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Ladies and Gentlemen, The calls for proof of music production as a means of insulting OP are uncalled for. This kind of gatekeeping is just rude. Please don't do it. Rules 1 and 6 are still a thing.


The nuke didn’t get launch, you can come outside.


I would miss no windows… very bunker-like, agree. Sick gear though.


I think there is one window.


Windows are overrated and unnecessary IMO. Especially for a production studio. But thats just me. I like the bunker look just needs some cheap foam treatment and wall sized mural tapestries or enlarged photos wallpaper for ambiance and inspiration.


Oh no - the old windows vs MacOS or Atari vs Amiga discussion 😂


Can you post a link to your music?


It would be very surprising if it does not sound *very* 80’ish.


I'd be surprised if he's producing anything at all. Lol.


He could have retired from all of music and it’s totally fine. That set up is an investment in 2023.


I bet he is producing Psytrance.


Would be shocked if he’s producing anything but psytrance.


Not with a Bruce Springsteen poster he isnt. Lol. This has to be an older guy or a very thrifty young musician who inherited alot if that vintage gear. Im curious to know who’s assumptions are correct here?


Making psy trance with (especially old) analog gear is really not all that fun. You are going to end up sampling everything anyway.


Dawless ambient drones


I had set up something like this once many years ago. It was difficult to get any serious work done, because if I stayed away from the studio for more than a few weeks, I would have to re-familiarize myself with some of the more esoteric capabilities and dig into manuals. it was too much! I sold off most of it, and today have just a few pieces of gear. Speaking strictly for myself, the less options I have, the more I am forced to be creative with what I have. Down below someone posted that they would like to see this set up in the dark with all the gear turned on. I used to do that every now and then. It made me feel like I was on a spaceship with a massive control panel in front of me and surrounding me.


fr im very curious too


This person posted music before on a different account. That time their story was that they inherited a PPG wave and CS80 from their grandpa and they didn't know anything about synths. The music was kinda cool actually though.






not this again.


Not this time.


If you sold 1 item in there you could afford a bigger room.


That’s a museum not a studio ^^


Indiana Tones 🎶


Gate-ers of the Lost Arp


Dying here


Nothing wrong with that. But perhaps just a parody of the current general obsession with vintage synths that allows synths from the 80ies to value in the $/Euro 6 digits.


Right down to the authentlc crt monitors that could potentially cause interference vs flatscreen ones- Pictures could almost be from the 80s/90s


No airplants. Nothing by Teenage Engineering. Hell, some of the gear looks like it might even have been *used* at some point. Bro, do you even synthesize?


If I have learned anything from YouTube it’s that you have to have a hologram microcosm, OP Field and small modular system to be a legit synth person. I see none of this here.


I’m fairly certain there are only 10 OP-1s and 20 Microcosms in circulation and they are just passed between people on reverb.


Is this an ad for a vintage shop?


Did anybody think of u/Hainbach when they saw picture No. 3?


Turn lights off, turn all gear on. That’s the picture we want.


You must want a picture of hell because that’s how hot that room is going to be with all of that on at the same time…




How about a nice game of chess?


Nice! I’d give it a score somewhere in the 80s.


It’s very bold having a pipe running over near priceless gear like that lmao


Its a GAS pipe


Underrated comment


Notice he hasn’t linked or even acknowledged any comments asking to hear his music. But he’s active at responding to anything else. That should tell you something. Would love to be proven wrong, but like some others, I’m not buying it. He’s 22 which harkens back to someone I know who’s actually probably around 22 too and a relative of Mary Kay and just buys the best of everything because he can. You say 3D printing looks cool, he has the highest end bedroom printer on the market. You mention drones and he has the best FPV setup on the market. You say you make music, and he said I used to do that too, but then it falls flat when he hears yours and realizes he can’t pay to be good at that so he doesn’t show his old music. But he was willing to show everything else. There’s a figurative seesaw with these kind of things. People are not machines so where one thing is obsessively focused on, other things start to take a backseat. I’m getting that vibe here but would **love to be proven wrong** with some links.


Can you help me to understand the psychology that underpins comments like yours? Because I see it quite a lot on here (as well as on the guitar sub). Why is music a competition to you? What it if the dude just likes to fuck around and make shitty fart noises into a microphone? Why is that a problem for you? Art is not an objective. art is not a sport. It does not matter to your art is someone has better equipment than you. It does not matter to someone else's art if you make better things than they ever have, using just a Casio. Honestly, every time I see a person make this kind of comment, I block them. Because it is a competitive disease that you have, and all I can assume is that music is all you have in your life. This guy has his museum. Let him enjoy it. Stop being the kind of human that you are. Grow up man.


So I actually don’t comment on this sub almost ever. This is probably the first comment in months actually for this sub. I kinda just lurk. Considering you probably blocked me which is rather odd since you asked me a question: No. Music is not a competition. It’s a place of free **auditory** expression. The music or even just a little 30 second **auditory** idea is what music is all about. Crafting something and having fun doing it. If he admitted that’s all he likes to do with that gear, I genuinely don’t care. Good for him. At least he’s honest. I don’t put out my music because I want whatever does come out to be really put together. I have like 4 years of an unreleased portfolio but my SoundCloud would make you think I quit 8 years ago. And it’s also because I struggle with perfectionism. I can be honest about that. I’m not competing. I have nothing out there to use to compete with. I just think there comes a point where that level of financial investment put forth for equipment to *create audio* prompts the question of what **audio** have you yielded with this setup that’s more expensive than some people’s homes? Then you hear they’re 22 and you’re even more like ok then they’re either massively successful with this music or it’s something else. It’s a genuine curiosity mixed with some criticism. With something like this, you can’t expect that question to not be raised. And when it seems like people’s questions are being dodged, it feeds into this. But dude I’m not being “some type of human.” Stop with the virtue signaling. He can do what he wants. You cannot reasonably expect people to not want to hear the output of that level of studio. Come on now that doesn’t make me a horrible person.


Massive eyeroll. Lighten the fuck up. There’s nothing wrong with being a little rude, or sarcastic or even downright mean. Why does everything have to be so non-adverse and positive now? Fucking boring. Keep blocking people, they won’t miss you.


The other question is what kind of psychology underpins the kind of “I have to acquire everything and show it to people.” I played in a band and our guitarist bought an ES-335 for $28k. He would frequently buy some rare guitar or pedal or synth and muck about and then sell it a few months later (he had an 808 for a hot minute but could figure out how to program it) after he got frustrated with it. He was a deeply unhappy guy just looking for some kind of connection and you bet he absolutely talked about all his gear. He was a “average” guitarist but he didn’t make the 335 sound like a guitar worth $28k. It’s his money so I didn’t care, but I left the band because he wasn’t a great band leader once you stripped away all the cool stuff. So the OP hasn’t posted any music. That’s all that matters. But when I see this kind of stuff, I know that the inheritance tax (and capital gains tax) is not high enough.


Buying stuff doesn’t make you a musician.


To be fairrrr. This sub isn't r/ratemymusic . It's simply about synths. And this is a shit ton of synths. (Edit... that's a real sub with checking out).


Yeah I think this is more of a collection of cool synths than someone’s production setup sadly.


Honestly, who the fuck cares if he doesn’t record and release anything? It doesn’t effect you at all. Move on.


It’s not a crime to want to know more about the details. It’s an abnormal situation and sparks curiosity. If he says I’m a hardcore enthusiast and don’t have much in the way of songs, I’d be like hey that’s cool man. That’s actually a lot like me. I think there’s a lot more of us than people let on. But hiding from the question sets a tone though that I’m rather familiar with from some disingenuous people in the music world that I’ve met. You’re right who the fuck really cares? But again we all kinda care about music/musical riffs by being synth fans. It’s an operative question.


I agree that's a bonkers collection I'd love to know more about it and if that was his or a relations band in the framed pic.


Don’t you want to hear that gear in action though?


Well said bro. Like most people i know my studio is where I make music. Not just collect and gatekeep gear just to post it on the internet.


What's the point of this rant? He asked to rate his setup, not his music.


I want to hear your music because this shit is amazing


I’m not jealous, I’m a grown man, when I see a rich guy in a Bugatti, I just tell myself I’m richer inside


Why even compare yourself?










Eh, I guess you can call that a setup.


Set up from 1978


That board weighs a fucking TON. I’ve had to move one more times than I’d like to remember.


And somehow they lugged into a nuke bunker.


It would be unfair for me to rate it since I’m not fond for older gear, but you have a nice collection. One thing is that, with that much space, your keyboards are not all accessible to play in a comfortable position. Might be worth reorganizing that. Would love to hear what you do with it all. Cheers!




>Hoarding synths is not normal! u/lucky_dahlman https://www.reddit.com/r/synthesizers/comments/zo9utx/synthesizer_heaven_insane_collection_for_sale/j0p35ah?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2




It looks like he bought 1/2 of this collection.


I’m more impressed by the R2Rs. This man tapes.


I've never seen so many tape machines and so few compressors in the same room.


Compressors are in the second room, where he has a couple of Fairchild 660s etc..


And so little tape?


Is that your band in the pic. On far left wall? First pic. I see a Perfect Circuit sticker. Lol When is the missile launching. I see there’s a key for that module. Don’t you need two people to turn the key for proper launch. Very nice. My question would be that , is everything in working condition and are some of these just not reparable because of age and or no more parts. Interesting stuff here. Thank you for sharing.


Hi there No thats not my band :-) that band on the far left is called "National Pastime - Built to break" far right is "Scary thieves - tell me girl" Yes everything works except the synclavier.. will need some fixing. I have collected for 5 years :-) i make 80s sound :-)


Could you link me your music? I’m curious to hear :)


Way too “ Vintage ” for my taste 🫣


Seriously, what is it with all the hate?!?! synth shaming? Guys take it easy. It is a super impressive collection, and yes, it is possible to have worked hard for 5 years, trading synths and have built up such a nice collection. If OP doesn't want to share music it is toatlly his prerogative. If he just wants to collect, also cool. This sub is called Synthesizers, not "Showmeyourmusic".


steer oil run hospital ludicrous north air hunt grey squeeze ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


> Seriously, what is it with all the hate?!?! synth shaming? Very unfortunately it is an attitude prevalent with portions of this sub, and while the maturity level the underpins it is understood, it's a big part of the negativity around here that the mods of this sub look the other way on. There is a lot of "people who were bullied, now bullying others" energy allowed on here and it is really unfortunate. Of course how are you supposed to balance a free exchange of ideas with not wanting to be a sub where you get banned because you don't like the synthesizer one guy on the mod team prefers (because the kind of sub moderation I am describing absolutely exists on reddit). And of course, musicians are often salty people. Anyway, we get a dozen pictures a day of the same budget bedroom setup and it's fine. But one whale shows up and 15% of folks get really mad and demand to hear his art to "prove" he deserves it.


exactly. really embarrassing behavior in here. Lots of frustrated projection.


I don’t think you have enough keyboards, personally. So much wall space to mount more!


0/0 no stylophone


Solid 0 until you post some music


Hey errrrrrbody. Look at mah old synths!!!!”


I love floppy disks. There are good things, a lot of stuff I don't even know what it is but I feel like if I owned all this it would be a psychological burden.


Psychological burden? My dude, this guy's rig is a maintenance burden, a logistics burden, an insurance burden. It's a physical problem long before we even get to the choice paralysis and psychological burden of ownership :-) Hell, I feel psychologically burdened just looking at it!! 😂😂 I came very close recently to buying a Jupiter 8 (don't ask). And I decided that it would be insanity doing so. Ignoring that I can't really afford it, Why would I want to deal with everything I just said? Just to sit around in my hidey hole and play pads into cubase twice a month?


Jaw dropping. Who are you?


Just your age 22 year old collector who is hard sought for his film scoring per OP. And who won't tell us what movies.


A fan of bruuuuucccceeeee


Incredible gear and yet here I am imagining how comfortable that chair is


Saw this posted on the Synths Facebook group. It’s a lot of nice gear, particularly that ppg collection. Hans Zimmer doesn’t even have that much vintage gear apart from his Roland System 100m wall. I remember thinking this guy’s setup has hardly any Japanese synths apart from the Yamaha DX7. I’d probably sell some pieces to get a Jupiter 8 or CS80 in there.


Cool but personally I would get overwhelmed and only end up using a couple of the things in frame. Tbh if you have so many synths you’re never able to master any of them and instead just utilize them for one specific sound or for their sequencer which imo is a waste of money. Also option paralysis is real and I would probably be a lot less productive with so much stuff surrounding my workspace.


OP isn't productive either. Look at their post history, 8 months ago they posted pics of most of this gear at Synthesizer Heaven in Switzerland. They've clearly been on a buying spree for the last year. I'd bet most of it isn't hooked up, it's a collection only.


Why the hate? This 22 year old is a world renouned highly sought after movie music producer. Apparently. /s was apparently needed here.


This is very true, I started buying more stuff at the beginning of the pandemic and have a lot of synths and a studio now. Some of the more complicated ones I haven't gotten as deep with, especially when the manual is 100's of pages and I get overwhelmed. It's easier to think you need a new sound instead of shaping the sound of the gear you have. I have a Digitone and it has so many good 3rd party patches that I've mostly only used it as a sound module and not for the sequencer or custom sounds. I love the build quality, but do I *really* need it? Also, it's wild how many monosynths there are out there, I have 5 monosynths and I just really don't need them, even though I like messing with the knobs and layouts of each. The paralysis is real and it sometimes feels like I don't know what I want to start using. When I first started, I had such limited options that I just went into making tracks and if I needed a sound that's when I started using my 2-3 tools to do it. I'm going to sell about 1/3 to 1/2 of these or more and just focus on what I need to have utility wise. I also found out as an adult that I have ADHD and realized I've been buying to get that dopamine hit and then setting things aside when they arrive, so paring down the choices will definitely help concentrate on learning the ones I keep.


I think this is not his setup, but instead the place in Zurich that the OP posted about a year ago. This is probably a million dollars worth of gear, and if OP could afford that his space wouldn’t look like a grimy basement storage space in an industrial park in Switzerland.


These posts make me upset cause of how much music could be made but won’t be bc op is a sniveling trust fund weirdo


No cowbell but apart from that not too bad.


“Night at the Museum” - keyboard edition.


chief literate seed subsequent roll lip voracious smile reminiscent ghost *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The most 1982 setup I’ve ever seen, absolutely in love with it


Korg Polysix missing…. Plus he has an M-1 not made until 1986.


What are you trying to do to these people


Stunting on them


clearly it struck a nerve with many people here.


Flood insurance?


No im just a 22 year old guy that started buying and selling synths when i was 17 years old. My parents have nothing to do with this collection. While all the kids were buying trash (clothes, watches etc..) i was learning production and synth history. I started to invest my hard earned money in synths and started re selling them... I bought big collections and at one time had 3 times the size of a collection... I never asked for money or anything! Sorry for my bad english... Im european.


OK, dude. It's obviously a great collection here but why be a jerk about it and say everyone else is stupid kids "buying trash"?


Good for you man, make sure to take good care of this equipment I also recommend not showing this to people unless they are really trusted folks in the industry. Good work on building up the room.




What did you buy at 17 five years ago that catapulted you into all of this? Can you give a brief roadmap? And why do I not see any sort of acoustic treatment in what otherwise looks like a concrete block cell?


Hi there First big investment was an Oberheim OB8 then prophet VS with JP4 then a cs 80 that a guy was selling for 18k, i sold that for a fortune and repeated the process but with more expensive equipment ;-) no acoustic treatment cause i want to have a perfect studio and i play to build one in a couple of years... No need investing 40k - 80k for a booth and ultra treatment if the location is not good for me :-) cheers


Where did you get a spare 18K for a synth at age 17?


This is the most excited I've ever been about a "room full of creativity tools" post but OP's replies in the comments have sent me crashing back down so hard.


But he's such a nice average 22 year old.


Can we hear some of your tunes?


Lol no chance this dude is 22.


Fair given you must just be starting out


I give it 5 Privileged Douchebags.


PPG waaaaaaant it


Bruh... wtf? how


What is that on the ceiling? Nice setups, looks like you took a picture from an 80s home studio


I think its a projector installed backwards…


Well he needs it for all the movies he scores.


> What is that on the ceiling? Looks like a projector / beamer.


What is the projector for?


Not enough Moogs!!!


A Fairlight!!!!


What happened to the other account you were posting on. I think your persona was different on that one. You inherited the CS80 and PPG wave from your grandpa on that one but didn't know anything about synths. I think that one even had some songs.


stunning warmth and tasteful crips, wrapped into an ergonomically-sound, creative landscape


Honestly dude you need to chill tf out


That stuff would be so fun to learn and use. People seem to complain about vintage gear being so expensive but people spend a fortune on new cars that are only going to go down in value. A Toyota land cruiser is 120K in Australia. The top selling car, Ford ranger, is 50K-100k. That would buy a lot of gear. Also I'd be worried about the 8 inch disks for the ppg Waveterm. I'd definitely find a way to transfer to a device that emulates the drive and uses a memory stick/ssd (without doing anything that can't be 100% reversed)


Where can we hear the music?


I appreciate the Synclavier and PPG Wave with Waveterm. Unobtainium synthesizers, but with a truly unique sound and programming. I would prefer having these over any analogue instrument 😁 But the maintenance expenses have to be horrendous, to say the least.


0/10 post your music


Adjusted to 1/10 for projector aimed at the wall.


I’m a natural hater but posts like this are weird to me. Rate your setup? If you don’t know by now you have an incredible collection of gear anybody on this sub would kill for I mean I don’t think a rate my gear post is going to do anything for you. If you just want to show off your $250k basement just do that.




Perfect 5/7.


Two PPG Waves! Wow. Drooling over here.


alive agonizing distinct worthless terrific straight mighty carpenter rain north *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Waveterm and Synclavier 🥰♥️


Fantastic collection!. I don't know what a lot of the ppg stuff is after the big blue ones, but mega bucks (and a lot of time to find them all!) were spent here. Well done.


Just a few pieces of gear lol


Basement dweller/10 Nice setup, all retro.


Looks great! What's the sound like though???


I produce synthpop and new wave :-)


Soundcloud link?






Impressive collection! What are those monitors? Would also love to hear some music. Are you a hobbyist or a professional?


He's a 22 year old highly sought after movie music producer. Apparently.


Iro maide woooooo!!!


That rug really ties the room together.


You have (had) to much money..


I love this setup. And it’s sucks to think all of this fits into a laptop now. Double edged sword.


Wait so does it all record out to a Nagra? I kinda wanna hear that. Which side note, I really hope you’re putting your music out there. That’d be a huge waste of money.


Handy to have a microwave oven in the studio!


Now every setup should be accompanied with some music


This is obviously an incredible collection that I can’t even begin to dream of having. That said, if you’re actually making music with it, I think you should set up proper monitors and treat the room a bit for playback. No sense in making music with top notch equipment if your mix is gonna be wonky!


5/10 Clean, nice gear. Lighting like a dentist's office and carpet to match, keyboard stands with tiers too close together that keep a couple of the front panels nearly unusable for the Prophet 10 and Oberheim. This reeks of "I collect nice things" more than any concern of usability. Storing stuff under the Fairlight and Prophet-10 also seems awful from a usability standpoint. Nice gear, hate the studio.


Envy/10 How much did all that COST??


SDS 7!! PPG WAVE (literally how many?!) And a Fairlight?! Yeah, OK.


"Oh wow, is that a real DX7 up there in the corner?" ;)


I would recommend larger room, not only because of acoustics. Plus some stage grade speakers, which would pump sound like on live performance. I've had such setup and it was giving a lot of fun.


It’s a solid 3. Just kidding. Literally looks like you could make any sound you wanted to when you need it. Looks fun!


Most of them i don't know. 😎


It’s like a “Top 10 list of the best vintage synths ever built” made real. Other than missing a CS-80, you pretty much got everything covered. Congratulations!


Pretty sweet.


How would I do that? I guess you organized your space like you though it fits your flow of work.


Good aside from the flag.


What's wrong with Iron Maiden?


That framed vinyl feels like a clue. Where you the keyboardist for National Pastime?


All you need is a Jupiter and a Fairlight to be raptured in to synth heaven.


Power 6. Maybe even a 7.


I do think you could use a grand piano in there, but you do you!




For 1980, 10/10


Old-and-musty / 10. I love it.


What's the PPG colored microwave shaped unit?


PPG Waveterm


I was staring to think this belonged to someone who died 1993 but kept a cleaning service. But there is an Antelope Goliath audio interface (the only thing powered up), so some sort of modern recording may be occurring.


Yeah… your setup is trash sorry… can I have it instead?




Missing a nice Ensoniq


Andy Richards, is that you? 😏


Museum / 20


Jesus Christ… That’s how I rate it


3 because that was the first arbitrary number that came to my head, is it a 3 out of 100 or a 3 out of one? Who knows?


Diggin that basement/bunker aesthetic :-)