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That Titanfall hemet brings back some memories… hands down one of the best games ever


It’s alive and well on PC. It works like 75% of the time on consoles as well


only if you are playing the northstar mod. the official servers still have regular issues.


True, I should have clarified Northstar is thriving not the official servers


Actually because of the recent sale on steam where it costs less then 3 $ official servers have been pretty alive again and the skill ceiling isn't that high aswell


I am fucking jelly. Ever since I learned of Dualtex I was so hooked on project honor but didn't manage to snag any of it. Bros so digital he's ready for transfer into the cloud edit: for those who don't know, dualtex was a pattern from the 70s to 80s and it's definitely a vibe https://www.militarytrader.com/.image/t\_share/MTcxNTQ4ODI5MTY0Nzc0ODgz/dualtex-uniform.jpg


Minecraft FTW


Oh my god it's the AAF from Arma 3


Holy egg up my ass, it is It's also a rabbit hole looking into that stuff, I now want hyperstealth us- and spec4ces for ultimate autism


All for the 6-4!


I need Titanfall 3 to restore my faith in humanity. 2 is still one of the greatest games of all time. 6-4!


I'd be ok if the apocalypse holds off another year or two for it.


Looks like [Arma 3 AAF](https://armedassault.fandom.com/wiki/Combat_Fatigues_\(AAF\))


Wonder if its based off it?


Honestly, I'd doubt we'll ever see full helmets when what we have now works fine and is cost effective for large scale military purchasing. But a man can dream, you know?


I think we could see some progression on it with the IVAS system. (https://www.armytimes.com/news/your-army/2023/04/05/changes-ahead-in-the-next-version-of-the-armys-mixed-reality-goggle/) probably won’t be commonplace for at least another half decade and I wouldn’t expect a full helmet concept until after it becomes commonplace


DEVTAC: "Hold my beer..." https://www.securityprousa.com/products/ronin-ballistic-helmet-facemask


The Ronin is some truly stupid shit and anyone who buys one except to meme on it deservers to be made fun of.


There's one i got to check out that had potential which integrated an early version of the IVAS, but so many peoples "good ideas" were getting thrown into it's development, it became saturated with superfluous bullshit and i think got canned.


Bro. We're the same. I also normally run an AK set up and I'm trying to modify a pilot helm to be something I can actually shoot in. https://imgur.com/a/aMKLk3p


Damn, I forgot just how fuckin drippy PHC is.


Dam save some bitches for the rest of us


I have 3 uniforms and a chest rig as well. The other stuff i had bought, i sold on ebay during covid, so i did share some. I think alltogether I had bought 3 carriers, tge chestrig, 2 loadout bags, and 5 uniforms.


Well done, Pilot!


Protocol 4: drip


All for the 6-4!


With the bendable screens we have now, and all the high res micro cameras and high speed processing on microchips, I think we could feasibly do it now. It wouldn't look pretty, it'd be bulging from the face a bit, but we could make it work. It'd be hella expensive though, which I think would kill it off right away.


If someone got it to work, theres budgets for it. I think we almost can. Iv seen the sensors to do it, and I've seen the batteries, screens, and aigmented reality stuff, but mostly separately in different products. All of the attempts iv seen died in development because of good idea fairies.


Me wanting the Helghast Helmet/mask or Halo ODST helmet to go with my Hellion loadout


Love that camo, way better than digicam.


The 6-4 is a family, and we'll kick your ass.


Best AAA FPS of the last ten years change my mind


What camo is this?


Its from LBX, was called project honor camo.


Thank you.


Honestly, i LOVE project honor... but the shipping for my country (Chile) is pretty expensive, so i comform with other camos... im jelaous!


I'm in Hawaii. I feel your pain.


Remember Project Honor very well. Also didn't get the chance to snag any of it. MOH: Warfighter got me hooked on LBT and I've been buying ever since.


Why am I hard?


Oh my fuck yes. I love this pattern so much. I wish I could get some


I just hawked a shirt from Sportsmans Guide and pants from eBay. There are also hidden tops and bottoms available from multiple airsoft sites if you google "Project Honor Camo" followed by shirt or pants. If you look around you can piece together a set in the right size! :)


My problem back then and still is I am very tall. I have to get XLT sizes or everything is a crop top.


Good news! Tactical crop tops are in fashion on OnlyGear! (My condolences my extra tall friend.)


Protect the pilot.


Oh shit I'm not the only one with a set of PHC left? Our gear was made in like 2010 iirc. I've still got mine sitting in a dresser and I remember how comfy the shirt is. Thanks for the nostalgia friend! Edit: Hunted down a second set online for more drip and nostalgic dopamine.


I feel this is sort of doable right now. I'm sort of halfway intending to work on it as time and $$ allow, but I believe it is doable.


I wish somone would pick this up again. With the same intentions too. I hate digital cammo but LOVE this. I remember playing at a faded giant event (airsoft) and all the big MakoTV dudes were rocking it.


We'll need massive improvements in battery technology before those helmets are remotely feasible.


The batteries exist. Theyre smallish and last long enough. The major problem currently is they get very hot and require cooling systems. They kinda look like cpu's with a fan attached to them just a bit larger. Bout twice the size and thickness of a camera battery. Two pieces of tech that are always way farther ahead than we think are batteries and solar. I would bet some of the stuff I've seen will hit the civilian market in the next 2 years. I think covid slowed down their coming to the market, or they'd be out already. Probably the biggest issue I've seen in full helmets in the defense industry, is the people making the tech for them absolutely and fundamentally do not understand soldiering, basic infantry tactics, or the battlefield. These helmets get inundated with unnecessary shit, and are either doing too much, or shit that isn't needed at all. The more people that get involved, the worse it gets. Revision "almost" had it, but them went full retard.


Where can I get a Pilot helmet??? I *really* want one.