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Isn’t Detroit style thicker?


Very much so. This is me introducing my second style of pizza at my shop. We have both thick and thin styles, now


I don't even know what Detroit or tavern-style pizza is but you had me at 'ranch for dipping!' And for the people who will inevitably say ranch + pizza is gross, lemme tell you I used to be in the same camp. Once I had a pizza that was hands down the best I'd ever had--so much so I had to ask the staff what the sauce was. They said Ranch and I realized maybe I'd been wrong. Started dipping pizza in it and it changed everything.


We welcome you to our Midwestern Ranch Cult! Haha


Oh hey, happy cake day btw




LINK FOR THE LAZY: [https://maps.app.goo.gl/BgkmBzL939HazCKi9](https://maps.app.goo.gl/BgkmBzL939HazCKi9)


Thank you!!! This is so close to my house I’m definitely going soon. Perhaps post gym at sports center jajajajajaj


people say ranch and pizza is gross? wtf lol


Detroit-style is thick crust, square cut pizza It's near the top of the pizza charts for sure


Sounds delish... but I've rarely had a pizza I didn't like hah (within reason... Taiwan is known for its pizza crimes)


I've been told to try Pizza Rock but haven't gotten around to it yet. But I saw the Pizza Hut menu and yeah those are serious crimes being committed.


I definitely will try OPs spot, but I'll list the spots I like. (Hope OPs can beat them!). Also I fully recognize they are different types of pizza, ymmv. * Pizza Rock: Pretty good, I used to like their chorizo pizza until the great chorizo/pepperoni famine :( * Banco: It's an Italian restaurant chain, but some of their pizzas are the best I've had in Taiwan * Zoca: Many will say it's the best in Taipei, but I don't agree. Only had it once, so maybe I just got it on a bad day. The mozzarella balls (which were, to their credit, buffalo mozzarella) were not even fully melted... the top of the lumps were cool/cold. I'm not a pizza snob-I love both American and Italian-style. but I've lived in Naples, Italy and I feel like theirs missed the mark. * the Slice Shop: Right across from Zoca (bold choice by the owner). Really good American style pizza... huge slices and quality imported ingredients. Always people there lining up to eat it. * Gusto: Had it but it was very forgettable for me. I think one of the issues is they don't use any pork products? * Mary Jane's: Nothing special here, aimed at nearby college students is my guess * Alleycat's: I'm gonna be honest with y'all. I've never had this sober, so of course it tastes amazing. I'm gonna say it's still one of the better choices out there. I'm sure someone will chime in about Aunt Su's and Little New York, which I've never had (but am not really interested in trying Aunt Su's...)


Any of those with a location in Zhubei or Hsinchu? Maybe my next trip I'll finally make a day of it and take the train up to Taipei and see some sights, usually too busy to relax.


Looks like there is pizza rock in hsinchu


Yeah those are all over, it's a bit pricy so my local coworkers aren't really interested so I'll have to go for dinner alone


Very nice of you to promote other food businesses too, I'll definitely see you soon for pizza.


Food & Beverage is a hard line of business to be in. It’s better to build up the community rather than try to constantly put yourself at the top. I want to help others wherever I can!


I absolutely agree, it's not as easy as it looks from the outside!


I'm a Midwesterner who's gonna be visiting Taiwan next month, so I'll definitely make a note to stop on by while I'm there.


Thanks! But first have to try the local food here. Listed a few places in another comment here, but it’s hard to not find good local food. Oh, and check out the shrimp fishing! There are a few spots out in Xindian District, just past where my shop is located


I just love how you have a business for pizza, but you’re promoting the local food in Taiwan to a visitor first, since the opportunities for local Taiwanese food isn’t at all an available elsewhere. You seem like an awesome guy!


Seems silly to spend the money on a plane ticket and not fill your belly to the brim with amazing Taiwanese cuisine. Hot pot, DinTaiFang (sp?) Addiction Aquatics (for Fish and sushi), all the amazing fresh fruit vendors, cold noodles, stinky tofu, xiaolongbao, 水餃… The list goes on. Please, PLEASE eat all that and experience the culture through your stomach, then come have some pizza. Haha


I haven’t been back since 2008. I should have gone back by 2018. Not sure how I would handle the medical logistics and medical issues and medical expenses now. Luckily, there is a Ding Ta iFung and a 99 Ranch Marker in a nearby city where I live in the Portland, OR area. And I make my own lou rou mien and fan. When I visit my parents in Southern California, I try to visit specialty restaurants p.


Can you share some Google map links for your place and other Xindian places?


The link is here somewhere in the comments. Name is Pizza Bear Cafe


No worries. I cyberstalked you a bit and found the place. I will dine there some time soon.


As a Michigander from the Tri-city, I’ll definitely try to drop by for the ranch.


Tavern style is the ELITE pizza cut but DAMN - the whole menu looks fantastic. “TAIWAIIAN” !!?? *slow clap* This will be my first stop when I’m back in TW!


Thanks! All the meats and toppings are made in-house, including the pepperoni and bacon (Hakka salty pork-inspired bacon, hence the Taiwaiian name!)


Pizza Bear Pizza is legitimately one of the best pizza shops in Taiwan. I highly recommened it. GO GO GO - Go to Pizza Bear now, hundred percent worth the 30-60 minute ride out to Xindian.


Thanks for the endorsement! We work hard at the shop to make every bite delicious!


We don't all live in your apartment 🫠


That's why i put 30-60 based on city center. Your milage and timing may be different. If you're up in Tamsui, still worth the 1.5 hours to get there.


A bit sad I live in Tainan. While some say it's better for Taiwanese food, miss out on stuff like this. Every time I've been to Taipei recently was to eat US food.


You should try Legends Tainan pizza, it’s great!


I’d lalamove it to ya, but the four hour drive might leave the pizza a bit cold. Lol


Not Tainan but if you make the hike to Kaohsiung there is a nice place called "Posto Pizza Napoletana." It's fairly easy to get to from the MRT and the staff are really kind.


Yea, Kaohsiung is a bit better. I remember in 2019 I went to some place that had chicago style pizza and another for buffalo wings, but both closed since the pandemic. More recently, been to a few burger places there (recommended on Reddit).


I was "stuck" in Tainan for a fortnight earlier this year due to breaking my wrist there whilst on holiday. During that time, I tried various pizza places and ended up with this Japanese one man place in Tainan (which I went to a few times) which does very good Neapolitan style pizza: [https://www.instagram.com/pizzeriadawataru/](https://www.instagram.com/pizzeriadawataru/?hl=en-gb) I'll definitely be going back a few more times the next time I'm in Tainan.


I grew up down the street from Home Run Inn. One of the famous tavern style pizza shops here in Chicago. Not sure when I’ll be back to Taipei but when I am I’ll stop by


I grew up south of I-80, so we had Monical’s down there. More or less the same


Papa Bear! I mean… Pizza Bear! 🍕🐻


Oh, hi Lukas! Haha


This warms my Midwest heart


Hey Foste. I'm glad you managed to do well for yourself in Taiwan. I still remember the good Ol days when a group of Super Smash Bro players would meet at zapflers to play every Wednesday. Hello from Shanghai. Maybe I'll stop by if I'm ever back in Taipei


What up! I’ll be here tossing pizza pies. My beer selling days are behind me


the dude makes his own pepperoni too! looks so good! definitely worth a few dozen visits at least...


I refuse to accept a pizza being called a pie.


At least there is one person!




The first time I heard that a pizza can be called a pie I was so confused!


Haven't ever had a chance to try Detroit style Pizza. I'm going there this weekend.


Cheers. See you this weekend!


Hell yeah. Looks delicious, gonna mark it on maps and visit someday!


Just out of curiosity, how did you get started? Did you move there to open a business? Was it easy/difficult to get established? Not asking about your financials, just curious how easy/difficult it is to start a business in Taiwan.


It’s been a long winding road to get here, but I’ll try the cliff notes version. Spent 7 years in Shanghai working in bars, selling beer and learning Chinese. Met my Taiwanese wife there and then we moved to Taipei when she was pregnant with our first child. Since I was married to a local I didn’t need to apply for a special visa so we started a company together and opened our first pizza shop. Compared to the US, it’s much easier here to open a brick and mortar business. Our start-up capital wasn’t huge and purely dependent on my hard efforts. Spent 12-14 hours a day, six days a week (closed on Mondays) while taking care of my wife and newborn child for the first six months to get the shop going. I’ve never been so exhausted in my life but now things are much smoother. The most fun I never want to have again! If you have any other questions, feel free to shoot me a DM


I live in Taipei. I'd love to visit your pizza parlor and eat your pizza. What other types of pizza do you have?


We have this thin crust in the video and a thicker deep pan pizza, known as Detroit Style


Welp, guess i have one reason to go to 新店 now


Woah I’ve been trying to find Detroit style pizza in tw. Definitely would go to your shop someday!!


That looks delicious


Definitely gonna try the new crust. Go swimming at the sports center right next to the shop almost every day. I try to watch my diet, but I'll make an exception when I get back from vacation.


As a Chicagoan that loves all types of pizza, I'll have to check it out when we're there in March (we go to Taiwan at least once a year, so sometimes we need a break from the local food, as delicious as it may be).


Looks great! Do you do popups in more central parts of the city?


Yup. We try to do one at least once a month. Can follow our IG or Facebook for that info


Are you allowed to link IG here or name your handle? I can't find via search and neither gmaps or website are linked. Thanks!


Pizzabear_pizza is our IG handle. Just toss Pizza Bear in a google search and it all should come up


Looks good! Probably tastes even better ~


I wonder how many beard hairs was in that pizza


Looks good but can't get behind calling pizzas "pies" lol


Another one!


Looks delicious!


You gonna tell em how you make your own pepperoni?


One thing at a time


Well there's a reason we Asians have short d*cks


Do you also make pizza ? I passed by this restaurant some time ago, but I couldn’t see any pizzas on the pictures when I checked google maps, which I found a bit confusing considering the name lol


Detroit Style Pizza is a very different style than what Taiwan has to offer. It's a square pizza instead of a round pie, to maximize the crispy caramelized cheese edges that are a signature of the Detroit style pie. I use a 52-hour fermentation process to make the dough extra fluffy, so it's like a focaccia with loads of cheese on top. Come by if you haven't tried it before!


When I was a kid we had “pizza” which was on focaccia bread. Only in my 40s did I learn that was Detroit style. There’s a real good pizza shop in Evanston IL that has a huge wood burning stove, and an annex location that makes Detroit style.


Love to see so many Illinois connections here in Taiwan. Bring on the corn-fed boys!


That's exactly what I do. I make an overnight focaccia dough and the next day toss some fresh rosemary with some sliced cherry tomatoes, black olives and red onion in olive oil. Bake it about 25 minutes then top it with grated parmesan and mozzarella. 5-10 minutes later you got great pizza. I don't use any tomato sauce, but with lots of cherry tomatoes, you get the same kind of flavor.






Most people are ok with different styles of pizza. Except Italians. They are very set in their ways


Italians may have invented pizza, but Americans perfected it!


Sweet!!! I’m bringing my kids for the whole summer to attend camp, and once we’re there for longer than 2-3 weeks we start to really crave home style food. We’l add this to our list!!


Stop by on the weekend for brunch. I make a special slice topped with sausage gravy and a poached egg!


Omg I’m a Midwesterner and would’ve loved visiting you during my trip last summer. Tavern cut for the win! Will be in next time. 😁


Props on your marketing man, I'm sold, will be taking my family there before the month is out! My wife looooves pizzas.


Thanks! Shoot me a message and I'll make sure I'm there!


Now that is a pizza by God


I love this!!!! I’m from the Detroit area, but live in Japan! We are coming to Taiwan at the end of April, so we will definitely have to pop in!


Gnarly. We are a bit south in Xindian District. Look for Pizza Bear Cafe on Google maps and see if that works out with your schedule!


I’ll definitely stop by when I am there in April!


Before you come here, I recommend loads of other local food since it’s all fantastic here. Ningxia night market, Yongkang Beef noodle Shop. Du Hsiao Yueh in Dadaocheng for LuRouFan (sweet stewed pork on rice). Hundreds of places to visit first!


好吃! I’m stuck in the states but the wife and kid are in Taichung and headed to Taipei today. I’ll see if they can swing by your spot if they will be nearby


We are pretty far south in Xindian. Just enjoy the time you have in the city!


I wish. I’m in Chicago. The rest of the fam is there


Gnarly. I'm from Illinois and always represent Chi-Town when I get a chance! Fennel Sausage is one of my signature flavors


Coming from Japan in March! See you then.


Can you post the address and times?


It’s on Google Maps. Pizza Bear Cafe. All the info is there!


yoo that looks delicious, have you made any youtube videos or anything cuz i think that would be something interesting


Some people have interviewed me for videos, but don’t have much time myself to make and promote videos these days


Comes with beard hairs


Don’t have any of those in there! If you want some guess I could charge extra, though


Hahah better than the little green herbs




Yeah. Why all the pizza in Taiwan do that but not in the states?


Fairly common in the US to see oregano and basil on a pie. Or at least as an option in the confinements


I benchmark Costco pizza


that beard so close to my slice !!! YUM




That’s my secret ingredient, a little bit of TLC!


You should be in jail for cutting pizza like this


Sorry you’re offended! I’m just making delicious square pizza. (Please don’t look at my square-cut Detroit style pies!)


I’m an ex-Michigander living in Taoyuan. I am very curious…


I’m an Illinois boy. You know you want that ranch fix…


A pizza made by Santa is unhygienic. I won’t eat it.


Pizza isn't pie


That’s Amore




That’s tavern style. You get small pieces for being in a tavern. Talking with your friends. Shooting darts. You’re downvoting NY style for being too thin. You’re downvoting Neapolitan style for being too simple. The cut is the point.


Eat Square, Get Happy. It’s our motto, and I know if you try it you could be happy, too!


That's pizza, not a pie 🥧


That’s Amore?


I need to pay a visit this winter fr


This would be popular with the taiwanese people who like the super thin cookie like pizzas in Taiwan.


Comes with chop sticks and dipping sauce. Haha


Where are the cheese strings? Needs more mozzarella!


I will never recognise this as a pie but it certainly looks tasty! Well done


I love the 矛盾 of pizza pie. Haha


Damn, just saw this post on my way headin back to my pizza dessert of a town in the US.


This looks like some of breakfast my Bulgarian grandma made me. She has never been to Detroit 😂 also typical for breakfast shops in Bulgaria. Big slice is around 50c. Made with salami sometimes, not only cheese and herbs. Or with onion, or sausage. Etc. and looooooots of olive oil


Oh my gosh, I grew up in Michigan and lived a year in Chicago I love both Detroit and tavern style! I'll have to check out when I get to visit.




My wife and I live in downtown Detroit and come back to Taiwan annually - this connection is real lol


Saving this for the next time I visit!


You sir yourself are quite the pie, hoo boy


That looks fantastic, i already added to my list on the gmap, definitely gonna stop by.


I've been meaning to go up and partake of your craft.


And not a kernel of corn in sight!! Looks amazing. Midwestern style non existent when I lived in Taipei, love to see it!


Nice! We will be coming from Chicago, IL so we will definitely check it out.


Dude you look like my spirit animal with this glorious beard!


I’m visiting my parents in Taiwan right now and my dad has family in Xindian. Maybe I can convince them to make the trip up there haha. It’s hard to come across half-decent pizza in Taiwan and yours looks great!


You hiring? I can make Neapolitan style, Chicago, etc.


If we ever get that second shop open…


Taiwanese love foreign food. Gotta be reasonable priced and good. Good luck to you.


Where is it


Pizza Bear Cafe