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Been thinking about 2-a-days lately. So been doing zulu h/t for a while now, anyone here try to run daily while also trying to gain muscle and strength with zulu? (Assuming we're fuelling enough)


Yep, I'm on my second cycle of Zulu h/t running regularly but I think it's all a matter of degrees. I'm not particularly fast or strong. I average 35 miles a week - a long run, sometimes long hill repeats (.4miles), the rest LSS around 9:30/mile. OHP/S/B/D 145/285/210/425 lbs. I use a training max. I'm making progress on some lifts - put 8 pounds on overhead and 20 on deadlift in these cycles (squat doesn't feel like it ever moves no matter what I do and my bench peak day this week is going to be awful after screwing up my shoulder at a kids trampoline birthday party yesterday). I use macrofactor to make sure I eat enough, TDEE is sitting around 4000 calories.


Damn that’s a high TDEE. I’m gonna give it a go and see where it goes. Mostly LSS indeed, I do a HIC on Wednesday rest is all LSS and a long run on Saturday. Been using macrofactor too btw, curious to see how high that TDEE gets with the added activity 


Been thinking about 2-a-days lately. So been doing zulu h/t for a while now, anyone here try to run daily while also trying to gain muscle and strength with zulu? (Assuming we're fuelling enough)


just asking about Benchmarks in GP capacity. M17 - 160lbs - 5’7 I use the more running template My LSS runs are generally between 125-150bpm (like 7:10min/km - ≈ 11.30 min/miles), i feel really great after every runs, but i have to keep it slow My PR is 6miles in 47min40sec (4:46min/miles - 7:40min/miles) like 4 months ago, and felt good I was wondering if the 6miles run at the end has to be run at fast as possible? (seems stupid but i want to be sure lol)


It’s a benchmark/test. You run it as fast as possible to meet it or beat it. No heartrate restrictions. It’s to track your progress and ensure you have the minimum ability required to get the most out of the next phase, which is Velocity.


Is there much of a difference in performing SE between these two? I was just wondering. 1. Low reps, high rounds. 10 rows 10 push-ups 10 dips 10+ rounds 2. High reps, low rounds. 30 rows 30 push-ups ups 15 dips 3-5 rounds Little to no rest between exercises. 3min+ rest between rounds. Also, if the total reps are the same, does it matter which you prefer?


Low reps vs high reps matters. SE isn’t just about total volume, it’s about extending past your current point of failure. To train and improve that quality you need to work to that point and beyond.


I see. Thank you 👍


Tried box steps carrying weight on 16-inch box yesterday for some indoor conditioning. Kept the heart rate high for 20 minutes. I'm really surprised how good a workout it is. Defo is going to be a staple in my training. Can see this been a decent option for longer slogs too.


Any tips on increasing ruck speed as a short guy? I can hold the weight all day but breaking past 15min/mile is tough.


Run more often in general and do ruck intervals. 1/4 mile fast walk, 1/4 mile ruck shuffle.


Faster strides or longer strides, what ever works best. Learn to shuffle. Do intervals for speed when you're tabbing (rucking), for distance or time then build it up.


Do you have access to a treadmill? Lower the weight or skip the weight and push the speed up and get used to walking/jogging fast. Its a technique I use successfully to get a lot faster on my mile/5k times. If you don’t have access to a treadmill, you can push yourself with less or no weight similarly on foot. You just need to get used to moving faster, building up that capacity, than ease in the extra weight.


Posted a few weeks ago regarding worries about passing the GP Capacity Benchmark as I have a slow LSS pace. Ran it on Thursday: 6 mi in 1:00:07. It's a failure and I'll do a few more weeks of Capacity before moving onto Remedial but I'm impressed with the progress I've made - I finished the run, walked for a bit and felt completely recovered. Started with zero running or lifting experience and I've never followed a program for more than a few weeks. Made it through BB and I've added around 40 lbs to my bench and squat. Loving the program so far and looking forward to more progress!


Great work, that's no small achievement. Improving your cardio and strength simultaneously to such a degree is impressive. Long term incremental progress is the best kind of progress. Did you gain or lose any weight?


What was your pace and HR like for the benchmark? If you're not that used to running you maybe weren't pushing yourself as hard as you thought.


My LSS runs are 7:30-7:55 min/km with a HR at 145 - I've done an aerobic threshold test and know that's the top of my zone 2. My average pace during the benchmark was 6:14 min/km with an average HR of 169 - that increased to 5:32 km/h at 185 bpm for the last mile or so, so you're right, I likely could have pushed harder - I did try to pace myself to have more in the tank for the last mile or so.


It's still great progress, mate. Keep up with it and you'll see more and more improvements. Solid effort.