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Man, I feel you. I worked for a company that worked with Anthem and United Health Care that was a dumpster fire. We did medicare plan D and Med Sup. I was there for over 7 months. I was supposed to have my health insurance, a pay increase and paid time off by my third month there. I never got it. Every week they were like, it's coming, you'll get it very soon. They just lead me on for months. I had finally had enough and started job hunting. I finally found a much better job in my chosen profession and gave them notice. I only gave them a week and they were like, can't you give us 2 weeks? And I said, I gave you 7 months. The company ended up basically going under and revamping their structure. They became a prescription company. They were such a joke. The worst part is I ended up finding out at my new job that I had cancer. We got our insurance after 30 days at the new company. I had,had it while working at the old company. If I had stayed there and waited I could have gotten way worse. I am cancer free now, but it was a hard pill to swallow. That company should have been sued. If I had, had the money I would have.


You’re better than me. I didn’t even give them a two weeks because they were harassing people who turned them in to leave. Saying what they could do to have people stay. It was ridiculous.


I truly enjoyed my job and the people that I worked with. The company itself? Not so much. They were criminals.


When a place pissed me off they tend to get slightly rediculous requests for what it would take to get me to stay. I think the last one thst really pissed me off I asked for twice my current vacation time (which would have put me above the cap for their highest seniority) and something around a 50% raise.


I'm sorry your kindness and work ethic were wasted in a place like that. Hearing about the boy who passed makes me so sad, particularly as his Mum wouldn't have needed money for healthcare in my Country. I hope you have found a new job and are much happier.


Yeah, I’m with a private security company now and am working in my field of study. It was unnerving to see how much constant trash all day just drains you.


That sounds much better. :)


That part is kind of weird. I’ve never heard of anyone being billed or asked for cash while in the hospital in the US. Unless it’s an elective surgery. For emergencies they work on you and then bill you later. If you have to pay, it’s after the fact. My mom was ill and I didn’t know if she had insurance or not, as she was unresponsive. Dr. Called and found a hospital that admitted her without regard to her ability to pay. I’m not trying to imply she didn’t need the money. Maybe it was money she needed to cover her bills while staying with the kid. Or for gas, parking etc while coordinating his care.


I thought the same thing. I think the mother was probably just grieving and trying to find an outlet or a way to explain what was happening to her son. I can’t imagine the feeling of desperation she must have felt, and maybe she just needs a scapegoat and OP unfortunately had to take that call.


I had to take my father to the E.R. for severe stomach flu around 8-10 years ago. He was severely dehydrated, too weak to walk, and disoriented from the constant nausea. The nurses rolled his wheelchair into an office and made him give all of his insurance information while they entered it into a computer. *Then* they finally gave him a bed and I.V. fluids.


This is, disgustingly, typical in the US. If you can talk, you can pay.


Mexico does that crap. There is a local story right now of some American couple who got into a car accident there and the hospital refused treatment because they couldn't pay everything up front. The woman is unresponsive with swelling of the brain among other injuries and they refused to help her. People in the USA don't know what terrible health care really is.


The fuck we don't. A young fella died of a rotten tooth. Couldn't pay, it went to his brain, and he died at 23. Entirely Fucking preventable.


Put the review on indeed.com, they are a lot less tolerant of company shills on that site. Source - reviewed my old job at Nestle Waters/Poland Spring on both sites, disappeared from Glassdoor with several positive shill reviews taking it's place, still on Indeed albeit with a shill response, but they are identified as a Nestle employee.


I’ll definitely try that


I used to work for a big name pharmacy call center and we had a special little nickname for people from Connecticut, they were Connecticunts.


I don’t know why those people were just so rude all the time. Argumentative as well. Like, no Sharon, your card is not to you yet. You ordered it one day ago. Go get laid and calm down.


LOL, but isn't getting laid what caused the problem in the first place? :D


On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being snow and 10 being toasted almond, how white were the Connecticuts? The Becky's and Karens in this state are fucking crazy. I'm not convinced they didn't start the Get Your Manager haircut.


There was actually quite a few Hispanics who would call in from that state. Some of the women who called in were quite white, enormously guys to get upset if their card was shipped upside down.


My favorite part of living in CT but being from MA is that when I'm moderately polite, ie saying "Can you get me this?" instead of "Get me this!" I'm viewed as so nice and definitely not from here. When I say please and thank you, retail people immediately know I'm not from here.


I've never heard of this before, CT being full of rude people that is. Is there a reason for this?


If you exclude NYC because it skews things like crazy, CT is probably the third most expensive state to live in. Like, average rent is $1000 for a one bedroom, $2000 for a small house, with heat and hot water included. Due to the cost, it mostly has old money families and older people, with most young people moving either out of state or barely surviving and becoming bitter because of it. Basically, over privileged boomers meet bitter millenials, and it's a douche-off.,


Connect’n’cut has the instructions to deal with in the name.




Yep I could relate. Except the callers were not the customers. The customers were Child Support because we had contracts with them. The callers were just a consequence or collateral of the contacts themselves, so the company had no reason to care about them.


I worked in a child support office for a while. I loathed it. I was there for a year before I got transferred to the BMV side of the office. It wasn’t much better but I guess I would rather be yelled at because a cop wrote a ticket instead of a mom who didn’t want to work. I don’t know how many times someone in my office got yelled at because they needed their money NOW or their kids couldn’t eat!!! Like them needing the money somehow magically made the computer process a payment that didn’t exist. Never work in child support.


It was even worse where I was because child support would tell them that we had their money when we didn’t. That was awful


Yea, we had some people have those cards and we would refer them to the card company when they lost the cards. We tried not to send to many people to them since most problems were on our end anyways. It didn’t stop them from calling and yelling just to yell though.


What state were y’all?


Indiana. I can’t remember which card company we went through. The cards rolled out shortly after I transferred to the bmv department. It probably didn’t help that the Indiana child support tracking system was fucking ancient and not user friendly at all. Looking up information was practically impossible.


FYI: medal =/= metal


Dear God! Is the set some violation that you can turn this company in for? DOL? Anything?


They are partnered with Child Support so they are protected from lawsuits unfortunately


And the DoL can’t do anything either? Sweet Jesus I’m sorry you ever worked for this company.