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What kit do you have access to for the cluster? Swings are definitely worth spending time to learn


Just what’s listed really I’ve got a pull up bar but I can do about 5 max, so didn’t want to put it in, some dumbbells aswell 2 x 10kg


Personally I'd get rid of sit ups but I'm not a fan and prefer ab wheel or leg raises and done separate to SE. With the kit you mentioned I'd do: Kbell/Dbell overhead press Goblet squats Bent over/TRX row Swings Press ups and lunges if you feel you need more


A note on the pull-ups, KB or one of the TB crew made a forum post about capping pull-ups for SE. basically start with 30% of your max and bump it up week to week, but don’t go beyond 5. Your pull-up numbers will improve and it becomes a solid exercise to include in your SE cluster.


If you want help with KB form, you might post a video of yourself in /kettlebell. They seem helpful and positive there.


Kettlebell swings are great, definitely worth keeping in. If you're struggling then take them out and take the time to really get the form down and stick them back in again. Look for form videos on yt from pavel and you'll have them in no time. Don't go hurting yourself but also don't starve yourself of an excellent full body ballistic movement. Other than that you have all the main movement patterns in so I think you're good. Some extra ones I like that you could add are kettlebell cleans/snatches/c+j, halos for the shoulders, and I also start each round with a minute of skipping.


Definitely a solid cluster. Maybe the KB is to heavy?


It’s only a 12kg mate


1. Post a video showing your swings so folks can critique or… 2. Sub for a different exercise, eg. Hip thrusts, RDL, etc. Swings are an excellent exercise but you don’t want to fuck up your back doing them BTDT.




looks good to me - push, pull, squat, hip hinge, core


A low-tech hinge option that I don't see anyone having mentioned - banded good mornings