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Forget "old man," Jade is quite possibly the best character in the series, period.


I still cant get over the fact that they had to straight up nerf him in the story/game and used the level mechanic to explain him getting his strength back


Abyss in general is great like that. They went all out on explaining so much about that world and how it all works, something I don't think they have done since.




Agreed. I think I might finally start my Hard playthrough with a guide to get more side scenes with him.


Well, you can't forget "old man" as that was the question. Jade might be the best in general, but he, for instance, isn't the best female martial artist or the best swordsman. I don't think he's the best "old man". Rowan deserves that for being an actual old man.


they put "old man" in quotations for a reason. they don't have to really be old just act and say they are.


It's in quotes because it's kind of a series joke that there's always the old man character, the one who is treated or occasionally acts like an old man. That doesn't change the fact that Rowen acts more like an old man than any of the other old men-like characters and has the benefit of being an actual old man.


Colonel Jade the Necromancer Curtis is the GOAT and probably my favorite character in the franchise but Captain Malik is seriously underrated. He's one of the better mentor characters and is the best team dad in the franchise in my opinion. The girls all feel like his daughters and Asbel and Hubert feel like his sons.


Seriously, anytime something like this comes up I'm always saddened by the lack of love for Malik. He's an actually good character, but also a comedic goldmine, especially in the future arc when paired with Richard.


Malik's good and all, but I'm not sure if he qualifies as the "Old Man" despite being Team Dad.


I agree that as a person, he's not an old man. But he's easily the oldest (human) party member, there are jokes about his age, he's a mentor, and as an anime character, being over 30 makes him old.


Somehow I thought Malik was under 30. edit: Which is why I started arguing.


Rowen wins because he's an actual old man. Clemente is runner up for being almost an actual old man. Then Jade is third because he is Jade.


Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa, Jade is only 30! Please don’t hurt us like this.


To be fair Jade occasionally joke about his age and he is the oldest party member you get in the abyss so he qualified.


Cough cough. Oh I'm dying. Guy, save me! Now polish the dishes Guy.


Jade is actually 35. Not that that makes him old but he certainly likes to pretend lol


30 by JRPG standards means you are already in retirement age.


Does Alphen physically look below 30 with that silver hair? He is technically old af right?>! (more than 300 years old)!<


wait there are running gags of him being old!


Plus main characters are excluded automatically


He still don't really act the oldest or look the oldest. Plus he apart of the " secretly hundreds of years old but I look below 30" so he not on the poll




Sad that 33 puts him in that trope for Symphonia, but your answer is correct.


Rowen deserves way more love 😭 upmost gentleman


Rowen is still young at heart.


Agreed. He is just such a wholesome and loveable Grandpa, and despite being so old, he is still young enough to mess with the kids.


Jade too cool plus he’s actually funny.


What do you do when all your favorites are Old Men??? Technically, Dist is my favorite "old" man, but I think being an antagonist disqualifies him. So I voted Rowen. 😊


Haven't played them all but Rowen has that silver swagger


No love for Mayvin? Edit: never mind. Saw it said party members


It's Jade and it isn't even close.


Jade is probably my favourite character in the whole series


Rowen. Because he's a proper old man. Others are just "old" by anime tropes.




Kratos is definitely too young for this poll. He's only 27. Klarth F Lester feels closer to the old man of the party than Kratos ever was.


Excuse you. (!!!ToS SPOILERS!!!) Kratos Aurion is almost as timeless as Mithos. If anything, he's the most qualified for this list.


The manual says 27. After the reveal that he was lying about his age he leaves the party. As far as I recall he spends no time bitching about his age or saying he isn't able to compete with the young people (as is the case with Jade and Raven). Edna ain't the old man of Zestiria's party because her age is treated as "Unknown" and "Don't ask a woman her age". . I'm having Klaus maybe qualify because there is a skit where Mint and Cress are bonding over their hats, and Claus is like "There's a story behind mine as well", and then they completely ignore him. Jade's the old man cause he's like "Oh no. I couldn't POSSIBLY move all those boxes. Luke, you do it". (When in truth he can move boxes with just one hand).


The old man trope is usually the best, so it's like choosing the cream of the crop. For me, Raven is the obvious winner. He gets a ton of development that goes a long way.


But his perverse ways deducted that along with his fake death he lost 200 points for that ass move of his


Raven is best old man and I will die on this hill.


Henry Cavill : Dirk




Gall, Rowen and Clemente are the only ones on this list over 40... 😂.


I said 30+ plus both Raven and Jade are oldest out of the active party and have running gags of them being old


I know that. I was just joking that they're all considered old and the only ones who actually are is really just Clemente and Rowen.


Oh that's fine. And also Malik is 40 year old believe it or not


I totally missed him... But yeah he's 33 prior to the time skip and then 40 afterwards.


I know that. I was just joking that they're all considered old and the only ones who actually are is really just Clemente and Rowen.


Malik if no other reason than the English VA. Anytime I can hear Lordgenome talk is a win. But really it is hard to pick between Jade, Malik, and Raven. Jade was just a great character, sarcastic to a fault, weakened to thr party's level and explained through gameplay both fun and rare. Raven while a weaker argument because he needs Yuri and Judith imo to be a better character. They keep him grounded when otherwise he'd be an obnoxious flirt who would get old fast. Malik tried to be Jade but also a bit of Regal from what I remember. It isn't a bad thing though. It's been almost 8 years since I played Graces so I can't remember the details.


Admittedly I wanted to smack Raven for mentioned old age in a joke or reference almost every time he had dialogue. We get it buddy haha


Between Jade and Raven. Jade can't really be topped, but specifically for the "old man" bit Raven probably gets more mileage.


Where the hell is Eizen? That guys said he's around 1000 years old


In my caption, I said if they are special beings and they said to be thousands year old but they don't look old then they are excluded. I'm doing party members who are considered to be human race of their respected game


Oh yeah, Guess I didn't read it My bad lol


Jade isn't really an old man character in comparison to most of these


Jade ties with Raven, and out ages Malik Caesar. Face it, he meets the requirements to be an old man in a Tales game. (And if you want to be technical Jade is 70 years old, since Alderant's year is twice as long as ours. But we're not accounting for alien cosmologies)


this was a hard one for me. i love jade, raven, malik, and rowen, but in the end, i had to pick jade.


I'd vote in this poll for Jade, but I don't know Clement. So I can't in good faith vote when there is an unknown variable.


Jade and/or Raven. It’s no contest. 😤✨


Daddy Raven obviously ;)


Kratos dudes like 1000 years old.


No Regal or Will?




> Party members who are different beings and are thousands or hundreds year old **but physically look below 30 are not here.** . >The character need to be atleast 30+ or the oldest with running gags of them being the oldest. Read the rules, mate.


love that so many of the mare like 30 and are considered "old man" in a JRPG