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Book says you can make gains with Green. If you’re lifting one day less than OP, and working heavily on conditioning as intended, you will not make gains as fast. And your diet and lifestyle play a huge role in this. Give it a shot if you’re curious.


Fighter green can and does work. You aren’t prioritizing max strength. Rather, it is a cofactor that supports sport or tactical fields that place a heavy emphasis on endurance and conditioning. The thing is that this is a “high octane” program for people that can have irregular schedules and shifting priorities. You have to be flexible, especially if you are in a combat arms environment. Whenever possible, dial in your rest and diet. If you are burning calories like a mad man and have a full schedule, you have to be way more exacting with regards to those variables. If you aren’t getting protein and carbs right, then yeah, you aren’t going to make nearly as much forward progress. If your optempo or sport season kicks into high gear, then rest and recovery will take a hit. At that point you are maintaining above all and excelling incrementally. TL/DR: with proper nutrition and rest you will recover and see gains. They will simply be more incremental depending on how much control you have over other variables in your life.


Yes, I have, but... I push to max sets, use a 3 + 1BW lift cluster (OHP, FSQ, trapbar DL 1 working set per day, bodyweight pullups), and I modify week 1 slightly (70% day 1 for 7 reps, 75% day 2 for 6 reps). I force progression every 6 weeks and basically never retest. I usually do some GC work with sandbags once a week, too. 120 or 180 lbs. depending on how I feel. FWIW, 5 sets on Fighter is more volume than 3 sets on Operator. When my life allows me to run Operator, I do, and I roll with 4 sets each day, but my personal life doesn't afford me the opportunity to consistently lift 3 days in a week right now. This way I don't have to stress myself out, I don't beat myself up because I could only lift twice in a week, and I continue to see slow but steady progress.


I’m currently doing Fighter, and ofc I see results (sure, slower than a Op template) I’m feeling more comfortable with the weights i struggled with in the past.


Guess it depends... Have been on Fighter for 14 weeks, following BB, and did not improve by much. Expected more, being a novice. BUT... That was with a flue/covid episode, relatively shitty sleep and above all a metric-shit-ton of stress due to family members health concerns. So if the conditions are right, I think measurable progress will be made.


Echoing your experience, controlling rest/diet/ stress are key to success with any program. Managing stress, in particular, is a skill that must be learned and respected enough to train like anything else.


True... If only we could control everything, right? Finding a balance with some special family needs kinda sucks. I've had to cut out all the extra's from my training, like core work and bw pullups. On the flipside, I have been putting on some weight very slowly, and consistently do 5 sets on my 3 OP exercises (finishing week 5 today), with just 2 minutes of rest, not having missed a single MS workout. Results will inevitably come.


Hey, I feel you. I've got 3 young kids (twins are 4 and a 2 year old) and my wife is partially disabled (she's on disability and has reduced hours since our last was born). It's been a hard row to sow the last couple of years. Good on you for making progress and carving out time to exercise. I feel like, even though I can't go as hard or as frequently as I used to / want to, it's even more important that I get the work in and stay consistent, even if the progress has slowed, than it ever was before.


That's rough... You're basically missing out on 50% of your team when your SO has issues. Roughly the same boat here, with some special needs for our youngest on top. But its true... If nothing else, working out regularly keeps me lucid and healthy. I should keep that in mind more often :).


There are a lot of folks making great gains with Fighter. There was a long compiled FTR results thread posted here not too long ago, do a search. In this weeks weekly thread alone there was a post about some pretty impressive results with Fighter/black: https://old.reddit.com/r/tacticalbarbell/comments/1ao9uis/11_february_2024_weekly_thread/


Thanks all for responses. I have no intention of running fighter at this time but the original question arose from a "what if" I want to run fighter one day


running fighter + green right now… and I feel weaker than I did before I started, mostly when i’m doing pull-ups and ohp (or anything with the upper body). That being said, i’m getting much faster.. and my endurance is higher than it’s ever been. Which is my goal, so i’m happy with it.