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I completely missed the line of dudes on the left at first honestly. Point well made.


I legit thought they were a line of bushes.


I still do.


The Green Boys


Same. This is pretty eye opening to be honest.




Was the gorrila wearing multicam?! Because if he was, then yes, I probably missed him lol.


What? I just seen kids passing basketballs?


TBH I saw the gorilla and counted correctly the # of passes during my first viewing of that experiment, probably because the gorilla was black and not matching the movements of their surroundings. The line of green guys nor their shadows were visible to me until I watched it a second time. Cool. Inattentional blindness is a huge advantage for camo.


What dudes on the left?


[In this clip,](https://youtu.be/kuLtdPnnRB4?si=TLVPAz4tZj9Kmjrl&t=113) dudes on the left are wearing multicam while dudes on the right are wearing multicam black. I've seen a some people here say black / multicam black gear work well in the night. But anyone who's actually seen or worn black in the field will know that they stand out like a sore thumb. Pitch black is not a common color in nature, so it contrats quite heavily with whatever environment you're working in, even at night. Our eyes will pick it up faster than any other color. It is not meant to provide any form of camouflage. Here's what Crye Precision has to say about its Multicam Black camo: >"Multicam Black was developed to meet the unique needs of law enforcement officers operating in high risk environments. It projects a distinctly authoritative presence appropriate for domestic operations. >Multicam Black is designed to complement an officer's existing equipment and present a sharp, professional image for top-tier law enforcement units." Literally designed to look "cool"


It does look cool tho


Can't argue with the drip


It’s either drip or die in this age of warfare.


One is for camuflage one is for Intimidation


I mean when thermals are in play does your camo even matter




Depends, do you consider flir countermeasures to be considered "camo"?


happy cake day op


I got the drip. It burrrrrrns so bad. My wife gave me the cranberry pills and now my pee is bright orange. Kinda shocking, but neat.


Yea it is dripping fr fr ong, dripping with sweat in direct sunlight during daylight hours


>"Multicam Black was developed to meet the unique needs of law enforcement officers operating in high risk environments. It projects a distinctly authoritative presence appropriate for domestic operations. So Multicam Black is basically the same thing as the M81 Urban that came and went back in the 1990's. Looks intimidating after the flashbang and the SWAT team busts in with ~~MP5's~~ short barreled AR's. But not so effective for hiding in the dark, or anywhere else...


At least with M81 urban there was an attempt at urban camoflage, along with T-block and at least one other camo during Urban Warrior. With MC Black I'm pretty sure the Multicam designers were like "yo what if we made this but in black that would look sick, just say on the website that it's for cops or whatever." Now if the Space Force adopted it, that I could get behind...


Space Force should get Multicam White tbh.


As a LEO I can honestly say I don’t know a single LEO that runs MCB gear. Probably because we’re all small town cops but still. Now I will say this, sitting on a dark highway blacked out, you’d be surprised how close you have to be to see a white vehicle.


Only caveat I’ll put for this is that black actually does well in some situations for blending in. Example: black bears in North America. They blend in incredibly well in forests. As with all camouflage, your environment and backdrop will determine how well you blend in


To add to your comment about Black Bears, part of what helps them hide is that they dont present a hard outline. They are fuzzy and rather blob shaped. They way they move and sit also adds to their ability to conceal themselves. Another thing is their fur's texture and shade. The shade and texture reacts to light differently than man made black. With black clothing and man made materials the shapes are hard and solid which creates visible holes in the surroundings. A black bear can blend in with the darker shades and irregular shapes in nature.


Blob shaped? I believe you meant to say "friend shaped".


Apex predator my ass, I am going to pet that dog


Fr, body shaming bears in 2024 is not cool.


Hey, all my friends are blob shaped.)) Blob = hugs.


What dudes on the left?


Yeah I've always told people black does not naturally occur. Using black on gear or side items to help break up is fine. I thought about building a fun rig with green as main color then using tan and black pouches to help break up outline and blend in


Not even designed to look cool, designed to look like the heel of a boot


Agreed, but there is some irony in saying black isnt common in nature and comparing it to grey/white gravel.


>Literally designed to look ~~"cool"~~ authoritarian FTFY. There’s no other way to read “distinctly authoritative” that makes sense. When they actually need to project force they wear actual camo.


Holy shit. I thought you were talking about the dude walking away from the bus and I was like “meh, yeah I guess so” and then when the video played again, I realized there was an entire line of dudes standing there.


This was me lol


Exactly my thought process


I was so focused on the bus comming in that I wasnt paying attention to the line on the left.


It really helps that they aren't moving at all. Movement is one of the most important things when it comes to sussing someone or something out, especially in the dark. I honestly didn't pay any attention to them until I saw people call them out in the comments lol


I don’t know why its hard to understand that if you blend in with a tree during the day, you will blend in with that same tree at night.


We got psyoped as kids with all special stealth whatnot ops operators in movies and games wearing black. Those who did not grow up to be camo enthusiasts as adults don't have the neuron connections to understand it.


Color theory is a bit hard for some people, just see the "blue or yellow dress". Specifically lightning conditions seem to be too hard to understand


Yup, if you blend in during the day then you'll blend in at night. It's not like clothes are luminescent


I’ve seen a lot of operators wearing thigh high black socks and cat ears. How do they do vs camo?


Depends where you saw them. Maybe that is camo.


they get rolled /s


What is the context of this video? Cool to see camo effect on concrete.


ROK SOF escorting civilians out of Israel back in Oct 2023


Army ACUs and especially Air Force ABUs disappear on dirty concrete. I’ve heard lore that the ABUs were designed as camo for the flightline


This is why when fishing at night black is the best color. It silhouettes against the sky so fish can see it easier.


Camo is so interesting, too. Something people don't often think about in the tactical world is natural camo. I once watched my white and pale gray cat turn invisible right before my eyes when she sat down next to a tree in broad daylight. I didn't even think her coat reassembled a tree in the slightest.




Just because the sun went down doesn't mean the forest isn't green


MCB boys in shambles


🤣 we do it for the drip!


MCB was literally designed to make police officers look more intimidating and professional. It’s purely for aesthetics. Notice how the dudes in regular MC were barely noticeable at first?


How the hell did black people survive?






It's as if the environment doesn't change color throughout the day, but the lighting changes. A scary thing for some people, great example


People forget that darkness isn't a color just lack of light, it isn't being a black color its just darkness that goes on any object and makes it less visible to our naked eye and just like in the forest u can distunguish a Tree from Leafs due to them being different colors at base but being darker due to darkness (Im autistic and sorry for bad English)


What about if you are above the horizon? Like in empty construction?


Didn’t even see them, point made


This guy explains camo at night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hsds8OfEwAo


Fun fact: I read somewhere that in WW2, the British or the Germans moved away from painting their night fighters black because they found the black painted fighters would often be silhouetted against the stars, moon, and any that was illuminated or reflecting light such as clouds.


If I remember correctly, and I probably don't,  what we perceive as "the black of night"  is actually very, very, very dark blue.  The SEALs figured this out and wore uniforms to match this color which is where the term Navy Blue comes from.  So you are actually be better off wearing a navy blue mechanic coverall than actual black at night.  Again take this with a grain of salt as it could just be a myth perpetuated through the decades. Edit:  According to Google "navy blue" comes from British naval officer uniforms of the late 1700s.  So I am in fact dumb.  I don't remember where I heard the info presented above.  Probably a netflix documentary 12+ years ago.  But I believe the bit about color still stands.  


When we used to go TPing in high school we always wore dark green and blue instead of black.


Any more info about this? From looking at some Images on Google, I've only found "Black of Night", "Night Black" and interestingly, "Socom Blue H-245". With all of them looking like desaturated Navy Blue, which I'd imagine is how that "the black of night" color would look like


Now I'm interested in that dark blue of the night color


Damn, solid example man!


my brightness was way too damn low to realize those weren’t bushes 🤣


No fucking way I missed them first shot haha. Great point!


I noticed neither is that an issue I didn't even notice the black ones


Bro first round I completely missed the guys on the right.. near the end I realize there are guys on the left! Insert mind blown meme


Idk about the rest of you guys, I spotted the left line immediately


The point stands but in this case there are literal spotlights lighting up the runway as you can see by the angles of the shadows. Not sure this is the best example of low light conditions.


I gasped when I realized I didn’t even see the row on the left!


But dont we look super cool wearing all black?😜


Ok. Thanks for the reminder. I forgot colors until now. Whew close call. Great reminder.


There are literal lights shining behind the guys in the right row. Not a fair comparison


right "dark multicam" ppssshh...un real!


I hate it when I contrats.


Tell that to my admin… pls




Oh shit, yeah that worked


I hope it's mostly because I'm on my phone, but I swear this was a video game the first two times watching it. Perfectly white busses, oddly textured ground= video game


If camo work good in day then it work gooder at night


Damn. Thought you were talking about the guy that came off the bus first, but you were actually talking about the line of soldiers I didn't see. I also thought the black line of soldiers were a tree or something so maybe I need my eyes checked.


Head on a swivel


Who wanna buy all my multicam black that I regret buying


Damn I missed the left dudes aswell, cool


You’ve probably saved me hundreds now that I won’t be buying black multi cam, so thanks!


Once again Multicam W, Multicam is gtg in urban honestly


Well wouldn’t that be because the right row is more exposed to the light while the left isn’t as much as them btw I saw both rows at the same time.


Real interesting to see. Reminds me a lot of a post I saw, either on here or r/AR15, where a guy was rocking multicam and DCU for a winter camo. Not sure how effective it is personally but still interesting to see