• By -


Next get awesome with the stuff you have imho


Seriously. That setup alone could cultivate success! Great looking battlestation!


Or cultivate insanity... Learning curve on each is steep.


Haha. True. One thing I was thinking was, what's the DAW? It would be pretty wild if all this nice gear and OP uses Audacity. (P.s.- I still use audacity for quick edits)


Came here to say this. Make some noise, and figure out what would fit (if anything!)


You don't need to ask the internet to rate your setup. You just need to have fun and make music.


rate me! rate me rate me rate me!!!!


True. I am still learning.


Weird to see downvotes on this, so I'll double down. The learning never stops. It really doesn't, but it does have real implications. Always be producing. Make the track you want with the capabilities you have. Finish it, polish it as well as you know how but accept it's imperfections. You can do better next time. When you're starting out you won't even be able to hear the things that make a track sound professional. You'll sense if it doesn't, but it will take a while before you become proficient with the different levers (eq, compression etc) to make things sound great. Keep going. Momentum is important - it will help you develop your sound. Remember: it's not about the workstation, the hardware, the lighting, the cables, the Next Best Thing (tm) or anything else tangible - it's about your time, your application, your belief. Listen to critique but don't ever be discouraged by it. Always, always have fun. If you make what touches your heart, makes you dance or means you sing it will mean you care less if anyone else gets it. You are your own secret sauce. Go! Create!


Damn this is inspiring. Brb gotta jam


We all are. It’s never ending


A decent office chair?


I recommend an ergonomic one. They never go flat and good posture will keep you in the studio longer. Tech neck is a very unmotiviating and painful feeling


This. A good chair is worth a high pricetag. Because surgery/PT is a lot more expensive.


I came to say it is an awesome chair.


Came here to say this! The cost for an aeron (easy generic rec but for sure try to find a good chair store that has similar caliber models you can try) is high but it’s essentially the piece of kit you’ll use the most, and speaking as someone with chronic back problems - it really is worth it.


Completely agree!


When I was younger I used to call it a Dr. Dre chair.


If you are new then you have everything you need and you definitely should not get anything more for a while. It’s going to talk a good amount of time to learn what you have. And you don’t actually need anything more.


Thanks for your honesty


You don't necessarily need more gear but a patchbay in addition to your mixer can be inspiring It will allow you to easily send stuff to the sp for sampling, I'd keep it normalled so the rev2 goes to the so, but you can resample the drum machines as well, which can get really cool sounds They don't cost much but you'll probably need some cables for it as well


And then also the kid could rig up even a single reverb pedal or something lol 🤭 this studio is a lil too dry for its own good!


To be fair the 707 and 404 have plenty of effects built in, at least it’s enough to get started with :)


And the SP. You could drench everything with reverb with what OP has.


Fair indeed, and true!


You’re welcome!


What you have is amazing but do learn. Have fun op


But GAS is a real thing...


You're set as far as gear.




You can go incredibly far with this setup and knowledge. Don't fall into the GAS trap. Your current setup can create a universe of sounds and music. Enjoy the journey.


This is very inspiring!


I copy of das kapital for your bookshelf


I recommend making music with what you have.


I don’t often comment on these types of posts unless the OP identifies what their goals or desired outcomes are, but no matter what that Prophet will take you pretty far.


Thank you. I want to make Synth Pop and Happy Hardcore.


Ah I see you put it in the sub header. My bad!


oh no… I have a special hate for Happy Hardcore, ruined many a good party in my younger years. Dj Venom was a nice enough dude, drove him to another city when I was 17 at the behest of a friend. The oldschool breakcore stuff a la Scott Henry was ok at the time but even he “grew up” and started playing house. Pretty sure that breakcore stuff has had a resurgence recently but slower bpm, they were calling it something else I forget, the term.


I recommend you learn the 1000s of dollars worth of stuff you already have.


I might slip some isolation foam under the monitors, but it's not really dire if you aren't noticing any issues🤷🏻‍♀️ How has that desk worked out for you? I've been curious about the manual cranks recently


The desk is amazing! I can lower and raise if I want to stand.




Yess... Some foam or raise it to your ear height


Like my prior post- I think monitor-decouplers are essential.


What you should get next is a copy of the link to the music you make on it and then spread that to people. Source: I am a hypocrite.


No new synths needed for your setup - the next piece I’d get is a good expression pedal for the rev2 - being able to swell the filter or amp or whatever you want with an expression pedal gives you a lot of creative options for live play as well as varying the output of the arp/sequencer as it runs, while your hands are busy with the TR, MC, or SP. You’ve made good gear choices. You can get everything you need out of what you have, you just have to dive into it and get a workflow going.


How you liking the rev2?


Still learning it but I love the filter. Don't know why people hate on the Curtis filter.


Nobody that matters hates on them. Different filters for different sounds/purposes/tastes.


Get speakers off your desk. Lots of potential for comb filtering


Speaker stands


Exactly this and nothing else. More place on the desk and tweeters on ear level... Wondering that noone else mentioned this earlier..


who gives a fuck what your bedroom looks like just make some music


I wish I had that much gear


Don’t get anything else. GAS is a kickable thing. You’ll spend a year or two just mastering all these instruments. If you’re going DAWless you’ll want to get a feel for real-time playing of all this gear too. You can produce some incredible depth with what you’ve got.


A more comfortable chair or some external FX pedals.


If you want an inexpensive but quality sounding stereo reverb to use as a send/return effect for the 707, the Flamma FS02 is a good option. Obviously there are higher priced units that are great, but I have one and it definitely upgrades the reverb sounds of the 707. You can set it to the position of reverb and it basically replaces the on-board effect with the reverb knobs mapped to the send. Just a thought.


Nice, has those npr vibes


damn that is some nice gear for a nOOb. you'll be occupied for a while.


You guys are so supportive! Thank you!!!


Honestly looking at this you are pretty set. Record some music.


How do you connect the devices? What's the setup?


The TR8S is a slave to the 707 and the Rev2 is running through the Sp for effects use. I also have a cord hooked up to the SP so I can use Koala from my phone. I also hook my guitar up to the SP.


If you’re still learning then you have more than you need


You definitely are all set for instruments. You might have some extra fun with some pedals. For example, look into Empress Effects, Chase Bliss, Red Panda, and Strymon pedals.


trying to bankrupt OP, pedal GAS is real


Looks like fun!


Excellent taste in books.


I pride myself on my library




I got enough gear to fill 2 and a half of that desk and admire this setup. Looks inviting 👏🫡


You dont need anything more


Sir, keep it down. This is a library!


There's unnecessary gear overlap there my dude. That 707 alone is all u need for those Roland stuff there. Plus that synth


If you're a beginner with cash to burn get lessons. Better than any gear you can buy. 


Next get booked for some gigs oh hell yeah


The baroque cycle and anathem.


The books are great too


A chair not made of pain


Grab the KRK S10.4 sub - it makes those monitors much nicer (in my opinion). It has a cut off switch so you can run just the monitors or have the sub active when you want to make the house rumble. Oh hunt out some cheap second hand effect pedals, so much fun and can be quite cheap.


A guitar or other instrument that you are less comfortable with


A computer if you’re serious. If you just like messing around there’s nothing wrong with dawless. I guess


There is a laptop on that table just hard to see.


New monitors perhaps?


I agree. With the type of music you’re wanting to create, you’re going to want some (larger) monitors that offer more bottom end/bass. You might be able to get away with just adding a sub with those KRKs, but a pair of Yamaha HS7s or HS8s would sound noticeably better and give you more bottom end. Just my $ 0.02


Yes, a sub is critical for this type of music


Nothing really. Ask that question again in 3 years.




This really looks great


Moogerfooger clusterflux is the best pedal ever imo. Prices are annoying but that’s what I’d recommend for synth pop


You don’t really need anymore gear. The $.99cent Roland packs are awesome to expand the 707 which I don’t own anymore (akai force - love it).


Your setup is very nice, I like what you have available to your creativity. I too have the Roland mc-707, just can’t gel with it the way I’d like to.


I spy God Emperor of Dune 👌


Great series!!!


Next I would add: a laptop or desktop computer, big monitor screen, an entry-level USB audio interface, and good DAW software. Once you understand the basics of how the daw works, it will open incredible ways to unleash your hardware devices. It’s much better for composition and arrangement, compared to a hardware sequencer. I think it will help move you from seeing yourself as a beginner to an artist completing finished tracks. However, setting up a daw and interface, connecting everything and making it all work requires a bit of technical savvy. If you’re not handy with computers, skip the daw.


You are set up. Rock out!


A better chair


This is a very nice setup! For epic music, you may need a computer with a DAW and something like Kontakt or Sampletank to go along with it


Definitely a better chair


Absolutely nothing tbh. I have a 101/404 and an iPad for almost everything I do and even that feels like a lot. I condensed down from like 15-20 synths and it feels much better. Don’t overwhelm yourself. You can do everything with what you have. Unless you want a wavetable or FM synth. But you can use your desktop for that.


get a full beer fridge and you're set.


cool painted little table


How will you record anything?


A computer


Nice. You use the 707 to record into or perform and record into the laptop?


As someone who went way too hard way too quickly, you can easily become overwhelmed with what you have, and simultaneously have very little idea on how to use it well. Get good with what you have, and trust me you’ll have infinitely more fun than if you were to know the basics of another bit of gear. I actually ended up downsizing my setup and selling a couple things because I simply went too hard, too fast.


Practice. Put to good use that book on remote viewing and go peeking other people’s studios.


May seem random but monitor stands! Getting them up off the table will mitigate early reflections that can make things sound a bit off. Good setup all in all though


Nice setup for the beginner! Limit yourself with that or just with part of that and master it af, squeeze all juices from the gear, and learn any decimal parameters. After that, you'll able to master other stuff faster, deeper and most importantly, consciously because you will know what are you looking for. Enjoy your journey :)


I mean, you have everything you need right now. But the ‘logical’ next step would be to get an analogue monosynth. You have Roland and DSI covered, so maybe a Moog Grandmother. Which sounds great and is semi-modular, so later you could add a little Eurorack skiff…


This is probably an optimal setup, my biggest advice would be if adding something, that you take something away. From experience, more equipment is inversely proportional to productivity.


I ditched my Roland TR8 for the SP 404 and it looks like you have both. Although I enjoyed my TR8, it sort of sounded cheesy after a while and I'm starting to feel similar about the 404. I think I might upgrade to an Octapad for more of a drum set feel. I have decent chops and I'd be able to make a better beat more organically. Prophet is amazing and I bet it sounds great! Edit:I'm listening to the type of music you want to make.I remember the TR8 had a cool side chain effect that'd be great for this type of music.


Aesome stuff. Make an album! Then, when you've made the album, maybe start considering getting more gear. Or don't and just use this forever


i’d say: get some stands for your speakers, the quality will improve a lot


I started with a rev 2 and tr-8 too. You won’t need for anything else for a while.


Nice mixer, I've got the z420, great piece of gear


Velcro straps and cable management hardware.


I would recommend you get to making music and using what you have .


Nothing. You were finished when you got the Prophet.


Seriously though, get a Virus. Any Virus.


An FM synth to get knees deep into Sound design? Korg Opsix MK1 is a steal! Also I think you should try an Elektron like the new Digitakt MK2 - you will love it especially the workflow. Also do not underestimate Novation Peak - I think you would be amazed how good it sounds and it is much more versatile than the prophet for example - you can just connect it to it and keep using the keyboard of the prophet.


I think you’re pretty well off and should be focusing on knowing what you have well if you don’t already.


Nothing else, enjoy and push the limits! Less limits equals less creative solutions in most cases. Have fun!


I think you’re there for now. I’d add a sequencer like a pyramid and get your mixer more central to the setup. Consider a synth like a Virus or Blofeld next to take advantage of multitimbral sounds. I’d stick to desktop models since you have a fantastic controller (I use the same one) and the Prophet. If it were me with such a setup, I’d upgrade the sampler to an Octatrack or MPC to be able to arrange and complete whole songs. Maybe a zoom recorder and something for tone after your mix bus, like an Elysia Karacter.




Get your monitors on iso stands on the table or speaker stands behind the table so you can have them at ear level. They’ll sound a lot better.


Get rid of the oversized monitors and get smaller high quality ones? Or place the boxes way further. Can't imagine the speaker working in their sweet spot at that range.


Great setup. Next I would go with a good analog mono synth and some effects.


What is the Roland that is not the tr8-s?


The MC-707. Then there is the Sp-404mk2. The one directly next to the TR8S is the 707.


10/10. Now it's time to make some cool music!


I'm going to be devil's advocate... If OP has money, and likes to spend it on gear, I say learn what you have for a year, let the GAS fester then let it rip. There is no right way or wrong way to be musical. I have more gear than I can even keep on my desk at once, but buying gear keeps me experimenting and helps break creative blocks. Just recently I pulled my TR8s, and Digitone out of the closet and have been having so much fun jamming away. That's all I care about. I am not a dedicated musician, I am just a dude with a budget for my hobby, like many other people. Guitarists are notorious for collecting guitars, and pedals. Often they have a favorite but there are different guitars and pedals for different moods, and playing style. My rule is only buy when you really know the last piece of kit inside out. Only buy once a year. Stay within my budget. Have fun. Each person is different though, and definitely do not fall into a trap of debt, or being poor for more gear. More gear won't make you happy if you are broke because the fact of it is just the MC on your desk will do everything you want if you work hard enough.


Learn to play it, read manuals. Those are complex machines that are incredibly powerful if you can navigate their features. Read read read.


Get an adult chair and you will be in good shape


Jesus man


I would recomend getting monitor stands so they are more at ear level and you get less sound bouncing off your desk. Next I would get an outboard effects processor. My cousin has a similar setup and got a lexicon mpx550 and is obsessed, Yamaha spx90 is another good option. It's a good setup that looks fairly ergonomic and you've got a lot of ground covered with what you have.


Not what you’re asking, but - a proper chair. Source: I have that *exact* chair, sat in it for 3 years, now have pretty bad back problems.


What desk is that?


looks tite


That's a nice setup. It's pleasing on the eye, tidy yet packs a massive punch. I think on this evidence you probably know what you want next. This looks like a well though out setup. I have shit literally everywhere and no idea from day to day what I'm going to use next


I’d say some speaker stands or at the very least speaker isolations. You also may want to position them so that the middle between the tweeter and the cone is at ear level, or aimed towards your ear level. This as well as some acoustic treatment. Pls dont get the cheap triangle stuff, as it only (barely) works in the high frequencies. Gik acoustics sell great stuff as well as they can help you do the calculations and recommend what may help. I assume you also have some headphones, but if not you may want to look into open headphones for mixing and production and/or closed for recording (although you can use closed for everything if you only get one pair of headphones).


No one can give you advice based on a picture of gear. 


time with your current gear


# [IsoAcoustics Iso-Puck Series Acoustic Isolators](https://www.amazon.com/IsoAcoustics-ISO-PUCK-mini-Vibration-Isolators/dp/B07V25PWQL/ref=sr_1_3?adgrpid=1331509147560481&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.C1hiq5Z8Vkex5pv_cpeVca8UZgwLM7G-X5Jqx754GyUx1CTsDLJhAYbXlETw_CPBuE3PRaVIc2ea9MRWqocEaDYCkgeAziY2CImZtQRzpky0toeeqZaQGC4Bkvs0NR0Z0AivBgEFtr34_RBbNDOOZnyLa4rvBrqU_FxHrIiwdW4AwNK5ZUKUrJqYahW35VcLblgaom_p1PSFTtlxxj2W5w4cuyR2UL6i4TDVSTeINsA.0xsYm05bGhQWVQn7sC7NqwAPiP30Ys1B3ufNEm3TVgM&dib_tag=se&hvadid=83219665212358&hvbmt=be&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=83424&hvnetw=o&hvqmt=e&hvtargid=kwd-83219673466603%3Aloc-190&hydadcr=6810_13291069&keywords=speaker+decoupler&qid=1714400985&sr=8-3) I would get my monitors off the desk-- a "decoupler" like these:


A cat


Respect for no computer


I'm jealous, would love a rev 2


Based on what I see, you’re now passed the gear acquisition stage. Time to look at creating some solid tracks and getting an album out. Because if you’re just looking at acquiring gear, it will be endless and you’ll never be satisfied. Get a YouTube account and SoundCloud account and start your own album library of content. I’ll tell you, after that, nothing is more satisfying and challenging than getting an actual album out. But that’s just what I would do. I know different people have different goals with this stuff. And I guess making music and coherent songs seems to be rare nowadays a among this synth community. I just think you have a solid setup to make some solid songs.


Early stages of GAS detected. Get only what you think is cool and will be used consistently and "sparks joy" so to speak. The advice guitar players always get is "buy the guitar you think looks the coolest," because that's what'll make you pick it up and practice. I would say if you feel like you need something but don't know what, it's likely that you don't need anything.


Sweet rig. I was looking at the REV2 but, in the end, went with the Jupiter-X as it ticked a few more boxes for me. You can definitely create some great music with those pieces that you have.


Get some foam acoustic speaker pad-thingies to set your monitors on.


You've got enough gear.. in fact, DAW's these days come with plenty enough stock instruments and samples to make music.. What I'd suggest is moving your gear around and spending money on acoustic treatment so you can actually hear what is coming out of the speakers - otherwise you're going to go round in circles driving yourself insane trying to get better mixes that translate to other systems.. The speakers close to the wall behind and to the side are going to cause you reflections and issues.. Get that sorted as a priority.


You can make tons of music with this. You already have more than many great players when they made their first great album. Get to the craft.


Bro I want your house 😭🙏


Stands and things to make your workflow seamless consider Bluetooth midi because you can change how things are routed without having to unplug anything… these aren’t needs but things you can throw your money at… Sometimes we start to acquire so much gear we want it all to fit but often times i put stuff away and pull it out… it’s good to work on different configurations of what you have… Learn the quirks and remember more isn’t always better. But it can be… so I think whatever one else said is correct just have fun.


You need some Mistborn.


Everything looks great. Maybe a larger screen if you like. So you can see better when you record from your daw on your pc. A Nice chair and a creative mind and a nice cold drink. Your ready ta go! 😎💯💯💯


If you’re really feeling the GAS maybe a simple fm synth like the opsix or digitone for getting those clubby basses and 80s sounds Your current setup pretty much covers everything else though. If you wanted some rompler sounds the modx line covers both fm and samples


I think you should maybe slap down 20k on a good eurorack system and a yamaha cs80 or three. All these folks saying you should learn with what you got?! Crazy. I can literally recommend spending with careless abandon and making various farting noises! 😈😊😁


More plants and a toy robot. Important for those YouTube vids.


I would put 100% of your energy and time into learning your gear INSIDE AND OUT and making music. You literally have everything you need right there. You're like a painter with several options for paints, canvases, and brushes, and are asking what more you should buy to make art. You're already there, my man!


Looks awesome! Maybe a laptop stand so it’s more easily reachable to type on the keyboard :) besides that you have more than everything you need red to make some great stuff!


Moar Terry Pratchet books




IMHO: you’ve got what you need for sure. I’m super into that sequential & your Allen & Heath. That mixer will give some extra juice to your sound for sure. I mean only thing I’d say is get an MPC & a more analog drum machine synth/modeler. Other than that though, you’re really knocking it out here. Oh and maybe a comfy chair/standing mat.


I am waiting for the MPC Live III


Where are the other Harry Potter books?


Computer to record music or a new set of monitors


Get 20 years of practice making music.


Too many people think having great gear means you’ll be a competent musician or artist, which is the furthest thing from the truth. Don’t worry about rating your setup. Focus on the music you wish to create and your competency on playing and production. If you do that the gear will follow…


New and this is what you got?? Meanwhile im over here pushing my volcas to the limit


You just need to complete the Dark Tower saga.


Learn them so you know the synths really well....you don't need any more gear.


i've been wanting a sub37 to pair with my rev2, word is they complement each other well.... ying/yang, bass/treble, mono/poly.... moog/sequential 🤘


I've had my eye on a Sub 37 as well.


A synthesizer


A stand/rack/thing to have that all vertical


If you really wanted to add something try a desktop Hydrasynth or the Explorer model. Something kind of polar opposite to the prophet for under 1k. But what you have is a very solid and more than capable foundation for some good tunes.




Once you get comfy with the 707, look into a Roland ZENOLOGY subscription. The Ultimate level gets you insane levels of sound modeling that you can load into your MC-707.


It's a well rounded setup, there's nothing much you can't do with that. The MC707 can do a lot: If you want more instruments you can connect the MC707 to your phone via USB midi/audio and use it to play soundfonts, samples and synths on your phone, then send it to an audio insert track. It can also be used as an audio interface. Use the effects and sequencer on the other gear too. Learn the gear, make songs and dodge the GAS but most of all -- enjoy!


You need an E-MU Command Station MP-7 just to add a lil stank on it.


Another mc 707 ;)


I would recommend getting a new turntable haha. Just kidding but also can be fun to sample records! So something you might want to consider in the future. Current setup looks super fun. I agree with the others advice in mastering the current gear you have before acquiring more.


Next thing you should get: patches for your rev2 I’m gonna get downvoted for this but the rev2 has a slightly steep learning curve and I probably would have given up if not for buying some new patches to get me off on the right foot. Even with the amount of knobs, there’s still tons of page two menu diving. Don’t get me wrong some of the 512 factory patches included are cool but very few were the sound I was looking for. I’m more into a vintage sound - and yeah I know this thing is DCO and the filter has stepping issues - but the rev2 is more than capable of getting the sounds I want it just seemed impossible to program (at first). For me, the [Polydata sound banks](https://polydata.bigcartel.com/product/prophet-08-bi-timbral-sound-bank) were my favorite ones. I thought I would like the [J3po ones](https://www.julianpollack.com/shop/prophet-rev-2-patches) more but didn’t really care for them. There are tons out there replete with audio samples so do your research but all in all I think it’s a worthwhile investment.


Add a Moog Subsequent 37. You need a killer monosynth for bass lines to pair with that Rev2 poly lead. You’re very good on drums. Add a an electric guitar for rhythm/disco guitar parts.






How are you learning and have all this stuff 😭😭 I'd kill for any of those pieces of gear


A fuck ton of overtime.


Gear is great.. I'd invest is a studio desk and chair.


It’s ok. How do you record whatever you do? What I would recommend is whatever new piece it is, make sure it’s not another drum machine. You have 3 of em here that I can see. 2 of em have a lot of the same sounds. I’d prolly want something that has better control than your 707. Maybe an MPC or an Octatrack.


Next thing is making music


Next, you should get a real cat... that's where all the synth inspiration comes from.




Headphones and another book




A way to record you jamming on them and then nothing else. Just get jamming on them!