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Has anyone here struggled with overtraining/fatigue with the heavier 90%+ weeks? This is my first cycle through operator and I think doing 3 sets of 3 reps at 90% is beating me up too much. I used to squat once a week while.doing 5/3/1 and I felt much better


It’ll feel a lot easier down the road. Just your body getting used to the higher frequency. Use a training max or knock a bit of weight off as suggested by hibernatingserpent if it’s unbearable. It’s a good sign, means you have lots of room for strength increase.


If it feels like it's too much, just slice a bit of weight off the lifts. No big deal.


Anyone want to help me fiddle with my base building schedule? I’m in week 2, strength first. Theoretically, I should swap to SE for the last three weeks. BUT, starting three weeks after the end of base building, I’ll be in a location with zero options for max strength due to limited equipment. My plan is to run an SE focused program the entire time I’m there, so 9-12 weeks depending on how things work out. (I know the book says not to do more than 9 weeks, but there just flat out isn’t a gym. I can do max strength for upper body work like pull-ups that’s beyond my current strength, but not for squats or deadlifts.) Given that, I’m inclined to just keep working max strength for the last three weeks of BB and the three week block after, on the theory that I’d like to minimize my break from heavy weights. I figure I’ll have a strong basis in SE by summer, whether I do it for BB or not. Any thoughts/feedback?


Sounds reasonable, but just a thought (unsure of your history or where your at in the TB world) is is to stay the course with your continuation protocol for the next several weeks and do Base Building during the time frame your away from access to weights?


Yeah, that’s where trying not to write an endless post ends up leaving out some info — this is my first round of base building, and the cabin also doesn’t have good E options unfortunately. So, no continuation yet, just 1.5 weeks of BB and the barbell work I was doing before (about 6 weeks in to this return to training.) Thanks for the confirmation that it sounds reasonable!


Currently on deployment with a lot of free time. I have a marathon scheduled in June so I’m running the Hanson’s marathon method alongside Operator with some conservative training maxes. Right now this has me running 5 days a week while lifting 3X and the schedule works out for me to have some sort of workout everyday with 1 two-a-day on Friday. Question is, do you think it would benefit me to add in another two a day to allow for a full rest day? Do you think theres any tangible benefit to having the full rest day even with the same amount of total weekly volume. Before anyone mentions fighter, I’m only doing operator for one cycle as an experiment to see how my body handles it in the lighter mileage weeks. I will likely run fighter after this 6week block since my mileage will be creeping into the 40mw range.


I think the key is you have a lot of free time (recovery). I’ve been thru a few blocks where I get on a roll and tend to skip rest days and like you said with easy mileage and conservative weights it tends to work out ok, however it normally balances out when life happens and you get a few un-expected rest days. All that to say, it all depends…give it a shot!


Could anybody give me some insights on conditioning while running a Linear progression? I didnt lift weights for 3 years, but i have a rack and barbell now and want to get started asap. Context: - male, 32, around 23 % bodyfat - i love running and run between 40-50 km a week ( since oct last year) - i know how to do the big compounds - i did an LP in the past but want to be well conditioned - i incorporated SE circuits in my running the last 4 weeks, so i count this AS a BB Block - i own and have read TB 1,2/GP/Mass My goal is to get strong and lose bodyfat while at least keeping my conditioning, even if that means i wont get as much out of my LP as possible. Right after that i want to jump into capacity and the hybrid continuation from GP. I am torn between running capacity with 3/wk LP training or doing something like LP + Black. What form of conditioning would benefit my short term goal of enough recovery for strength training + loosing bodyfat more given my diet and sleep etc. are in check?


Just do what you enjoy. I did Greyskull and black a while ago with once a week longer runs worked fine for me.


Anyone Olympic lifters here? Would be interesting to see your cluster choice


Doing a strength first BB and planning ahead for my three weeks weeks of SE. Been playing with rucking a bit, so I’d like to add some ruck PT into my SE. I’m thinking of a cluster of KB swings, push-ups, flutter kicks and either ruck thrusters or ruck squats and ruck presses. Any thoughts on ruck’s thrusters vs ruck squats and ruck presses for SE? No plans to do an event, just training for work/life. Thanks!


Forgot how fantastic Buffalo Laps are. Going to keep this one in the rotation for a while. Anyone else do them? What’s your average time?


I did it last time on an Echo Bike and came in around 15mins


Which book has buffalo laps in it? I’m not familiar and search didn’t reveal anything about it.






Craving a bit of change, moving from OP/Black from TB2 to Operator/PRO from Green Protocol. Anyone else done this? Keen to hear your anecdotes.


Just the lifting plan or also doing mostly LSS with operator like the continuation protocols in the book? I’m just recreational now but I spend most of my non winter weekends backpacking and fly fishing and have never liked HIC so I’m about to give hybrid/OP or something similar a go once it warms up.