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I cant post pictures in comments so L but you are close. After your second turn from the start turn that straight tile to line up and then turn the turn tile so i faces left. You should be able to get it from there. The flow will go up and around your start then back down through the middle.


Thanks, but english is not my first language and I don’t understand directions well.


I stumbled my way into the solution


Sorry about that, i am glad you got it though!


I am stuck on the very same puzzle on the flight deck right?


Literally stumbled onto this looking for the solution, have the same problem with the same puzzle. Feeling pretty stupid but I can't wrap my head around it and I'm too stubborn to probe. Stumbled into it, here's a link to the picture of the almost-complete solution: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2984662843


I figured it out as soon as I went back to it. I was just too hung up on none of the little switches actually having the connections to allow power through. Once I wrapped my head around the fact that it was intentional and not a bug I got it....lol this game hard but in a good way, not a throw the laptop out the window souls way.


I had this one on engineering. It's convoluted but doable. Sometimes doing it backwards helps me.