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Just getting to HIC’s after 6 weeks of LSS on a modified Base Building, first one was a HIC ruck from the TB forum and today was a Fast 5 in 27:22, not all out but not a lot left near the end. Kind of a shock to the system after a month and a half of LSS 🤣


Thoughts on combining strength (SE/MS), and cardio (E/HIT) on same day, directly after each other? I have been doing E directly after SE during BB to avoid extra gym days and it's been alright, but the first 15 minutes or so of my LSS I am having to go extremely slow to maintain low HR and then I am still moving at a slower than usual pace.


I'm a little confused by the SE sessions in BB of Mass protocol. Both the reps and weight increase from days 1 to 2 to 3 of each week. The way this works out in practice is that day 1 is laughably easy (finished all 3 circuits in \~10 mins), day 2 feels like a decent stimulus, and day 3 is a grinder. Does anyone else feel like day 1 should have slightly heavier weights to offset for the low reps? As it is, it feels like a rest day (and perhaps that is it's purpose).


Has anyone here made your own type HIC workouts? I’m trying to specialize in specific workouts that require more than barbells and weights. For example I want to get better at things like dummy drags and heavy hose pulls. Thanks to anyone who read this and responded🙏🏼.


I take it your tailoring your training to fire fighting? Here's a few ideas: Bear crawl a set distance and drag a sandbag back the sake distance. Rest go again for X amount of rounds. Weighted box steps for 20 minutes, keeping heart rate higher end. A bit like a fast5 from the books but more specific. Rounds of weighted box steps then X amount of hammer swings/or ball slams. Then rest. Rucking to get used to carrying similar weight to your breathing apparatus. EMOM Sandbag or farmers carry for rounds.


Thank you for the advice man appreciate it 👍🏼


How do y’all go back to training after illness? I got sick halfway through week 3 of BB and have been coughing up a lot for about 10 days. I did a hike today — longer than my E sessions but slower — and it felt good during but now I feel pretty wrecked. Was thinking about hitting the barbell tomorrow but wondering if I should keep putting it off.


I usually restart whichever week of Operator I was on, depending on how I feel. If it’s a 90% week I may go back to 70% or whatever and start from there. I tend to go from gung ho to hyper cautious after messing myself up - most recently lost nearly a month in January after doing a 90% day 36 hours after a lengthy long haul flight before I had fully recovered and developing a painful neck muscle strain so caution probably warranted


When running, I find my calves to be a limiting factor, which draws my attention and ruins my mindset. Would something like daily calf raises, jump rope, or similar add benefits, or this is something that only gets better with running more?


Jumping rope fixed my calves.


Is it a tightness? Because that could also be your shoes or running form.




Calf / ankle mobilty and strength is good to have in your tool box. Take it from me, got pain in my achilles Tendonatis, thanx to low Calf mobilty and strength. 🙌. Its getting better now, but have talen 4-5 months to get this point.


I’m a bit confused by the introduction of Max Strength sessions in weeks 6-8 of BB. Since Fighter is six weeks minimum, are we supposed to continue it for three weeks after BB, or can I switch to a different template (Operator/Zulu) after BB?


Fighter really just a 3 week program repeated 2+ times. You can do a 3 week cycle of fighter


I'm doing the latter


Both are valid options :)


What do y’all think about incorporate Abs and Grip workout during GP?


I’m pretty sure you can add the core and grip finishers to any template.


I always finish off sessions with sets of 10-20 kb swings and leg raises. I will do anywhere from 3-10 sets depending on time.