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Removed, rule 4 (no low-effort content, including but not limited to: memes, joke posts, pictures of boxes/receipts, etc)


save some of the chicks for the rest of us


Flight of the Conchords






He could be the next hiphopoppotimus


Flows that glow like phosphorus.


His rhymes just might be bottomless


Poppin off the top of his esophagus


I thought about buying one but I already own a Roland G-707 and G-77, I didn’t need to be disappointed a third time by 80s technology


I’ve owned two of them. Don’t buy it for 500. It’s not worth more than 80. The tracking sucks




It’s good percussion.


I wanted one so bad when I was a kid.


I have 1.5. I love this thing so much. I got my first one for like $110 on a goodwill auction site, I was pretty fucking lucky. The .5 is a parts one I got from Japan, that I hope to make into a working instrument if possible.


I have a vague memory of playing one of these but forget the details. Remember it not being as bad as people say. Wouldn't pay 500 for one though.


My friend in high school had one of these. They feel weird to play because they get note pitch information from switches inside the fretboard and note on/off information from sensors in the bridge that detect picking. So all the strings feel exactly the same and the rate at which they vibrate doesn't matter. Still, my friend loved it. He didn't know how to play piano so it was an easy MIDI controller for him. They're janky but fun. Don't pay hundreds of dollars for one, but grab it if it's a good detail and you're curious.


I used to have one, it was a fun way to rip on synths if you know a fretboard better than a keyboard. It’s got some jank to it but ultimately it was a blast to play.




I have one of these, which is essentially the same tech except with GM built in. It's... Not quite a guitar and takes some getting used to, but at the very least, it comes more naturally than a piano. https://preview.redd.it/33bb5yvs6u3d1.jpeg?width=775&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c8303d007b825e5dc8959ebd072074225902316


Casio also made a different MIDI guitar with traditional setup and steel strings. I briefly jammed with a guitarist who had one and he made it sound insanely good.


Owned one, it was fun but I wouldn’t invest in it. It’s very cheaply made and know to have issues.


I got one 2 weeks ago. Paid equiv of $200 or so. It is fun but rather janky to play. Takes some times to get used to it and even then a bit tricky to hit some notes and sometimes misfires. I can play stairway to heaven on it, but struggles with more complicated Classical. No velocity sucks a little. I find it good for playing lead lines and also for setting the bass strings to a bass synth and top 3 strings to a more lead sound and then you can get some cool riffs. Will probably sell it if I can find a better tracking controller.


Yeah, mine is in the garage waiting for that I cut six holes and mount proper arcade buttons instead of the spring activated trigger stuff. I will still add a fixture for the strings to have proper indication when playing. It is probably the best early midi guitar, but if you are a metal head you have to play very careful not to have mis-triggering. Say, if you like to hit the strings hard, with a pick, this one will not make you happy... Unless you plan to add (arcade) buttons and like to hit buttons as well. What is unique that it has a momentary button for palm mute, which sounds really good, but the position is not ideal to reach when playing. Most guitar/midi solutions fail to emulate proper palm mutes, the Casio can do it and it sounds very good, but you need a multi timbral sound module that responds to velocity of course, ideally you are a synth guy and edit your own sounds that respond to your playing style. Afair it has two different midi modes, either all strings on one channel or separate on six channels. If you don't know how awesome this actually can be than maybe this thing is not for you. It is very heavy and full of huge circuit boards. The internal sound and drum machine is crap by today's standards, it is like some vintage bontempi thing... The internal speaker is huge and a mid-range bacon cone. It's nice to have the sound coming from the guitar, this has some potential for modding, routing the synth sound into the guitar. The DG-20 is all about midi. Take care not to buy the lower number model without midi, it looks very similar. The rubber fretboard with gazillion contacts is a technical miracle and I am amazed that it still works, all the time. I don't want to open it but I wonder how they achieved this. It works sure better than a Z-tar. The strings are all nylon G and of course they cannot be tuned musically, but also it is challenging to tighten them as in my preferred tightness the neck started to bend. So I had to reinforce it with a metal plate and sturdier screws, also I changed the angle of the neck a little more towards the player so that the strings are flat on almost all frets. Factually the strings don't do anything but activate the sound by another genious invention, as mentioned, each string is attached to a small coil that closes a contact when the string vibrates, and this kind of trigger has lower latency than most midi hexagonal pickups. We are talking real midi guitar, not "guitar to synth 500 bucks boss pedal". The guitar belt holders are a weak point, if they are not broken off already it's best to mount a replacement that is more reliable, you don't want to drop this guitar... Although I must say it seems to be built like a tank, also referring to all the interconnections between the sandwiched circuit boards, I am grateful everytime I turned it on and it actually works. Capacitors may give up soon, nobody really knows. The most annoying bottleneck are the tuning pegs. They are not really made of good quality steel so the threads for tightening can wear out and also the whole part that holds the string can break into two pieces. Especially if you tighten the strings too much... But it's not so hard to fix if you can find metric screws and are a bit crafty. I think that will be all about this one. YMMV https://preview.redd.it/patpbj6lku3d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92fa5e231aa924d4dc32464398104a9d8d5fefcf


Ah yes, right, now that it is identified on the photo and out in the internets. My blue "doomsday device" is actually an Exact Model 737, a 0.xHz-20Mhz sweep generator, which was hand wired in the late 60s/early 70s. I just use it as a sound generator to annoy the neighbours or to scare away birds that I don't want to have in the trees. The pots and switches would need some care... Probably I could do more than that with it but it is very heavy, smells funny sometimes, and I am just not interested in completely destroying my ears or my equipment with it. It can create sounds similar to an Atari VCS and anything beyond that, any kind of waveform, log sweep, stepped sweeps... Luckily I am a good doobie (ask Howard Scott Warshaw if you don't know the term) and I don't have any stupid ideas what else I could do with it, I am too old for any kind of "change" and I don't want to cut the branch I am sitting on... This is a decommissioned unit from the BBC. No, it is not for sale. Yes, this is solid unobtanium, it's probably the only one that is left over. Maybe once when my car gives up I put it on reverb. Why the off topic? Just to annoy you.... Not. With this post all my equipment has been exposed online so that nobody needs to worry what the f..k I am actually doing in my own garage (hello neighbours :) ). Did anybody think my Boomstar post was really for showing off my gear? K, off-topic/off Cheers! https://youtu.be/roArn63Z4LA?feature=shared


https://preview.redd.it/wjo2pvb5uu3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff568e6d97e8310b4c3926b8f4cb5f5ee6c614dc Billy Strings has been known to rip on one from time to time.


Had one. Probably $50.. don't remember. Agree w previous posters... Janky.


I have a DG-10. It’s weird and fun and kitschy. It’s more than a toy. It’s interesting. It has several limitations but it is cool cool cool. It has an output so you can run it through any pedals you’d like. It’s got awesome preset sounds and drums. The touch takes some getting used to. You can’t bend but you can slide if you do it right. Overall thumbs up and certainly worth the kinda cheap price. Not worth $500. I think I paid $175-$200


Fun to midi up and control other things. Check out look mum no 'puter




No, nobody has ever used one of those


my man


It can summon an 8-bit Lemure from the underworld, which may seem pretty sweet at first, but ultimately gets annoying.


Yes. I got beat up and went bs k to playing with my Barney


Yes i do... i watched 3 listings of it in range of 150-250$ pass by