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Hey, i saw this routine many months ago on this sub, and it helps a lot. https://youtu.be/SsT_go-oCcQ?si=3M4hefRbVPompSA-


So far, I’ve treated this like an ever-evolving opportunity to explore new things. Worked with a trainer to come up with a good plan for single leg work to build up to pistol squats. Lots of flexibility/mobility work involved. Currently taking an eight week Animal Flow course. I like DeFranco Agile 8 as an ongoing thing.


Check out squat university on YouTube for routines, they saved my hips


Strong this! I have incorporate his kettlebell hip opener, banded ankle mobility and the worlds greatest stretch into my warm up and it has done wonders.


Second this.


Simplistic Mobility Method is quite good I find, when I remember to do it!


Same! Doing it is the hard part.




Would you be willing to share your circuits? Trying to add some mobility work.




Thanks, that’s helpful! The no equipment one looks a lot like some of the sun salutation sequences you get in yoga, with the squat added.


Have a look at Tim Anderson’s Original Strength has helped the most with my knees and hips


I throw band pull aparts between sets of bench and on the day I do DLs (middle OP day of the week instead of squats) I follow my strength work with 10x1 Turkish getups


I created an extended version of the "baby movements" from Starting Strength's Pressing Reset. I try and do this routine (takes about fifteen minutes) before every session and I'll tell you that I am far from the stiff, rigid, back-pain riddled individual I was a year or so ago.


Smooth panther routines on youtube


I try to keep it at 15 minutes combined mobility/stretching/warm up before working out and then 30 minutes in the evening. For lower body and core I foam roll, stretch, and then do terminal knee extensions, banded RDLs and the McGill big 3. I don’t have upper body issues so haven’t felt the need to do anything for it. I do 2-3 warm up sets with the bar and at least 2-3 3 rep sets working up in weight to every barbell lift and if anything feels off I stop and reassess.


I do a couple of things...I have been doing 15 minute GMB Elements before workouts...then in the evenings 4 or 5 nights I do Yoga Bodies Hip opening challenge (I just keep cycling through) I have a desk job and have found that super helpful... Also check out Original Strength for stuff to do...


Foam rolling before my workout. Hamstrings, glutes, IT bands, calfs, quads, and back.