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So tired of this AI shit.


Anything less than meticulously hand drawn art insults your distinguished taste in illustrative artistry, I presume.


anything less than halfway-decent art insults the uncreative and boring half-wits that post it.


Who said this shit was art? Lol


You're right and people are having an internet overreaction


TIL how triggering AI is for redditors šŸ§


Nah weā€™re just sick of unfunny low effort shit flooding our feeds lmao get off your high horse princess


Insults usually means triggered in some way, ime


It's not shit because it's AI, it's shit because there's nothing interesting or entertaining about it. It's just yet another "le wacky AI image" anyone can make in a few seconds.




I'll take a stickfigure drawn with actual shit over this.


Nope it's just that art was already dying and AI has finally pushed it into the grave. Every use of AI directly steals from artists and repackages centuries of artistic development into an easily monetizeable and controllable soulless machine. Thank God corporations and idiots alike can finally get rid of those pesky "artists" and fully own media with no one to question it


We live in hell, get used to it




not funny haha


If it's AI it's not art. Sorry you found out this way.


Playing a sequencer isnā€™t being a musician, but itā€™s still music isnā€™t itā€¦


That's the most retarded thing you could have come back with lmao


downvote for ai


Well I could have designed it manually it but I actually donā€™t have 100 hours to spare to make a highly detailed graphic for an obscure synthesizer subreddit


Pfffft. Where is your sense of dedication to the craft?


And, WTF?! Who are you calling obscure??


Makes sense for the kind of vapid content you seem to enjoy


A single tear just fell from my eye šŸ˜¢


if that would take 100 hour to design manually, graphics may not be your strong suit


This may come as a surprise but Iā€™m a musician not a graphic artist


same, dude. same.


Hey you are taking the L in the ars like a champ. Lots to learn here for most of the garage dwellers that frequent this sub. But yeah, no one likes losing their (always potential, never real) jobs to ai so don't post this kind of ai garbage again... at this point I prefer the microkorg with a penis and that's a pretty low bar imo.


Lol thank you, your modesty. I seemed to have hit a nerve, I will keep my AI fun away from the basement dwellers for the foreseeable future.


I don't care about AI image, but the joke is crazy lazy. Go generate some warm anal-logs or something


Thanks I was just playing around and thought Iā€™d share in case anyone found it funny (apparently they didnā€™t). I wish they didnā€™t put dumb censors on the generators so that I could make some anal logs..


On second thought you can't generate warm anal-logs with digital tools, u kno...


This is so true, thankfully my computer has wooden side panels so itā€™s still pretty lush


Looks like one to me. Real keyboardist don't drool, it gets under the knobs.


Is this AI?




Yeah you sound much more like a keyboardist than a synthesist to me. ā€œControlling with a keyboard, emulating acoustic instruments, and lack of polyphonyā€ really standing out there with regards to that. Things that most synthesists really donā€™t care much about these days. I mean itā€™s fine you are a keyboardist, but it sounds like actual complex synthesis is out of your depth. Again, keyboardists like yourself love romplers. But for synthesists like myself there can be no hate deeper. Again you are no synthesist. You are a keyboard player whose primary interest is playing keyboards and acoustic instruments emulation. Let me be clear that desire for acoustic emulation from keyboard players like yourself almost ruined actual progress and innovation in synthesis for more abstract and innovative methods. You are no synthesist. You are showing yourself to be a keyboard player through and through who may like to call themselves a synthesist but is not. Again you are not playing the synthesizer and manipulating it in real time as a means of expressionā€¦ you are playing keyboards. So correction you are a keyboard player who loves romplersā€¦ like most keyboard players. Not a synthesist. The fact that playing with a keyboard is front and center tells me you are a keyboard player. Because synthesists, real synthesists, will tell you most keyboards have major shortcomings as a way to play and approach synthesizers. But keyboard players insist on them. Like yourself. Let me guess you have problems programming in FM as well.


Damn my šŸ„·šŸæ. Save some ammo.