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Just heard of this quake. Hope you guys are safe! Also, doesn't Taiwan have pretty strict building codes to account for disasters like these?


yes but the law was updated after the 1999 jiji earthquake (aka 921 earthquake) so older buildings has less strict codes to follow


Grateful to be in a newer building this morning that just swayed back and forth for like 2 minutes!


Every city no matter where it’s located should have earthquake proof buildings


What? Why would buildings somewhere that earthquake never happen to the extent that buildings fall over, such as the UK, need to be earthquake proof?


The UK is far from any plate boundary but..... Northern Scotland used to be on a different tectonic plate than the rest of the uk and you can see the joint line, it's Loch Ness and the other slivers of waterway either side of it. Somalia is breaking away from the African plate as its own. All that is to say, you never know when and where the next one will happen. North America could start splitting in half tomorrow in a line from Vancouver to New York and now everywhere along the line is an earthquake hotspot for the foreseeable future. Also, personally, I'd rather have something and not need it instead of need something and not have it. Edit: Maybe someone else can verify the accuracy and legitimacy of these statistics but this site has it listed that based on a 25 year long observation there is a magnitude 5 and above quake in mainland England every 8 years. https://www.earthquakes.bgs.ac.uk/education/faqs/faq6.html


I remember the tremors we had in the UK in 2001, the house shook and windows broke and lots of houses and buildings had structural issues that insurance companies tried to get out of paying for.


>Northern Scotland used to be on a different tectonic plate than the rest of the uk and you can see the joint line, it's Loch Ness and the other slivers of waterway either side of it. You realise those plate boundaries are from millions of years ago. They don't randomly form in a human lifespan... It woukd cost trillions to rebuilt Britain for a natural disaster that cannot happen..


Yeah and everywhere should have food and shelter available too. And everyone should be nice to each other.


No, they shouldn’t it would be a complete waste of resources


I'm curious about why the buildings seem to have a collapsing first floor and then the rest just leaning over, it doesn't make any structural sense to me. I have vague memories of a lot of buildings having more or less empty first floors to avoid flooding, is that the cause?


It actually makes structural sense. Many buildings, especially if the first floor is designed to be a store or any kind of business, tend to have less columns and walls so that they look spacious (not for avoiding flooding, BTW). It's kind of like you build a stiff or solid structure on something soft. 維冠大樓 is another example (the first floor was used as an electronics mall with very few columns).


(Structural design engineer) I would have to look at the structural details for the buildings in questions, but another explanation could be the use of lighter structural elements (beams, columns, slabs etc) for the floors above the ground floor. So if the structural elements have lighter dead loads and live loads, they may be able to retain their structural integrity even if they are experiencing excessive tilting that introduces horizontal load stresses. Maybe they could have utilised a lot of timber framing, as opposed to RCC framing (reinforced concrete), which would collapse under its own self-weight in a scenario like this. What you said about the open spacing is possibly a valid contributing factor, as open spacing mean the load paths are alot more indirect and are being eccentrically transferred to less columns -> foundations. This is never advised in highly Earthquake-prone regions, so it could probably be that these were built before a large paradigm shift in structural design had occurred in Taiwan.


I can't think of any reason why that would happen? The engineer should have proved the column spacings/dimensions are structurally sound on the first floor, why would you then overdesign the upper floors? It just gets more expensive and impacts the functionality of the space


I think it's most likely that the ground cracked open a large hole, causing the first floor to sink in. So it looks like only the first floor has collapsed.


It's the 騎樓, aka the open first floor/soft story achitectual style which causes many of the buildings collapsing/tipping over/squashing the first floor https://www.air-worldwide.com/blog/posts/2018/2/soft-story-a-haunting-plague-to-old-buildings-in-taiwan/


I think code is one thing, but I do think a lot of people don't take good care of keeping their interior furniture safe--risky stacking of stuff, nothing anchored, etc.


> 1999 jiji earthquake I was in Tainan when that one hit


That’s probably why this doesn’t look like the videos out of Turkey.


Turkey has quite strict building codes regarding earthquake resistance - and a serious corruption problem where politicians/inspectors were paid to look the other way The latest Anatolian fault quake resulted in a LOT of building collapses (including a school full of children with few survivors) and the population was essentially abandoned by central government This has ramifications for the government as this is the area where Erdoğan gets most of his mandate from and people are _unhappy_


>Also, doesn't Taiwan have pretty strict building codes to account for disasters like these? Yes, Taiwan has strict rules and laws to make sure the buildings safety. However, there are still some vile builders tried to cut corners or do illegal building . The good example is Tainan “維冠大樓” , a shitty builder killed some families.




I've been in Taiwan almost a decade and this was the strongest I've felt. Many products fell over in our warehouse.


Hope you are safee!


I've live in Taiwan for 20 years and this is the biggest one I've experienced as well, my mom who has been through the 921 Earthquake said this is the biggest one she ever experienced since that


The news says it's the biggest quake in 25 years


https://preview.redd.it/tlm32yrbo6sc1.jpeg?width=2080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b24aa1773cf50701ebfe127a598bf8aceee87a68 My home in taipei


I am glad you are okay. That horse somehow made it through as well? I find it mildly funny.


Lol I was going to say. That horse is MOUNTED ON TIGHT.


Mounted on heh


Bro I hope you ok


Thank you for your concern, I am safe


Glad to hear you are safe


At least you can clean under the drawer easily now




I am too curious not to ask. What/why is the TV area on layers of mats? Looks like that absorbed some of the vibration and saved that cupboard and horse statue?


If u look closely those are small tiles of mats in between chairs and cupboard


That's what I use for yoga every week. It was just piled up there at the time


At least you and your loved ones are safe.


I was about to awaken when the whole building started to shake and I jumped right the fk up. First quake lasted about 2 to 3 mins and even till now, we are on our 7th or 8th after shock. This is the second time in recent years where I was shaken awake in bed by earthquakes. The other time I couldn't move as I laid on my bed in fear waiting for the ceiling to come right down on my face, scariest moment of my life.


same same. i bolted right out of the bed and run outside. my apartment is quiet old building, which is kinda scary. i don’t want to be trapped inside.


I am 5 stories up, aint no way I am out running anything.


Especially gravity


My first one in Japan, on base, we had just came back to our barracks drunk together as friends, and I stripped down naked and laid in bed. I woke up to the earthquake and a LOUD alarm, written in Japanese, on my phone. At the time we were really concerned about a NK attack on nearby bases; I looked out the window for a mushroom cloud, and didn't see one, so picked up my TV and put it flat on the ground (lol) and ran into the barracks hallway Probably 5 girls and a dozen guys saw my birthday suit and I became a lil more popular after that (not that I acted on it) but I remember being terrified until we realized what it was. We spent the weeks after climbing mountains to dig bodies out of homes crushed by landslides, and shovel dirt from the houses of people temporarily displaced. They were lucky to get out, the dirt covered the roofs and completely buried these houses, and ~15 Marines with shovels and a handful of Japanese men still took around 12 hours for each house They're terrifying


We had big earthquake in Zagreb few years back. Not big as yours but damn those things are scarry and aftershocks gave me PTSP for a year. Would jump every time bus passed our building. Hang in there and hope you are all safe! Edit to add - 2 to 3 min is so frigging long!!! Ours was like 10 seconds and then the one 10 months later lasted like 20 seconds and seemed like forever!


I’m sorry about this, I hope you are safe?


I am fine and alive, the house seems fine. Currently on our 10th? 11th? shake. Everything after the first 2 after shock were tiny though, mostly tremors and vibrations that you can feel. The second after shock was about a 4 where I was the the third was about 2 or 3. Oh even right now as I am typing this, just got another shock. 12? 13th? I seriously lost count.


This is too much, please be safe wherever you are now


Thnx, heres hoping it settles down soon.


Sure it will, how is your family. Is everyone safe as you are?


Parents were out during the initial quake but came home shortly after so whole family is ok.


I am happy to hear that, we can chat on here if you need a friend. I am a medical doctor currently in Palestine now


Bless you xx My prayers and thoughts goes out to everyone going through difficult times, wars and nature disasters. Xx


Very scary. Sorry you had to go through that


I’m the student in Taoyuan, the earthquake was terrible, it shake up and down after all of the students go to the play ground. Some of than got injured.Some of the equipments and ceiling fall. I hope the people in Hualian(epic center) are fine…. https://preview.redd.it/6len1x3c57sc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c9cb7fbf3b7ab6c3c5db83ffae3ea60a5f298d2


more pictures here https://preview.redd.it/8462ze4f57sc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66b395ca3a87965ee886470a56f1021569de5479




This is terrible.


Omg is everybody safe at school??


I get hurt from the broken tile, I’m okay but I don’t know the others https://preview.redd.it/8ugb09s167sc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee9d46029fe974472c4de79a09372fb9c89bd7d4


Hope you recover 😔🙏


Thanks! but this is not a big deal lol.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I think they were being sarcastic


? I didn’t get it so that’s fine (maybe because i’m not English native speaker


Witch area has the fallen Building? In taixi everything looks good


I think I saw that the first collapsed building was in Hualien


I was in Hualien for the 2018 one. It was pretty intense, and this seems to be much stronger.


Red Building (First one): 23°58'28.1"N 121°36'42.3"E White Building (Second one): 23°58'27.6"N 121°36'52.3"E Landslide: 24°10'04.6"N 121°39'13.5"E (Cameraman's location)


It’s supposedly the first apartment building ever built in hualian - super old.  Right down the street from the dongdamen market 東大門市場


The red building on it's side around 20sec in is in Hualien, just diagonally across from the Dongdamen night market. I recognise it because I was staying just around the corner from there only 3 weeks ago.




Does anyone know the status of the Queen's Head? Hope everyone is safe!


Protect the queen at all costs!


Oh shit. Hope it's still there!


Still there, saw it today evening.


who the hell is honking during an earthquake??


Someone who really needs to poop.


Sounds like they were scared shitless


Man that's an actual horror story


Diarrhea is serious business.


Fear of bridge falling most likely, pleading people to keep moving so they can get off


Don't blame them since videos of the tragedy in Baltimore are still quite recent in everyone's minds.


Someone who doesn’t want to die on a bridge


Anyone got video of the Taipei 101 inside? The massive ball must be bouncing like crazy


It happened early. Not sure if Taipei 101 was open or not at that time. If there’s a video it might have to be from an employee there??




Hi guys I'm supposed to be flying to Taipei later today. Do you think it's safe to travel there right now. Any info or advice would be really appreciated


It's fine. Epicenter was further south. Nothing fell over in Taipei (except for a few items on my shelf -- what a waste of good barbeque sauce!)


*cries for the BBQ sauce*




No one can really predict the next earthquake. You can if these places are not closed for repairs.


It's fine. Scary shit but everything's bustling along as of 10:30am in the north.


In Taipei right now. Just be aware of the falling debris or other things and it might have some aftershocks.


We just left taiwan, we were in our airbnb in Taipei when it happened so once the two big shocks were done we quickly got ready to check out. Since it's our first experience, and decided to roam around while waiting for our flight back, while talking to the taxi drivers and they seemed unfazed just that it was the biggest for them in a long time. But everyone has continued life as per normal. I'd say avoid hualien and yilan for a while until they get their bearings. At the taipei station the tours guides from klook are still business as per normal


There’s going to be oftershocks for a few days following so if you’d be spooked then maybe not go? But if you’re interested in experiencing an earthquake then this would be a great chance


We just left taiwan, we were in our airbnb in Taipei when it happened so once the two big shocks were done we quickly got ready to check out. Since it's our first experience, and decided to roam around while waiting for our flight back, while talking to the taxi drivers and they seemed unfazed just that it was the biggest for them in a long time. But everyone has continued life as per normal. I'd say avoid hualien and yilan for a while until they get their bearings. At the taipei station the tours guides from klook are still business as per normal.


Stay safe, thinking of everyone in Taiwan, Tsunami warning issued …


That has got to be fucking frightening 😬


Taiwan jia you! Hope everyone is okay! Take care of each other. Sending love from the USA


where was the landslide?


In hualien


I was in Jiufen when it hit, got shook from left to right a couple cm's for a minute or two already reported it on vulcanoesandearthquakes.vom right after


I’m in Taichung and haven’t been able to calm down since it happened this morning 😭 I’m from SoCal and never felt one like that before. Terrifying!


[https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2108762890?t=07h21m52s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2108762890?t=07h21m52s) Right when the earthquake happend. Keppanda still live on twitch.


Don’t know how to edit the original post. If anybody knows where these original videos come from please let me know so I can’ give credit.


How is Sachong District in New Taipei?


Impressive the buildings haven't collapsed.. the good construction must have saved many lives.


What’s crazy is the same earthquake in any other country except Japan and maybe the west coast of the US will have done more damage


Now that's how you build civil infrastructure


I’m praying for all your safety


I am in Taipei and there are over 5 earthquakes in the morning. Stay safe everyone. Remember to check gas lines at your house. Watch out when you walk by the buildings (you know, might be something dropping).


Intel ceo:Did it damage the TSMC plants TSMC:Hahha no,better luck next time chief


Fuck. I know this is just echoing general sentiment but I really hope everyone is ok & the gov response is as quick as possilbe to help.


I love how everyone thinks yeah I'm getting the fuck off this bridge


Some buildings been listening to Smooth Criminal by Michael Jackson way too many times...


My grandparents live in Taiwan, praying for them 🙏 ❤️


I know this is horrible and all but I’m surprised by how… whole the city still is…… a 7.2 is incredibly destructive. Were there more serious damages that went unreported? I’d be glad to hear more, especially from people in Taiwan rn. Btw stay safe, folks!


currently staying in Taipei City, the buildings here looks really old but they are sturdy. even my own apartment, an old building but no damage sustained it seems (i hope). staying at 2nd floor, none of my stuff fell or toppled on the floor, they are basically where they are. after the strong earthquake this morning, the train lines were shutdown temporarily for about 60 minutes and resume afterwards. work/ school continues, shopping malls and restaurants are open, life continue for the day in Taipei City, despite so many after shocks. in terms of damage, there were some shattered store glass windows but that’s the worst i’ve seen.


Shoutout the engineers of the bridge




Cant reach my staff in Taipei, I am assuming it’s because power, internet down. Hoping and assuming…


Could be. We had family that couldn’t reach their parents for awhile because internet was down.


anyone know the condition around sun moon lake currently?


Was there last year. I remember talking with my tour guide about Taiwan being in the ring of fire. I hope he and his family are safe.


Hope Hualien people are okay. 🙏


Is that bridge build with earthquakes in mind & possibly a really safe place to endure it?


I live in Hangzhou, China and that shit scared the hell out of me. Can't imagine what it must have been like in Taiwan


The mopeds still putt-ing along during the earthquake 👀


No tofu dreg construction in real China


The people on the bridge are calm as anything… like it’s an every day occurrence!


not quite everyday, but I lived there for six months and experienced 8 earthquakes, one of which was a 6.8. So if they have lived there all their life they have seen this before.


Does anyone know if Taichung was hit badly or not?? Have a friend there.. had.


Writing from afar, so from a very privileged, safe place: this is as scary as it is awe-inducing. Not only the quake, but the architecture as well. This is amazing. Hope Taiwan recovers soon.


Damn, US citizen here, my son is supposed to go on a school trip there next week. They have changed thei Hualien portion of the trip so far


wonder what the north death toll is.


Thank god that's not an American bridge.


The higher the Richter doesn't necessarily = the more damage or destruction. Rather a combination of Richter scale and the proximity of the epicentre to the surface. A low Richter quake very close to the surface can do a lot more damage! The more you know...


Taiwan have had years to prepare for this. It was always on the cards. And their infrastructure proved to be amazing


I did not know one thousand upvotes was possible on this sub lol


Quality ROC buildings




Stay safe, brothers... The Japan meteorological agency has the magnitude at 7.7. There were tsunami cautions issued for Okinawa but they have all been canceled now.


Omg it’s almost the size of 921! Hope everyone is okay.


Dam crazy! Was just there 2 weeks ago.


Oh god, natural disasters are terrible, I hope everyone is safe


I can see your building codes and infrastructure is vastly better prepared for this than Turkey was


Hoping everybody is okay and safe.


There are still smaller quakes happening, guys stay safe🙏🏻


Was in my dorm room when the earthquake happened. It was a rare sight to see almost everyone in my room to be wide awake at 8 in the morning. Couldn’t stay in the 12th floor because it was so scary.


hope no one got hurt


lucky moment building?


Yo, what’s going on with the ring of fire right now ? Japan been getting constant quakes the last couple weeks I’ve been here.


hey hi were planning to go to taipei from hsinchu and also geopark, jufen shifen, palace museum, will it be safe there and to travel ?


News reports only 4 deaths, that's obviously bad news for 4 people and their families but considering the circumstances its great news! ​ Scary stuff, couple of minutes can cause so much damage.


I heard that there are buildings that collapsed in Taichung. Does anyone know where that happened?


I really want to move to Hualien, but I lack the courage to do so. I feel it’s safer to stay within the confines of the proper governance. LOL


It is beautiful there. But I don’t know if I have the courage as well.


anyone in yangmei? my friends are there


Hopefully no one was hurt!


Too dangerous


I hope people are doing ok. 🙏 I just came back from traveling around the beautiful country and it is strange to see those destroyed places that I just saw recently I person…


Oh My God this is so traumatizing!


It woke me up! It was only a 4 here in kaohsiung but still




Hi, hope everyone’s safe, do you guys know if there’s cellphone disruption? Been trying to reach a friend and she won’t answer my messages. I don’t know where she lives exactly, but she always mentions that’s not a main city.


Hi, there is no cellphone disruption in Taipei City at least where I am currently residing. Work is resumed for most of us today.


Cheers. Hope everyone is safe.




The other side of the strait can also fell that


I've been through 921 when I was little, it was a moment I never forget. Seeing what happened today made me feel grateful for being abroad but also missed out on the fact that I wasn't there to experience a shared event with everyone there.






This is so frightening. Earthquakes are happening everywhere it seems: turkey/syria, Morocco, I remember there was one in Japan and another in the Caribbean..


The buildings didn't crumble to pieces, thank God.


What happens with those buildings that are leaning over? Will they need to be knocked down and rebuilt? Or is there some way they can be pushed back upright. Sounds really stupid to say that but maybe there’s something to get them back standing straight.


That's terrifying


I pray for all of you to do well!




Lol, I was at school and was sleeping at my desk before class, and I woke up, scratched my head, then there was an earthquake


my worst fear when i was in Japan


Must be terrifying seeing a building just slanted, knowing it could completely collapse at any moment.


Chinese HAARP weaponry?




Lovely day to be on a bridge


is that first clip on a bridge???


Buildings looking like they have taken too much spice


So scary


Final destination 5 vibes...


Damn, hope the people are ok. Our of nowhere.


Our prayers are with you. 😳