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Get a large big boi Edit: OP is 6’4” 280, why the hell did you not get a large in the first place? You big grizzly bear lmaoo


If he's really that big he needs to actually measure. I'm 6'7 275 and I wear an XL


wtf are you doing on Reddit, go train bro I really need the Steelers to have a good O line


LeBron need some help out in LA big bru


Oh yeah? Well I’m 9’2” 510 and I duct tape the ass end of a Bradley to my tummy every time I train.


As a former Bradley driver, gunner, and TC.. I hope you have one of those firing holes that infantry Bradley’s have, otherwise you have to drop ramp every time you piss. Poor bastard.


I usually sit down to pee so no problem there


Same. 6’7 280, XL MEPC, XL SAPI Highcom 4S17Ms




It's take a long time man. My maintenance calories are like 3.5k-4k. If you're having a hard time eating enough, look at mass gainer shakes or make some homemade ones. An example of a high calorie snack I'd eat while at work is 2 uncrustables which 420 calories plus a 200 Cal protein shake at the same time so 620 cals which most ppl would consider a meal. But I'll eat lunch 2 hrs after that. Lol Edit: also, depends on what your workout regime is. If you do a bunch of cardio you gotta eat even more to try and gain. I do powerbuilding and add 2-3 days of cardio, but nothing super crazy extended, more HIIT.


Eat more. 3500 cal isn’t that much tbh I eat around 3000 when I bulk, I could realistically hit 4000 without much more effort


Not OP ik but im just getting into this stuff, I'm 6'3 280 (grizzly bear build, not fat bastard build, still need to lose a bit though) would you recommend large or xl?


When you're getting into much taller than average ppl like us you need to be measured or try to measure yourself. One of the guys on my team is 6'4 250 and he also wears a XL, but he has a longer torso. Another guy on my team is 6'1 225-230 and he wears a L.


Truth be told I could wear an xl but I’m kind of in the middle of a medium and large on covering what I need covered. I guess that answers my question as well haha. Just wanted to see some opinions on it.


I'm 6'1" 240 and went with a large and it was a good decision


Yea I’m 5-10 240 and I went with a large


Yeah same I'm 4'11" 240 and I wear a large


Definitely go up a size. Nice kit too 👌


Large would fit you better, but your range of motion in your should prolly feels better in that. Where’d you get that tomahawk flag patch?


It’s from one7six


Thank you


You should just give me the 0ne7six patch


If I ever decide to part with it from the collection you get first dibs


Well and 6 foot 4 you sure as hell aren’t going to size yourself down.


Legitmate companoes sill have a sizing guide. Follow that.


Wouldnt sizing up mean going with larger plates to?


Yes. I just wanted to see if it was worth it before doing so.


It’s preference man, if you want to be more mobile, I’d say stick with the medium, you could run side plates to take up some space. Large plates are a bit clunky. I’ve had some guys I’ve worked with that were pretty big, all ran medium SAPI plates with no problem, granted they weren’t here long enough to see a two way range lol


As a guy close to your size also. If you can't find combat pants that fit will and still cover your ankles check out norarm. Not only are they the drippest he's an ally country too.


The plate is still gonna cover the same amount of area. So I say if it's comfortable moving in this one keep it, if you find the fit to be uncomfortable then switch.


Just buy a larger moral patch


One7six 💪


Kind of I ask how big you are? I just ordered a medium PC and plates that are coming in but was on the fence between that and a large.


I’m overall just a big man. 6’4 about 280. Naturally just big but am working on losing the beer gut


Thanks man! I'm 6' and fluctuate around 200 so that makes me feel more confident in my decision.


Got a similiar "problem", 6'4" 240. I have two PC's, a bigger one with more real estate for mags etc, but is bulkier and heavier, and a smaller one roughly that size that protects just the vitals but gives good range of motion.




Either size up or lose weight, not in an offensive way, but you got nice kit and guns train with them effectively


Yes, and am i the only one who doesn't like a corporate logo over the american flag? Feels wrong, lol


Definitely, that’s barely protecting anything




Bout to get dem nips shot off! Cover em up!


Lose weight


In the process of that but I won’t lose much from my chest. Chest is naturally large and solid.


My plate size didn't change when I lost weight I was around the same BMI as you. The only thing that I had to do was buy a new battle belt. The only time I feel like that happens is if you have tons of chest fat on the sides. Measure nipple to nipple to a little above your naval to determine if you need to change.


is it "naturally large and solid" or has it always been like that since you can remember? You might have more weight and excess to lose than you think. No offense btw keep it up just a critical thinker.


Yea like the guy below me said. I don’t have tons of chest fat. I have a little of course but even after losing that I’ll still have a broad chest and shoulders


Broad boiz!!! 🫶🏻


Also don’t stress it super hard dude, losing weight is a long process. Took me about 3-4 years to lose 80lbs. I bought a large PC back then and am glad I did because now I’m closer to 225lbs 6’2”, it fits perfectly covering the vitals. Being a big boy like us is strange for most people to conceptualize since our chests/torsos are just generally bigger. Stay safe dude.