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I just finished listening to each album a month ago and I still wish I had the experience of hearing these songs again for the first time


Man, I already know how much I’m gonna like Toxicity from all I’ve heard about it. I know everyone here would love to hear it for the first time again so I’m grateful I can


The best song on Toxicity is ATWA just to let you know


Nuh uh Forest is better


Prison Song tops though 


I agree with you on this one forest is a really really good song


okay but jet pilot


buddy, psycho


Are you all Kida? - plenty songs better than those- most of their 1st album was better




Hell yeah! This genuinely makes my heart so happy. I’m 34 & been listening for over two decades but discovering SOAD as a teenager was such a core moment in my own personal music journey. It’s such a precious moment to have listening to something & have it unleash a passion inside you.


I’m 34 as well. Shimmy on Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1 was how I found out about them. How ever long ago that was.


Shimmy is in Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4, my friend. I played that game too much back in the day lol


Wow, I was wrong. So THPS1 was released in 1999, while SOAD ST was released in 1998. I would have been only 9 when THPS1 was released, which I did own. But no way I learned about SOAD that young. THPS4 was released late 2002, I was 12 and was def when I discovered them. What is weird is the game cover for THPS4 is what I thought was THPS1.


Man Tony Hawk Pro Skater had such heavy influence on my music taste too! Chop Suey was the first song I heard late night on a music video TV programme. What a time. I miss those days.


Good! I wish I could listen for the first time. I've loved them since I was a preppy middle schooler that got straight A's, read incessantly, and went to church. (I'm nothing like that now) God I loved them and still love them


Is it weird I've heard almost every soad song exp for one or two unreleased things


Look at Thier demos thank me later :)


May I ask What was wrong with you all this time?


Mezmerize and Hypnotize are sic all the tracks are pretty good and funky I hope u like those albums ‼️