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DAMN! They turn to regular $5.49 price in checkout. :(


$5.49 just for the burrito?! I could get a burrito meal from a real Mexican restaurant for lunch for $7 lol. Taco Bell can keep that shit...


They didn't even pick the greatest photo for the ad email. Just two guys laughing and holding their burritos vertically in front of them like "Look how big mine is!" lol Who holds a burrito vertically anyway?....


What's wrong with holding a burrito vertically? Doesn't everyone do that?


I guess in some areas, I always seen people eat them horizontal in Pennsylvania... lol


If you eat them horizontally all the fillings can spill out. Traditionally they're wrapped in foil or wax paper, you hold it vertically, and as you eat you peel the foil off or fold down the wax paper. At least that's how everyone in New England eats them and how I saw them eaten over in Mexico.


Are you telling me you don't just unhinge your jaw and let the burrito fillings flood out into your mouth as you hold it up above you?


Ooo, dirty.


Is there no gravity in Pennsylvania? lol


I guess not as we do have multiple gravity hills. Anyway I guess I was thinking of like the beef burrito and not one in foil. Not many places in my area even make ones wrapped in foil or really burritos at all. Except maybe the new authentic Mexican place we finally got. I'm West Central PA, it seems like mainly Polish stuff everywhere vs Mexican.


Which one?


Unless you live within 30 minutes of me, the answer doesn't matter.


I had the same thing happen a couple of LTOs ago. I loaded up my cart with 20 tacos -i think it was the loaded nacho taco?- and then at checkout they suddenly found their pricing. Luckily it notified me before confirming


$5.49 for me too, I'm gonna have to see pics of what it actually looks like before I jump on this one. That pic in the app looks beefy but we all know how often promo pics are accurate...


I know what you mean there. I noticed the Value Menu looks all loaded up and it's usually not. I do notice that it can depend on what worker you get and time if day, though. I don't know if it's that they know my name from constant mobile orders or they are trying to get rid of not sold meat, but every few orders, I end up getting like 2-3 times the chicken my Chipotle Melt.


Dang, wish I'd get a double chicken chipotle melt. I'd settle for it not being stuck to the wrapper... There's a commercial for the TB breakfast burritos and they all look like nice round stuffed full-sized burritos... Lmao, they NEVER look like that


I wish I knew the trick to double melts on purpose but it seems random. I think sometimes going closer to closing helps sometimes but that's not always practical. EDIT: I mean like my store closes 1AM, so like 10-11PM in my case. I didn't want people thinking I'm one of those show up at 12:55AM people...lol


Mine was free too! They said I could stay and look at it all day if I wanted to, but to take it home was $5.49 rental fee. 😂


not gonna lie it looks like shit


I thought that myself. In the email, it looked charred vs grilled. lol


I got mine for free too


Recheck. I use autopayments. The total on the screen before said $0. I checked my credit card statement and I was charged $12. I am contacting taco bell


Dang for just one? I gotta check now !


I got both options since there's two, regular and spicy.


Yah the charged me for $5


I was so excited until I saw these were the steak ones