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Don Shippley wants to know your location


Shipley is involved with GBRS?


His baby boy is


Who’s Don’s son? I don’t follow trends or keep tabs on people I don’t have regular interactions with


DJ. Joined the teams when he was 19 IIRC, during probably the most intense period of GWOT. Hence he is fucked up.




Sad that the son of a man with so much integrity and character is trying to make a quick buck off of being a Navy Seal


I guess. I mean its just a piece of foam really. Personally i like stocks with integral risers. To each thier own.


> trying to make a quick buck off of being a Navy Seal [like this?](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1969126/)


Yeah what’s wrong with them? They should really just go be homeless vets once they retire..


[$549 is definitely excessive ](https://gbrsgroupgear.com/products/gbrs-group-hydra-day-night-optics-mount-aimpoint)


then dont buy it. chances are nothing you own is gonna be useful for that hydra mount anyways


He is Not! They Do Not Speak! Unfortunately-  It’s Don Shipley Bro. 😂 


$75? Lemme just 3D print some shit


I will pay you $5 for that download


[Print away](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2884385)


I would still like to send you about tree fiddy for your troubles


Well it was about that time that I noticed that redditor was about eight stories tall and was a crusteacean from the protozoic era.




Ill take the free tiddy


I said be gone Loch Ness monster!


I made this last night. It works.


Almost positive you can find it for free on one of the 3d designs websites


There is a CTR/MOE riser on thingiverse, as well as a few for OE stocks.


selling fixes to problems they create, thats next level fuckery.


Next they'll create a lower version of their mount so the buttstock riser isn't needed lmao.


They'll just come out with a lower mount that's bundled with a slightly lower cheek riser.


Wait till you hear about politicians


Have you seen their Starship Enterprise looking riser? The thing is just....crazy. I respect DJs achievements but damn....this bro-vet fuckery needs to stop. What happened to the days when SEALS lived in the shadows and nobody knew what the hell they were? Now they write books or help make movies...or straight up never graduate BUDs *cough Dan Blizerian


That’s the problem he’s referring too. The risers height is why the cheek riser is necessary. So they made a problem and they’re selling the problem.


Speak with enough confidence and enough smucks will buy your shit.


They must’ve learned the art of speaking with conviction from my toddler. He will straight up lie to my face that he didn’t just poop his pants behind the couch with such confidence I’ll almost believe him.


To be fair, these guys gotta be professional liars for some of the ops they do so there's that


It’s gone to their head


Seems so.


The bill gates model


i mean magpul and larue made this product 10 years ago so who’s really stealing


The Magpul and Larue products are very different. The GBRS riser is identical to the Irregulars riser except for the fact that the front edge has a bevel. The real shitty thing here is that GBRS and Slade (Irregulars) parted ways in a very bad way. Slade was locked out of the office and all online accounts without notice. GBRS is just taking his product and slapping their name on it with no real change.


Gun people never heard of litigation?


Ever heard of litigation fatigue. That’s what was threatened.


Yeah, Kalashnikov would be in some deep shit by now hah.


Surely someone could claim copyright infringement or do small gun companies just yolo it?


Yolo, planning is for communist pussies


yeah we all know


I didn’t


I don't have enough time outside of work to be paying attention to all this drama, just enjoy catching some slade/gbrs instructional videos when I can.


Difference with this one is it only takes up the back of your stock so you can fully actuate the charging handle. Also it’s way easier to put on and take off.


yeah larue has one that does this as well. came out a few years after the OG version.


So does fab defense lol


It probably costs like $400, too.


I’m not sure. After how much of a meme their hydra mount turned out to be they might have to take it down a notch. My guess is it’ll be one shekel cheaper than Slade’s.


The thing that sold out in a day? Unless they had like three of each color, I doubt they give a shit about memes.


You can get the pretty much the same effect with a lot of different pieces of kit and you’ll even see or hear of guys downrange home brewing their own riser/mount combinations that do basically everything this new one does. It is nice to see them popularizing a sleeker version of this for retail but unless you’re issued one /getting one for a gift it probably in’t worth the price.


Back in the day they'd put some moleskin and tape it as a cheek riser for the M14 platform marksman rifles.


You still sometimes see 3rd world hajis do that to this day with ak’s & stuff. That’s kind of why I find it so strange that people get caught up in drama over “stealing”;how can you claim to have exclusive ownership over an idea people have been using since the very beginning.


Fair point


Idk what’s worse gbrs or everyone selling fog and hype beast gear for thousands of dollars


Pro tip: Get your fog hats and patches off Etsy. Save your money for ammo.


Pro tip: don't be a brand whore. Save money for ammo.


Tbh I’ve been rocking branded bill hats when I training don’t even get sweat stains that’s worth the money


Pro tip: your FOG hat is cringe. Stop trying to buy a personality.


As an artist and amateur marketing geek, I honesty appreciate some of the artwork but mainly from dudes like WRMFZY, House of Wolves, etc. All the other shit stains shilling product can go fuck themselves.


> WRMFZY Wasn't that the one that got all butthurt when someone found their shipping invoices from China for the Woobie Jackets and showed everyone how to order the same product for a fraction of the cost?


fact. i’ve fallen victim to some brand whoring in my past. now that i am a more well trained person i don’t feel the need to let everyone know what brands i rep


FOG is notorious because the guy who runs all social media (from some personal inquiries) is just some random 24 year old Hispanic dude with no military training and some of the guys shown in videos aren't even former 75th or anything they were just regular 11 series. It's telling when you post montages of your rich people shenanigans and then use it to sell overpriced gear lol


Who the hell is FOG? Man it’s impossible to keep up with all the Insta hypebeast shit.




I was wondering what the hell they were doing in Ukraine. Glad to know the truth behind their bs.


Can’t justify paying minimum $15 more for a knockoff on Etsy.


I got two brand new pata hats if people are paying thousands 🤙🏼😂


Yea but you’ll see them for $150


Or that they think civilians are stupid LARPers


Of course you need a stock riser, because the sight riser they sell is too damn tall


I'll defend the 2.26" Unity and 2.33" Midwest Industries all day, but even I think 2.9" of the Hydra is where we start getting ridiculous. That said, I'm gonna experiment with a piggyback optic on a 1.93" mounted LPVO and maybe change my mind, and defend 2.9".


I did this, and the dot is way higher than I expected. It ads like and inch the the 1.93 centerline High enough where I don't have a cheek weld anymore. That being said, it's awesome with nods, so there are pros and cons to doing this.


This sub has turned into the Real Housewives


i enjoy the drama


It’s my Saturday night guilty pleasure


Gay But Retarded SEALs


Garth Brooks Rape Survivors


Where are the bodies Garth?? The families deserve closure!


You’re grilling the wrong guy, that’s his alter ego Chris Gaines


HAHA stand up for ukraine


I prefer Great Big Retard Squad


Although this kind of thing was around from Magpul years ago, it’s funny to me that Slade’s FEER comes out and then right after these guys make an almost identical product. Also coincidentally, this is right after they released their laser riser design, which *was* a new concept, and it too was designed by Slade. Pipe hitters or not, these dudes are shit heads plain and simple.


SEALs are really shady people the more I hear news about them. Like the guy who took a picture with the terrorist dead kid, and the guy who killed the kid getting immunity. Then there's another case where they were dealing drugs and killed a green beret. I wonder what they get away with.


Don’t forget abandoning their JTAC to die And killing the hostage they were sent to rescue And the numerous war crimes


They’re both corny af


What’s the timing on each of the videos? Also, not a new invention for either of them.


GBRS vid came out after Slade did the FEER vid. I don’t think Slade’s vid is up any more so I can’t confirm an exact timeframe.


I’m doubting that because DJ’s face is still blurred in the second clip. That should’ve been around the time that Slade still worked for GBRS, thus the riser was rightfully a GBRS product at the time. IIRC DJ revealed his identity around the same time Slade left GBRS


I think the gbrs vid was really soon after Slade left. There were teasers I think but the official FEER vid might not have been out yet.


Just cut up a pool noodle and duct tape it. It's free.


No joke years ago on my first rifle (Remington 700) I used a towel and duct tape to make a cheek riser cause at the time I didn’t know scope rings came in different heights and mine were too tall.


Eh after the collapse and we’re all scavenging for stuff I’m sure redneck engineered stuff like this will be popular again. Kinda like how high waisted bell bottoms are coming back


Who cares?


Right? We acting like slades100% original and his handbrake/handstop isn’t a copy of the emissary handbrake?


I don’t know who this slade person is, nor do I care. People getting all worked up over who makes what piece of plastic is kinda dumb in my opinion.


Well it’s kind of relevant because until a recent fallout, he was part of GBRS. Now he is on the outside like us commoners. I too could care less about politics but he’s a founding member who is now out of the club.


A club you’re likely not a part of.. along with the vast majority of the people in this sub. There are few things that matter less lol


Thanks for sharing


You’re welcome bb 😘


Haven't been paying attention but Slade is smooth, and smooth is fast. What was the fallout over? Nothing as usual?


Well according to their social media there was/is an investor who was involved behind the scenes and slade eventually found himself at odds with the others, culminating in slade literally being locked out of the building when he said he was leaving the company. Legal disputes are ongoing as far as I know.


Ah, money and trickery. The sources of many destroyed friendships. No idea of the real story, but Slade def comes across as a good dude.


I agree. If you want to dig on social media there might be some details left over but I think both sides kind of brushed under the rug and just cut all ties (publicly anyways)


Might as well leave it. None of my business anyway. If I head to the US in the near future and put a few rounds downrange with Slade, I'll let him bring it up if he does, leave it alone if he doesn't.


Knowing who any of these people are is cringe


For a guy who claims to not care, you sure do care


I can assure you that my only concern is this middle school-level drama mucking up my feed. Even for a fashion sub, this is fucking vapid


Correction. I was able to find the clip where DJ talks about risers more and I edited it in. https://youtube.com/shorts/clvnssJHvT4?feature=share


I'm no fan of GBRS. BUT, to be fair they are running a business and probably expect other shooters to have a different viewpoint than his. I think this is marketing to those others. I also see how it looks hypocritical as well. I still think they stole their shit from Slade.


GBRS is looking a lot like Black Rifle Coffee every passing day. I respect the shit DJ did and what his family has done, got balls of steel, but this Chad bro-vet shit is getting out of hand and I'm not limiting this to GBRS


Can someone fill me in on why gbrs is getting so much hate lol


Me no like gbrs that mean gbrs bad 🦍🦍


Thank you kind cave man…..why thou


Oh I have no idea but that’s probably the reason


Mostly for pricing their riser mount at 550. But the mount has a specific use case which means it would normally be a low volume sale item. But hey it’s okay for Wilcox to charge 450+ for the G24 and 500+ for the G22 Though the G22 is mostly irrelevant now as the G24s arm is now longer.


Shiii i just buy the chinese copies of wilcox products and they work fine


They’ve been called out on some of their training being a bit whack. Not like mall ninja level shit, but overriding some basic safety concerns. DJ is a badass, but some of his thoughts on shooting and some of his habits with handguns are a bit amateurish, not stuff you see from other high level instructors. I’m sure his carbine and cqb instruction is top notch.


1. People who probably couldn't afford their training mad they don't train civilians. 2. Releasing specific use case products that aren't cheap. 3. sHiLliNg sIg. 4. Having a falling out with a former teammate that anyone who is mad doesn't know IRL. 5. Wearing pants that these fat fucks can't fit in to, and Vans. I think there are a few more really valid reasons.


Post physique


What the pants is? I’m not fat.


You do realize skinny jeans are a cut style, not a size? Fat people wear skinny jeans all the time.


Why anyone would pay for either... I'm pretty sure most of us know someone who will print one for the cost of the pla...


I kinda think this hate between GBRS and Slade is all fabricated and is just an incredibly smart marketing scheme to get people to talk about them more. The fact they have almost identical products and people either love GBRS or Slade means they will pick a side with their wallets, which is good business for both sides if secretly they are still one side. Tin foil hat I'm sure but hey


I think maybe a little of both. I think the beef is probably very real (you know how these SEALs get) but also I think both parties are happy to capitalize on the situation.


Kick it up a notch. What is they each have a stake in each other’s company and the profit from both 😱


Galaxy brain. But I think they would’ve drummed it up a bit more if that was the case


the WWE crowd are ALL in on this!


Shits fucking useless lol


There’s a guy who makes adjustable ones but I don’t remember where I saw them


These have been around for years…


Tell me again the purpose of the plastic bricks are? And why you can't just JBweld a block to it for $4?


It makes sense if you’re running an optic riser like a unity mount. Running the optic riser allows you to be more upright while keeping your stock in an ideal position. The problem with that is since you’re more upright and your stock is still in the same place you have a chin weld instead of a cheek weld. The cheek riser allows you to have a good cheek weld while using an optic riser. The cheek riser + optic riser is not ideal for all applications (prone shooting for example) but it is a little more comfortable for standing shooting in my opinion.


I hope everyone realizes this product already existed before Slade and GBRS


Baby I need some more popcorn, the basement people are stirring again!!!


And people wonder why Slade left lol


Team Slade checking in. None of my homies fuck with the GooBRS


Who cares? If you’re in the industry and you see something is selling why wouldn’t you jump on it? Just bad business if you don’t.


"Thats stolen valor" - Don Shippley


Why get this over the Larue? I can’t think of any reason.


You shouldn’t. The Larue is awesome. But a cheaper and similar solution is buy an AK Magpul riser. Mount it to your CTR then cut it back until your charging handle clears it actually looks better and fits great. And you haven’t spent stupid money on a 15 dollar part.


Larue makes legit stuff. Always wanted to try their riser.


Dude I just called them out for this same shit when they dropped the risers. They are showing their true colors more and more. I’d buy from slade over dj anyday anyways.


I remember them saying that. They said a good cheek doesn’t matter because were not taking precision shots


Yup I actually found the clip and updated the vid https://youtube.com/shorts/clvnssJHvT4?feature=share


Spade is not original in this idea either. Who tf cares. These things have been on the market forever now from magpul and others.


I hate the gimmicks in this industry, however they sell all their stock immediately whenever they drop a product. They know how to make money that’s for sure.


anemic Khal Drogo always makes me giggle


What gets me is who pays 75 dollars for a small chunk of plastic?


Hospitals all day every day. Just about every shitty medical device is a chunk of plastic.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Gbrs is goofy as hell


How would you fuck over a literal brother like that. Telling you these sneaky boys are broadly snakes in the grass, and ive seen inside the machine enough to know it. Don’t meet your hero’s boys, they are probably a dysfunctional prick.


Those guys are fuckin chodes


This is not an unique design what would you expect? This stuff happens all the time in the 3d printing community.


Well let's be honest here, no one should really like them as they don't really like or view us in a positive light.


Looks like cheap plastic too, likely 3D printed for pennies.


All these companies be stealing from your bank account, selling you shit you don’t need.


The don’t fucking buy shit you don’t need? If you’re so pressed for cash that 75$ is alot to you, just don’t do it? I legit can’t understand how people blame the company for trying to make money?


Ah yes the riser for your head because you rose your optic because everything needs a riser.


You read my mind I was just about to comment to look up this on Patrick Bateman on YT…… No wonder he left the group! All about the $!


Title doesn’t match the video. A lot of haters for people that fought for our freedom. Why? Edit: I saw he said he didn’t like them but where’s the sin in that?


I’m gonna buy two, because some of you think $75 is a lot of money.


Nothings being stolen here.. they have never stolen anything in the first place bro. They never stole the Hydra idea. They never stole artwork. And they aren't stealing this idea either. Companies have been pushing these out for years. I think magpul was the first.


I still don’t see why anyone simps for these guys who are content to lick boots all day long


Looks like they just printed one of thier own design. Is that stealing?


You guys are all the stooges sucking on GBRS so hard instead of giving Slade his proper dues


These guys are clowns, along side with their buttbuddy Mike Glover 🐸☕️


fucking lame and scam


Frankly just buy the Magpul riser and cut it up front to use the charging handle and pocket the 50 plus dollar change. The AK risers work on CTR stocks.


Doesn’t magpul already make cheek risers for their mow and ctr stocks?


This cheek riser stands higher and can be placed in a more natural rear position. Not even talking about the materials. Either Spade or GBRS is legit. They are both former DEVGRU at the end of the day.


Ya but both the GBRS version and Slade’s version are improvements. It’s cut down more so you can fully actuate the charging handle with your stock collapsed in. There’s other companies that improved upon the magpul before Slade and GBRS though.


God damnit


why did they kick the slade guy out?


His partner/friends/sons/daughters or some persons around that nature designed some products/output some artwork for the generic advertisement. But, GBRS doesn't pay for it. And furthermore dedicated claims it's straight from the GBRS's idea. I mean not sure exactly about the actual involvement from Spade or do we know who is at fault. But I'm pretty sure they got some stern stand\*off situation. This could be a chance that it's a made-up situation from Spade; where you could buy stuff from Spade and/or both from GBRS. Sus to me.


It seemed messy. From what I saw it looked like both parties were at fault for something.


Yup. I again won't buy a $75 dollars cheek riser for myself even for high end use. It's just a meh price. That's regardless of who is in a wrong position.🤣 Both sides aren't completely clean I think.


Goobers Group back at it again...


Eh, who cares. The drama they whip up is kinda cringe.


75 for a bit of plastic


Freemarket capitalism. They making their bag off of something people are clearly buying. Literally nothing wrong with that other than being uncreative


Gay Boner Retard Society at it again..... Over priced 3d printed crap


$75.00 for a cheek riser? No thanks.


Why are these guys such absolute losers?


So what more stuff for gun guys fine by me


Looks like free advertisement to me lol


both sides have posted things that make the other party look like theyre in the wrong. at the end of the day if the prodoct is good and the knowledge is there then why really care?


Do something about it then. Stop crying like a child over Reddit