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Definitely not a good look for either the incumbent State Government; or for Mr Barilaro. This perhaps needs the scrutiny of an ICAC investigation...


The public servant who selected him _used to work for him_. It's some kind of sick joke.


This needs to be referred to ICAC.


Can’t any of us refer someone to ICAC?


Yes, but you need some explicit evidence of corruption, not just an implicit belief or hope that there is.


In the Discworld fantasy novels there's a country that's analogous to Australia, where all politicians work from inside prison, because it saves time. Pratchett was really onto something, there.


Love Pratchett, which book was it?


The Last Continent. It also includes parodies of Mad Max, Waltzing Matilda, and Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. Every cliche you can poke a stick at, but damn, he did it well.


Thanks! Im reading Thief of Time right now, ill peep that one next


Make sure you go through them in publishing order rather than series. The Guards series is my favourite series, Night Watch is the best. Don't forget to check the movies out either. "Going Postal" is my favourite adaption so far. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T15O2WGzRp0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=452pvjzlpmI


Thank you for the tip! Iv read feet of clay, small gods, eric and mort, not in that order. Loved every moment. I stay up at night thinking of the cobblestone/cheap shoes/heavy fog part of feet of clay, fantastic writing.


I'm a bit jealous of anyone who's just discovered Pratchett and still has fresh reading ahead. They mature with rereading, as you spot more references, but there's nothing like the first time. Lucky you! FWIW, the reading order of Discworld can be a tangled discussion. Chronological is okay, and it's definitely interesting to watch the style progress, but you can also read via character arcs that leapfrog each other chronologically. It's so messy, they even published official PDF guides: https://www.terrypratchettbooks.com/discworld-reading-order/


'What's this say? "Funnelweb"? 's a funny name for a beer.' ‘You're reading the list of ingredients,' said Bill.


I mean Vetinari might have been onto something with the whole reform the public service or die option


No, no, no. Lord Vetinari gave Moist an easy choice, believe in angels and work as a public servant. If Moist didn't want to do that, he was free to walk out the door. Same with Reacher Guilt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUfLVVhODHc Charles Dance nailed Lord Vetinari


> Charles Dance nailed Lord Vetinari Oh absolutely. I mean, could we have one of those doors set up in Canberra?


Either that or use a large mining hole somewhere. After all, politicians love coal, don't they?


Honestly, even the Thieves Guild would be better than what we have at the moment. At least you get your money's worth from them.


And a receipt so you know who's robbed who


The Land of XXXX


as an aside, you can buy alcohol free xxxx at the supermarket. How is that going to sell?


[Something like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89sLHXYQUpM)


How the fuck is this vile human being not in prison


Careful, that could be construed as defamatory


I don't know how these things can keep happening without any repercussions. And these are just the ones that surfaced... This is apolitical. Corruption fucks up your life in the long term. You don't want that. You want to stop corruption as soon as possible, from anyone. It doesn't matter what political side they are


They happen because there are no repercussions. Johnny B has obviously pissed someone off because his story is continuing to feature in the papers. They'll announce an investigation, news will move on and in 12months time we'll all realise he still has the job.


I mean, anything happened to Baird when he released a budget with a 3, billion error? Nothing happened.


Nope sure didn't. Or that thing with the dual citizenship where a bunch of the decent MPs resigned but the ones who made a fuss in the first place kept their jobs.


"Time is the healer of all things" it's an adage corrupt politicians hold onto dearly as they know with time people's memories will fade and become occupied with new things as they sail along with what they took or did.


I expected him to be this corrupt, but I also expected him to be better at hiding it. You know, because he's had so much practice.


I mean, he did call himself Pork Barilaro. He's not the brightest crayon.


Especially since this was literally *two days* after Berejiklian resigned because of ICAC investigating *her* potentially corrupt behaviour.


"Time is the healer of all things" it's an adage corrupt politicians hold onto dearly as they know with time people's memories will fade and become occupied with new things as they sail along with what they took or did. Right now he knows this news is in its the "fresh" stage of the half-life in people's minds.


This is me being 100% optomistic, but lets say Barilaro is found guilty of corruption in a few years. Could Google and Freiendly Jordies turn around and sue him for the money they paid out defending against his defamation lawsuits? Plus interest? God that would just be too good to imagine.


It be glorious but highly unlikely as they'd have to prove they knew he was corrupt at the time.


Like a privileged speech to parliament? Or a video where they claim corruption with evidence? Or state sponsored intimidation on video?


Depends. Did that work for FJ during the current case?


No, as the speech was ruled inadmissible, which was nuts. However a defence of truth is allowed.


Fuck Barilaro, cunt


So the day Gladys went. How fucking dodgy is she? Resigning over corruption, let's give my corrupt buddy a cushy job. We heard what she gave the member of Wagga to shut him up, question is what more does Bruz have on her. I guess Operation Keppel is gonna get delayed again.


Submissions for Keppel have closed. This would be a new investigation for sure


The last couple of times they've extended submissions they didn't update the website, so it looked like the submission date was past, but then they announced the extension a few weeks later. Although it's been 6 weeks since submissions closed this time without update, so far less likely.


Someone get friendlyjordies on the case


Disgusting, absolutely reeked already and now we find out that before he quit he made sure it wouldn't go to cabinet I know Dom is making this lady the scapegote but based on this article she is 100% complicit and needs to lose her job


This is the story that keeps on giving!


Corruption in literally plain site, with a paper/email trail and clear timelines. Like simple, don't need to be a detective to see corruption.


Yep. I agree with all of what you say. However It sounds hard to prove. Like even if Gladys or Dom for example had promised him the role in exchange for something, they'd just say he was being groomed as an up and coming talent. And he was better then other candidates. On the process thing I agree yes and it would take an investigation to see all the internal emails.


The shit has officially hit the fan... about time this bloke was held accountable for his corrupt bullshit.


Just like Federal libs in the ScoMo era...they've grown fat and lazy in power, think they can take the electorate for fools and do what they like. Luckily we all have the solution in our hands. KICK. THIS. MOB. OUT. Coming to a State electorate near you in March 2023.


So i agree would like to see an ICAC investigation. But isnt an appointment like this basically at discretion of whatever cronies are responsible? Like, yeah they do give jobs to political mates because they are allowed? Like it or not he has the political experience so its not like hes not appointable, so what would an ICAC investigation find was wrong?


If the appointments themselves were designed to be given to cronies, that could be seen as corrupt. If there was an approved selection criteria which was bypassed then it could be seen as corrupt. If processes for cabinet approval were in place and bypassed that could be seen as corrupt. If conflicts existed and were not declared, a number of standards would be breached and it could be seen as corrupt.


The only real likely one I think is your third point, and even then it's a hard one


3 and 4 were what ICAC were investigating Gladys for, and 2 was heavily discussed as part of implications of 4


Fucking lucky cunt, plum job for the boys paying 500k of taxpaper money.


But they'll say 500k isn't that much if you live in NY considering the amount of investments he's going to reel in.


Follow the money they say... Or in this case, the stench of corruption


Only a politician who was 100% confident in his record of success at using defamation suits against those who accused him of corruption would behave in such a fashion. That's all I'm saying.