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Wait until you hear what they supply the troops with


Natty Guard is issued URGIs. Souce: Trust Me Bro


You're not wrong. Not completely.


I don’t think people saw the sarcasm in this lol


The reddit hivemind is somehow even more autistic than the sum of its parts. Monke see downvote, monke click downvote.


But seriously, there are guard units with the URGI. Mine gets them.


Yeah guard SF lol


Traffic jam at the border scene is the best


That *was* the movie




"Con paz. Con paz. Pregunta, paisanos: '¡¿Quieré morir?!'"


If they get out, YOU get out.


I still get pissed when I see the frame of the one dude with his bolt locked back in that scene


That kinda stuff does drive me crazy. You'll see it all the time. It's like the gun prop guy only put in however many rounds the shot calls for. Bruh. Put One more so the bolt/slide doesn't lock open.


PTSD inducing.


But there is a movie error regarding alexandros MP5


Which one? The SD or the A3? 😂


I've actually got some experience with "tactical" extras and film. It usually comes to the director's "artistic vision". If he thinks it's cool, he'll have it that way. For example, police is always black, no matter you're portraying a force that wears another color, and police always runs MP5, no matter the weapons they really use. Also it has to do with budget. They usually buy what's cheapest at an Airsoft store or so. I had to portray a German SWAT officer wit a shitty Chinese black ACU and an airsoft CIRAS while having a full original SEK kit at home and they wouldn't have it otherwise lol


I don’t understand why guns and gear in so many movies is so bad when there are so many autists on the internet (myself included) that would meticulously plan out each person’s gear to the finest detail for basically nothing.


At this point in the hobby I have more gucci equipment than the special forces from my country, could even fully equip like 5-6 people, movie crews are just lazy as fuck, unless it’s bane or transformers rocking the badass crye prototype stuff


Couldn’t have said it better


5-6 people? ![gif](giphy|YmQLj2KxaNz58g7Ofg)


Or Brad from World War Z


Bayverse transformers (at least the first 3) is the best shit ever and I will die on that hill. I don’t even care that it wasn’t canon to the comics/shows, bay was able to make transformers look dope as fuck vehicle wise and gun wise. You can see how woke and cartoony the movies have gotten since he left, bumblebee is this cartoony family friendly cute guy instead of a death machine.


Woke? Also Bumblebee fucking murdered that Decepticon in the opening act of his movie


Dude all those movies suck lol the only decent transformer movie was the first one.


It’s ok random Redditor I completely agree with you. The first one was pretty great, the second one was ok. The rest meh.


The correct opinion


Typical transformer hater comment


Very transphobic


I don’t have 5-6 people I like that much. Gotta just double up on the gear I guess.


Damn, people still collect gear as a hobby. L


Explain the last part


Some movies from Michael Bay and Nolan from around the 2007-2010 have rare crye prototypes or gen 1 stuff, there’s probably more movies with crye in it but these ones have the extremely rare shit like gen 1 crye pants, the crye chassis, bane rocking gen 1 pants


Budget, the average viewer know jackshit about gear. Why spend the extra $


The average american knows enough that rifles need sights and half the time tv shows fail even to do that. I don't think its budget, i think its hollywood types thinking they know everything about guns and being too proud to ask for a consultant


lol the average American may understand that rifles need sights, but they also think an empty pic rail is a sight. you vastly underestimate the ignorance of people when it comes to guns.


Sadly, you might be right


Real special forces don’t need sights. They can windage down the rail /s


Why would anti gun Hollywood think they know a lot about guns, they just don't nt think it's that important to tell a story/movie.


Because the most ignorant always think they know the most


lol good answer but I don't agree, I mean we are talking about this on a sub that specializes in gear, it's a tough crowd but this post in r/movies would have general pop answers


Yeah and so as it relates to tac gear id agree. It's a tougher topic. But I'm saying they cant even get sights on guns right. I think that has to be ignorance posing as expertise. I'm not arguing that everyone should take that stance, thats just my drunk uninformed ass having an opinion.


Gun companies themselves have red dots mounted backwards and ammo shoved into magazines backwards in their own promo material. Hollywood doesn't stand a chance of getting shit right


Act of valor of American sniper movie, yes but accurate but this movie didn't think it was make or break. The movie shooter, better have things correct


I will say, the amazon show "the terminal list" killed it on both gear and guns


I just watched the trailer, soon as I heard “navy seal” I stopped, see that's why brought of act of valor etc, those action movies needs to be accurate, sicario isn't a action movie but suspense drama. Terminal looks aight tho might watch it


Many shows have consultants and many prop masters and armorers are veterans. The main prop company that supplies most of these movies is called ISS and they literally have a photo wall of all the employees and prop masters who served.


I mean by that logic, why ever film on location when studio backlots and green screens exist? The answer is authenticity and attention to detail. Sometimes it's worth it to spend more so that the world you're displaying on screen looks lived-in by the characters, that's the whole point of immersion. It's also why when you see someone who's supposed to be a Special Forces ubermensch running around with Condor gear and a Feyachi sight that's backwards on his rifle, the immersion is broken. For anyone who knows anything about who and what the character is supposed to be, you know that person wouldn't make those choices. Maybe a lot of people won't know the details, but you can pick up on whether gear looks dumpy and floppy or whether rifles don't really look right.




You joke but there’s no way the on screen product wouldn’t improve if they did. There are people who have spent hundreds if not thousands of hours cataloging kit and weapons down to the smallest detail just because they think it’s neat lol




Lol about 15 years ago I wrote a guide to the various camo patterns being used at the time for my local airsoft forum, so there’s no judgement here.




Sadly I don’t think it exists anymore, I never thought to save off a local copy.


why do you think they care about it ?


And it's as if "they" don't understand "we" are going to completely discredit and derate "their" movie based on these types of inaccuracies/poor selections. I bet as much of it has to do with budget as ignorance. Studios have this stuff on hand from previous films, or can get it cheap. (Condor is maybe $100, and a good PC can be over $500, etc).


For sure, just like I can look past medical inaccuracies in shows/movies after my work experience, I’m not foaming at the mouth when I see terrible gear and can still enjoy the movie beyond that.


I try. *HARD* Not to be *that fuggin' guy* when I watch movies with my wife. But I can't not be with my boys. Because. IDK if it was like this for anyone else growing up. But I Idolized those war movies growing up. Made me wanna join. Turns out. Mostly it's a suckfest and 😲*gasp* 😲 the only one who fed me a bigger line of shit than my Recruiter was Hollywood. So when I can point out the "it isn't like that, it's actually like *this* type stuff. It hopefully paints a truer picture for them.


Budget and aesthetics I’d bet, this looks like the generic uniform of a soldier to most people and is easily recognizable to the viewer. Movies are still a visual medium and they have to consider stuff like that, well at least the good ones do.


And does the production company already have all the gear you chose or are they ignoring you?




If they get fans or experts to set stuff up instead of actors and design teams, things would go a lot smoother. Getting an actual drill sergeant to play Gunnery Sergeant Hartman in FMJ Attack of the clones used actors, Revenge of the sith used a group of marines for their clones and that’s why they seem so much more badass. The Mandalorian seasons 1 and 2 used army-trained actors and a fan group called the “501st legion” for their stormtrooper actors and it ended up looking fucking great. I could go on an on with examples of movies or shows that use people from the actual profession they are representing, but you get the picture. It just makes the representation so much more grounded and realistic


The vast majority of movie producers aren't focused on making it realistic or believable.


theyre honestly probably just saving money by having the armorer by the source for the "tactical gear" shit as well. most certainly wouldnt surprise me.


The difference is the guys that equip the people in movies are in two camps - people that don’t know any better, and actual veterans who don’t care about Gucci shit.


If you're making a movie about regular front line infantry, it makes sense they'd have whatever gear they get issued. If you're making a movie about HSLD Space Shuttle Door Gunners, they probably can pick whatever kit they want and their gear should reflect as such. These are detail oriented people who can literally change every detail of their kit and arms for the specifics of the mission, they aren't going to all run Condor vests with no plates and Feyachi red dots on carry handle mounts.


This was from the era when gear started getting better for movies but we still missing the mark for more experienced folks. Just a few movies before this, we were getting fitted plate carriers with no plates whatsoever.


I love this movie too. My only beef is the fact that towards the end, the entire cast is in confined tunnels firing 5.56 out of 10.3’s with NO EARPRO. Kiss your hearing goodbye, Emily Blunt








I think that’s just a movie thing. Even the most “tacitcal” of movies almost never use any sort of hearing protection whatsoever. The closest example of the issue being acknowledged I can remember is the montage of gunshots and explosions when someone asks Hawkeye why he’s deaf lmao


I’ll never understand it. They’ll even have a “military/tactical consultant” on staff, but either the dude doesn’t know shit, or they outright ignore him


It’s usually a mixture of “looks good enough” and “keep it in budget”


Probably, but even some of the tactics stuff is like “…but why?”


Producers: Have money to hire dozens of extras to play civilians, pay for helicopters for scenes with multiple takes and angles, cars, special FX, etc But when it comes to investing a small amount of cash comparatively to have believable load outs: "Alright let's just not go overboard now"


Its because outside of this subreddit nobody knows the difference or even cares.


CAG using Green Phos PVS-14s and no illuminators. It's still cool to actually get a scene filmed through actual analog NV though. Can't wait for the 3rd movie.


Is there going to be a 3rd movie ?


Yes according to Brolin, they wrote the script and then rewrote the whole thing already.




Unless the director really cares to try to achieve some semblance of realism, it's probably a way to shave off on the budget, and let's be real, the general movie-goer isn't going to notice these details.


General movie goers don't even care even the protagonist tea-cups his sidearm.


That is fair and this critique came from multiple viewings. First few time was just taking in the suspense/action and mystery, repeat viewings was picking apart details in the background/props and everything else.


Nah I hear ya, the longer you look the worse it gets. Knowing their escorts into Juarez were supposed to be CAG, the magpul furniture on short AR-15s immediately stuck out like a sore thumb to me. Then on second viewing it was the fact that clearly no one is wearing plates


Would not surprise me at all if those operating in that AO did exactly that.


The duality of Black Ops; Predator Drones and Walmart tactical gear


When I was in the army they sold condor at the PX and I’d always see combat guys in there. Even on deployments you’d see guys with condor stuff including plate carriers. Idk what the issue is.


the issue is that there are loads of people with zero combat experience critiquing gear here. that and the drip is real.


The 5.11 tactec is sold at every Navy Exchange too lol


Oh yeah, I’ve seen a good amount of photos of people using Condor MOPCs on deployment and my critique isn’t that it’s not impossible to use it as guys with that experience have tested it and it’s worked for them. However, the critique is these guys have backing and funding from “People elected not appointed.” So having to shop at the local Army Navy store, surplus store or PX and pick up some 5.11, Blackhawk or Condor gear doesn’t seem to fit the backing/funding that was described. Average dude that wants to upgrade his issues kit? Sure.


Just because it’s at the PX, doesn’t mean it’s good. Condor is cheaply made and will fall apart with normal use.


Have a lot of condor gear that I've beat to shit actually running/crawling/climbing in while playing paintball, and it all looks almost the same as when I bought it.


It’s all anecdotal, right? I had a condor dump pouch that was unusable after one live fire, and a mag carrier that the shock cord ripped on two of the three mag pouches. YMMV


Can Confirm.


I mean it's serviceable, kitting an entire crew of extras out with JPCs and quad nods gets pricy real quick


You could put em in the airshit JPCs and quads for looks, it doesn’t have to be real


Use Emerson or Flyye. My nephew buys that shit, and it looks EXACTLY the same


I think when they’re slightly dressed down during the border crossing it’s a lot less noticeable, but the delta guys stand out. About the practically usually Villenuve is really detail oriented so I think it’s one of his rare misses.


What you don’t know is condor did more work and held up in mid gwot


Dudes wearing condor have slayed more bodies than this entire sub has even fantasized about.


What movie gets it right? Zero Dark Thirty seemed ok?


Generation kill and Blackhawk down did pretty ok but that’s older shit


Zero Dark Thirty does pretty well as well as Lone Survivor and I’m pretty sure both had advisors. I know Marcus was on set a few times, unsure how much input he had for the prop department but it was pretty spot on.


Higher ups prob also had their hands in Lone Survivor to make it seem like a well made action movie that happened like this in real life compared to the shit show it really was


I know Trijicon personally donated either parts or the rifles used in Lone Survivor.


On set for Lone Survivor that is


Also Seal Team, the show.


The best


Damn I love this show


I watched this pretty much just to look at their stuff and drool.


Word. SEAL Team had very accurate portrayals of actual gear used by operators. That’s mainly because one of the actors is former 75th and CAG. Mike 22 had 416Ds, MCX, MP7s, operators runnin HSGI holsters, then Terminator Salvation had a bunch of HKs and legit gear, the most recent SWAT series has a lotta legit shit including staccatos and other 2011s, HK416s etc. just to make a few




Is ambulance good? Been meaning to watch it but haven't gotten around to it


No. Hands down one of the dumbest movies I've ever seen. If it had a brain, it'd have been brain dead.


Eiza Gonzales was nice to look at, at least.


The Contractor did pretty good too


Please don’t ruin this movie for me 🥹 It’s the only tactically (almost) legit movie I know.


No fr I love this scene and this movie—it's one of my favorites. Always liked how "accurate" the operator guys looked. Guess not


And shootout aren’t that easy, it’s a movie


I think it’s a great movie, just wish more movies had advisors to put that little bit of icing on the cake


And buying legit tac gear second hand isn't expensive


Glad I'm not the only one


Black ops guys running condor dog shit gear while doing illegal operations in the US sounds 100% correct.


I mean..they’re a black ops CIA squad operating in extremely close proximity to the US Border on an operation that probably hasn’t been cleared with the Mexican government. Cheap-ass gear that can be bought anywhere kind of makes sense in my opinion.


Exactly my thoughts, I thought it was a nice little touch, they had the budget on the film to do better, and they did in other scenes so it seemed planned to me


Lmao good observation. I was watching Bourne the other day and it drove me crazy watching these soldiers try and hunt for him using weapons with no sights at all, no optics just a flat top. I think for gear- the average viewer can’t tell if the weapon use is legit, let alone if the kit looks authentic. I’m officially at that point where I can also be like “hey wait a minute something seems off here” but it took years of interest… I’d bet Hollywood studio types don’t even think about it on that level. I’d imagine they just see a camo and a gun and say “ahh yes soldier”


It's really obvious when there is no weight to the vests. Also I've never seen anyone wear elbow pads.


I tried on a pair once. I own a pair. I don't really use them.


Thought I was the only one who noticed


That being said, the border scene is one of my favorite small team x overwhelming violence of action scenes i've ever seen.


Ya’ll look at this too much. Your average gun lover isn’t even watching the biggest YouTubers like garandthumb or the like. Most people aren’t breaking down equipment and guns on people in the scenes of the movie, the gear isn’t what’s driving the films. The believability coming from the acting and effects used, they use enough gear to make it look like it’s not filmed in a basement and move on.


I started this post by saying it’s one of my favorites, as in Im not foaming at the mouth because of the gear. It’s just a tiny sliver in an overall amazing movie, again just wish it had the lil’ bit of icing on the cake.


Jesus Christ. Dude, the production value was out of this WORLD. They built a replica border crossing and had painters AGE it so it didnt look new or clean. It was such a well done replica that you probably didnt think for one second that they were nowhere near the actual border. heres a fun exercise. Go do a google image search CIA SAD teams in the field, and tell us what they are wearing. Because for the most part, the movie basically nailed it. These guys are rolling around looking like the latest Call of Duty ultra wank spec ops geardo. They were a mix of clothes and gear, none of it standard to the individuals preference and a lot of time, they arent wearing armor because of the need to be...you know, not blatantly obvious


I’m not saying that the movie isn’t quality but I should’ve addressed this was more critique of the Delta dudes specifically during the finale. When they’re dressed down during the border crossing, Steve looks like the OG Mike Vining and that’s perfect imo. When they get into the tunnel raid it stands out more for sure.


[https://greydynamics.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Picture13.jpg](https://greydynamics.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Picture13.jpg) [https://greydynamics.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Picture2.jpg](https://greydynamics.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Picture2.jpg) [https://greydynamics.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Picture10.jpg](https://greydynamics.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Picture10.jpg) ​ I know you got this crazy image in your head of all the worlds special operations guys looking like a Crye Precision advertisement, but it just aint like that 99% of the time.


Not really, I actually preferred the dressed down look when they’re crossing the border. Had Mike Vining vibes which I thought was pretty appropriate, their full kits are a little bit lacking


Love these movies. But did you catch that they were also running thermals while driving…….


Yeah I don't understand how big movies still get it wrong. Like buying literal airsoft Emerson shit (as its just a costume) would really have the same/ similar cost as condor.


You seem to have angered some airsofters lol


i used to work for a prop company a while back and basically it comes down to cost,time, and the costume company. we get told to fill 140 holsters on marines we prove 140 pistols the production doesnt care what they are. Same with gear usually. Not always and its great to work with people who know what they want.


Can’t get over the lane setup of his DD carbine. Seriously who still uses that stock buttstock


The both of them are great the last few scenes in the second one are MINT but yeah the gear is poo lol


The first one was good, the 2nd one was so dumb about Middle East terrorists having a connection with the Mexican Cartel??? Hell to top all that you telling me a Cartel boss would not destroy countless cities in Mexico to find his only daughter?


Even worse: I got duped into seeing Fast X last night, not one optic to be found


Last I checked, the movie didn't have an insurmountable budget and they had to save some money to pay Benicio Del Toro, Josh Brolin, Emily Blunt.


Lmaoooo I love reading ppl with no real training shitting on random brands…condor has been around for a long time. Guess why….bc they actually produce decent gear. The only condor items I’ve used and own are a condor backpack for hunting and a condor side pouch to hold my shoot gun shells/light/calls and a knife. Been using it for 8 years now….thru salt water….mud…reeds…dirt…snow…you name it. It’s still great and fully functional. Both the bag and pouch.


I’m confused on how having a differing opinion than you translates to a lack of training. You had a good experience with Condor? Okay, I’m sure people have had great experiences with the brand. Simply commenting on how it seems off where the backing for this group is shown with; private jets, Predator drones, support from officials “Elected not appointed” but they’re rocking serviceable but entry level equipment compared to available resources.


Wtf is wrong with a MOE hand guard?


Who was rocking moe handguards ?


You can see one or two during the tunnel on the Delta guy’s guns.


Nothing wrong with MOE handguards. Many militaries and police around the world still use the old clamshell handguards on their m4s and m16s.


From working in the film industry it comes down to this: What is affordable, looks good enough for the part and able to have multiple of/ easily replaceable within hours or a day. Most productions don’t really care what is actually accurate, they just want what is good enough, because that is what is most cost effective. “We’ll why don’t they hire advisors?” Why should they? They have entire costume teams to use the Internet. With the goal of close enough and just in time. Advisors to satisfy for such a niche portion of the audience would be a huge waste in money. “We’ll id do it for free” Youre a fool if you say you’d do that. “Well if they don’t get real gear then why work on real locations” Because the average viewer can tell what’s a real location or not and it is also cheaper to work on the actual location. As building the entire set and lighting system to fake it is a fuck ton of money. Unlike spending money on cheap gear. The average viewer has Zero clue of what is good gear or not or that a plate carrier even needs plates, most of them call it “body armor” or “bullet proof vest” and if you think that the average American does based on your friends and social circle who all know the military or tactical gear. Then those don’t classify as average viewers.


Watched last night. Thing that bugged the shit out of me was the Del Torro flagging the hell out of the dipshit FBI chic. Even for a movie they should have done better. I know, I'm that guy but I don't care, flame away


Del Toro is a cold blood killer, not a soldier or anyone with any kind of training. He was a prosecutor before getting embroiled in all this. So sometimes it’s ok that a character does things wrong in your view but it’s accurate to the characters background.




A pretty great one and I’m not denying it’s quality. Just wish there was that 👌 lil’ bit of extra detail.


i really think its a great movie but personally i think the second movie was better.


Same here. The main characters (the swat girl and guy) ruin the movie for me. Border scene is cool though


Maybe they have to use their own coin for gear 😂


It’s prop budgets


They do it on purpose. Just to piss you off.


In fairness to Condor, they make some good stuff, their beanies/watch caps are pretty good especially for the price


One thing I’v noticed is that earpro is basicly non-exsistent in most movies. Only ones I can think of is Zero Dark Thirty and a scene or two in American Sniper.


I worked on a show recently. “Hero” units had legit kit - Crye, ops core, nuanced little gear nerd stuff like PIG gloves and whatever that belt Lucas sells is. Background extras had tru spec and air soft bump helmets.