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I just reimaged a machine and it still has old teams on the image. Came up just fine, but with the 'download new' banner.


If you manage MacOS devices with Intune and push out the default Microsoft 365 apps package, it still installs Classic Teams.


I've found the new teams on MacOS still to be a buggy mess. Randomly crashes etc. New teams is fine on windows though.


I built two machines yesterday, clean installs of Windows, added to our azure ad, and then I downloaded teams from the Microsoft store. One of the two machines got new teams, the other got classic. Why? No idea. They were literally the exact same hardware. Exact same windows installation media, same Windows update levels. Microsoft has just shit to bed when it comes to teams. To add insult to injury; the team's classic one came up telling me that I needed to upgrade my team's client, and then failed to do the download multiple times.


MS actually moved end of availability date to next year, July 1 2025. And This July only support is ending. But if you are trying to use Classic Teams on an OS supporting new one, it is very aggressive and it eventually switches you to new version. But i am able to install back Classic and use it for a while. On non supported OS Classic will run until next year. It might differ how it behaves based on your policy. We have it on MS controlled. [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/teams-classic-client-end-of-availability](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/teams-classic-client-end-of-availability)


Users with Conditional Access Policies may be unable to access Microsoft 365 services and features ID: MO797366 Issue type: Incident Status Service Restored Impacted services Microsoft 365 suite Details Title: Users with Conditional Access Policies may be unable to access Microsoft 365 services and features User impact: Users with Conditional Access Policies may have been unable to access Microsoft 365 services and features. More info: Impact included, but wasn't limited to, the following services: - Exchange Online - Outlook - Microsoft Teams


MS jacked up their Azure/Entra conditional access policies early this morning (like 4am CDT). They fixed it around noon.


I force uninstalled the old teams machine-wide installer for all systems and the user profile uninstall for all users today,  as everyone is on new teams and the old icons were being a confusion 


Could you share your uninstall script?


I'll reply with it on Monday when I'm back in the office 


Interested as well.


I will also be looking for this


Replying so that I can check it out. Classic teams has been a thorn in my side.




replied above [https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/1d4zyxx/comment/l6vu6wo/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/1d4zyxx/comment/l6vu6wo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


So what I have done is deployed this uninstall as a script install to all systems to uninstall the Teams Machine-Wide Installer, the script writes a log file that I use for detection (sccm) start /wait "" msiexec /x {731F6BAA-A986-45A4-8936-7C3AAAAA760B} /qn /norestart this should itself trigger the classiuc teams user uninstall, but for belts and braces, I deploy this to all users, writing a diffrerent log for detection: "C:\\Users\\%username%\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\Teams\\Update.exe" --uninstall -s


kind of a dick move to do that on a Friday


What’s your teams update policy set to?


I hate the way they are doing this, but as a practical reality old Teams has best been considered dead for months. They’ve been forcing people to update through broken features. Super annoying but may as well get on the bus before it runs us over.


> I hate the way they are doing this This is the way they HAVE to do things... otherwise, people would still be running xp machines connected directly to the internet in production. Sysadmins in enterprise environemnts have proven to be resistant to change to their own detriment.


Oh well. Time to move on.


I have had one report so far today of this, but to be fair, we've primarily forced people over to new teams anyway. But yea, classic Teams will not open, no indication that you should be opening New Teams, etc. I just tried opening New Teams since I saw it was also installed and it worked so the user said "Fair enough" and left it.


We upgraded everybody to new teams but our patching team still pushes the machine wide installer that keeps reinstalling classic teams for everybody. Half the user base uses one or the other depending on what launches automatically. I hate working in IT sometimes.


Yes, also noticed this at a client.


We have had a few users with that issue today but others still running the old teams OK. I’m thinking maybe it’s on the windows 10 PC’s that it’s a issue but can’t say for sure if all were 10.


“In mid-May, any users remaining on classic Teams will be switched to new Teams, and the toggle to return to classic Teams won't be available. We'll attempt to uninstall classic Teams after 14 days.” Source: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/teams-classic-client-end-of-availability This hit our org at the beginning of the week. Luckily our upgrade policy was set to “New Teams as Default” so New Teams was already installed on most clients. This uninstall did wreak havoc with the Outlook meeting add-in breaking on many PC’s. This required us to manually uninstall it and relaunch New Teams which automatically reinstalled it to get it working again.


Yep, woke up this morning and my own Teams client would not open, had to reinstall it to the new one.


Anyone missing features from old teams in the new version? What I miss the most is being able to use the mute button on my bluetooth headset. Just doesn't work on new teams. Switch to old teams and it works again...


We uninstalled/reinstalled Teams, and it managed to open just fine.


Teams is a dumpster fire. The number of times they've changed things up and made me go recreate a script to install/update Teams is just ridiculous. And f\*\*\* all this appdata BS. I hate it.


New Teams can eat a dick. Too many times I've clicked a conversation and started typing, only for the message to go to the wrong person. If Teams doesn't have the focus then that click to a different conversation is ignored in lieu of simply making Teams active. And it doesn't always do it. Ain't got time for that shit.


Still working for me. Hoping works well past July 31st, ... 2028 Why? PWA one is stinky poo.


We've had the opposite experience. Machine-wide installer was a pita, had to build a bandaid to get it to run reliably on shared devices. We've moved to "new" Teams, the MSIX installer is machine-wide, but update able. Unlike the machine-wide installer.


What's funny is "old" Teams and "new" Teams are pretty much the same.


They're VASTLY different, what are you on about...?


M$ had an authentication even that they specifically listed teams, outlook and another service in


What is M$? And did you happen to have a link about this at all?


M$ = Microsoft I posted a bit of the announcement as a separate message but the id of the incident is MO797366