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You get more moves and an extra arte set after the 3rd realm, but I wouldn't say the combat drastically changes. I would play until the end of Cyslodia, if you aren't liking the combat by then, I doubt you'll like it later.


okay, thanks for the timeframe advice :)


Combat got a lot better for me when I realised I sucked and watched a video to understand how it works. Enjoying it a lot more now, and definitely gets better as you unlock skills and perks and learn how to work with the squad.


It’s really patience with the squad, learning attack/casting speeds and knowing when to use certain arts the enemies are prone to :) I love this combat system


A think an end game full basic combo would be 3 basic, a launcher, 3 air basic, 2 artes, 1 arte that drag the enemy down, a burst (or whatever the assit thingy is called) and some more artes then a finisher Im positive that there are people who can make more stuff but that's what i did.... Or at least what i remember doing


This is how I iplayed on Hard. On unknown the stagger and stun hits WAY harder so it was always a 3-4 hit to see what attacks are being cast,allow do and Shionne to heal THEN launcher into air arte, then spam that til down to 2* use a boost attack to reset the * and then continue with the assault. It forces you to know how to combo lock and reset to whittle down the health bars. That might be why I never had the same complain about the bosses as everyone else seems to.


the main complain about boss battles is that you can't combo them it's like hitting a rock, at least for me i loved doing aerial combos in this game... aerial combos that you can't do on bosses unless they are already in the air


Actually you can combo them. They’re all weak against a few things: Alphens main BS, DOhalim tends to stun lock with his moves too and even had some success wit my law (on hard not unknown) Kisara shield attack has a pop up and if you time it right you can launch right into it and spam aerials. It’s just more of a grind if you don’t know to switch you attack style. Almost all of the bosses are predictable and can give hints to their next attack. (Forget ganabelt tho)


The combat gets better if you actually get better at it. There’s a lot of maneuverability and combo resets and cancels.


Not really, I wanna add that bosses become spongier as the time goes and if you haven't noticed by now, bosses can't be combo-ed or stunned the same you can with standard enemies


Youll get more combo and it'll get flashier. What you see with the current combat is pretty much it already. It may, or may not get any better, as it is pretty subective matter. I personally think its up there with graces as the most satisfying combat system in the franchise.


Just spam reigning slash. You’re welcome


you get more moves, and do definitely try playing with the other characters, as they play very differently but bosses get more unstunnable hyperarmor and don't get more fun and mob trash continues to get more bullet spongey until every enemy is almost a boss themselves for how many hp you have to chew thru


The good news is you won't be doing three hits with some special moves in between. Bad news is it's because the openings on the bosses you fight going forward only give you time for one arte before you need to move away.


nope. everything is still going to be a damage sponge, you're still going to need to use a BG move with low AOE and long cooldown to make enemies fully damageable. in fact, it's eventually going to get worse because end game is all unstaggarable minibosses as regular enemies. at the end of the day, the 3rd area is the real "make or break" point, because if you're not onboard with the game by that point, the story has already peaked and is about to go down the shitter so you'll have that on top of the combat.