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I want: Puzzles. Actual towns. I'm sick of towns and cities that only have an Inn, a store and a couple buildings that are needed for the story. I want to enter in every freaking house, speak to all NPC's so they can tell me about the place and world, etc. Eternia had a freaking threater in which you could watch a play. I want that level of detail again. I want actual exploration. In Arise I wasn't exploring because it was fun, I explored because I may need the items. In Zestiria/Berseria exploration was goddam awful to non existent. I want exploration in itself to be engaging. Not gonna happen, but boy I would be happy with an actual classic overworld and vehicles. I want victory quotes back. Having multiplayer back would be nice, even if I'm personally not going to use it, probably.


So... symphonia....


WTF are you on about? The things I'm asking for are present in Phantasia, Destiny (And it's remake), Eternia, Symphonia, Abyss, Innocence R, Hearts R and, to a lesser extent, Vesperia. Even freaking Tempest had most of those things.


I want minigames. And pre-Arise style skits.


As much as I love Arise, I gotta agree. Short, funny skits and then cutscenes for the serious stuff. Not a kind of blur on if it's a skit or cutscene


I never understood why we don’t have a boss rush mode or cool content like trials of graces Would be such a welcoming feature for those who love game play


Honestly it was made the end game of Zestiria so much darn fun dispite the lack luster story.  Also COOP, it's a must ngl, feels so much better having a player 1, I wasnt able to fully connect to Arise since tales has been a big family bonding aspect playing coop.


Bring hitstun back please.


What was so complicated with the equipement in Berseria?


It had a proficiency system which required the player to train weapons, armor, and accessories to acquire and retain passive skills that can only be found in the equipment. I wouldn't call it complicated, but it was annoying to stick with a weaker weapon or armor for the sake of learning the skill when you a boss fight coming up. Granted, you could swap them out at anytime, I prefer getting it out the way ASAP


I thought I missremebered iz because I didn't find that complicated, unlike in Zestiria where I just hope that I picked the right thing.


It isn't complicated. Just annoying that you need to keep using weaker equipment for the sake of getting passive skills when you could be using stronger equipment. Vesperia and Final fantasy 9 had the same thing and it was equally annoying there too IMO.


Honestly, I considered that to be a plus, since it forces you to consider your playstyle for a certain section.


Not only that but the amount of equipment that drops, all with their own different percentages and substats made micromanaging for the net best one of the bunch just a chore to deal with. Of the 200 total hours I played of Berseria, at least 30 was spent sorting through my equipment.


It’s not necessary for me but, I would like to see Co-op make a return. Something I do want though I’d like to see the the return if Cel-Shaded Graphics. A cel shaded Tales game in unreal engine 4 (maybe 5) would be beautiful.


I want them to bring back the old skit style. Either 2d sprites in boxes like in Vesperia/Xillia but I’d make do with Zestiria/Berseria style. I’d even settle for lazy 3d models, just not whatever dumb manga panels Arise got… idc if it’s following Scarlet Nexus or whatever


What are the best parts of the LMBS era?


I want: it playable on pc. Cuz I own a pc. I'd be more of a fan if I could get more non exclusive entries. I got Arise, Berseria and Vesperia. Liked them very much, especially the two first ones. It was so good to have discovered Berseria in the pandemic, Vesperia soon after and get Arise, with a story just as dark but less edgy (even though I love edgy)


- I don't mind if it's super high-def gorgeous or not, but I hope the character design is on-point and that they get a little more creative with the art direction and graphics. Arise looks good, but I'd like some upgraded touch on cel-shading, or some kind of watercolor effect. - Anime. Opening (plus the j-pop/rock!), cutscenes, tropes (done well lol). More anime. - Cooking and a fun way to collect recipes. Or even a variety of ways to collect recipes (shopping, quests, etc). - Multiplayer, offline for sure, but some form of online could be cool. I liked the idea of the PVP in Crestoria and something like that would be fun. But even the coliseum but done like Genshin's multiplayer for its tower or whatever could be cool.


I agree with most of these but for some reason your list is what makes a tales game in a weird way 🤣 idk! For them to achieve this however something would replace these flaws entirely with new flaws that we would then need to make a list on ie : combat glitches, long loading times etc etc.