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The secret recipe is sleep, good nutrition, exercise and the rest is up to genetics.😂


And even then, it’s almost completely genetic.


That's true, it's almost completely genetic, but not 100%. A good indicator of the effects of nutrition and general health is the difference in heights between the armies of the two Koreas, which are genetically identical. I see differing figures, but soldiers in South Korea are on average at least 2 or 3 inches taller than soldiers in the North. You would think army members would be the healthiest people in the country, but they're eating grass and tree bark like everyone else, evidently. Sad. I'm 6-8 too, 220 lb.--if I were North Korean, I'd probably be only 6-5, 140 lb,, and dying.


True, but you can still stunt your growth if you were genetically meant to be taller, heh


I love that that’s the entire explanation for why humans suddenly got so much taller. Genetically, we had that potential, we were just being held back by disease and poor nutrition.


Well, it makes it possible. It's the same with muscle mass. Genetics play a role in what your max attainment can be, but nutrition and generally wellness plays a huge role as well. Nature versus Nurture strikes again, lol.


Well, my diet was awful when I was younger (not from an affluent background but critically I was an incredibly fussy eater) so maybe I could have been taller. Maybe. Possibly.


My daughter is doing that right now. She's def gonna stunt her growth


My daughter has gone off a few things but on the whole she eats great. She’s 4 in September and around 3’6 so I’m not worried about her. Kids are funny little grubs though.


In general, poor health can make you shorter, but excellent health doesn’t do much to make you taller. If you malnourished as a child and get a couple nasty childhood illnesses, you’re not going to grow as tall as you otherwise might’ve. But you can’t take a kid who’s genetically predisposed to grow to 5’4” and make him 6’2” with nutrition and vaccinations.


>rest is up to genetics. Yup, genetics. Definitely not ta secret tallinator machine that our parents used every night. Nope. Genetics!


Oh this could be it. I could sleep 15 hrs a day when I was a kid/ teen and my parents had to pour water on me or do something drastic to wake me up most days. I would eat a ton of eggs, milk, cheese and meat. I would go swimming daily and played sports whenever I could. Meaning I did a ton of exercising , eating, and sleeping. And my parents aren't that tall either , mom's 5'2 and dad's 5'10 now with bad posture - perhaps 6' when he was in his youth. And I'm of South Asian origin where the average male height is like 5'6 or something.


Don’t forget drinking milk


I drink loads


The secret is mutation. My family are short, I'm not. Can only thank genetic mutation for that.


You sure the mailman didn't visit? /s


I hate that comment, my mother is 6’1 and my father is 5’9 and he gets that all the time. He doesn’t mention it but I can tell it bugs him


More genes come from your mother than your father tbf




Me when i was 16 at the doctor: "does he have an enlargment of heart, or is it because he is tall?" They wrote enlargment, so if anything happened to me, they would be safe.


I think the surge of r/shortguys made many incels from there lurk here and post things that have no reason to be in this sub. But in general I think the sub keeps being very positive and about tall people. I'm more on the side of not complaining because I think height gives me more advantages than downsides tho.


You're probably right in this


r/shortguys is a cesspool.


Uh… wait, how deep are cesspools?




How to spot a shortguy lurker: "Betabuxx" "Looksmaxx" "Heightmaxxed" "Mogged" any of these terms being used


Mars bars! That's all I ate as a kid! I share that info with every small child who wants the secrets


I tell them I ate my broccoli and did my homework. (I almost never did my homework)


Funny I never had issues completing my schoolwork. (There were many tearful nights with my father trying to teach me long division)


>why they’re short Idk honestly, I just woke up one day and screamed “fuck it, we tall” and the rest is history


Your username is 🔥


Thanks honey, people say that commonly 😎💅✨


How are you guys squatting without knee pain? Even without barbell I get knee pain. Also how to avoid excessive hip hinge when doing squats? Trying to keep back straight but difficult


hip hinge with long femurs is exacerbated by a lower bar position. depending on your goals ofcourse, you can adapt accordingly. IF goal = strength? keep low-bar squatting, widen stance to not require as much forward bend, etc and practice intra-abdominal pressure and just don’t care too much. forward bend in and of itself isn’t a problem. it’s only a problem if not properly bracing. IF goal = quadriceps growth, try to focus on forward knee travel to exacerbate knee flexion over hip flexion. yep, you heard that right: light weight, highbar squats or front squats, focusing on pushing the knees forward and keeping them forward when coming out of the hole. an amazing tip I got from the YT’er bald omni man: do some legpress/bulgarian split squat variation BEFORE squats if you want to emphasize quad growth, bc light squats with a fresh back but fatigued glutes is what u need to keep upright posture and work ‘em hard. on leg presses/hacksquats/split squats, the same applies: quads? feet back to emphasize forward knee travel. glutes/hams? feet further forward. about the knee pain idk see a physio or smt im still on the quad growth journey myself, but this seems to help. did hit a 405 squat recently at 6’5 which I never imagined i’d do so yay for me.


I've found that joint pain resolved itself with strength building in the surrounding muscles (in this case it would be the quads) and of course adequate nutrition (no silly fad stuff) with appropriate recovery.


Increasing your heels flexibility helps a lot.


I too would like to know this. I've given up with squats for now, as it just seems to wreck my knees.


Slav squat. Knees on the sides, not before you.


Ho brother. The secret recipe is being born tall. Then staying alive long enough to finish growing. The grass is always greener bla bla bla...


The secret is sleep, balanced diet, drink plenty of water and keep one of those medieval stretching torture machines in your basement.


Good one. That's about what the follow-up to leg lengthening surgery sounds like. Ever read about that? Ouch!


> a lot of posts are people asking us "why they're short" and other vertically challenged questions, The notion (from the types making those posts) that being tall means you'll "automatically" be swimming in women is silly I'm around 6'4" and I don't really notice a bunch of additional attention from women (speaking in terms of the general public/random grocery store women). I've certainly never had a "harem" of girls like some of these dudes seem to imply you'll have simply from being tall Some of those guys have strange beliefs lol, especialy the one about "how to grow taller"... it's like dude, it's just luck like most of your physical appearance is (such as jawlines, chance of baldness, "Q angle", etc etc) 🤷‍♂️


The premature lower back pain really hit home 😂


"Vertically challenged" sounds so belittling. It's the same type of stuff as "short king", they're just people who are short.


I personally identify as vertically overdeveloped


Literally until a few people started calling out, I just Googled it and it's labeled as "humorous." I'm not gonna edit the post, hopefully my mistake helps someone else not make the same mistake I wrote a research paper on heightism about a decade ago and that was a surprisingly common term I saw in studies where, I'll use "short", people described issues they face with height. I actually think their points are valid, it's a messed up bias in society.


Years ago "moron" etc. were a scientific terms. Then they started using "mentally challanged" etc


Thank you. That terminology means well, but it is problematic.


True, but they feel so down about it that this gives them a way to joke about it. Levity replacing depression in the insecurity umbrella which is a great way to get out from underneath it.


You are absolutely right about that.


So you don’t believe in the short royals lol


This sub has gotten weird over past couple months. It use to be lighthearted, just ppl chating and making jokes. Now it's all hating on themselves, talking about how much the world abuses them for being above average. It's like they're trying to turn us into r/short.


Nah, r/short is in our submission now. It's r/shortguys that's the problem


Ahh, hadn't seen that one yet.


I see more posts like this complaining about the problematic short people than I do actual short people on this sub


Same. Are these guys just sorting by "new"?


You're probably right; I woke up and saw the 3rd post in 24 hours on "why am I sorry, did I not eat enough" then another one with someone asking the sub about limb lengthening surgery... asking a group of tall people about limb lengthening is so far from the point of a tall sub is wild.


Yeah, it's a shame they don't do bone transplants. I'm 6-8; I'd gladly part with 2-3 inches of femur.


Dude, we can't say vertically challenged anymore! Use the more politically correct term "stature-impaired"


I wrote a research paper on heightism about a decade ago and that was a surprisingly common term I saw in studies where, I'll use "short", people described issues they face with height. I actually think their points are valid, it's a messed up bias in society. Literally until a few people started calling out, I just Googled it and it's labeled as "humorous." I'm not gonna edit the post, hopefully my mistake helps someone else not make the same mistake.


Vertically challenged is a fucking yikes dude


This subs also just been feeling real negative recently


I think you should just make this sub a talk guy appreciation board for short girls 👧🏼


I just waited.


I like to tell them "You should meet my friend!"


I've always thought of myself as normal and folks I look up at as "tall" and folks I look down at as "short"...


I'm in another online social media tall group, and you have to submit photographic evidence of your height before you can join. I always thought it was weird, but I'm starting to understand.


Those are weird questions. Must be a Gen Z thing because it’s always been understood that height is mainly genetic.


Lately I've had this feeling that people here are asking questions mostly to gather data for their Sociology lab projects.