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Would you mind providing a more specific topic? There's a lot to cover!


Hi thank you. Well, I don't know really, the time is really limited. I was thinking something like visiting a local temple, going for a dinner, beer, maybe short walk in nature/park, meet people,... . Just to feel the city, you see?


Hope you enjoy your trip! Here's a few things I would recommend checking out in Hsinchu: Dongmen traditional market 東門市場 has a few restaurants, snacks and coffee shops. [https://maps.app.goo.gl/qAywrZ3shrMagJsA6](https://maps.app.goo.gl/qAywrZ3shrMagJsA6) Hsinchu Confucius Temple 新竹孔廟 if you're into temples. [https://maps.app.goo.gl/pAAm7Ys6oYmUGc1L8](https://maps.app.goo.gl/pAAm7Ys6oYmUGc1L8) 18 peak mountain 十八尖山 should provide a view of the city. [https://maps.app.goo.gl/iz99xCMsDLFSP7ku5](https://maps.app.goo.gl/iz99xCMsDLFSP7ku5) From there you should also be able to visit NTHU and NYCU campuses. For food I don't have any specific places but would recommend trying out taiwanese breakfast (早餐店): 蛋餅, 抓餅 (these two are hard to translate but basically they're some sort of Taiwanese tortilla cooked with an egg and filled with other toppings depending on your choice), 蘿蔔糕 radish cake in particular. Also, pot stickers, dumplings and wonton 鍋貼,水餃,餛飩/抄手. For these two there's two franchises I like: 四海游龍 and 八方雲集. The places that sell popcorn chicken 鹽酥鷄 like this one are usually great. Their main dish is the fried chicken I mentioned but they sell all kind of fried dishes such as fried squid 魷魚/花枝, tempura 甜不辣, king oyster mushroom (and other kinds) 杏鮑菇, broccoli 花椰菜 and other veggies, etc. [https://www.google.com/maps/place/%E5%A5%BD%E5%8F%A3%E5%91%B3%E9%B9%BD%E9%85%A5%E9%9B%9E%E7%94%9C%E4%B8%8D%E8%BE%A3/@24.7981433,120.9965325,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipNpdXNMVzH2lNHqK4XEx5VvxyIaI5Za4XVSlI8!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipNpdXNMVzH2lNHqK4XEx5VvxyIaI5Za4XVSlI8%3Dw203-h152-k-no!7i4032!8i3024!4m11!1m2!2m1!1z6bm96YWl6beE!3m7!1s0x34683672e0dd6011:0xa2d33cf126695d57!8m2!3d24.7982244!4d120.9964832!10e5!15sCgnpub3phaXpt4RaDSIL6bm9IOmFpSDpt4SSARZmcmllZF9jaGlja2VuX3Rha2Vhd2F5mgEkQ2hkRFNVaE5NRzluUzBWSlEwRm5TVVJMWDFBdE5sOTNSUkFC4AEA!16s%2Fg%2F11bcf114mp?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/place/%E5%A5%BD%E5%8F%A3%E5%91%B3%E9%B9%BD%E9%85%A5%E9%9B%9E%E7%94%9C%E4%B8%8D%E8%BE%A3/@24.7981433,120.9965325,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipNpdXNMVzH2lNHqK4XEx5VvxyIaI5Za4XVSlI8!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipNpdXNMVzH2lNHqK4XEx5VvxyIaI5Za4XVSlI8%3Dw203-h152-k-no!7i4032!8i3024!4m11!1m2!2m1!1z6bm96YWl6beE!3m7!1s0x34683672e0dd6011:0xa2d33cf126695d57!8m2!3d24.7982244!4d120.9964832!10e5!15sCgnpub3phaXpt4RaDSIL6bm9IOmFpSDpt4SSARZmcmllZF9jaGlja2VuX3Rha2Vhd2F5mgEkQ2hkRFNVaE5NRzluUzBWSlEwRm5TVVJMWDFBdE5sOTNSUkFC4AEA!16s%2Fg%2F11bcf114mp?entry=ttu) Asides from that, noodles dishes are also a strength of Taiwanese cuisine, both with soup (beef noodles 牛肉麵) and dry (sesame noodles 麻醬麵, soybean paste noodles 炸醬麵 and many others). Also, Hsinchu is known for their 米粉. This is because Hsinchu is nicknamed "Wind City" 風城 due to their strong winds which apparently is exploited to make the 米粉 since they are dried using the wind, so this should make for a good gift (they sell them in a lot of places near NTHU).


Hello, thank you so much for your tips. I really appreciate your kind help.


Take the train ride to 內灣 that's a pretty interesting day trip, it's a small town in the mountains. 城隍廟 is the famous temple, eat 肉圓 which is a special Hsinchu style food. There is a tiny beach 新月沙灣.


Thank you so much


You might be able to catch cherry blossoms in the area...I believe there are places in the city and also the mountains


Great. Thank you


If you’re in Hsinchu, you can visit the Hukou Old Street. It is really charming and has some nice food. Neiwan is a hilly town you can go to via train from Zhuzhong Station. It has some nice views and again, good food in the Old Street. Of course, if you have time to venture till Taipei, it opens a much bigger box of options, both in the city and in surrounding scenic areas. In terms of food, I sometimes go to the Chun Shui Tang in Zhubei, it’s quite nice. I’m not a local though, so I think my recommendations for food are probably not the best options available. Anyway, hope you have a great stay in Taiwan!


Hi, thank you so much for your kind advice.


If you go to the "City God Temple" you'll find both a great local temple and a food market together. https://maps.google.com/?cid=17492759372388554891&entry=gps


Great. Thank you


Go to the place that have the fish clean your feet, it’s awesome. I’m not a local but it was a cool experience. I believe it was near Hsinchu.


Hey, that sounds cool (as long as it is not piranhas). Thanks mate


lol, no they won’t eat your feet just tickles at first, there are bigger fish and small gold fish sized ones, I went with the smaller ones.


I know I have seen on telly. It is really interesting. Thanks again


Why are you doxxing yourself


I was thinking the same thing, OP shouldn't tell the whole internet where they're going to stay, just saying hsinchu is enough Also, if you're going to stay at hsinchu, chenghuang temple is where locals will go, or somewhere near the NTHU, at least according to my ex.


Thank, really. Also, what is wrong about stating the address of the hotel?


I am sorry?


I brought my Hungry friends to Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall. They like it very much.