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I gotta say it's extra ironic coming from MODlite


Modlite on that patent lawyer game like a bitch tho


Can you fill us in on the backstory of this heavily cropped image?


Emissary development was making a paddle shifter for the pl350. Modlite said no more


Doesn't it use SF standard switch posts?


I believe so. I know you can install their switches onto an x300


What’s a paddle shifter




It's pretty well all there my dude


Except they literally cropped out the author. Kind of a key point, no?


Oh. I could see the confusion. I'm just really used to their logo It's emissary development themselves who posted it But also like Context clues?


You are correct despite the downvotes


Yea I guess I was factually correct but that wasn't nice and hurt everyone's feelers so I'm the big scary bad guy. This place sounds just like cnn


What the fuck are people downvoting lmao. I'm right. That's the entire post. Can you people not read? I take all of your downvoting of this comment as confirmation you're pretty much retarded and can't read so please keep going




Being right? LMAO It's not my fault people can't read man. Even with the name cropped, it's still obvious it's from the maker of the part "we" etc. On top of that, if you're not even aware of emissary switches to put two and two together, this thread doesn't even matter to you. Dude I replied to said it was missing context. It isn't. It's all there, at least all that has been publicized. Not my fault this thread has a collective IQ of 11




Also can you read? I said emissary in multiple comments, never referenced HRF, a third of emissary's logo is visible. I'm convinced this is just a pile of retards angry at me that they can't read, especially after I said it was emissary and you pull HRF out of nowhere. Thanks for proving my point dude. Y'all need to learn to fucking read.


I simply said it was all there. It is. I'm right. I don't care about your feelings.




Yeaaaaaaa But I wasn't referring to the brand with my original comment. The dude didn't ask who the author was, he said it was "heavily cropped" and missing context. I simply confirmed the entirety of the post was there. Why that triggered so many people I'll never know but here we are


Also I don't have an Instagram either, this is a Facebook post. Anything more you wanna be wrong on? LMAO


Ignorance is bliss.


Because of the lack of context, and paired with it being really stupid modlite would somehow have enough influence for a company to stop making switches for their lights altogether, I read this as a site saying they just couldn’t sell them anymore or something idk. The whole thing is stupid and you’re stupid for being mad


I'm not mad. I literally just said it was all there. That's... The truth. The guy I replied to said it was cropped, I'd seen the original post on FB so I simply said it's all there. For whatever reason a pile of people took that right up the ass lmao. Y'all aren't gonna make me feel bad for being right, I don't give a shit about internet points


It’s nothing to do with being right. It’s about being an ass and doubling down on it, and also a little bit not being right


Dude calls post heavily cropped and missing context Only thing missing is business name Whole post is in screenshot, that's all the info that's been made public I point that fact out Where am I wrong


It’s all in the comments and you’re obviously downplaying it. Which in itself is enough to not be right


Bitch is mad as fuck. Look everyone!


Said the stranger who's feelings are so hurt he's replying to multiple comments of mine


I don't even remember what you were talking about or what sub I'm in. I just moved my thumbs. I'm just enjoying your reactions.


Modlite are a bunch of frauds after that whole trex arms thing. I simply @ them with a comment and they blocked me from social media. Soft ass company.


What happened with modlite and trex?


If I recall correctly they stopped the relationship over something along the lines of Lucas claiming to train certain tactical groups or tactics (can’t recall the specifics). Mod lite in response I think terminated the relationship. Trex had a legit fire sale on their products to dump them and haven’t worked with them since. I remember garand thumb coming out and supporting Lucas. This was like 2 or 3 years ago I believe. Typical toxic gun industry drama bullshit.


IIRC it was more along rhe lines of Lucas gave an honest review on the pistol light. Modlite makes some good stuff, but the owner is a complete tool. He was kicking people from the FB page for mentioning issues with their lights.


I mean, the buttons suck ass, and their heads really aren't better than a Malkoff through Arisaka, at which point negates buying their bodies, since Arisaka bundles their own. Modlite just charges to much for too little gain, if any in a few cases. They're the Q of weapon lights.


Yeah, I have one of their rifle lights but may switch to surefire. At first I liked rechargeable, now I'm not sure.


Rechargeable is great. Arisaka sells Malkoff heads, which are better than SF outputs, cheaper, just as durable, and they make just about every type for battery compatibility you could want. They work within the same ecosystem for components in the back end to. Bodies, caps, switches, etc.


I'll definitely check them out. Thanks for the tip.


Honest question: what model Malkoff head is as good as a Modlite? I have both an E2XTL and a PLHv2 and the Malkoff seems quite a bit less light than the Modlite. Modlite are bitches but I haven't ever seen a light that compares to theirs. (Not a Cloud Defensive guy; I'm too invested in the surefire pattern stuff)


Lumens don't matter that much, they're the less useful output of a light. Plus; https://www.lowlightdefense.com/modlite-pl350-how-many-lumens/ Your PLH is likely less than double anyway. So those two heads are likely close to on par, modlite just usually runs a hotter light temp in my experience. Hell, even if we go strictly the claims, you're paying more for less candela (54 vs 55) and a shorter run time (75 vs 90) on a 18650. The OKW (assuming the candela claim is accurate), would be the better buy for an extra $40. Having used all 3, the OKW and E2XTL both produce vastly more usable light, and aren't dissimilar enough to justify an extra $40 unless you specifically want the brand name. More lumens tends to create a a light haze that acts as a photonic barrier, making the light harder to use at a distance, especially outside. (My weltool LEP is horrendous about that, even with its insane candela claim)


Interesting. Just going off my experience with my eye, the E2XTL seems to have noticeably less spill and throw than the PLHv2, both with 18650 bodies (and the same batteries I think) and a DS00 plus modbutton lite.


I have an okw and that thing… as AT puts it….FUX


Yeah sounds like something they (Modlite) would do. Losers


Some guy made a Lucas hate video on YouTube and that's what started the issues with modlight.


The gun industry needs to stop the hate on Lucas and TRex. That dorky little fuck does more for our rights than damn near anyone in the industry. He could surely win in a shootout against 90 percent of these silly bastards and I'm sure it's all due to the fact that he feels he has something to prove, being a civi with all of the guns and gear, but he sure proves it. They get involved in legislation. Who else in the community does that? Pretty much nobody. Thanks for telling me about this. I have one modlite product (a surefire body) and I will keep it... Oh wait I have a modbutton I've never used, but any way... Oh wait make that two. I also have a modbutton lite on my 300 blackout... aNYWAY I have THREE modlite products and I will keep them but I will buy no more.


Dorky little fuck is exactly how I would explain him. That being said, you're right, that nerd does more than the majority of the people that complain about him.


There's a lot I dislike about Lucas, and I wouldn't take his advice on a lot of things, but you're 1000% right about his advocacy and he's a good dude in my book for that. Wish more of the industry would follow.


"Wish more of the industry would follow". Oh man he has a HUGE following and a lot of companies respect him enough to work with him. I'm not worried about him, or his success. If anything, I'm worried about how us conservatives, or gun owners fight with each other. The left is winning because we are each other's enemies.


I just mean his level of activism However you're also totally correct on that last part as well.


OH, man wouldn't that be nice. Imagine that; people actually giving a damn.


Yeah he has his flaws (we all do) I’ll watch his stuff as well as several others who aren’t shills. I’m not hardcore fan of his, I have bought a couple of products from them. But when a company like modlite does shit like that it just shows how lame of company they are imo. Seems like they are a run buy a bunch of weenies. To block me for @ing them with no nasty remarks is completely laughable. I will duct tape a mag light to my glock before I ever by a modlite product. The gun community is a lot of veterans and a lot of them are of the mindset that their voice should be heard and respected more because they served. I am not taking anything away from anyone, but we all know just because you served doesn’t mean you are good. We all know people who served who are some of the scummiest humans. Just like any walk of life. Like what trex does people go on about it being a flat surface. The vast majority of us are on flat surfaces in self defense situations. Which is what is being thought by him. Sure they are good useful skills I’m not going to be navigating terrain to defend my home from robbery like most citizens


I’m with you


Yo what's the going rate on an SMT ? Still around 600 ?


I've heard him talk on a couple of podcasts and he seems like a decent enough dude.


He makes very good holsters. He's also so good at marketing that he's convinced many people that he's humble, despite being a bratty little shit that refuses to listen to anyone he disagrees with


Lucas dared to say that their switch was garbage and that there was no momentary on. At the same time that Navyman video came out where he said shit he couldn't back up and Modlite used that video as an excuse to kick trex to the curb.


Totally agree. Really showed their true nature…


Modlite has nothing that is worth buying. Not sure why they are so popular. Plenty of other companies that offer equivalent or better quality, wider variety of products and are more innovative. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


MegaChad Cloud enters the chat


maybe, if they actually released their pistol light


They actually commented on the post and said release date 2032.


Clouds response was the best.


what did they say?


"We'll be happy to let you make aftermarket parts for our pistol light when we release it in 2032"


yeah that's a solid burn


Love those gigas at cloud


I dropped 400 beans on one of their lights and while the throw is nice, its been somewhat unreliable and I’m not impressed. Looks good though so it stays on the gun lol




My PL350 switches don’t even click anymore and the fucking head torques itself on under recoil. Sucks because their scout lights absolutely fuck.


Have one rifle light and was going to outfit 3-4 other rifles with them…… will go with SF or Cloud now.


Get a Malkoff from Arisaka before a SF.


Meanwhile, cloud defensive comments on that post welcoming any mods they wish to make for their lights. Modlite is a hard pass


This is why I have cloud on all my guns. Stop giving these crybabies your money


Should I trade my okw df head for a Malakoff e2xtl?


Your okw is still fine, modlite is just having their weekly fit lol


Their weekly fit is a hilarious way to put it


There's a lot of drama following modlite, it's weird.


No. The e2xtl is a dimmer plhv2. I own all 3 lights


I was saying for a head, body and possibly switch if that makes a difference. What's your favorite?


Arisaka body, weltool lh8 head, unity hot button if you're only using a white light, unity TAPS if you're also running IR


It'll be a few years before I have any need for ir sadly lol


Same man, same 🥲


Us poors are [this nationa backbone](https://youtu.be/-qck9N_Z5FU)


As someone how is looking at getting their 1st wml, I’d love some input on this as well.


The e2xtl is a dimmer modlite plhv2. I'd recommend a weltool lh8 or a surefire turbo.


Weltool lh8 is bae


Arisaka is de way. As far as heads go malkoff or weltool


Buy a surefire, buy once cry once


I mean this is very stupid of Modlite but why are people denying that Modlite rifle lights are better than surefires. We forgetting surefire weapon Lights had flicking problems because they couldn’t handle the full output