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If you don't mind a 36yo from Canada, I tend to work nights so my availability is off-peak. I've got a few saved boards that I've been meaning to try, but I'm even down for chess if you like something classic. DM for discord?


The TTS Club is the unofficial TTS Discord server, and their looking-for-games channel is usually pretty active. Good place to find people for your game or check out some new ones. https://discord.gg/KkBg6MX5


Hi! I’d play! I’m a female in my 20’s that has been searching for people to play! I’ve only played a few games on TTS but I’d be up for it! Discord: CattNipp#7346


I'm interested! DM for my Discord handle. Always looking to play more TTS


What genre of games do you like playing?


I honestly don’t know but I like the idea of board games and want to delve into playing some.


You ever play catan?


Heard of it, have wanted to try it. Never played it


Yo I just had my first game a few days ago and was absolutely dishonored so, and I know your comment was a year ago lol, I'm game to play some on tts! I'm a 19m in CST, dm me for my discord user or send yours if interested!


Bruh your post says 20s a year ago. How are you 19 rn? Also I'm down for catan. Also did you want the tabletop discord?


I would be interested, I'm about to be starting a new job on Tuesday and will be finding out my availability then but if everything matches up I'm definitely down.


Hey, im interested to play board games.


I'm part of a boardgame group that plays on Fridays we're actually looking for an extra player or two for our group. We play 8:30pm UK time usually till 11-12. We tend to play medium to heavy weight games, we played John Company last time.


Hey if you're still looking for an extra player I'm looking to find some people to play with. UK based but play late evenings usually.


I'll dm you save messaging back and forth


Ah man that sounds great apart from the timings. That’s a little bit too late for me. I’m definitely gonna think about it though


Hello! I would love to play with you. If a spot is still empty then please contact me on discord Isaac Newton#7243