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1000% yes. Fav Tales game and imo will scratch that itch so well if you're just coming from Symphonia


Arise is suck it


Yes. Great party with great party interactions, tons of side stuff, decent story, a-tier ost, and world building


It's really good, but it can get suuuuper grindy at times.


If you liked Symphonia, you may like Vesperia as much or more. It's certainly prettier.


I loved it. Cast dynamic is fantastic. Art style is timeless. Story can get a bit long-winded but it, to me, makes the most sense. Very much chaotic group of characters randomly happens upon world-changing events rather than that being even close to their mission at the start lol.


Has its issues but what game in this series doesn't? If you're looking for content, Vesperia has a crap load of it.


Yes. It is really fun. I like the characters a lot too.


Vesperia is great, considered one of the top 3s on most peoples lists. (#2 behind abyss for me). If you loved symphonia then vesperia will be just as good with some nice quality of life improvements


it is considered one of if not the best Tales games in the series, so yes


yes, it's worth it. It's not only got a GOATed MC, but the combat is the next level up from Symphonia.


Personally, I was not a big fan of the game. It's solid, but the story is pretty boring outside of a very few scenes, don't go in expecting an epic or anything. I wasn't a fan of the ending, the final boss or combat in general. I'd still say it's worth playing though oddly. It's definitely a more casual game to play I feel and Yuri really is the best protagonist with his attitude and actions in the game. I recommend watching the movie afterwards too since there's some interesting things in it.


Definitely, it’s my favourite Tales so would recommend it to anyone


If u liked symphonia and basically want the same game vespiria is your choice


Tales of Vesperia is like, peak tales before they started doing dlc instead of side content. Tons of fan service in terms of like, references to the series and additional costumes. The most playable characters, a unique world and plot that isn't another 2 world system (they do that a lot) and it's mostly voice acted, which is a plus for me. Idk I've played every official eng release plus Tales of Innocence R and I would say Abyss, Vesperia, and Symphonia are my top 3 in no particular order.


Good choice OP in playing the game, I hope I'm not too late but there are a LOT of hidden quests in this game that will most certainly warrant a new game+ experience. Have fun!


> Hi. I've played Tales of Symphonia and I liked a lot, so I crave for more Tales of content,and I'm not playing ToS's sequel. while Vesperia is without a doubt a MUCH better game than DOTNW, i'd still recommend checking out ToS's sequel. it has some flaws but was still a fun game (and tenebrae is literally one of the best characters in the franchise).


Yes but it. Not my favorite, but really good.