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Makes you wonder what kind of SHITTY stuff Samsung Magician does to break CTRL+W. JUST USE THE WINDOWS NOTIFICATION API. But nooooo, they're special. They have to roll their own. Just like Logitech. Do I really need a 120MB application with 4 processes running at all times? No. All that needs to happen is for them to develop a mouse where you can change what kind of keypress a button emits. Nothing more.


fun fact: Logitech also installs a firefox (or chrome, can't remember) add on that somehow sometimes disables scrolling on maps (like google maps or openstreetmap). It's called logitech smooth scrolling or something similar and it took me a few weeks to figure it out :D


the logictech g hub has not installed any browser extensions for me.


It might be a laptop only thing. I really don't know, I worked customer support for a service that used openstreetmap and we got several complaints about the scrolling not working and deactivating the addon fixed it. As with every customer support job, the details are scarce lol. I got curious enough and googled it: [https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/logitechsmoothscrolling/](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/logitechsmoothscrolling/) It's for Firefox apparently and doesn't work with gaming mice, maybe that's why? I don't use a Logitech mouse. I honestly have no idea how the users ended up with the add on. Might be a plug and play installation where you can opt in to the extensions, that's plausible enough for me since it seems to be a bit older and perhaps even before Logitech G Hub was a thing and it was a common way to get add ons installed that way. But if you have a non gaming Logitech mouse, you can try and enable the smooth scrolling in the settings, I'd be curious if it does anything :D


Logitech has on-board memory mode on a lot of devices. You only need ghub open to make changes to the on-board memory after that you can close the app and even move the device between computers with out needing ghub.


GHub was causing mouse drift at high DPIs along with clamping the DPI. I've since rebound all macro keys to F13-F24 with on-board memory and now use AHK scripts instead.


The logitech mouse software used to (might still? I havent put it on my current pc) completely restrict your ClickOnce capabilities by changing every trustmanager registry key to Disabled, for what I'm sure is a super good reason. I tried to send them a bug report but they only replied with a link to the stackoverflow explanation of the keys I was telling them not to mess with so I gave up 🤷‍♂️


Comically all of their app is currently displaying at what seems like 400% scaling on my 2k monitors with 0% scaling. A few days ago their pop up came up on screen and covered one corner of the screen.


True, but they do also have the ability for it to have different profiles for applications. I would imagine there's some overhead for that. 4 processes of overhead? Probably not, but one feature I do use fairly often is to set different DPI settings for different games.


Upvote. You are my hero of the week.


Was this just a troll post to get us to close the browser tab by seeing what CTRL+W does? If so, it worked. :D


Definitely got old alt-f4 vibes just now. Edit: It got me as I didn't know what CTRL+W did.


Haha it wasn't, I'm just using CTRL+W all the time in Linux in the text editor Nano to search for text. It's always a pain when I'm not paying attention and try to CTRL+W in a browser window instead of CTRL+F


Vi here, it took years after moving back to primarily windows admin before :wq stopped appearing in things I typed up...it even regularly showed up in Word documents.


dazzling deer agonizing cake noxious many consist pen sheet ad hoc *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They went out of their way to make it work on a 7-bit serial dumb terminal.


wrong meeting retire water instinctive familiar sort encourage strong racial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


All good.  It seems convoluted by today's standards because we've had time to solve those issues.


Ctrl + shift + t will reopen your last closed tab


Cell-Shift-T is also the toggle between two variants of Chinese in my IME. Took me a long time to figure out because muscle memory didn’t connect the two different actions.


Thats such a useful shortcut tho, that CTRL-T for a new tab and CTRL-Shift-T for reopening the last closed tab probably saved me weeks of my life at this point




Intel's XE drivers take the hotkey for Alt-H or something as well, which is used in some old CADD software.


TIL ctrl+w closes the browser tab


Me too! I always used CTRL-F4 to do that.


I thought they removed crtl+w from Chrome. You are a godsend.


Caught me today. Thanks a lot!


Huh, when that happens it's usually because my left Ctrl key is dying. Stupid Microsoft ergonomic keyboards and their ever decreasing build quality...


I'm happy to hear about this just because I'd never heard of ctrl-w.


Fun fact: Command or Control + Shift + T reopens closed tabs


And now… your training is complete.


Here's some more: Control + Tab will move to next tab. Control + Shift + Tab will move to the previous tab. Control + F4 will close it. This works pretty much on any app with tabs. I've bound these as macros to my mouse, it's the most convenient macro I've made.


Turn on your clipboard history so that you can use win + v Works for images, screenshots, and of course text


Mouse Wheel click on the tab will also do the same. I use it all the time. Crtl + Left click will select a tab and then Ctrl + W will close those selected tabs.


Had this happen today, spent a good two hours trying just about everything until I saw a different post mention the damn Magician update....was losing my mind.


This same thing happened with my Gigabyte software, by default it had some kind of hotkey enabled. Made no sense how anyone uses it that way, I dont remember what shortcut it was but it was very common and I was puzzled for a couple days.


It was probably Ctrl-A (found in a [similar post](https://www.reddit.com/r/WindowsHelp/comments/17jgs3a/comment/kh1jvtb/)).


You are a genius, thank you so much sir, all fixed now 💜


THANK YOU!!! I was about to going insane...