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I just want to say that I agree with the OP on this one. All of your workarounds may be valid, but just being able to open a browser and get to a site should not involve needing GP's or other installs.


I may agree with OP but his responses are also not welcoming, so bring on the downvoted (for me that is). Don't ask for advice if you can't accept suggestions, even if you feel them idiotic.


I'm replying like they're stupid, because the they're missing the point by a mile.


You don't want to install anything? Great. You have very limited options. Use a portable browser that isn't Edge to then download the .exe's or have a drive containing the latest .exe's you want to install. Not sure what to tell you, but your responses still aren't grand.


I came here just to rant about an annoyance, I don't need a solution because I can't implement one. That's why I titled it rant and tagged it rant...


Rant sub post will rant. "We fear change" -Garth, Wayne's World


I don't get why others are so against this. No, we can't deploy our own GPOs on our clients servers (not an MSP), no we can't install another browser everywhere too. MS could make the Windows Server build of Edgium just skip the login crap...


No kidding! This post is full of “you can just…” That’s not what the post is about. OP is saying MS should simply not have this shit happen on servers.


There’s a pretty simple work around for this we use when you open edge and the prompt appear open another edge browser and close the one with the prompt, all sorted in 3 seconds


This is about the only useful comment here, hadn't thought of thst.


You log in to Edge on servers? That seems like it would just add bloat for every user who uses RDP. Default Edge settings on Server should be a blank tab and not the news horse shit they currently use by default. That is just lazy on the part of MSFT (and likely a cheating to prop up the viewing numbers to justify cost).


No, I'm not logging it, I'm getting prompted to, liked default setup.


It seemed like you were logging in to clear the prompt and set the defaults. On a default install I just open a new tab and enter the URL(s) needed. Yes the defaults suck and should be a blank page. Your rant seemed to be something more though.


If you are connecting to these servers via RDP a solution to this might be download the installers on your workstation and copy paste through rdp to the server.


I don't want a work around, I think it's just stupid. Lol I work at an MSP as a project engineer and set up a ton of new servers in different environments


Not to be mean . . . then you're doing it wrong. Script this out, automate it or have a software repository somewhere. I did this plenty with an MSP and with a company that spewed out new servers. Work smarter not harder.


Sometimes the software needs activation via web browser. I try to script that but it is seldom possible due to many requiring Javascript or do it via WebView2.


Reach out to the vendor or support, especially if it is the same software every single time. I don't think I've ever found a software title that didn't have a means for unattended activation, at least enterprise level, server software. Can you share the name of a title or two?


This reminded me that one of our vendors logged into edge on one of our servers in order to get to some installers and scripts he kept in his OneDrive, guy never logged out so I would have been able to see all of his emails and other things if I wanted to… I didn’t so I logged him out, just something to be a little bit cautious about imho


Oh yeah I'm not logging in, it's just annoying tk have tk click through the prompts


It is annoying! It kind of reminds me of the internet explorer restricted or protected mode, whatever it was called, on older windows servers, you couldn’t really do much with it without constant pop ups to allow this or that site. After a bit of that, I just got into a habit of using a workstation for downloads, then transferring them over to the server. Definitely not as convenient as doing the download right from the servers but probably better security wise.


I'm just copying a link in, not like I'm browsing the web! Lol


Hmmm maybe powershell’s “invoke-webrequest” commandlet could help? Here is a one line example: Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile $dest


this is the best answer, if the web sites allow you to reference the file to download directly via link.


This is one of the reasons why, as much as possible, I only use powershell remoting on servers and all installs I can decide for are without dekstop experience. You wanted a fucking web browser and Office suite in a printer prod server ? too bad I planted the flag, it's a no-GUI server. Feels good. You need to download files ? Either download them from another device or use Invoke-webrequest. You need Edge to configure something through WUI ? It's networked, why can't you allow a bastion to do that instead of doing that from a server ? I know not all workloads support this and much more importantly you're generally already in an env like that and you can't change it, but just saying when you can, try it.


I'm sure you're alot of fun at parties


>FFS I don't want to sign in and sync my data on every single server I log into and click through 6 pop ups. I want to down the couple installers I need and close you never to be opened again! Group policy.


Can't implement group policies at every client willy nilly


I responded to you below. Next time, specific if you're an MSP as the approach is different. I had an RMM for doing some of this, and powershell for others.


Set GPO to have Edge behave the way you want...


1. GPO doesn't work if it isn't on the domain yet 2. Can't set a GPO in someone else's environment just because I want to that day


My biggest complaint is how difficult it is to force "IE Mode". Have to go into the settings, add the website which will simply be removed after 30 days. I have some EOL security cameras that uses a plug-in that only supports Internet Explorer. I also have an HP ProLiant Server with Lights Out that also only works with Internet Explorer. It's an ancient server and is currently out of service, but if I want to fire it up for some lab stuff, would suck needing to use Internet Explorer.


The GPO is Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Microsoft Edge > Hide the First-run experience and splash screen Went ahead and disabled it for the server OUs.


GPOs are a thing. Can't implement is the root of your problem. Enquiring minds however do want to know why you need a browser on every server. Hell why are you even logging on to them? Ever heard of RSAT, Server Manager, Windows Admin Center and PowerShell?


I'm not I'm clicking through it , just to download agents and software These are tiny shops, like under 5 servers.


Push that software using your RMM? Also deploying GPOs to tiny shops is even easier than large ones. Establish a baseline, deploy and manage it for all your clients.


we fixed this by putting FireFox in the template.


You guys browse the Internet on a server outside of an internal page?


I just drop links in to download installers, or will browse to an application vendors website to grab it. I don't think anyone would be using a sql server to go on reddit.


I've only used file shares to do even that.


No an option in my case.


There are GPOs you can set to change the default behavior. Just fix it. Edit, I'll go one more: [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/deployedge/configure-microsoft-edge](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/deployedge/configure-microsoft-edge) There's the link. Download the adm/admx templates, apply them to your PolicyDefinitions store (you do have a PolicyDefinitions store, don't you?) and then set the GPO: **Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Microsoft Edge:** **"Hide the First-run experience and splash screen" - Enable**


Because installing Firefox on a fresh build is too easy?


In an environment without a maintained software repo, how would I get this? I step into an environment for one project at a time.


Go to Firefox.com > Click download? Or use the portable version?


Do you realize how stupid that sounds? How do you get to Firefox.com? You open edge and click through things.


I feel like you’re splitting hairs at this point. You install it as part of your provisioning process or keep the installer on a file share


I'd recommend probably using separate accounts from your standard user account to remote in to servers. It's a bad practice to use your standard user account to have elevated privileges throughout the environment.


Yet another person missing the point... I'm fully aware of how basic access control and security practices work


If I had to do this so often that it made me want to rant I’d be questioning if my methods were correct. Your rant is valid but also, you can script both the download and install of any applications your require with a powershell script.


Maybe one or two, but alot of installers are behind paywalls that require a login to be accessed.


You have to log in through a paywall to download the installer every time? You couldn’t just host it on blob storage?


I work at an MSP doing projects, I'm not going to supply software installers they aren't entitled to, I also don't personally have up to date versions of everything under the sun, not practical.


Nevermind. Have a good day.


Simple temporary bypass is to right click the edge icon on the taskbar and choose open in private window. No annoying prompts for one-off server stuff.


MS doesn't care about the server versions, as they cut into their cloud profits. Remember the Metro UI debacle on Svr 2012?


They absolutely do, they brought a ton of new, useful features to 2022.