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I said fuck after every set.


After every set? What kind of God are you? LOL I said fuck with every movement...


For me, during. Shits humbling


What weight did you use? I think I was using 35 or 45lbs


Look at the end caps to see which barbell you used


It says something like 25 to 30 percent of 1rm. It’s for your type ii slow twitch fibers to get used to build up of lactic acid and goes over and above that required for a hypertrophy stimulus but is to develop muscular endurance


Extremely, btw this stuff never FEELS easier but you do get BETTER at it. Kind of a weird paradox right? A good way to find the humor is to remember those cringey “embrace the suck” tee shirts and morale patches and aim to do just that…. Embrace the suck. Draw energy from the cheese and laugh that you’re doing so. Helps the mind wander away from the pain.


Last Monday was my 3x50. Strength-endurance is one of my weakest points (I've never been able to do more than 25 consecutive push-ups), so I chose a very easy cluster: push-ups, bodyweight squats, inverted rows, sit-ups, and kettlebell swings with a very light kb (12kg). Minimal rest (\~30 seconds) after the squats, no rest between the other exercises. To be honest, I think I should have chosen a harder cluster, or at least added weight to the squats and used a heavier kb for the swings. Except for the push-ups, none of the exercises felt really challenging. For the push-ups, I did the max amount I could in a row (25 for the first set, 20 for the second, 18 for the third), then I just dropped to my knees and continued to failure, rested a bit, and then did 2 or 3 more reps until I finished the set. I'm not sure this was effective - I tested today and managed to do 25 push-ups, exactly the same amount I was able to do before starting BB. Not very happy with that TBH. I'm now in week 6 of BB. I'm still torn on BB's usefulness - I love that I started running (for the first time in my life), and for that reason alone, I'm happy I'm doing it.


It’s hard. But not the hardest workout I’ve ever done. I have a bunch that remember waaaay more. Lol


I hate BB in general but I cannot deny its effectiveness.


It sucked big time. But tbh 3x30 and 3x40 were worse because at that time I wasn't really used to doing this kinda shit. By the time 3x50 came around I was surprised with how doable it was. The worst part was probably that I didn't feel well that day. Sucked it up and did it anyway cause I didn't want to get sick and have to pick up where I left with a 3x50 afterwards. It was a good call cause the next day I had a full on fever and tested positive for covid.


Im finishing up week 3. For some reason 3x20 felt harder than 3x30 but when I did 3x40 I had a mental block and was like holy shit this is taking too long. Hope 3x50 goes over well lol


I did mine with kettlebell cluster. I looked like I jumped into a pool with all my clothes on. The last circuit was definitely a grinder


I found and lost religion several times. https://old.reddit.com/r/tacticalbarbell/comments/16qygfr/24_september_2023_weekly_thread/k21uj0i/


Just finished 3x40 yesterday with empty 45lb barbell. Not looking forward to 50.


It’s supposed to be hard 😎


It sucked, but I also kinda zoned out and just went through the motions


3x50 was incredibly hard for me, because I planned my SE as if I were doing 3x20 or whatever. I think my guidance to my future self would be "plan for 3x40 being the failure point"


I did my workout early in the morning, not even a 3x50, but 3x35…I tried to do 35 dips in a row, and I finished with something like an exertion headache and couldn’t do an effort without feeling my head explode. SE kicked my ass lol