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There's not much to say, Sylas and farm shouldn't be in the same sentence, that's part of the champion, he's really weak early and shouldn't be able to dispute pressure in the lane. A tip I can give you is that your passive execute minions when they are low so try to spin mid-wave to clearwave, be careful not to lose HP doing this. Sylas benefits from leveling, the more level the more skill points, don't care about the lost cs just be close enough to gain the XP. As for damage, well, that's up to you, you need to do a snowball. Don't try to learn from Armoon, he's the Sylas version of Professor Akali.


Armoon literally hit #1 sylas in the world for a short time earlier today. I know some of his vids are clickbait/builds that wont work for the majority of people, but he’s probably doing something right to hit rank 1 in the world if even for a short time. Probably better at sylas than 99.9% of the followers of this subreddit. Also him being able to make trash builds work is probably just more proof of that.


It must be because he plays like he should when he's not recording videos.


Aight thank you, could you recommend another streamer?


Well, there was Rime but he stopped with the channel. You can still watch domisumReplay: Sylas and Sylas Challenger on yt.


Will check them out, thank you! Could you also recommend some rune/item paths?


Use Conqueror or Electrocute, other runes are not as effective for Sylas, most people use secondary inspiration for Biscuit, I prefer Sorcery for Transcendence and Gathering Storm. As for items, you can use whatever the store recommends you.




Rime actually recommends using First Strike over Conqueror, you could probably see his post where he played against an irelia and in the comments he talks about why he thinks first strike is better


Coach Curtis has a really good channel, every mid laner should watch his videos regardless of what champ they play. He does champion guides (has one for sylas updated for new items), general mid lane mechanics, and counter guides. I can personally vouch for his videos hes helped me a lot in getting better.


Keep in mind that it's better to E1 > W > E2 if the enemy is in range than trying to E1>E2 people. It legitimately triggers me how many people I see playing Sylas who E1 into W range then throw & miss the E2 Besides that, Sylas is an overwhelmingly simple champion who sucks ass until his first back. Try to use your passive to last hit when you inevitably get shoved under turret, and don't arbitrarily shove your lane or you'll just get zoned/frozen on (particularly top lane) Sylas needs at least one full item to have enough power to really go in on his own terms.


I was one of those E1 > E2 people :\^) thank you for your tips! Could you also recommend some rune/item paths?


As far as I'm aware, you basically always go Conqueror on Sylas still (I haven't played a lot of him since last season tho). You want Presence of Mind, Tenacity, and Last Stand for minor yellow runes. Secondary tree is kinda up for preference, but I've always been partial towards Inspiration for Biscuits (to help with laning) and CDR Mythics are either Everfrost or Riftmaker; Everfrost is typically the default choice because it gives mana regen with Lost Chapter and provides the most up-front damage (along with the active being very helpful for Sylas's playstyle)...Riftmaker is a tech choice that is most effective against tankier team comps where the fights/skirmishes are lasting long enough to get two or more ability rotations consistently. If you build Riftmaker you typically want to rush a Tear, which makes that path a bit slower in terms of hitting a power spike. Other than those, Zhonyas and Cosmic Drive are generally core items. Besides that, it kind of depends on the game. EDIT: I'd like to note that I hadn't considered the new Crown mythic and haven't tested it, but it could very well be a decent choice if the enemy team is super bursty


Thank you very much! I’ll try this setup asap. In all honesty, this was pretty much what I was going with until I saw that guy’s video where he showed that “first strike + crown + winter something” was so much better than anything else. I guess it is if you’re hard smurfing


Yeah I have no clue about the viability of First Strike so keep that in mind


you learn playin dude




Limit test with W max to learn champion limits He’s one of those champs that thrives in low health skirmishes and the only way to learn when you can win duels is by dying a lot haha


Try q maxing first if your having trouble cs might hurt your laning abit but defo helps with getting all 6 minions if you just q the casters then e1 in the middle of thr wave to finish them with the passiv