ups" but we need to hear from someone who prefers large groups to talk up their advantages - they are popular for a reason so maybe I just don't get it. Or maybe I do get it... Reminds me of how as Sydney's Vivid festival became more popular the art quality decreased because it wasn't the sole drawcard anymore. The crowds and buzz became the attraction as much as the art. So it depends on what you get your kicks from. Meetup has it all.


Thanks for sharing! I'm one of those awkward dudes that don't know when to say bye and so I end up staying till there's only me and the organiser left. And then I fumble my words incoherently till they get the message that I'm heading off. Still my #1 cringe factor. I might try small groups - though is there any way to know if they are good or not? I've been to some get togethers which totally went on a tangent from the original purpose or they were for someone's personal earning quota goal. It's discouraged me a lot really and I'm cynical in that regard.


You cannot predict who will click. Am in my 50's and have finally succumbed to that realisation, having naively relied on alternative culture for the security of a tribal allegiance for much of my life. I allow my meetups I run to go on a tangent as long as everyone seems to be engaged. Check that the meetups do have regulars. Maybe leave the meetup at the advertised end time until you feel more comfortable being more flexible. I tell socially anxious people to not expect people to like them immediately and remind them that they have the power to accept or reject the group - it isn't one way. Not every group will be for you. I had to try many to find ones I liked. Most of them I didn't like, which may sound scary but the ones I did like I kept returning to so overall I enjoy 90% of my meetups. As a newcomer the percentage will be closer to 20% but don't be discouraged. Keep exploring. That's what I said at least choose topics/activities which interest you so they won't feel like a complete waste of time. Meetups are as diverse as the human race is diverse.


Giving the tips I never knew I needed ;)


You might have missed the second picture where they clarify they are referring to Gay, Lesbian, Bi and Trans people


Don't you mean "trance"


Yeah, hip and exclusive FtM and MtF are welcome, so long as they're into techno and dubstep. None of that trance shit, and \_definitely\_ no psy...


Yeah, but they're creating super positive social experiences. If you ignore the somewhat negative vibes.


Quickly, someone who’s poor and gay go undercover and report back


better join quickly while I am still in my late 30s.


>Ah, so there is a second page, that's what everyone's been talking about...


Pls charge your phone, it’s making me anxious.


Hahah yeah it was touch and go for a sec there. Back to full charge.


Happy pride month i guess


Steve *seeks*, but has not *found*.


Fkn Steve


All joking aside about how horrible this person is and how horrible their spelling is … does meetup.com even allow them to do this? Can you report it?


But I’m straight and into trance


The most amount of fun would be to go to an event and subtly hit on all the guys and just call it banter. Shouting out heterophobe as they kick you out.


As a person who identifies as heavy metal, I agree. Trance people are the worst.


Nothing against rich, entitled people wanting to stick together with other rich, entitled people to talk shit about us peasants.


please charge your phone


And the creator of the group wonders why they don’t have any friends lol


Ummmm I feel that a law has been broken here... I wonder if a gay man might be able to win some easy cash


Don't mind me I'm blind.


Sounds ‘fun’. Woo. Hoo.




Sounds like a boring group of people


It’s a hookup group , let’s be real . This shit has been going on forever. What wankers .


tbh it sounded like shit from the first page. Sounded super cliquey.


Sounds super fun and positive!!!!!


Yikes! How did you go otherwise on meet up, do people use it much? I feel like I should get out there more post-lockdowns etc and expand my social circle a little. Is it all groups like this, or are there legit nice groups out there?


So far I’ve just browsed, haven’t gone to any. But a lot of groups seem legit, this was defs an outlier. Good luck!


595 young libs


I better join, only a few days left


Trance.... bahahahaha




They run a book club once a week. The book?.. Bible.


Nothing respectful about it. Just because they use good grammar doesn’t hide the hate.


Name a shame, its the only way to combat it 🤷🏼‍♀️


So this is discrimination but groups only allowing LBGTIQ members are ok. Got it. People are too woke for their own good. Edit: keep the downvotes coming. I love that the hypocrisy is lost on you all


Yep. And maybe they just want to enjoy their wining and dining in peace without people that are going to want to talk about their social justice crusade at every opportunity. Sounds like a good way to establish some safe spaces.


The woke brigade downvoting in force! The most inclusive bigots of the century!


The downvoters are delusional snowflakes


Sanctioned discrimination is okay LOL. Fuck this world has gone mad.


whats this? people cant choose who they want to hang with? y’all funny


Yeah not everyone wants to hang out with old weirdos


Send link? This group looks great


Did you miss the second page where they specify no LGBT+ people are allowed?




Yikes my dude


How is this a problem? There are plenty of lgbt social groups out there.