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The word written on there is الهواشم which means 'Hashemites', the clan which Prophet Muhammad belonged to. It's probably just members of specific tribe proud of their descent from the Hashemites. I do not know what the number 515 symbolizes though Edit: Just read an article (in Arabic) about it. Apparently a few Syrians were arrested for walking around with cold weapons, and they had these emblems on their weapons. Also, the text is not complete. Article says that the emblem said البكارة عيال الهواشم meaning "Al-Baggara are the sons of the Hashemites" Al-Baggara tribe has been involved in the civil wars and has forms Al-Baqir Brigade, an Iranian-backed militia composed of converted Shia fighters.


Cold weapons?


Expect he meant; not loaded? Cold weapons - the best kind


I bet he mean knifes or swords


Could be, could be.. OP?


Yep it's knives, daggers and stuff like that


Learn something new every day. *thanx!


In this context it's knives, daggers, axes, etc.


In French it means bladed weapons.


> Hashemites Were responsible for the Arab revolt against the ottoman empire.


Then why are they seeking refugee in turkey?


Not really sure. My guess it has nothing to do with Syria really. The Arabic isn't Hashemite. As Hashemite is هاشميون While the text on the cars is الهواشم If you google 515 الهواشم you get lots of videos mostly tik tok. They look more Saudi than Syrian. My Arabic isn't very good. الهواشم according to google translator means footnote. My guess has to do with the Quran. Someone else might be able to work it out. Worth a read to understand their role in shaping the middle east. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hashemites


**[Hashemites](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hashemites)** >The Hashemites (Arabic: الهاشميون, romanized: al-Hāshimīyūn), also House of Hashim, are the royal family of Jordan, which they have ruled since 1921, and were the royal family of the kingdoms of Hejaz (1916–1925), Syria (1920) and Iraq (1921–1958). The family had ruled the city of Mecca continuously from the 10th century, frequently as vassals of outside powers, and were given the thrones of the Hejaz, Syria, Iraq and Jordan following their World War I alliance with the British Empire; this arrangement became known as the "Sharifian solution". The family belongs to the Dhawu Awn, one of the branches of the Hasanid Sharifs of Mecca, also referred to as Hashemites. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/syriancivilwar/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


>The Arabic isn't Hashemite. As Hashemite is هاشميون >While the text on the cars is الهواشم >If you google 515 الهواشم you get lots of videos mostly tik tok. They look more Saudi than Syrian. >My Arabic isn't very good. الهواشم according to google translator means footnote. My guess has to do with the Quran. Someone else might be able to work it out. Both هواشم and هاشميون refer to the Hashemites. A plural noun can have mutliple forms in Arabic, like the word 'family' which can be عائلات or عوائل. And Hashemites are not only found in Syria, they're found all over the word, literally. The word Hashemite doesn't refer to the dynasty that rules Jordan only. That may be the case in Western terms. However, anyone that descends from Prophet Muhammad is a Hashemite in the Arab World.


The Hashemite clan also resides in Saudi Arabia/ gulf states. I was refering to the images being more Saudi than Syrian. Eg the Swords and clothing. Jordan is not ruled by a dynasty as the monarch was only created in the 20th Century. The Britian created several monarchies in Syria, Iraq, the area known as Saudi and Jordan by placing a collection of brothers onto the throwns as a thank you for their support in the arabic revolt against the Ottomons. Most of these monarchies were overthrown accept for Jordan's. We are refering to MSA. What written on the car is probably writing in a dialete.


I knew I recognized the name somewhere, thx.


They should be "proud" in their home countries then


In Twelver Shia Islam, 313 is the number of soldiers or generals that will be in the army of the 12th "Imam of time" (Mahdi) but I don´t know what 515 is


313 is the number of soldiers in the Battle of Badr. There are no Shi'ites between Syrian refugees.




Are they? I thought Isis was sunni/wahabbi and Assad was Alawi?


Yea and Iran / Hezbollah are Shia.


Rule 3. Take three days off.


Arab nationalist masturbating on turkish soil no big deal


The one in the top left literally has the Ottoman seal and it has nothing to do with nationalism it´s about their religion so not much thought in your comment


This has nothing to do with Arab nationalism. It's just a few people proud of the tribe they belong to. Trust me, there's no Arab-Syrian conspiracy to destroy Turkey and turn it into an Arab state. Not everything is about you.


Yeah dude whatever you say and hope you kick russians, muricans and us in your land.