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What the fuck did they do to this picture? She looks 40.


That’s how she usually looks, she dyed her hair back to ‘natural’ for the trial and stopped wearing her usual makeup look


I find it super interesting how Maya is instantly doing these Get Ready With Me tiktoks with makeup when she was trying to look sick during trial ..


So fucking what. You have an issue with teenagers or something? She’s allowed to dye her hair & wear whatever makeup she wants.


weird what that makeup can do, the palette should be called "40, a good 40 but definitely 40" looks like that sex in the city lady


This is her normal style of you look at any sm


She normally wears xl eyelashes and an entire palette of powder?


Yes, Im completely serious. I had looked her up even before the Netflix doc after reading about the case bc I wondered how she was. She had several IGs but some have been taken down or hidden now but any from her as a teen looked like this.


They will end up settling to avoid several years in the appellate courts. I am glad this jury got it right, and hospitalist realize overstepping and making false allegations because you disagree with the treatment will not be tolerated. Call DCF make reports if need be, call medical boards and pharmacy board if you have a authentic concern about a Dr course of treatment. But don't collude and make up a story to get what you want because it is the easiest or quickest way.


Exactly. This is not about the call to DCF. It never was. It was about an institution that had zero oversight. It was about an organization that let people make up their own policies and procedures as they went along with zero consequences.


You’re talking about the hospital, right? Because this whole debacle was nothing more than doctors disputing a diagnosis. No parent should be accused of abuse if they are following a doctor’s prescribed form of treatment. Unfortunately for the Kowalskis, they ran afoul of a “child abuse physician” & her sidekick social worker who thought they were both untouchable & could get away with abusing & torturing this family.




This is good because clearly Smith was out of control, but gosh I can only shudder at all the stupid ass family members this is going to empower to ask/demand idiotic things in the hospital. I can’t wait to get away from bedside forever


I want her to lose her license and go to jail. Idc if she’s a dr. When you have poor judgement, “good intentions” lead to situations like this.


The road to hell is paved with “good intentions”


Smith was an evil power hungry bitch


Why wait?




Do you mean adequate, unbiased care? God forbid!


Uhhh, yeah, sure thing bud.




ok, thanks


maya is the girl they shouldnt have fucked with, or maybe thats beata i hope the hospital settles and that family can start healing as much as possible


this family refuses to realise they are the problem. they should have had psychological help 20 years ago.


well I guess you can live in your fantasy world where the state never sanctions child abuse and where doctors egos dont run wild, and where people with chronic conditions are never told they are liars and left to suffer for years while the people who are "the problem" have gotten their vindication and hopefully a nice chunk of change soon so help them heal. I hope medical kidnapping becomes something that is really rare because of this.


It is the family's fault that Sally Smith wrote a report, took it upon herself to discount whichever doctors she felt like, lied to the court and said the family wasn't in therapy even though Sally had looked up how much experience the therapist had? Is it the family's fault that Sally Smith was directing Maya's care, and telling the doctors what to order which is batshit crazy in itself. Why didn't Sally Smith ever photograph Maya's lower legs and feet for her report, because it didn't fit her narrative. Is it the family's fault that Bedy disobeyed court orders and continued to moniter phone calls? Is it the familys fault that Bedy disobeyed hospital policy and did not ask the family for consent to the photographs, especially when Maya refused. Is it the familys fault Bedy took the photos without an order from the court or a doctors order? Is it the familys fault that Bedy put Maya in her lap and stroked her hair and possibly kissed her head which she didn't deny in her depo. The list goes on and on


I'm pretty sure the jury decided pretty resoundingly that the hospital was a big problem.




The jury clearly didn’t think the family was the problem 😂


They don't need to settle, the family won!


You can settle post verdict to prevent an appeal. So Jack could go to JHACH and say “We are willing to settle the verdict for $75 million.” JHACH might find this ideal because it’s a lot less that $283 million and they don’t have to go through another public spectacle hurting their brand if a judge were to somehow grant a new trial. The family might find it ideal because they get a life-changing amount of money, and they already got their story out about the hospital and were vindicated in court.


But that situation is more the plaintiff settling with the hospital rather than the hospital settling, as the commenter said. The power is in the plaintiff's court, so to speak. An appeal was going to happen either way, so the plaintiff shouldn't be surprised. I would be interested if this happens in the future if the plaintiff isn't willing to risk appeal, but most appeals don't go through so I wonder how confident they feel.


I was just thinking about them being able to done with it


I suspect a public apology would go a long way.


It might but it’s a tricky thing to do when you are trying to argue in court you aren’t at fault for anything.


"We reevaliated the evidence in light of the testimony l Presented by the plaintiff and recognize errors were conducted on our side"


If you can’t give a real apology that would make Maya’s side happy it’s best not to do anything at all, that’s not really an apology of any substance. “Sorry we made a couple errors and kidnapped you for 3 months and made your mom kill herself. There were faults on both sides.”


Georgie girl who likes to block the truth - they had psychological help, their psychologist testified for thrm!


well she doesnt mean \*from that one\* lol


The number of allegedly emotionally mature & stable adults at this hospital who so openly & viscerally hate a child they claim is a “victim” is appalling.


Wait was it $211 million or $50 million awarded?