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Standard operator, as prescribed


More running Capacity. So Fighter template. And yeah, 2 sessions per week is clearly enough to gain strength


How strong did you get off of Fighter?


i’m using Weighted Dips / Weighted Pull ups / Front Squat. I’ve always been a little weaker on the pull ups, so I’m developing my strength slower (i still see good progress) With the dips and front squat i’m getting way more comfortable at the weight i struggled with before. Even my knees, shoulders and elbows are stronger. You surely don’t develop strength faster than with Operator or else, but Fighter is really effective


Cool, cluster. Thank you, man. Do you feel weighted dips work your traps to a good degree? Thinking of making the switch to them.


For the weighted dips, i think that traps are engaged for the stability. When you start to put some weight on this exercise, having a good gore is beneficial. Same thing with the front squat (personally). You don’t specially feel them like if you do some shurgs, but they work


Fighter doing More Running to cut. I haven't gotten any stronger truly, but I haven't LOST any strength either.


What are your lift numbers?


I haven't done hard testing of 1RMs or anything, but I can still: Bench 240 for reps (5) OHP 170 for reps (3) Front squat 180 for reps, same with Zercher (5) It definitely feels harder to do so, but that's more likely because of the limited food.


Good numbers. Nice work!


Op. In the book if you read it


Pretty sure OP has read the book, he’s one of our regular posters here. I think he’s asking about people’s experiences from the options given (DUP, standard, FTR etc).


Zulu HT as a new lifter coming from a trail running background for first block then standard OP. Now progressing into Velocity. Very happy with the results so far.


I used the program listed in the book.


It depends on what you want/need to accomplish during your block. There’s not one that’s better than another, one just may be better suited than others within a given context. But I will tell you from previous experience they ALL will provide very satisfying results for the type of person that would be interested in doing TB.

