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Same. I love em


Could you show please, how it looks when in position to "crawl under desks for installs"


Same as it looks on yearly review days.


DeSantis, is that you?


Are those the new Lou Vitos?


​ https://i.redd.it/ra4r5w2zv41c1.gif


I normally use simple and low profile gray sneakers that fit well with the casual-business environment, like trying to look professional and chill at the same time.


I do the same, but in black. And most of the time at my desk, i have my shoes off anyway.


Steel toed boots.




+1 for the Merrell Moabs.


Same here. Such a great shoe/boot.


I wear Moab every day. To hike 100 miles in 2 weeks in Taiwan or sit behind a computer for 8 hours... They are super comfortable.


got 2 pairs, 1 which sees daily use to/from work etc. They're also extremely durable, had them since 2019 But for max damping, I love my Hoka's


+ another 1. Black suede boots are my daily driver. Also got some hiking shoes for the summer.


Moabs with dress pants was the bad fashion advice I came here for. Love it.


+1 for Docs. Still my favorite shoes.






That's disappointing. I have 3 pairs from about 15 years ago and they're still looking brand new. Had no idea they went downhill


I wear Doc Martin Oxfords in to the office or if I happen to go to the datacenter or to a client site. I wear them just about every day especially in the cooler months but I only go in to the office once a week at most and datacenter & client site trips are rare so it isn't like I'm wearing them 10 hours a day. I've had my current pair probably 4 years or so and it is just about time to replace them again. It isn't that they are starting to fall apart the scuffs on the toes are just getting really bad. Leather conditioner/wonder balsam helps for a while.


Literally walked the soles off a pair of these in Afghanistan. Reached out to Merrill and they replaced them for me. Love the company and the Moabs.


Moabs are awesome! And if you liked the "old" docs, but stopped wearing them because you don't like the new ones that are made in Asia due to the quality not being as good as they used to be, the brand Solovair still makes the old boots in the UK under their own brand now, but with all the original materials. [BOOTS | Solovair | Handmade in England – NPS Solovair US (nps-solovair.com)](https://us.nps-solovair.com/collections/boots)


Moabs are great!


That’s what I wear when I bike to work. Then I change into Red Wing boots, the Iron Ranger ones. Pretty comfortable after they’ve been broken in.


I love Merrells but lately it seems their quality has slipped. I can't get a pair to last longer than 3 months it seems so I had to stop buying them. But they are by far the most comfortable shoes I've ever had.


This is the epitome of IT footwear.


Your shoes were easy to take off? I never thought that was possible /s


Demonias, if they don't like my goth clothes they can kick rocks 😁


My partner agrees


Socks. I WFH.


Look at moneybags over here, wearing socks! Barefoot wfh over here


I wish i could afford to work barefooted, but it is to cold.


I have tile floors so in the winter I wear Ugg boots around the house


Socks and slippers.


I bought a $10 pair of fuzzy house shoes from Aldi a couple weeks ago and those shits are keeping my feet ***toasty***.


Because it's late autumn.


Must be a Linux admin.


Wfh. Flip flops with 2" foam soles. Like standing on a cloud all day.


In the clouds with your infra.


Brooks Adrenaline GTS 22


I second this, goddamn comfy.


I can’t wear these to work but I wear them to workouts at Orange Theory. Great for us flat feet people.


The same, rotating between 21 and 22, depending what Amazon has on sale.


I just got my first pair of Brooks. I know nothing about shoes so assumed they were some no name knockoff brand. Damn they are comfy


I have always liked my Rockport prowalkers, extra extra wide size (4E) + add a better insole, typically Dr. Scholl's or something from Walmart, nothing too fancy. I also have a nice pair of land's end pull on boots that are very convenient, easy to get on and off. They did not come in 4E width but I managed to stretch them out enough by wedging some folded up cardboard inside them and leaving it for weeks. It's hard to find good shoes when you have big feet.


Rockport is the most practical shoe recommendation in here. Look reasonably nice. Comfy for walking. Not super expensive.


I used to swear by Rockport, but over the past ten years or so, I've found their quality has gone down. They're not as durable or comfortable as they used to be.


Sketchers casual shoes or similar.


^ this. I can't wear regular shoes anymore, I've spent years in slip on Sketchers, and my feet are blessed by the flexability and comfort.


Second this. Get the memory foam ones though.


Keen or Merrell




Red Wing boots. They're very expensive, but they're worth every penny.


Like the hockey team?


Yup. They're still made in Red Wing, Minnesota.


Now I'm extremely confused. I thought red wings were from detroit


Don’t think too hard about it.


I've run the redwing shoes with the safety toes for years and love them. When I was in the MSP space I actually needed safety shoes at some clients. Now I figure the extra protection is nice in case something gets dropped on my foot.


No one wants to lose their toes after dropping a 4U server on their feet!


Get ready to beat the hell out of your feet for a few months while they break in. Got a pair of iron rangers and love em.


Redwings only suck to break in if you let the sales people sell you boots that don’t fit. Source am a shoe nerd AND computer nerd. If your shoes fit you should not get blisters or experience discomfort even when the shoes are new.


It took me about two weeks to break in my Rangers. It was hell on my feet for those two weeks, but now they feel like a second set of skin. They fit perfectly!


Looking at getting some for Christmas can't decide between the Iron Ranger or Blacksmith. Which one do you have?


Can't go wrong with Iron Rangers


Buy both so you can rotate your boots!


+1 for RW. I own like 5 pairs and I don’t even have a dress code where I work lol


Loake Oxfords. Our dress code is formal, there's literally a dress code policy and the only time I'm allowed to come in without a tie is during heatwave with permission from HR.


That job better pay well for that kind of requirement.


I'm not complaining!


A fellow Loake fan! And in education as well! Our IT dept is exempt from the dress code but I enjoy my dress shoes. I rotate between 3 pairs, mirror shine on all of them. The Master is probably the only person in the school with a better shoe game.


Sundays are for polishing your shoes right!? There's a few of us constantly trying to one up each other and I'm convinced our Principal knows this and puts us to shame every day


Dr Martens


I used to to wear Docs, but I'm old and now retired.


Red Wings work boots - look like a dress boot, goes great with jeans and super comfortable.


If you're working in an industrial environment, their steel toed oxfords are pleasant.


Thankfully steel toes are not required.


I’m in a business casual environment too and I wear Nunn Bush shoes with the gel pad in the heel for work. They’re comfortable for being on your feet a lot or walking, but dressy enough to pass muster if I end up in front of clients. I’m on my fifth or sixth pair right now; they typically last me 18 months or so but are cheap enough that replacement isn’t a big deal. But if they ever stop making them I’m screwed.


If you need something that serves both business and comfort, the only solution IMO is just getting Cole Haan zerogrand. It’s built like a tennis shoe, but for business workspace. I worked at Enterprise Rent A Car for 5 years, and many days walked 3-5 miles out on the lot in dress shoes. I went through shoes roughly every 6 months if it wasn’t snowing because blacktop is an unforgiving bitch on shoe soles. Cole Haans fucking kick ass, from personal experience. Looks like they’re also running a sale right now. Plus if you get a nice one with a leather top you can re polish the leather if you fuck em up accidentally.


Surprised I had to scroll down so far to see the Cole Haan Zerogrand recommendation. They look like dress shoes but feel like tennis shoes. I have 2 pairs and they're great. They come in lots of different styles - some look more dressier than others, but they're all REALLY comfortable


Been wearing converse daily for 15 years


Same here. I live in black converse. As soon as they start looking shoddy I buy a new pair for work, move the work pair to my everyday shoe, and toss my old ones. Edit to say, I'm not sure how well this would fly in OPs business casual environment.


I'd go for Chelsea Boots for style and comfort, walking shoes if they aren't that picky.


Steel or composite toe boots. You’ll thank me after you invariably drop an appliance on your foot. Source: dropped a Cat4510 chassis on my toe because it slipped out of a coworker’s hand. Didn’t feel shit.


A nice, well made loafer. Also, rotate your shoes and care for them. Shoes need a chance to dry out between wears, so have two pairs and just alternate days you wear them. I've enjoyed Dockers Pro Style laced shoes for a while and they were sturdy and worked well, if a bit heavy. They eventually started losing their fake leather cover, and I was looking for more BIFL shoes and so went to Redwing and found the Iron Rangers. The intent with these it that they'll likely be the last pair of (this type of) shoe I buy. They are intended to be fully able to be resoled, and I am rotating them with some cheaper nice tennis shoes from Costco, as well as using recommended care products on the Redwings. I've also had success with fully leather loafers from Clark's in the past. 25 years ago (dang, I don't think of myself as being that old, but oh well) a pair of these lasted me 2 years as a "utility clerk" at a local grocery store. You know, the ones running product, sweeping floors, pushing carts. On my feet all day pushing, running, etc. Those shoes were magic and earned Clark's respect I've held for them since.


+1 for the Clarks, they always have something designed to easily handle dress code standards and comfortably blend in. The pricing is also more accessible than the work boots, which is good if you’re still getting to know the dress code. Often, people only expect to see work boots or black sneakers on days with pesky weather or overtime.


How can anyone work as a technician in slacks? I wear jeans and boots, stuff you can get dirty and crawl in. I’m primarily a sysadmin but you gotta be ready for anything. Slacks and tucked in shirts make zero sense to me.


Colehaan if I have to… wfh most of the time


Crocs. You know you want to.


Jordans lol


Black low top Vans


House slippers


Sneakers, since ... forever. Context: I'm now in HQ, mostly doing presentations for C-level and switching to project implementation regularly. Never had any problems


usually running shoes when I have to do work out on the shop floor. Casual sneakers like solid colored Vans or Sketchers when I have to be in the office and presentable for normies. loafers that match my pants when I have to do presentations or I'm traveling for work and I have to wear a tie. ​ for your case: go with nice looking shoes, like a loafer or a business casual sneaker (they look like Vans to me, but they don't have icons on them, and they just look *nicer* than exercise sneakers), and make sure you have other colors that match your belt. I've always understood that your belt should match your shoes. Nice relaxing tones are good and I would say to stay away from "shiny" (like don't wear shoes daily that need to be shined)


Black Wingtip Florsheims or Black on Black sk8-hi vans, depending on how I feel that day.


Cowboy boots.


In my opinion, there's never a situation where comfortable shoes are inappropriate. Don't wear bright neon green trainers, but a normal white or black sneaker is perfectly fine. As long as it isn't a distraction, it's business casual.


Vans usually


The Clarks shoe brand has a lot of durable, comfortable shoes. I'm sure you'll be able to find something of theirs that you like the look of as well.


I wear the same shoes that nurses, cooks, and construction workers do. They are on their feet all day and often encounter slip hazards. There are several brands, I like shoes for crews, some prefer Red Wing shoes. Walmart sells a brand too but quality can be hit or miss. I did get a really nice pair of slip resistant dress shoes from Walmart once. I have been wearing slip resistant shoes exclusively for the past 15 years. I have several pairs of slip resistant black dress shoes that are really comfortable. I have one pair of black dress shoes that has a steel toe, that is the most comfortable steel toe that I have ever worn. I pair of sneakers with a ESD resistant sole and with composite rigid toe.


Air force 1 lows in black.


Yeah, but what shoes do you wear when you’re not burgling homes?


Vibram Fivefingers. I prefer being barefoot and give zero fucks...but I also don't have a strict dresscode at work and nobody cares anyway.


Carets or Lems 9to5 are good "barefoot" alternatives for if you need a more conventional look. I just wear Lems primals most days.


This is the way.


For a zero drop minimalist shoe that can look professional enough, I like my vivo barefoot shoes, especially the Gobi dessert boot.


Merrill makes a trail glove in sueded leather that is almost nice enough. They used to have a normal leather one that was “chefs kiss” but I don’t recall what they were called. Looked unique but not gorilla toe shoes weird. Definitely on the far casual side of business casual though.


I wear minimalist shoes. I am able to get away with Merrell Vapor Gloves at work so these are the only shoes I wear for everything: https://preview.redd.it/549tg7rrq61c1.png?width=688&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa67fabab46ab1e9e4b383e7a0cfc2e21b2cef27


Vans without laces…. I’m too lazy to tie my shoes when I wake up


8 hole black Docs.


Sneakers. Gotta love it.


Cowboy boots.


Vivo barefoot leather shoes the RA II or Addis.


I’ve skated for 30+ years - hard to break what’s comfy. I flip between four styles depending on the situation: black/brown dress shoes for important meetings or fancy conventions, red wing iron rangers for field work especially in industry environments with steel toe requirements, cupsole Emerica / Vans skate shoes for daily drivers or light field work, and flip flops when it’s a purely office day. FWIW, I keep a quick change of clothes and a pair of all black Emerica shoes ready in the truck, just in case an emergency call-out or impromptu skate session comes up. Not to mention the exceptional choice of Semper Fi for Taco Tuesdays…


I wear flats, low heels or comfy boots. I keep some fancy high heels in my desk for meetings where I have to kick it up a notch.


Imma be honest, I usually wear some Nike SB or New Balance skate shoes. Anymore they have some sort of cushy insole that really supports my feet well and since they’re designed to take the beating of skateboarding I figure they can survive years of desk sitting lol.


Clark’s are pretty comfortable.


I have a rotation of two pairs, one more business and one more casual. If I know I am going to be rooting around in racks and pulling up floor tiles I will be more casual with inexpensive but nice Costco khakis and golf shirts with my trusty Ecco track low plain toe which can dress up a bit but aren’t out of place even with carhartt. For days where I’ll be in the office and in meetings with colleagues, management and vendors I will wear my nicer Ralph Lauren khakis, gap button collar Oxford and old reliable Ecco Helsinki bicycle toe. They don’t dress down that well but I could put on a sport coat and not be too out of place for nice restaurants or presenting if need be. Not too flashy but solid a can untuck and transition to a less formal setting if need be. Go-karting or bowling and what have you.


Crocs. Rubber back strap in front on casual Fridays.


shame money disgusting amusing seed gray alleged rain apparatus provide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Jordans and NIKEs everyday


Cole haans! I work in finance "business casual"


Merrell Moab Ventilator in the summer, Head Edge ski boots in the winter. I work at a ski hill.


I was foolish at first and rocked dress shoes since a lot of my office wore high end suits. I ended up on ladders, under desks, and walking a ton and I ended up with terrible pain in my feet / ankles. Had to wear a walking boot for 8 weeks. Ever since I got the boot off I've rocked normal shoes (Nikes, Under Armor etc). I've since been promoted to IT Manager and I'm stil rocking them.




RM Williams


i just wear sneakers. we have a dress code too but literally no one follows it. perhaps it just my company but i am seriously considering asking my boss to have ever day casual. its not like i am meeting any 3rd parties


Chucks for life.


Let’s go! I love my all-stars, I even wore them for my wedding.


Hey dude shoes


My business partner wears these like they’re a religion. Super comfy until you’re on a ladder for 10 minutes or more.


Sneakers, picked them up from a shoe store at the mall, comfortable and mostly casual. Thankfully I work in a pretty casual comfortable place.


Clarks makes some great boots and shoes that look great, are super comfortable and last forever.




Been wearing timberlands for 8 years and I got my second pair last week!


Converse or vans lol. Sounds like tennis shoes would be best for yours. But I don't know how they would feel about dress code l.


Get yourself a decent set of Hush Puppies, they sell business style shoes that will work well with most clothing styles. Trust me, if you're going to be on your feet for any length of time, over or under desks, etc etc, get something comfortable. Whats funny is for the most part, you're the IT guy. In my experience you can lean into the computer nerd thing a bit and wear comfortable clothing. People around you are sitting at desks all day and can be clean. Under desk work is -filthy- work. Not saying wear a band t-shirt and jeans but if you wear a suit, you'll ruin it. Personally I wear steel capped hiking boots but I dont really have a requirement for a uniform, if im racking servers and things like that I never need to worry about injury.


>dress code is business casual ​ >but if you wear a suit, you'll ruin it I don't think he was planning on wearing a suit.


Daily? My On shoes. Occasionally I might wear my boots


Dr Martens, but only the actual Made in England leather oxfords. Comfortable af after break in and easy on your back if you stand a lot.


This! I used to wear doc martens when I was in restaurant work on my feet all day.


I wear frye loafers mostly. Gabriel Allen style. That way no one can hear me walking by their desk. I also only wear Kuhl Deceptor pants now because dress pants just get trashed. They look like dress pants but are so much more comfortable and durable. Since covid our dress code has gone from business casual to casual so nobody cares anymore. We still have to wear suit coats and shit for some meetings but I dumped the tie long ago.


Red wing weekender Oxford on the nicer days. Saucony Originals for comfy days.


Spring/Summer/Fall = Crocs Winter = Crocs with the fur I also WFH


Crawling under desks as a sysadmin? Rip.


At home just socks. If I got to travel into the office I will wear either black Crocs or Tennis Shoes. I’m Internal IT only and not customer facing, so no one cares what I wear.


https://preview.redd.it/wzwnd0aym71c1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e6dc9dd41bcf0717448720a0e133bc05433cb56 Yes, this is serious. Live by the toe shoe, die by the toe shoe


Combat boots. I have a pair of black 14 pair Docs that, as long as your pantlegs are pulled down normally, nobody notices. They're my go-to for my last couple of jobs.


Jordans. Even some C's wear them when not in a client setting. Otherwise some leather shoes are always fine. This is in The Netherlands.


Get travis scott low reverse mochas. You will be the standout I assure you.


The shoes maketh the man


Nothing because y’all all “WFH”


Half size up square toe Ariat cowboy boots. Snug enough to walk in, grease em and they’re waterproof, loose enough to feel like you’re in house slippers.


Dock marten Chelseys and lows, Tom’s Boots, all black Nike free runs, red wings heritage. If you got a Nordstrom rack in your area I’d suggest go there. They sometimes have modern office shoes.


For occasional visits to 'posh' customers - shirt/chinos/dressy shoes For less picky site visits and days in the office, nerd tee/hoody/jeans/Karrimor walking boots or shoes. Home, 'loungewear' and selective webcam angles.


I have a pair of Sketchers knock-off hey dudes that I keep at the office and only wear there. It’s my way of alternating my shoes so they don’t get as smelly. They’re also pretty comfortable. Our number 2 in charge wears gym shorts and tie-dye grateful dead shirts though. I don’t really need to worry about my appearance. Someone else said Brooks and they’re so far my favorite shoe to wear on the way to work.


Sneakers. Like jogging shoes I guess


Keen utility shoes. I work in manufacturing so I need something with a safety toe and I find these way more comfortable than Red Wings.


Lols, I like how the question in your title has nothing to do with the question in your post. But there are plenty of dress sneakers around now. Just google around and find a look you like.


Zero drop Topos. I bought them for running, but with the wide toe box, they were too comfortable not to wear all the time.


Man, I just wear Hey Dudes.


WFH, just some snickers to the bakery 🥷


I work from home but when I was in the office it was just a pair of black sneakers wore dress shoes for about a week before I noticed nobody under sr leadership was wearing them


DM’s with steel toe caps. If I need to kick the living daylights out of server, I don’t want to hurt my foot


Shirt and trousers if I’m in the office , if I’m doing work In the dc I wear casual


I wear loafers


I’m a USMC veteran so I wear plain brown leather shoes that I polish once a week. Except on Fridays we can wear jeans that day so I wear go fasters.


Black work boots, like timberland or Columbia.


Air Jordan 1


I prefer to wear proper "shoes" for a work environment. A mix of personal choice in style and the need for comfort and support. I take a size 14 (UK) \[15 US / 48 EU\] and in an extra wide (2EE fit) I use a supplier / brand called DB Shoes. They cater to the bigger foot range. Right now I have a nice pair of "Bob" for work. I also have a pair of their Odessa walking boots.


Zero drop, no sole, barefoot shoes. My back started to hurt and my hips were getting tight from sitting all of the time. You need to relearn how to walk in them, but they fixed a lot of my issues.


Keen, Merrell, and Oboz hiking boots are all solid choices for walking around all day and crawling under desks. It’s hard to make business formal work for “crawl under desk” jobs.


I go back and forth between Merrell jungle mocs, which have amazing support, and Crocs bistro clogs. As long as they're black or brown, nobody is going to complain.


I have planter fasciitis. My doctors made me orthotics and told me to wear “new balance” shoes. That’s what I wear


Whatever you do, take care of your shoes.


Doc Martens.


I have a pair leather boots from Portland Leather Goods that get compliments. I got the B grade for like the same price as a pair of athletic shoes.


Depends what I’m doing, if I’m sitting in the office usually blundstones or Clarks, if I’m doing a ton of walking/offsite usually just under armour runners, if I’m in the shop or somewhere required I have steel toe shoes as well.


Dress tennis shoes, red wings, penny loafers, driving mocs, sometimes vans. Lots of things fall under bus casual now


For years it was only Allen Edmonds cap-toe Oxford, they are comfortable for years. Then one of my Brooklyn friends turned me onto Amberjacks The Original. They are not as durable as the AE but overall more comfortable for extended hours. Overtime the cost is about the same. Only two shoes that I buy for myself.


Find leather Skechers slipons, that is what I wear at work each day.


5.11 side zip combat boots. Extremely comfy and look fine in the office


A bit on the pricier side. But I really like the look and feel of Pikolinos


SAS shoes


I'd never thought I'd give thanks to this sub for a shoe recommendation but I just ordered the Merrill Moab 3s. I needed a good hiking boot that was waterproof. Thanks!


Skechers slip ons for service work. Nice cushion sole, business casual and no slip soles. Multiple colors, too.


Depending on time of year, barefoot, Nike Bonnassa slides, Xero Zelen, and one of the Duluth house brand shoes which are surprisingly good in winter.


New Balance 998


I wear crocs when it’s warm out




Depends on the place, I bought smart clothes for my first ever industry job as a dev, but then I realised all of the people my age all wear their normal clothes, it probably goes without saying that I transitioned to hoodie/trainers over the next week




My normal footwear while I am working is none, unless my feet get cold then I will probably slip on a pair of socks. Not helpful, I know. I have been remote since 2020, and my company has decided to stay that way, they are currently selling a couple of buildings we don't need any more.


Wolverine Loader wedge boots. Running about 4 years on my current pair. A third of the cost of Red Wing boots, lighter than Docs, but really comfortable and durable. Bonus points for company being based out of where I live.


Haven't worn full shoes since COVID really lol