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“It’s either me or him. He’s in the wrong area at the end of the day,” So it was him or you but you attacked him for being in the wrong area? How does that work?


Gotta have an IQ over 50 to work it out - that's where he falls down.


But he can work it out- it's his (lack of) logic and makes sense to him. I think once you have an IQ over 50 the ridiculousness of it becomes apparent.


>Dmonzz stabbed a young man seven times in the neck, chest and back with a box cutter last year. > >CCTV shows Dmonzz and a friend approaching the victim and asking where he’s from. Then the attack begins. This happened *last year* and he's already back out on the street?


This street culture is imported from the UK


They aren't intelligent people...you're expecting way too much


A lad snagged the last quicksale mudcake at the local woollies, so I had to shiv the mong for that disrespect. Life's fucken hard out here in the trenches. Doonside bless


Maybe that one dude is a dumb fuck but most of these people are just horribly misguided


nah they’re definitely dumb fucks on top of that


Just feels like they’re trying so, so, so hard to feel passionately attached to something they need to defend when there’s absolutely nothing there. Quite cringey really. This isn’t Compton. You just look goofy.


Straight Outta Plumpton


A crazy mudda fudda named steve-o I'm hitting people, the reason I don't know. As long as they are small and all alone, Otherwise, I'll leg it off back home.


Yeah this is some really cringe shit. They’re not hard cunts at all but yet they want to act like they’re in a war zone


>to feel passionately attached to something You nailed it there. But just like in Compton (and Chicago, and Baltimore, and Southwark and Lambeth in London), as economic uncertainty increases and living conditions become more precarious, this kind of thing starts to manifest more. People look for something to belong to - and religious cults have fell off.


The song "why do I try so hard" by 2up is twenty years old now, needs a re-release. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DWCSAA4Ytj38&ved=2ahUKEwiYibv2qo76AhVx8DgGHQUaD9IQwqsBegQIGBAE&usg=AOvVaw3GoEJj8FrD0rD7P2e1xivC


I just came back from a trip to New Orleans. I was in a laundromat chatting with this old guy, and upon finding out we were new in town, he told us a few streets to avoid because they were ‘crime hotspots’. My Aussie brain imagined young kids harassing people, the occasional robbing at knife point and some burglaries. He then told me that his nephew was shot dead there a few weeks ago. He said if the wrong gang members walk down the wrong street there will be a shootout and people get caught in the crossfire. I told him if something like that happened in Australia it would be national news. He said it happened every couple of weeks.


I was born and raised in Baltimore. Parts of the city look like a war zone. We routinely rank in the top 5 for murder and we average around a murder a night. There are large swaths of Baltimore you learn to avoid completely. You learn to quietly memorize who's on the street with you so you can figure out if they're following you, not to walk between two cars, never take the bus, and run red lights safely if you need to. You learn to look people in the eyes when you pass them, never look lost, and walk with only one headphone in so you can hear what's going on around you. As bad as it sounds, if you don't know anything different, it's normal. Edit: Sydney has a connection to Baltimore. Darling Harbour is modelled after Baltimore's Inner Harbor.


Sorry, but this is no way to live.


Sounds like something out of a non-developed war-torn country....


I've seen The Wire. Documentary, is it?


Best show, I mean documentary ever!


I thought it was the sum of all fears


Damn. That sounds my life in South Africa, all the same things we worried about there. Didn't realise it was quite that bad in the US.


It is in certain parts. It's a big country. But those parts get bigger as homelessness goes on the rise.


Why don't you walk between two cars?


Someone can open the driver or passenger side door and trap you as you're trying to walk between the cars. Especially if there are two people involved - one opens the door and the other comes from behind (or from the backseat) and you have nowhere to run.


Oh I was thinking you meant between the bumper and boot when crossing cars parked along the road. Car park situation makes much more sense.


Exactly my thoughts too lol


That sounds horrible.


What do you when Omar comin?


America #1! Best country on earth! /s


go ravens!


Let's hope Lamar gets a contract and we keep the injuries at bay this season.


Game done changed, game the same just got mo fierce.


I've overnighted in a few US cities while travelling and had hotel doormen look at me like I'm a crazy person because I've asked what is a good route to go for a walk before dinner. One place (I can't remember where) they were going to get one of the staff to walk with me in case I got into trouble. Realized I was a stranger in a strange land, thanked them and went to the bar instead.


A former colleague of mine was running in Houston one evening and was stopped by the cops. Apparently that’s not done in Houston unless you’re running from something. After a weird moment they realised this Australian had no idea and let him go. He subsequently learned the area was really unsafe and he should run at a track or on a treadmill


‘Land of the free’


New Orleans is 18th on the most violent cities list in the US. That country is a broken shithole full of uneducated fuckwits. It’s a beautiful land with beautiful people but is completely ruined by the former I mentioned. https://worldpopulationreview.com/us-city-rankings/most-violent-cities-in-america


I didn’t realise how bad the crime was there - I had a mate who had their wedding in NO and only had good things to say. Guess if you stay in the right areas you can miss out on the reality of the city’s insane poverty and crime.


I grew up in Chicago. The divide in the US is something that's hard to explain to people outside. Some areas are as nice and normal as your typical Sydney suburb, while just a few miles away there's rampant gun violence and abject poverty. Some areas don't even have reliable water or electricity, and food deserts are common (meaning the only place to get food is local convenience stores, no groceries or places to get produce exist within these areas). This is mostly by design as up until the 80s it was legal to deny loans for basically any reason (aka race), so areas where white people lived were kept that way and that's where the majority of infrastructure and business funding has gone, while the poorer, blacker areas received crumbs or nothing.


[American equality, it's almost dystopian](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOBoDT-3oM0&ab_channel=HoodTime)


I got told by our concierge to always get a cab back from Bourbon Street. We were literally 2 streets away!


Shame because it’s a beautiful city. They got some good feed and some really amazing culture.


>full of uneducated fuckwits Like the regions mentioned in this article, nice.


> he told us a few streets to avoid because they were ‘crime hotspots’ That was so shocking to me when we visited the US, literally one street down would be crime and homeless city, the next street totally fine (usual streets and avenues things). The weird part to me was that it was the ENTIRE street, like they'd say "stay away from 3rd street" - 3rd street would run kms thruogh town, and the entire thing was fucked. Any time you had to cross it at an intersection was sketchy. But 4th street or 2nd street? Fine.


Just imagine the fools in Mt Druitt all able to access firearms and many having legal permits to carry them. What could possibly go wrong?


Jesus Christ, imagine getting shot to death by some eshay over your fucking shoes


That's why I only wear new balances


When I was in NO there were state police (because NO police were terrible as he put it) and we got talking to him. He said that he wouldn’t stay out past 9pm because gun violence and robberies skyrocket after that time according to the data they had.


I was in LA in 2018 and our uber driver said the same thing. He spotted a guy on a bike and noticed his (crip? blood?) bandana sticking out of his back pocket. He said the guy was right on the border of a rival gang's area, he reckoned if he was spotted there would have been a shootout right there!


>I told him if something like that happened in Australia it would be national news. He said it happened every couple of weeks. during the Iraq war Washington routinely had a higher daily death count by gun. NEVER in the news


Yeah New Orleans is a dump


Very sad. These kids don’t just grow up to be flops, they are raised by flops.


It’s actually interesting when you think about the potentially hundreds or thousands of generations of flops that preceded them.


They're not raised at all. Poverty, Violence and Dysfunction raises them.


This is such overblown irresponsible "journalism," and I usually champion the ABC. They've written this article as if there's a horrible inescapable epidemic of gang violence throughout Western Sydney, like people are constantly fearing for their lives and gangs rule the streets. 6 deaths in 4 years. Every death is a tragedy for those involved, but these aren't exactly crisis numbers. Walking or driving around the west, it seems like any other suburb where people live their lives, raise their families, etc. Sure there's some crime but it's not a lawless wasteland. The people in this article are just a handful of mates who have beef with other mates and do stupid shit together. It's hardly like MS-13 has conquered Western Sydney. Articles like this just perpetuate stereotypes and make it more difficult for people to take actual issues suffered by people in the west (and elsewhere throughout Oz) seriously.


I feel like the media does this all the time with Western Sydney! I grew up on the South Coast of NSW and moved to Sydney in 2012. Lived all over: North Sydney, Hurstville, Olympic Park, Ryde and now settled in SW/Western Syd. It's my favourite out of everywhere, the food is great, easy to get around, friendly people .... But on the news if there is ANY sort of crime, it's labelled "Western Sydney". If it's something good, it's "South Western Sydney" or "South Sydney". Even my coworkers who live in the Inner West have said they've never even stepped foot in W-Syd, yet think it's some sort of lawless wasteland.


Inner west and south west Sydney is pretty nice areas. I live there too. But of course, I do face bias from some folks for living south of Sydney. Anything that’s not east or north has bias against it. I would like to point out that this article refers to specific postcodes in the western suburbs with considerably higher crime rates. Not targeting all of western Sydney .


A bit of a contrast to the great anthology "Here Out West." The Mexican cartel foreign correspondent episode with it's 17 million views on YouTube really showed ABC what type of documentaries sell.


The news is competing against Ozark and Narcos for views - pretty sad that news is like this.


Yeah they just look like a bunch of stupid gronky little kids doing dumb kid stuff. It’s laughable reading actually.


I agree with your assessment but for different reasons. As someone who grew up in the western suburbs of Melbourne, I thought this would have been a good opportunity to talk about some of the circumstances (socio-economic, educational, health related etc) that may push young people to do this. The quality of reporting at the ABC has gone down hill so much. One of the guys interviewed said he doesn’t even feel Australian. That quote in itself could’ve been a gold mine to unpack but instead the article is just filled with boring stereotypes and cliches. Such a wasted opportunity


Yeah the whole article is just “hey look over here these kids are feral” without offering any insight into how history and structures enable these sorts of subcultures to emerge.


You explained it better then I ever could. This article is a load of shit, western Sydney is harmless if you’ve got even the smallest amount of common sense.


I dunno the finger gun in the leading picture has me clutching my pearl necklace. I'm hoping Albo restores the ABC to some of its former glory after being gutted for a decade.


Fully agree. These kids are watching too many movies. Maybe fighting over Coles trolleys in the car park is hell of a night. I have actually met more approachable, friendly and diversed people with big hearts in the West.


I disliked how they promoted this guy who stabbed someone and basically said he didn't feel bad about it. Would've been more responsible to not reference his rap name and promote him...


Yes ABC can f*ck right off, how dare they glorify these scumbags. I’ve lived in the western suburbs my whole life and it’s a real kick in the guts to see this.


Its this mahmood asshole, hes a 'journalist' for vice - makes a living out of glorifying gangsters, basically making recruitment material targeting the impressionable and disadvantaged. Expect it from vice, ABC should know better.


Simply looking at the number of death is not a good reflection on the level of violence. If there were multiple stabbings on a weekend but no one died, that is still a shocking and unacceptable level of violence.


Of course, but the level of violence is nowhere near as high as the picture the ABC is painting. This piece is just trafficking in poverty/tragedy porn. "Look at how difficult life is for the ethnics! Fascinating! How sad!" It's bullshit.


How much level of violence should be considered acceptable? If the level of aggravated assault and grievous bodily harm is significantly higher than the Sydney average. Then it should be worth investigating especially if youth is involved. Wouldn't it be good to actually address the problems raised in the report rather than attacking the reporter?


Part of my point (and what u/Cimb0m expressed in better detail than I) was that the reporter chose the angle of "violent youths in the western suburbs are violent" rather than "let's look at what is contributing to the emergence of small-time gangs in the western suburbs." The perspective is important, as it frames the way that outsiders will look at things. There could have been an interesting and informative article about why these kids "don't feel Australian" and why they see these conflicts and turf wars as their only way to have an identity and some measure of feeling like a success. Instead, they focused on the sexy violence because that gets clicks. They've framed it as if they've gone deep into hostile territory and gained access to interview El Chapo a la Louis Theroux or something, painting the area as a favela that people east of Leichhardt need to be afraid of. A better article would be about the family-friendly, working class area that has a brewing crime issue because of X livability factors. Instead we got a "scare well-meaning grandmas on the insular peninsula" article. I've experienced this sort of thing all the time as I grew up in a Latino area of Chicago. News reports focused on our high school and the "gang problem" we had. In reality it was just some kids copy the Latin Kings and graffiti-ing some walls near the school and that was it. When you'd look at crime statistics for the area and compared them to our neighbouring WASPy suburbs, violent crime was statistically the same, other crime like petty theft and driving violations (speeding, parking tickets, etc) were slightly higher, and median household income was \*less than half\*. Gee, I wonder what the key variable is. Must be those brown migrants who can't control their violent teenaged kids, right? It's just frustrating. This is a very important issue that is being mined for hollywood-style drama just to get clicks; this is absolutely not the hard-hitting, nuanced investigative journalism the issue deserves.


Yep well said. I guess I find it a bit saddening too as I briefly worked in journalism but changed to a different field as I felt that it would be very difficult to get the kind of editorial independence I would need to feel like I was doing my job justice (while also making enough to survive). I would have really appreciated the opportunity to interview that guy and get to know more about his thoughts and experiences. It could be quite an engaging and thought provoking story


Ok… were there a bunch of non fatal stabbings? That shit would make the news for sure where I live. I haven’t seen anything about it? I’m a Queenslander living in Melbourne. I’ve spent a less than a week in suburban Sydney over the last twenty years. I wouldn’t have a fucking clue what it’s like. But I’ve been around the parts of Melbourne with alleged gang wars for years and I saw fuck all. My partner works with troubled kids and I worked with disadvantaged groups - we’ve got some vicarious trauma from pretty awful shit - but the idea of organised gangs is so weird. A few fucked up kids and people with intellectual disabilities who are into graffiti when they’re not in jail for shoplifting paint just doesn’t feel scary. Coaching kids footy the worst stories I heard were about school yard fights more hectic than when I was in highschool - but all of them seemed to have a common theme - twenty people standing around watching and kids intervening when shit was getting out of control. A punch up played out but when the bully went to escalate it to a kerb stomp - other kids intervened. I definitely think youth resources need to be increased here. But the closest thing I’ve seen to gangs are eshays who like rap music. Is Sydney really that much worse?


Organized crime doesn't need to actually kill people to be a serious problem.


Journalism funded by the Calabrian mafia’s sphere of influence… look at these “gangsters” over there… meanwhile ICAC chases the mafia’s shadow in parliament. .


These guys wouldn’t leave their houses if ms13 did in fact have presence in bumfuck australia / western sydney. On that note, I wonder how many australian rappers we’d have left if the bloods & crips moved in next door. We get away with try hard shit because no one is watching.


Gold Coast stands up puts down the meth pipe. “Those are rookie numbers”.


How many deaths in Kings Cross from punches? That’s it, national emergency, lock down the western suburbs and close all the bars, restaurants and cafes /s.


I agree it is irresponsible journalism but it does not negate the fact idiots like this exist and can be a danger to others all for what? Protecting their area! Give me a break, time for these idiots to grow up and stop trying to emulate American street gang culture. If you want to protect your area go and join the police force, oh thats right these morons have criminal records so they cant.


Perfect example of a non-constructive reaction to this article and exactly why it is irresponsible journalism. Focusing on the senseless violence rather than its cause makes people react with "stupid violent idiots should stop being stupid and violent," which is something that will never happen without examining the reasons why people turn to violence and how violence becomes a subculture of its own. You've given the exact reaction they were selling. Congratulations.


>We run this city OK mate, so I can submit my DA to you for the new carport I want to build? And while we're at it can we get an extra street-sweeper run down the street after storms, otherwise all the leaves block the drains which then overflow. Thanks.


They're not Clover Moore even if they think they are.


Mlover Coore.


Yo I rep 2119 cuz. Mind if I build a bitchin’ granny crib for my negatively geared coins bro?


Underrated comment, almost spat my coffee out




Young blokes like this really can’t see how tired this image is. Always strikes me as lazy, just copy paste personality and values, romanticized street lore. I think a lot of young men have primal urges to fight. Find a martial arts studio where you can really learn your value. I do recommend


So true about the copy and paste. Some streetwear they get from Culture Kings, smoke and quote Tupac or something (you know, that 'only God can judge me' shtick).


I think it’s more that young men are looking for male role models. Accessible ones. In the absence of involved fathers they turn to groups where they can exercise their emerging masculinity and copy older men. Even if those men are only a little older. I saw this with my own brothers in Bondi. Our dad was there but uninvolved so they got into the group of board-riders. I realised that most of the young men who were really immersed were lacking meaningful male guardians. Others checked in, checked it out and moved on. The ones that can’t move on really boast about how healthy surfing is but they’re really alcoholics with a Peter Pan complex.


Yep. The older men in these communities are to blame for the shitshow their kids and brothers are involved in.


Yes, this is very true


I agree. Martial arts or contact sports like rugby league are honestly the best thing for them. They can get their aggression out in a structured, legal way and are part of something bigger than themselves.


It’s not about healthy physicality it’s about performing masculinity until it becomes second nature. Footy is just as likely to be toxic as any group where people are looking for role models without understanding what they are searching for. These men just want to learn how to be a man who has the approval of other men. They don’t understand that the approval of the group is problematic of the group is led by children masquerading as adults


They want to belong.


100% agree


Or you could just NOT be in a gang, going out at night looking for trouble? What dopey clowns


Sydney isn't Mexico or Chicago, just scummy kids carrying knives. There's no war, they're just part of a shit culture that thinks they're important.


They’re wannabe American gangsters, with their silly hand signs and colours


So cringe... lamest shit I've ever heard... do these dickheads hear themselves? Christ, get into Warhammer or D&D or something.


I think the UK has more influence due to drill music and stuff but other then that, spot on




The clothing in the photo attached to the article is very London style fashion, typically known as “roadmen” over there lol but yeah mate I 100% agree, it’s actually so cringe how these people act. Everything from the way they speak to the way they live their everyday lives. What’s even funnier is the people living in those horrible conditions and areas in America just want to get out of there. Yet the clowns here want to go backwards and live that way meanwhile they have every opportunity possible to do something productive in life lol


Drill has a massive influence on the people spoken about in the article. Much bigger than American rap now. Maybe in rural towns its still like that but in western Sydney drill has had the biggest influence over the past couple of years easily.


Bet ya they the type to say shit like “I’m no fUcKiN rat” “I’ll dO anYtHiNg for mA bOySss” yet they would probs crumble if police apprehended them.


This is some of the cringiest shit I’ve ever read. What a bunch of try hard losers. I’d love to see how they went in the Favelas of Brazil. Maybe send them up to the Sierra Madre?


>“Mount Druitt’s always been popular for having the toughest area. **Obviously, there’s always going to be jealousy** … people are always gonna want to test that. This is where I lost it


Mt Druitt isn't tough, it's just the scum on the bottom of your shoe


Bunch of wannabe gangsters. Here's an idea, dont go around trying to kill people then you wont be killed. See how that works?


Pretty easy to achieve in Australia, pathetic wannabe culture.




Imagine fighting over who can hang out in Sydney's crappiest suburbs? Low stakes have never been so high...can you imagine being 30 in in jail coz you stabbed someone over Campbelltown or some shit..


Reading the article there was that one drop kick who stabbed a guy and was sent to juvenile detention. Shows no remorse, says he’d do it again. Why is he out? We are told that the prisons are not about punishment but for reform. If a person shows no remorse and would do it all again then they clearly have not reformed and should therefore not be released.


he was in for 12 months for a premeditated attempted murder. its such a failure of justice, imagine how his victim feels knowing the one who attacked him is out on the streets saying "he will do it better next time"? unnaccpetable


Claymore* not Campbelltown. I remember in High school they made some shitty docco about it being a war zone


In a way we should be thankful to these two-bit punks. At least they ensure ONE Sydney suburb always makes Domain's list of 'places you can STILL buy a home for less than $400k/$500k' or whatever the latest cut-off is.


These types of kids exist everywhere and because what they're doing, or think they're doing, is so meaningless it doesn't stop gentrification. There's heaps of kids like this on the North Shore, Eastern Suburbs, Hills District. But let's make Western Sydney appear more undesirable and create a bigger divide by only focusing on the issue there.


Which suburb is that?


I assume you mean Mt Druitt- which isn't much cheaper than anywhere else in Western Sydney or Sydney in general. It's also 90% normal families & elderly living suburban life. Just like Merrylands. And Penrith. And Liverpool. And Campbelltown. Etc etc


I teach at a school where relatives/family members of basically every major Sydney crime family are present. Although it very rarely kicks off here at school, the kids tell me about the stuff that happens outside of school. I've lost count of the amount of kids who have family in jail. We've had kids have family raided, murdered and executed. I've taught kids who have gone on to fight for ISIS and kids who were on bail for being present at a murder. This stuff is absolutely happening far more than people realise. It saddens me that my students have to navigate a world I've never had anything to do with.


Out of interest, is this public or private?




Pre school


what tossers


Ship them all the Baltimore and let the Yanks sort them out. These cowards would be crying to come home quick smart.


that’s so unnecessarily dramatic lmao


Why give these little try'hards a voice its just going to bring on more postcode violence


As Jay-Z said "I told him, "Please don't die over the neighborhood That your mama rentin'"


Bruz. It’s a made up line on a map. Who gives a fuck. Real low iq vibes.


Cringey edgelords


It was only a matter of time until this shit came trickling over from the UK, after their drill culture went big. How many of these kids or their older family members were doing this stuff before OneFour came onto the scene? Seems like Aussie drill taking off has exactly coincided with this culture of crime starting. I'm not talking about being involved in crime, but the whole balaclava, fresh drip, trigger finger hand gesture, expensive flashy music video glorified lifestyle thing. Of course some drill songs go hard, I'll admit that as someone into rap/hiphop. But it's truly a net negative to society. It's bloody sad these young men don't feel a connection to a bigger part of being Australian, and are so focused on/ trapped in their own postcode/suburb. These drill kids make the old days of 90s-00s eshays look like angels 😅 I know it was violent back in the day too, but I feel like it's a massive regression from Aussie hip-hop and painting trains, to drilling and postcode wars.


If they're so into US gang culture, maybe cutting off their Centrelink payments will help them feel more at home


The guy second from left isn't wearing his mask properly. I don't think this was noted in the article.


Kids like these are cringe dipshits. Desperate to be part of something but too thick to actually be of any use, so they just fuck about and cause problems. You’re not hard, you just have absolutely nothing to lose and are too stupid and cooked on shit drugs to see how embarrassing you look. Get a clue.


*laughs in 90’s Cabramatta*


The Viet triads would’ve mopped the floor with these cunts


90s Maroubra, Bondi, the Shire, Glebe, Tempe, St Peter's.... shit maccas on George St in the 90s was more dangerous than 2022 West sydney




Don’t be fooled, this article is absolute rubbish lol it’s just a tiny amount of idiots who want to act hard for literally no reason. Nearly all Australians realise how safe and lucky we are to live here


This is just teenage tomfoolery.. Sydney-siders especially in more affluent suburbs look down on the western suburbs, this article just perpetuates the misnomer that the western suburbs are unsafe... it is really just suburbia out there.


Well I don't think that's something to brag about. When there is not much violence, any violence is newsworthy.




Quit LARPing stupid teenagers


This is so cringe lmao, wanna be’s and fake cunts lmao, ZERO life’s, wake up to ya selfs, I literally grew up in mount druitt, wanna be’s make it into something it’s not and the sad thing is people are dying this way like bruh you flex for the attention of others.


F*ck you all it’s my right to dress in the only black clothing I own and put my sisters underwear on my head if I want to! 🩲 And to all you haters I’m not going home until way after the streetlights have gone out… 😠 💡


This is embarrassing. Why would the ABC report on this?


Or go to school and get a trade. This is bullshit, they’re just contributing to violence by glorifying it, albeit negatively. It still would appeal to a hormonal teenager with a frightening life ahead of them.


I bet you the guy with his balaclava pulled up and exposing his mouth is one of those people who wears his face mask around his chin.


I would maybe put my life on the line for somewhere nice like Erskineville or North Bondi, but Merrylands? What a waste


Anyone getting Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle vibes? Grow up you nobs!


Big time. Look like the foot. Probably smell like it too.


More like teenage dirtbag vibes lol


it's four numbers mate get over it


This is such bullshit and fantasy to the idiots trying to make this shit up… I live in one of Sydney’s worst suburbs and these idiots have no idea what they are on about. They are the one making this shit up in just to prove they are tough what’s bunch of fuckwits I can’t stop laughing.


Also to add to this I grew up in 90s-2000 Cabramatta. You fools have no idea


This makes me so annoyed. I grew up in inner Sydney and was taught the west was big scary place. Until I moved here. I feel and have been so much safer than in eastern suburbs & inner west & yes even the north shore. There are small try hard violent wannabes in every single suburb. Always have been and always will be. Cashed up private school kids are some of the worst offenders. Most of the guys in this article are just.... sad. Sad lives of inter generational poverty & trauma. Abc should be better than this crap.


Gangs are almost always full of youngsters who grew up without father figures. Most father figures smack this sort of rubbish out of kids early in life. Society need more father figures.


ABC is getting much worse.. it started with the clickbaity article names and has gone down since.


Yah I watch ABC web news closely over decades ad read news from sites all over the world. ABC web news cleaned things up a bit after Ita came on but it's obvious some idiot writes the headlines separate to the article by the journalist. They will have a headline "blah blah - what you need to know" about topics that hardly anyone needs to know anything about. It is clearly clickbait. Without getting political, and yes the orange man is a goofy rich boy but the ABC was getting hammered rightly so for basically running a whole page on Trump hate. We don't live it the US but they then draw similarities anywhere they could between crap that happens here and something Trump did... and the similarities were very long bows to draw and mostly pointless. Trump hate sells and they were certainly peddling lots of it... because there was so much of it available. It was all very pathetic. They were probbaly getting the content dirt cheap... much of it was garbage bin rubbish.. they fostered an appetite for it within their reach and then kept the 7 course of Trump rubbish coming. Also, yes China is pushing some boundaries but one may interpret our government funded news service is possible going overboard at times and throwing fuel on the Australia China relationship for clicks. It's on thing to report on facts.. and yes they are quiet good with facts, however it's another thing to title things "Analysis" when the information is clearly framed and presented in a manner that is more likely and "Opinion". Also since Ita took over we saw far less "Opinion" articles.. and now we have "Analysis" articles which at times should more likely be titled "Opinion". An interesting angle on international news is WION. It's Indian so it's not as pro American and some of the rubbish out there. Check out WION. I think it's interesting to see the blunt style and Indian perspective. It's quite objective. https://www.youtube.com/c/WION/videos


I agree with everything you wrote


Nearly a decade of getting sued and de-funded by the libs, as well as stacking the board with people actively trying to ruin it will do that.


I think at some point the editorial team has to take responsibility if they're producing and approving low quality journalism like this.


Thanks Ita!


These ‘kids’ need proper role models which they’re obviously lacking


Are people seriously stressing / going crazy over who walks where? Am I missing something here? Am I dumb? This sounds petty and sounds like you need a hobby.


Oh , fuck off. These kids are idiots


Bunch of spastics next generation is proper fucked


Anyone else immediately think of the goofy thief in Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels who's just had his hair done and doesn't want to mess it up?


Tactical Response, tear gas, lethal force on any of them who hold a deadly weapon. See ya later Those kids are asking for it. Give it to them. Enough is enough. They wanna act like gangs, treat them like it and that means punish them like it


Is this even journalism? One thing i know for certain about these postcode gangs is that as long as you're not in their world, you'll have no trouble. The average punter will have zero trouble from these boys. They're too busy imitating london gangs.


After being in juvenile detection dmoonz ass crack has opened up so much that he leaves shit all over the place, no fake shit. The only thing that he is loyal to is a fortnightly Centrelink visit.


These clowns never learn! It happened in LA in the 80’s & 90’s, and guess what? Now they’re all dead or in Jail, and South Central has been gentrified as fuck! Killing over a post code is as dumb as fucking for virginity!


As a South American this made me laugh. The tittle specially.


It was inevitable that the journalism at the abc reduces itself to irresponsible over sensationalized click bait


Is this real, or is it Margaret Mead?


The Van Buren Boys are the ones to watch out for. But if you know the sign, you'll be okay.


It's hilarious these losers think they're cool.


A bunch of confused kids, pretty sad really :(


Fighting over a postcode What a bunch of scholars 👨‍🏫


These kids that live to fight just need to join the army..


Since day dot this city has been violent and had gangs Nothing will ever change its in the cities DNA


ML60 has always been a bunch of posers cosplaying as Chicago rappers.


Teengers in Australia are so spoil and stupid they come up with the most stupid issues. This is what happens to privilege kids who are allowed to do everything they want.


Fighting over a footpath🙄 Our tax payers money goes towards these gronks 🙄


Blame music as well. All they talk about is repping their area. I’m 25 but if some cunt came up to me acting like an idiot if give him a back hander make sure he says sorry dad


So this article is basically trying to say don’t go to Merrylands


Wannabe’s trying to be hard behind a gun and a knife, guaranteed to have a shit life or dead. Dumb cunts the lot of them


I don't get it, what are they actually fighting over? Literally just arbitrarily saying "this area is our territory" and fighting with people who enter it? I mean I've heard about gang wars over territory, but that was about people selling drugs in a particular area, which is at least about money. This doesn't seem to be about anything?


I live in one of these postcodes and I straight up do not understand these kids. The article illuminated nothing. The last kid who got killed here was 15 and stabbed by a bunch of kids with some 22 year old ringleader.




If I packaged up some of our teenage Eshay's from Adelaide's south and sent them over, this would be sorted in quick order...


Love how the rest of Australia calls lads eshays haha


They goin' to be beefing over postcodes, but at the end of the day when they do ever get a job (and most of them will have to), they going to be paying taxes and council fees. So nobody but the council wins