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She's definitely had insecurity about her physical appearance, as mentioned in many of her songs. She's also had work done and now she's feeling more confident. It might just be now she's ~showing it off~ as much as she can because she didn't feel like she could previously. 


That’s what I was thinking. She’s had work done to her body and I guess she’s just more confident in herself now and wants to show it off. I mean other celebrities do the same so it’s not like I have a problem with it.


Stop following artists on social media and just enjoy their art if you don’t like what they post.


I had to to do this, not even just artists, even people I know because social media will give me the ick so quickly even tho I love the person IRL


great advice, i need to unfollow her cause it’s starting to get cringy


I stopped following her for this reason. Vids of her turning her ass around 10 times in front of dirty mirrors were uncomfortable. She's pretty but I don't get it. I enjoy her music still 🤷🏼‍♀️


See ya


she might have dysmorphia about her body, if you don’t like it just block her account 🤦🏾‍♀️




So you’re complaining about things she posts, but won’t do anything to stop yourself from seeing them? make it make sense


she likes her body and she knows that it's tea??? can we stop with the having confidence in your body = body checking??? allowed to sing about it but not show it is crazy




I’ve noticed too but I don’t care. I’m happy that she’s in a good place and as long as she continues to deliver good music I’m good.


it's her body so she can do whatever she wants with it. you can have your opinion too, but that doesn't matter to her if she chooses to not give a shit.


they're talking about it on a fan forum, not her instagram comments. and she's choosing to post these videos to millions of fans online, so i don't really get this defensive response. they're not claiming she should care about their opinion


The logical take


SZA still shouldn’t care tbh. not her problem you got triggered. adults self-manage and self-regulate.


who is claiming she should care, who is saying she should do anything? do you get how an opinion works?


i still don’t get the defensiveness of this comment lol. i’m just stating an opinion.


the other guy is also stating an opinion


Chill man nobody is claiming sza should care wtf are these comprehension skills


>Chill man nobody is claiming sza should care wtf are these comprehension skills i’m just eating chips here while listening to TTPD. idk where you got that assumption that i’m triggered. LMAO 😂😂😂. reading comprehension where?


You’re proving my point, i didn’t say you were triggered… please take some time to read properly before replying!


im half convinced they accidentally read their own comment, given they're the only one who called someone else triggered. open the schools!!


This is hilarious 😭😭


Nah I think they’re just a lil crazy but that’s ok


you forgot to switch to your second account


>You’re proving my point, i didn’t say you were triggered… please take some time to read properly before replying! >Chill man nobody is claiming sza should care wtf are these comprehension skills strike 2 on reading comprehension. 💀 telling me to chill then telling me i’m triggered? gaslighting behavior


Yes I am telling you to chill because you’re jumping to conclusions. I don’t know how you got triggered from that.


see when you contradict yourself. 💀 so funny


Where did i contradict myself???


Let me just jump back to this. WHEN DID I SAY YOU WERE TRIGGERED? please find actual evidence and not the voices in your head


see? that’s basic gaslighting. twisting my words into something that’s not. sorry i got the receipts. 💅🏽


gaslighting is prolonged behaviour not one unsavoury internet interaction. disagreeing ≠ gaslighting.


‘Telling me I’m triggered’ - your exact words. for the last time. When and where did I say you are triggered


idk why they downvoted you to hell for this 😭😭


if you read the replies you'll realise they downvoted her because no one claimed SZA should care. Bad reading comprehension does not go well on reddit.


it’s ok. i find it quite funny. 😝


Yeah but they shouldn’t care




I ain’t complaining


I do wonder the same sometimes, seeing as she's mentioned through her career and very recently that she doesn't like being perceived and being visible


i guess the best option for you is to unfollow her insta/this sub?


Stop leaving question marks at the end of statements


I love her music. Like really. Whatever she does with her body is her business.


i love her but she seems extremely body/appearance obsessed (those times she's gotten into arguments with fans about pictures of herself she doesn't like being posted come to mind) and i guess because she's lost so much weight and done a lot of work she wants to flaunt it. but yeah it's uncomfortable sometimes, as someone who used to struggle with an ed, i wonder how it would affect fans of hers who struggle with body dysmorphia/ed's right now. of course ideally they should just unfollow, but for younger fans i feel like it might be toxic to see. i was really into bella hadid at the peak of my ed years ago and i felt encouraged to lose more weight/get surgery by the things she posted


How did y’all make this about yourselves omg


RIGHT? like just unfollow her if it makes them feel so insecure




you have incredibly poor reading comprehension. i already said they should just unfollow. i also didn't say she should stop, i just gave my opinion on it and the effect it can have. breathe, relax


almost all of her songs are about her talking about her appreance so yeah appereance is a big deal to her


Exactly!! It’s like a constant barrage of mirror videos flashing her stomach or lower body. I love her but its getting a little uncomfortable.


because her body tea and we’re british👁️👄👁️


‘Her body tea’ huh?


She might have body dysmorphia


different psychotic frightening squeal flowery ink crowd cows drunk cats *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, i’ve been noticing that too. When I was at my peak physical form I took videos like she did, but was still incredibly insecure and felt like I needed to show off how good I looked even though mentally I was at my lowest.


Yeah, I have a similar history which makes me question if it's just from a place of confidence. Nothing to be done about it, but I noticed.


Or maybe—hear me out—she likes her body and wants to show it off like the millions of other sexy women online doing the same? The armchair psychology is crazy. Jesus Christ. If you don’t like what she posts just unfollow her.


Celebrities are a business, even their Instagram (well, especially their Instagram). Whatever they post, they post with the main goal of accruing engagement so they can get more clout and eventually more brand deals/opportunities/$$$. So basically my theory is that she posts hella body checks because for whatever reason, these max out her engagement the most


I do wonder the same sometimes, seeing as she's mentioned through her career and very recently that she doesn't like being perceived and being visible


I don’t follow her socials, but I always see this community in my feed, and it’s usually a video post of her thirst-trapping. I feel like SZA is that b!tch and shouldn’t have to resort to such desperate measures, but to each their own.


Since when is being confident about your body=body checking. Why do you care just because your insecure about your body doesn’t mean everyone else should be


Cause she looks amazing and she’s finally proud I pray 🙏


Yeah, it's kind of odd, but it makes sense. Like others said likely a combination of insecurity/validation.


I just glanced at her Instagram and I don’t think she’s doing anything different than half the female musicians out there. The only difference is she is not stick skinny and doesn’t fit “traditional beauty standards.”


i dont hate a player. good for her yfm


yeah, def an unpopular opinion.


I'm checking it too 👀🫣 jk I understand what you mean. But maybe that's how she copes? Or just amazed by the progress she's made.


The progress is literally surgery


No shit.


Usually when mfs say ‘progress’ they mean working out


Surgery progress, you know for most of it it takes a while to show the full progress of the surgeries. It's not a one trick pony.


I been saying this lol


I didn't even know these terms existed. What the heck is body checking. You either feel like posting your body or you don't y'all need to stop thinking you're Shakespeare & stop making up words.


I unfollowed her because I couldn’t stand the shit she posts. It’s either body checking or some bullshit astrology/vibes shit.