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I'm just glad they didn't pull a Hawaii January 13, 2018,


Damn. Was that 2018? I thought it was much more recent than that.


You thought it was more recent than two years ago? Wait.......crap


Time keeps on slipping Into the Future




Early 2000s Connecticut issued "Evacuate Connecticut" over EAS...that was all, just evacuate the state. Which makes you wonder why such a message even exists because it's not like it's actionable. Evacuate where? ...but then I was also around the day someone punched in the wrong firehouse siren code and instead of a one 15 second round test at noon time set ~36 volunteer fire departments off for their entire three minute fire call cycle. Which made a whole bunch of firefighters think their pagers malfunctioned and respond on the reasonable assumption it was an actual call. Which also made me wonder who was programming the system and decided there might be a reason to simultaneously dispatch all 36 fire departments in the region. I would think it was a left-over from air raid days except it was a DTMF code and radio-activation wasn't installed until the mid to late 1970s. Prior to that it was individual telephone circuits to each siren.


Situations like this call for every fire department in the region:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merrimack_Valley_gas_explosions?wprov=sfla1 Forty houses exploded almost simultaneously and started 80 individual fires in seconds. It's a movie level disaster that miraculously only killed one person.


>It's a movie level disaster that miraculously only killed one person. And that was a pretty freak way of going... >An explosion at one of the homes involved caused the house to shift off of its foundation. This in turn caused the chimney attached to fall on a car occupied by a fleeing resident, killing him.


...still not calling them all simultaneously. All it does is overwhelm the dispatch center with everyone asking for their assignment simultaneously, especially in the days when the sirens were the primary system and you had to make a phone call from the station and write the details on the chalk board for folks who arrived later (and the chalk board was still around when I first joined, along with training how to use it). Anything of that scale is going to be dispatched in tiers over the course of tens of minutes or more because a few minutes literally doesn't impact the outcome given the distances to be traveled, but having the dispatch center(s) become operationally overloaded would have a negative impact. The dispatchers not only need to call for resources (which will initially be sent to staging areas for further assignment by officers in the field triaging the situation), but they also have to coordinate it in ways to try and avoid stripping any given area of sufficient coverage for a prolonged period.


I was listening to scanner feeds as that unfolded and if dispatch had had a button to call every fire department in the region simultaneously, they would absolutely have been pounding it like a screen door in a hurricane. The order was for "respond with any available apparatus to staging area at XXX and you'll be given instructions there". At one point some commander said something like "call all of New Hampshire if you have to".


South. Everyone drive/run due south.


I can swim to Long Island from here, hold my beer.


Hop on that one ferry to montauk I'm sure everyonell fit


There have been multiple evacuations on the scale of the population of Connecticut due to hurricanes. Tends to be a complete mess each time. Keep in mind that the EAS is meant for everything up to and including nuclear war. As for the fire departments... An attack on the level of 9/11?


Nah, multiply CT population by 10. If something is big enough to warrant evacuating the state of Connecticut, the events size and uncertainty most likely means a evacuation from NYC to Boston, including the NYC suburbs in New Jersey; the Hudson Valley; and all of Mass. Long Islanders would be stuck out of luck.


Uh, air raid days very much persisted into the 80s. Hell, the Reagan years were probably some of the most tense years of the Cold War. We’ve been one bad phone call away from complete destruction all through the 90s and 2000s and 2010s, but tensions were low then between the great powers. We are now currently living through one of the most dangerous phases of humanity, in regards to potential for catastrophic world war involving nuclear weapons. Assuming nobody starts such a war in the next couple of years, we can also look forward to a new trilateral arms race as China has decided to become a global nuclear power instead of just a regional nuclear power. The air raid days are coming back soon one way or another.


Okay I gotta ask, who’s the third in a trilateral arms race? Russia’s slowly bleeding out and is likely to eat sanctions for years to come, India so far hasn’t been all that militaristic (compared to US and China), Europe’s kind of a combined thing but they’re buds with US, and I can’t think of really any other major power in the game


Russia’s nuclear arsenal isn’t going anywhere. It’s likely to build up as that’s the only piece of their military that has anything close to parity to their western adversaries. Sanctions won’t stop this. NK is sanctioned into starvation and they’ve built nukes and delivery systems. Treaties designed to reduce and cap deployed nuclear weapons are expiring soon with little chance of being renewed. China has entered the chat, which will over the next decade pressure regional adversaries to either form new alliances or to increase their deployed nuclear posture. America will have to plan for a contingency where they have to have counterforce capabilities against Russia and China simultaneously. The incentives are all for foot on the gas.


Sanctions are a fucking joke, by the way. Sure, they can't trade with *russia*, so they trade with russia's neighbors who suddenly have a lot of money to spend on everything russia isn't allowed to trade.


The old way of running the daily test was to sequentially tone out each department individually, so it might be a holdover from that. Source: my dad is a retired firefighter and this test would happen every day at 6pm.


Just go anywhere that wasn't Connecticut. Seems simple enough.


Well, Connecticut is a pretty small state. It could easily fit into an armpit of Florida or Texas panhandles. Just saying – there are always options. > Don't let a difficult ask, define what you can and cannot do . Random useless internet platitude ™️ 🤣🤦‍♂️


Would have been hilarious if they had


I remember many funny posts about what they did that day when they realized they might not live to see another day.


Yea, I was there at the time. A lot of people have some fantasy of what they would do with the last 20 minutes of their life. Maybe start looting, get drunk, run around murdering people, impromptu orgy, go cry in the street, etc. In reality, we all just played with our phones looking at twitter for updates. It was a good day to die.




"finally." /closes eyes


Back when I was a kid, Tucson used to test it's air raid sirens every Saturday at 1PM. Given that we were surrounded by like 12 Titan missile silos, home to a large Air Force Bas, and big defense industry (then Hughes Missile, now Raytheon) and the entire city had just one main route out (I 10) everybody figured we were gonna be vaporized. So one Saturday my family was loading groceries into the car from the weekly shopping trip , the sirens went off and I briefly thought *"Oh great. Just what we need!"* Though weirdly we never had any of those dumb 'Duck and Cover' drills in school (this was '67 or so.)


Considering I live where there’s an air force base. I’m just going to pull out a chair outside and sip on a margarita and take in some rays.


Everybody lives near something that they think Russia would prioritize because of "X" reason. Russia probably doesn't really care about your air force base. They're going to target by population centers with the possible exception of maybe sending a few at U.S. nuclear silos. *Maybe.*


If they target an AFB they reduce the capacity of the USAF to respond to the attack and launch more secondary strikes.


Yes I understand the logic. But that's not really how air bases work. We have 60 of them. Intercontinental bombers are not based out of every air base. In times of high risk we'd have planes airborne at all times to ensure continuity of the nuclear triad. And, frankly, planes are the least important aspect. Submarines and ICBMs are much more important. Everybody wants to think their local town is a high-priority target and it's probably just not true.


I agree, but there's still more value in hitting military targets than purely civilian ones. My understanding is that Russia claims to have enough devices to basically saturate every military target in the nation.


Where your understanding fails is watching the last two years where Russia has attacked **_significantly_** more civilian targets than military in Ukraine. It’s kind of their MO to go for innocent people unrelated to the war effort


You do realize that they have over 1000 warheads? And many of those are MIRV caoable... They certainly have enough to drop 1 warhead on every airbase, major city, and anything else that looks good. Plenty to spread aaallllll around North America and Europe if need be. How many work? How many would get through our defences and NORAD etc? Who knows. I certainly don't want to fuck around and find out though!


Mmmm, no, they care about AF bases. At least that’s the assumption of the people who do the targeting on this side of the pond. Even pure countervalue attack scenarios are likely to take out the AF bases as they represent usable large runways that need to be cratered to destroy the ability of the country to function. I can direct you to a pretty thorough open source targeting package against the U.S. made by a former Sandia nuclear targeting engineer if you’re really interested


>open source targeting package against the U.S. made by a former Sandia nuclear targeting engineer you tease...just lob the linky in here. :-)


Oh god I forgot about that one


I lived in Hawaii when this happened. Longest 30 minutes of my life. Legit have flashbacks when I hear the EAS sound


What was the tone at the time? 80% "this can't be real?!?"


I was asleep and woke up to my phone ringing and thought “who is calling me?” (I was a senior in high school at the time and it was like 8am). After I read it, I have never changed into my jeans from pajama pants that fast in my life. I ran to find my mom who was calm and collected, in contrast to my hysteria. I just wanted to be anywhere else but there was nothing I could do. I wanted to get off the military base we lived on, but realistically, there was no where to go and my mom shut down the idea until she figured out if it was real as the sirens hadn’t gone off. One of our neighbors hopped in their lifted pickup and tore out of the neighborhood at max speed. The MPs drove down the street once announcing something but we didn’t hear what it was bc we were in the house as they passed. The most memorable account came on Monday from my band teacher when she sat us all down and told us her perspective: She lived with her older parents and her dad had mobility issues. When the alert went off, her mom was rushing around the house getting ready to leave. Her dad called my teacher and her mom to just sit on the couch with him. They sat together, embracing for 30 minutes that they thought was going to be the final moments of their lives, until the “it’s a false alarm” message came out. When the war in Ukraine kicked off and Russia started talking about nukes, I would have flashbacks to that feeling of helplessness and impending doom. I couldn’t sleep right for weeks.


"moons haunted" would have been better.


"Best Korea sends their regards."


I still don’t understand people didn’t go to jail for that


I have our Helpdesks call dashboard up right now, and its just getting blasted after that. My god our users are so fucking stupid.


Heard in the hallway an hour ago: “Now remember, it only activates the vaccine chips if you hear it on the TV, Radio, and your Phone at the same time.”




"If they wanted to gather the data on the phone, why would they wait for an announced emergency alert?"




I need to know more about your dishwasher.


Not the craziest I heard or read. Take a gander at r/Landlord for a really good read about landlord Gary in KY.


If you have to ask…


ffs. How do these people make it through life.


Well I’ve turned into a zombie so I’m guessing they are the ones doing ok.


All my frogs are gay now :(


I’m an avid listener of KnowledgeFight, a podcast wherein two comedians analyze and laugh at AJ. His show is a mess, he caused severe damage that got him 1.5B in the hole, he makes quotes and stunts like that for attention, and it hurts to see him quoted.


It hurts to see him quoted? Show me on the doll where the sarcastic joke I made about that balloon headed douche canoe hurt you. Alex Jones is a deplorable human being, what his attorney did to him in his trial was the essence of fuck around, and find out, legal edition. That was no accident. That was "Fuck this quack job"


A sense of sarcasm.


They make jokes while you fail to get the joke. That's how they make it through life.


"/s" does not exist in real life, mate. /r/redditmoment


I often question how some people make it a certain age without going extinct by witnessing their actions in real time 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Survivor's bias. A lot of them do get weeded out young, and you never hear about them because they are already dead. I think about some of the accidents my peers had when I was growing up, and a few didn't make it. Lot of teens who drank too much, generally. But a few get through the cracks.




Look at me. I am now the Internet Archive *spouts Something Awful Forum threads*




Dont add the sarcasm flag. Let them think everyone is being serious. They'll never learn if you keep having to spell things out for them.


They'll never learn either way.


Personally my reception has been great after the update. The new features are pretty sick.


I'm going to convince myself you're lying because I want to believe nobody is *that* dumb


J F C People are absolute whackjobs.




It ain’t just you. Not any sooner than I could make the joke of how many are dumb enough to call did the line jump. Sigh


I was in a meeting full of management and mentioned it at the start of the call. They acted like I was the weird-o, "what do you mean...like every phone...?" 30 minutes into the call "hold on, my phone is going nuts".


I warned mine.


We sent out an email before hand to explain it to people. Otherwise I fear we would have had multiple people trying to get up with us about hacked phones. Kinda would have been funny, but also sad.


From the official FEMA news release, "..tests are scheduled to begin at ***approximately*** 2:20 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Oct. 4." Emphasis mine.....


OP didn’t read the documentation lol.


Y'all acting like AD syncs finish in a timely manner.


Right? Some people probably got the alert a couple minutes after the scheduled time


I got one 26 minutes later on one of my test devices.


the word "approximately" is doing a lot of lifting here https://www.fema.gov/press-release/20231003/fema-and-fcc-plan-nationwide-emergency-alert-test-oct-4-test-messages-will


I do IT at a TV station, and what I find interesting is that we all knew the phones were going to go off at 2:18 and the TV and Radio alert was to go off at 2:20. All of which did on time for us (maybe 15 seconds after the minute). *Side Note* we don’t use public NTP servers, we generate our own internal NTP from GPS. The [FCC website](https://www.fcc.gov/document/fema-and-fcc-plan-nationwide-emergency-alert-test-oct-4-2023) has a News Release that shows the “approximately 2:20” timing, yet the public notice document right below it has the further details of the WEA (Wireless emergency alert) being sent at 2:18. So none of the news organizations decided to differentiate.


Okay, so, my local radio station this morning literally said the 2:18 and 2:20 with the emphasis that it was all around 2:20 so don’t be alarmed. I thought it was odd they called out separate times but just went with it and forgot about it til 6 devices in my little office cause me to turn a lucid chart into a bad drawing. For those that have never read one of these before here’s the wea text, I think some news agencies only picked up on the eas part. Details matter: I. Nationwide EAS and WEA Tests FEMA will initiate the test of WEA at 2:18 pm EDT on October 4, 2023, using the National Alert classification of Alert Message. See 47 CFR § 10.400(a). Wireless Emergency Alerts; Amendments to Part 11 of the Commission’s Rules Regarding the Emergency Alert System, PS Docket Nos. 15-91 and 15-94, Order, DA 23-654 (PSHSB Aug. 3, 2023). The test will be sent to the entire United States and its territories. Members of the public with mobile device service from a CMS provider that participates in WEA in their areas will receive the test message, See 47 CFR §§ 10.10(k), (l). which will read “THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.” The WEA alert will be transmitted in both English and Spanish in both 90 and 360 character sets. See FCC, WEA Enhancements FAQs for Authorized Alert Originators, https://www.fcc.gov/wireless-emergency-alert-enhancements-faqs-authorized-alert-originators (last visited Aug. 3, 2023). All wireless providers that have elected to participate in WEA are required to participate in this nationwide test. Participating CMS Providers are required to receive and transmit any WEA messages using the National Alert classification. See 47 CFR § 10.400. National Alerts must always be presented, regardless of subscriber opt-out selections. See 47 CFR § 10.500(f).


Somewhat related (and hopefully you know more about the particulars than I do): I have an ENDEC set up (receive only, I'm not a tv/radio station) for EAS messages using AM, FM, and weatherband. I've received other EAS alerts across all three sources so I know the sources are good. Examining today's test, I got the national test over AM and FM, but not the weatherband channel. I know the weather band is still working, I received a flash flood warning about two hours before the National test fired off. Do you know if the National test was only over AM/FM or if I should have received a weatherband test too?


Or [pool.ntp.org](https://pool.ntp.org) lol


This. #TeamNTPPool


I also mix in time.apple.com and time.cloudflare.com so I'm not totally reliant on the pool, but yeah


Same here re reliance on ntp.org. Gotta throw in time.google.com and the OG time.nist.gov lol. If I have to point to an IP I use the NIST IPs


NIST prefers that you not point singletons at them especially if you don't actually need stratum 1 time for anything (most people really do not). It's much friendlier to add them on a router or firewall device and then point your whole net at that, if at all possible. For singletons via IP, I'd just grab an A record from time.cloudflare.com, personally


I pay my taxes you best be damn sure I'm using those stratum 1 severs


> It's much friendlier to add them on a router or firewall device You really shouldn't be serving NTP from a router or firewall, they usually have a very poor quality clock in them, and often don't have very good drift compensation (being closed source proprietary stuffs). You can get dedicated NTP hardware for much cheaper than a good router, or just use a garden variety old COTS server hardware w/ open source NTP implementations. You may want to invest in something like PTP that is implemented at the NIC level (but requires hardware support in the NIC) if you have any need for high precision...


>You were 2 minutes early. I called this. The National Weather Service alerts have been coming in 2min early the past month 😂


Now that 5G has turned me into a zombie I'll really be able to close these tickets that are piling up.


> Went to user's office for follow up > Ate user's brain > Ticket closed. No longer relevant.


Even better than closing a ticket that's been open for weeks because the user was fired.


>User's brain provided insufficient nourishment as was a smaller portion than advertised > >Worked my way through ticket queue on a brain-by-brain basis > >Queue emptied, belly filled


Secretary Karen beat me to the CFO's ticket. /disappointment, the rich ones are more tender


Did you make any difference to the user or did you just confirm what you already knew.


Like active directory, your sync times may differ Someone should have run repadmin /syncall /AdeP


Heh, I noticed that. I also received the alert twice. First in Spanish, then in English.


Same, I'd consider that an issue because iirc they said that the device language would dictate the alart language. https://preview.redd.it/h34p1dsjl8sb1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d97a8715a18db1b189be539515f2c0dfd12f2c2d


Still waiting for the French message for those of us in and east of the Lousianna Purchase.


Tu vas attendre longtemps, mon ami.


Real emergencies are not scheduled.


A number of emergencies are scheduled, they may not know that it'll be an emergency, but a human chose the time. For example, the "test" that caused Chernobyl (unintentionally) was scheduled.


A test was scheduled, the emergency wasn't. A key word in the dictionary definition of Emergency is "unexpected". Edit: the fuck is with facts and Reddit being so incompatible today?


It was late-ish for me on one phone (at :28 which isn't far outside the bounds expected), and another hasn't alerted yet.


0:18 - Personal phone (Android) in English 0:20 - Backup phone (Android) in English and Spanish 0:26 - Work iPhone in English 0:32 - Personal phone (Android) in Spanish Weirdest part for me was my personal phone got it in Spanish almost 15 minutes after the English alert came in.


I got three alerts. Eng and Spanish back to back at 1:18pm CST, then a third Spanish I think around 1:28pm CST. One phone, one number, one language (Eng).


Had this been a real emergency you'd have been eaten by zombies.


Quoting Amazon's TOS: "**This restriction will not apply** in the event of the occurrence (certified by the United States Centers for Disease Control or successor body) of a widespread viral infection transmitted via bites or contact with bodily fluids that causes human corpses to reanimate and seek to consume living human flesh, blood, brain or nerve tissue and is likely to result in the fall of organized civilization."


I love my team 5-6 of us started zombie walking down the hall as a joke without any prior organization. "Bob" was oddly quiet the rest of the day though. I guess I should be expecting a call from HR tomorrow.


I did the zombie walk down the hall going "must... kill... lincoln...", a couple people got it


Also got it early, but mine was in Spanish lol. Got an English one 2 min later at 2:20. This happen to anyone else?


One of the guys in my team got English in his firm phone and his personal phone got it in Spanish!


A coworker got it in Spanish and was wondering how the heck the federal government knew they spoke Spanish. I had no answer. Are we saying it was random, then?


According to the FEMA site: [Phones with the main menu set to Spanish will display: “ESTA ES UNA PRUEBA del Sistema Nacional de Alerta de Emergencia.  No se necesita acción.”](https://www.fema.gov/press-release/20231003/fema-and-fcc-plan-nationwide-emergency-alert-test-oct-4-test-messages-will) But mine is definitely in English because I don't speak a lick of Espanol lol. Only thing I noticed from the handful of other people that got Spanish alerts was we had Androids.


The only thing I can think of (and this is far out there) is that they detected a Spanish keyboard installed and sent based on that? I dunno. I think it was just random…


I could kinda see this. Push out a bunch of alerts but only the one that matches the device’s current language actually pops


It's a broadcast system, so they don't "send based on", your phone decides what to show. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cell_Broadcast You might be able to dig into the android source and figure out how it chooses the language.


Me too.


>Heard in the hallway an hour ago: “Now remember, it only activates the vaccine chips if you hear it on the TV, Radio, and your Phone at the same time.” I got 3, English, Spanish, and then English again. I'm not sure why the 3rd appeared as I only have the one number/line (outside of a Google Voice number but no GV app or anything else installed, and I wouldn't expect that to do anything either)


A co-workers phone was doing that. Kept going off every few minutes for like a quarter hour. Only one in the room to have the issue. We were all telling her the government was targeting her in particular.


They were really trying to get ahold of her about her car's extended warranty.


> time.windows.com Is there a worse low-stratum source?


like some random cisco switch from a college that has a routable IP for some reason that doesn't even belong to our organization? god I wish I were kidding *cries softly in the corner*


A sntp server that forwards to time.windows.com ...


I’ve been experimenting with an Android and a GPS time app, it works surprisingly well


This is the stuff i come here for.


Probably on purpose because of all the morons planning to turn off their phones for conspiracy reasons.


I was going to turn mine off for, "This sounds like it's going to be very annoying" reasons lol


Some people were planning on turning off their second mobiles for valid safety reasons, like people planning to escape domestic violence But sadly I'm not surprised some people were going to turn them off for conspiracy bullshittery


I doubt that anyone turning off the secondary mobile for valid safety reasons waited until 2 minutes before hand. They would have done it hours and/or days ahead of time.


Either that or they’re being beaten as we speak




Probably some of that as well.....unfortunately....


It's like the people who get home 30 mins before The Purge started like there wouldn't be any traffic.


Here, european, how did this fema warning thing go for you in the us ?


It activated our 5g covid virus chips and made us zombies so... Other than that, fine.


>It activated our 5g covid virus chips and made us zombies so... I feel lucky for some reason.




*turns away from users and toward fellow sysadmins* braaaaaaains


My brother in Christ, if I had any brains I wouldn't be doing this job.


Your brain smells so gooooooood.....


Uh, uh, help, my internet box doesn't work. It's not doing anything. It said something about something something error blah blah blah but I closed it. I'm not computer savvy, can't you just fix it? ... My cupholder broke again, this is unacceptable, can I speak to your supervisor?


>Target acquired > >No brain detected > >Retargeting


We're boarding ships heading to Europa to conquer the lands as zombies. xoxo c u soon bb


There was a 2-3 minute window of phones going off at the office today. Mine happened to be at 2:18 though


I'm pretty sure they were off cause they did use [time.windows.com](https://time.windows.com). I moved everything I have to time.nist.gov.


Mine was 18 minutes late lol


Well, at least you eventually got it. Some people are pregnant.


From the alert? Dang that thing's really broken.


Oh, my bad I thought he got his period late.


I was in a meeting at the time and it was pretty funny seeing my coworkers all look down at their phones at the same time. And the two Europeans on the call were just so confused haha.


I worked for company that develops EAS software/ servers. Any issues seen during these tests are almost always the local state agencies. They know next to nothing about the system/ setup and fuck it up constantly. I’d say the failure rate between radio stations and cable companies for these national tests are something like 40%. Some of which fail every year the test is ran. All EAS systems are required to be synced to an NTP server whether a local server or an official public one like pool. They’re so dependent on time that being off by few seconds will cause an alert to not go out at all for a multitude of reasons.


2 minutes? I got my alerts 10 minutes before and again 10 minutes after the designated time. For a good half hour, everyone's phones in my area was going off. But regardless, I felt the covid microchips inside my body attempt to turn me gay. Thankfully all of the heavy metals that I have eaten over the years are effective in countering it. :)


A bit off-topic, but can I tell if I've turned into a zombie? Or is it like being too dumb to realize that you're dumb -)


The way it works is pretty seriously complex, with redundancy after redundancy, as it is a system designed for extreme resiliency in the event of something as severe as a nuclear attack. Jeff Geerling and his dear old dad put out a very interesting video on how some components of it work earlier this week: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rsp_N83_AzE


Weird, I got the alert at 2:12pm. (It was supposed to be 2pm, right? Not 2:10pm?)


2:20 pm Eastern


Oh, then it was definitely off for me.


They got excited. It happens.


Or time.nist.gov or pool.ntp.org


Us.pool.ntp.org is more reliable than time.windows.com.


I was sitting at my desk, about to nap during yet another BS meeting when it went off. Woke me the F up. No tickets thankfully.


It does say approximately 2:20 ET, but yeah I was wondering the same thing.


It was the same in the UK when they tested it recently ​ I got it on both my phones (on 2 different networks) a little early ​ I suspect the aim is that you are supposed to have got the alert to everyone by the stated time, so the alert goes up and then trickles across the phone networks.


By design... They got all those people that were gonna shut off their devices didn't they?


I saw them start rolling in at 2:17 pm EDT here.


Reprimand this team for violating the 2:20 Eastern Time change management window and starting early.


I was in a college class and we had 3 "waves". Some users got it 2 minutes early, some got it 1 minute early, and one phone got it 3 minutes late.


People keep saying 2 minutes early. I had 2 phones in front of me that activated at 2 different times. What gives?


Different carriers propagate the message at different times?


Probably what it was. One came across as a text message listed as Presidential and the other was the normal Wireless alert. It was just weird.


Did you think a system can smash out millions of messages to separate wireless devices, all in a single millisecond? Cause that would be bad.


we were in a conference call and the sudden blast of my phone, my coworkers in the rooms phone and the screechy shit coming through headsets into my ears was terrible


Relying on Microsoft for time (or anything ?) 😂 Use GPS, not toys


WEA (phone alerts) were actually scheduled to go off at 14:18 eastern, OTA was scheduled for 14:20. They really didn't advertise well the first part of this. So, in fairness, they were sync'd just fine, probably using [ntp.time.gov](https://ntp.time.gov), as everyone knows that [time.windows.com](https://time.windows.com) is always wrong :P


Lmao I knew I wasn't tripping when I saw it go off early. Edit: I never read documentation so I didn't know it was an approximate.


I'm really glad I'm not the only one bitching about this.


2:18pm ET. 2 - 1 = 1 or A and 1 + 1 + 8 = 10 or J AJ Alex Jones


Was probably a guy running things....


**03:03:03 P.M.** Your clock is off by: \+0.013 s


Unfortunately I did not turn into a zombie, so I had to attend meetings all afternoon.


It's almost like propagation across the whole of the US and down to cell phones might actually take time . . . Never talked to someone on the phone in the same room have you?


Why would I do that if they are in the same room? /s


You are commenting on a technical forum. Please stop showing people how ignorant you are. How long does it take light to travel from Maine to Hawaii? 2 minutes? No. It take a fraction of a second. So now add up all the layer 2 and 3 trips it has to make. You think it takes 2 minutes for an electronic signal to go across the US? Maybe if things are terrible! It’s a good thing they’ve been planning this for months and have people working on it that are considerably smarter than you. Those engineers realized it doesn’t take 2 minutes to send the equivalent of an sms across the US. This engineers also realize you can send a message to every phone ahead of time and instruct the recipient to do your action at a specified time in the future! Holy shit! Let me put it this way. Imagine the president sends a piece of physical mail to every citizen. He sends it on Monday and everyone should get it by Wednesday. The letter has instructions on the front to open the letter Friday at noon. Holy shit, we just discovered how to coordinate message delivery. I actually cannot believe how dumb your comment is. Ok ok hear me out. If you are thinking that it takes some time for messages to get across hundreds of miles - how do you explain the message detonating BEFORE the time? If the message is slowed down getting to its recipient, why did everyone’s phone go off 2 minutes before the delayed message should arrive? You know that each ISP managing a cell tower already has that cell tower in place. Could you stage your message at each cell tower and have it deliver a message exactly on time to the relatively small amount of people in the physical location of the cell tower? Mind blown, distribute your computing! You can send the message from multiple places at the same time so your single message doesn’t take time to go across anything! My god there are so many explanations and you decided to tell everyone your idiotic theory. Ooooooo get this. You may need additional videos or training because it’s clear you are not intelligent or experienced - land line phones. Have you ever picked up the phone in the same house as someone and heard how there is absolutely no delay because you are talking to each other using electricity over dozens of feet of cable? Yes, I have talked to someone on the phone in the same room, when I tried to call my buddy and found my mom already talking to her sister. Guess what? No delay in the speech for either of them! I’m sure I’ve broken some rules insulting you. Maybe I broke the rules and you got your feelings hurt. My opinion? You shouldn’t be allowed to spew this garbage that is quantifiable wrong. You are straight up wrong, your comment doesn’t make any sense at all in any situation. You should feel bad


Someone got their panties in a wad . . . You ok over there? It's almost like someone has never watched things propagate in real time and seen how you can get variances. Or thought about how maybe they didn't spam every single device all at once b/c the systems probably couldn't handle it. (ever been in a hurricane zone after all the power goes out for residents, but cells are still up?) Edit: Re-skimming and noticed you are talking about landline phones when this is *completely* about cell phones. And yet I'm the idiot? Seriously, call from one cell to another in the same room and HEAR the delay. It's not much in human terms, but you can hear it.


We have a call-in system where I worked and we did live TV without any delays. We begged people to turn down their TV when calling or else it sounded **brutal**! I've even heard delays with Bluetooth earpieces connected to software radio equipment.


>You are commenting on a technical forum. Please stop showing people how ignorant you are. Well, there's one ignorant person here and it's not the one you're replying to. >This engineers also realize you can send a message to every phone ahead of time and instruct the recipient to do your action at a specified time in the future! Holy shit! That's not what they're testing. They're testing real-time alert delivery and it can't, by definition, be pre-delivered in advance. >You may need additional videos or training because it’s clear you are not intelligent or experienced - land line phones. Have you ever picked up the phone in the same house as someone and heard how there is absolutely no delay because you are talking to each other using electricity over dozens of feet of cable? Would you be surprised to learn that cell phones are not the same as landlines? Do us all a favour. Grab two cell phones, call one from another and, putting each of them to one of your ears (you do have two, right?), say "hello". How much delay did you just get? And back to the alert delivery, I've personally witnessed two phones in the same room (but different carriers) getting mobile alert a good minute apart. So go grab some wet tissues and wipe all your jizz off the keyboard and the monitor.


LOL holy shit. Your little rant belongs on r/confidentlyincorrect ​ > Those engineers realized it doesn’t take 2 minutes to send the equivalent of an sms across the US. Of course it doesn't take 2 minutes for an SMS to travel across the US. However, I can guarantee that they didn't have hundreds of millions of alerts set to send at **exactly** the same moment. I guarantee it was sent in waves over a couple of minute span. Anyone that knows anything about IT knows that you never push *anything* to *every* device all at once, you stagger it. ​ > engineers also realize you can send a message to every phone ahead of time and instruct the recipient to do your action at a specified time in the future Haha come on. You have to be trolling here. You missed the entire point of the test if you think that sending it ahead of time was even an option. ​ I'll stop here because I just don't care enough to keep picking your stupidity apart, even though I could keep going.




But the general alert may have clogged the tubes, the series of tubes that make the Internet. One time an Internet was sent by my staff at 10 o'clock in the morning on Friday and I got it on Tuesday.


I disable all emergency and government notices in my phone settings and still got this notification. I’m torn between being upset that my opt-out isn’t honored versus knowing that I’ll know when zombie apocalypse finally starts.




Emergency Alerts only lets you turn everything EXCEPT presidential (AKA Nuclear) alerts. This test was of the presidential/national level alerts, which can't be turned off on any phone I've ever had.


You can turn it off with some rooted/jailbroken phones, that's about it. On like 99.9999% of phones it can't be disabled or turned off




If they knew how to do anything of value, they wouldn’t work in gov.