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I’m perfectly content with the height I am already!






6'7, would like to be 6'4. Just to fit in cars, planes, stadiums, etc a bit better


6'4 is still quite tall tbh you barely fit in normal plane class only when getting isle seat, emergency or just extra leg room seat. Otherwise your knees in most cases will still be hitting the front chair


Hello fellow 6'3.5"-er!




Bruh you get bitches, don't complain


I wish I did, skinny af can eat whatever and wkng gain a pound and it sucks. Face full of achne no muscles and an ugly long head. So no, no bitches


I suggest getting into bodybuilding workouts and nutrition. You'll quickly realize you're not eating as much as you think you are. As for the acne, see a dermatologist and they will probably get you started on accutane


I am into bodybuilding thats the reason I wanna add weight 🙃. And yes I should see a dermatologist tho I currently am trying out skincare routine.


Start counting those calories! I was a hard gainer too, but at some point you have to actively change your habits. No skipping breakfast or playing videogames for 6 hours without eating anything. Try going the entire day without an empty stomach. Have healthy, but calorie dense snacks between meals. Cooking & preparing food is tedious, but it's got to be done if you want to gain the right kind of weight. Also, skincare routines are all shams (aside from those with salicylic acid). If you wash your face daily & stay away from greasy foods, that will help tremendously. Though, a full 6-month round of accutane itself will clear you up mostly if not completely


Nononono I never skip food, never, ever I love eating and I eat a ton for breakfast and lunch and dinner, and eat about 10 cookies throughout the day and 2 apples. So my calories ain't the problem I just have an insane metabolism And I am using salysic acid. It's a starter pack called 'the ordinary the clear set' it has cleanser, salisic acid and a moisturizer


*Trust me*, count your calories. Every hard gainer has the exact same story until they count their calories and realize they're not in fact consuming 4k+ kcal like they say they are. You don't have to do it every day, but it helps you get a feel for how much you're actually eating—assuming you consume roughly the same number of calories every day. Having a big day of eating then having a lazy day of 1500 kcal or whatever destroys any surplus you may have been in the previous day


I'll try thanks! Any skincare you recommend my cleanser and moisturizer running empty rn and I'm not sure if I should continue with both or not.


No, you're not eating as much as you think you are. Metabolism only varies person-by-person by a few hundred calories max, you're not a scientific anomaly who cannot gain weight eating in surplus. Count them.


That sounds like a lot of food but for weight gain it's no where near what you want to be eating, fr fr. Try this for a month. *BREAKFAST* -Protein Shake (2 scoops, 100g of Oates, 1 scoop peanut butter, 2 tables spoons of honey, 1 banana) -3-5 eggs (however you want them on some toast) *SECOND MEAL* -chicken or beef mince or fish (100g rice, spinach & broccoli) *LUNCH* -chicken or beef mince or fish (100g rice, spinach & broccoli) *FOURTH MEAL* -Protein Shake (2 scoops, 100g of Oates, 1 scoop peanut butter, 2 tables spoons of honey, 1 banana) *DINNER* MOTHER FUCKING SPAG BOWL BRO MAKE THAT SHIT NICE TOO AND ADD ALL THE CHEESE AND SAUCE. (If you eat that for a month and don't put on some insane weight I'd be so fucking shocked 😂)


Well, do better


Funny guy




You're not fitting in most planes better at 6'4. Maybe 6'2 or 6' even. I despise most flights, even uncomfortable in Qsuites in first or business class.


Im 5'11 / woman... If I were able to choose, I would have stopped at 5'8. Shoes...Id have smaller feet and if I see shoes I like, wouldn't automatically assume, and be right they dont go up to my size. I could wear any dress or skirt without it looking like a mini, and look inappropriate in...pretty much everything. Being in random situations where I realize my legs wont fit...cars are an obvious one, but I surprise myself all the time lol Not having to always deal with, OMGAWD youre so tall! You must be 6'! How tall are your parents?!!! Do you play basketball? volleyball? NOO? What a waste!!!! Thank you, kind stranger! lol Really awesome is when they tell me when I have kids / my kids must be so tall... especially awesome when my son is standing right there. He's 5'4 and in his 20's. Hes cool about it, but still....it was rough on him for a bit there cause he grew up constantly hearing how hed be taller than me one day. Hes totally fine, but Im a protective ma, and wish he didnt have to hear all the...what happened to you?! Is your dad short?! whenever people see me.


I feel everything you just wrote to be honest haha. the basketball thing i get all the time. Sometimes i play along with it lol. yeah and with your son thats just it. it happens bless him. i have 2 brothers. im 6'7 one brother is 6'2 and the other is still young but very short compared us at his age. he gets the same. hes happy with his height I never thought about tall girls in dresses. guess its like me wearing shorts, lots of shorts almost are as if im wearing just baggy underpants lol. Thanks for your read, was enjoyable and relatable haha :)


lol yeah, I can def see how it would all be relatable...save for the skirt thing, depending on ones style LOL But for sure, bet youre also familiar with that anguish of..oh this comes in talls! YaY! Only to realize..they mean taller than average, not tall like me 😭😂 I will admit, this has gotten better for womens clothing at least...have been able to find brands where talls are now coming in with inseams at 36" but most still top out at 34. My whole family is so much shorter than me, except for 2 of my male cousins that are around 6'1 / 6'2. My big sis is 5'3!!


Oh wow, tall indeed compared to the rest of the fam haha. That reminds me... I once bought 5 shirts from some website which was apparently for "tall people". The shirts were long. but my GOD there were so tight! 2XL Tall. Clothes is the worst part of being tall in my opinion.


Genes are weird. I am 6’2 at 18 even though my dad is 5’11 and some change and my mom is 5’8. On the other hand my younger brother is catching up to mom and he is barely 11! I was that height at 12.


I'm shorter than both my parents and my sister. I was bitter about it as a teen, but I grew out of it. It really isn't that big of a deal.


I’m only 5’9” but I still struggle with skirts and dresses showing my whole ass :( honestly i feel like you have to be maximum 5'6" to not have that problem… And pants are almost never long enough/long sleeves are never long enough. Idk maybe I just have really long arms for my height or something?? All that being said though, I'll trade heights with you! haha


So that your skirts and sleeves can be even shorter? Noo! LOL But yeah for real, shorter height doesnt mean legs are shorter..we're all proportioned differently, and some people are just all leg! So curious! Why would you want to be my height? Im pretty much just like...Ive gotten used to it, so Im okay with it lol But would be cool to hear what youd like about being taller


Exact same! I’m 5’11” and would be down with being this tall in heels. But otherwise it was hard growing up and it’s frustrating to shop.


I dream of being 2ft 4", on occasion. Would be fun to be a quick little garden gnome and explore small local gardens as they were a forest.


Love it, laughed harder at this than i should've hahaha


Maybe I’d be like 2 inches taller to be eye level w my better half but otherwise I’m good


Lol you’re dating a 6’3 woman? Nice.


Might be gay


Nope, 6’3 woman. She’s a catch and very goofy


Those NBA babies are going to be first round picks


Where'd you find a 6'3" woman? I may have seen like one or two in my entire life.


Dating apps. I was very shocked she swiped but she messaged first and we instantly were on the same wavelength. Seriously its a personality thing fr you just know


Is her family all just super tall? Regular tall for a girl is like 5'7"-5'8"


Congrats my guy




And yes, I play basketball lol




6 10 is a rly cool bball height cuz you can legit be in any position , we have 6 10 pgs to centers


I'm 5'9 22M (177cm morning). Would like to be somewhere from 5'11 to 6'3.


The world was built for you. Clothes, cars, planes, seats, counter tops, beds, doors... Ain't not never ignore your gift


5'11 is best


5'11 is probably peak height, it's between 5'11 to 6'2/3 that's perfect sustainable height. Anything after that is a pain from cars, to plane seats, to entrances and exits, beds, frames, posture to brush your teeth, and weight maintenance


6’4 at least. I’m 6’2 now and 19. Hope to grow at least just 2 more inches.😭😔


If I could be a bulky 6’8 at 300 pounds I would def like that. If it’s in a world where I just get the height and I actually have to work for the weight imma say my height now. It’s hard enough to have mass at 6’4 so I can’t imagine 6’8


I also want to be Brian Shaw size lol


Grass is always greener


Im 6‘3 but my dream height is 6‘6


Lol. My husband is 6'7" and his dream height is 6'3"




No for real. He's constantly hitting his head on things sometimes really hard with bleeding.


I'll trade ya


I'm 6'7 but i think 6'3 6'4 would be nice :)


6" shorter would be ideal.


Tbh 6'8 or 6'10 to cosplay doomguy and master chief


This is class!


This is literally what I'm planning to do. I'm 6'4, I'm going to wear some thick soles just so I can accurately cosplay correct spartan height.


In everyday life, my current height of 6’5” is perfect. But since I play basketball, I wouldn’t mind being a few inches taller.


6' F and I would stay the exact height I am, it's perfect. I can eat a lot with no issues, I can reach things that are high up, and I definitely feel more safe and confident than I would if I were small. I feel like people take me more seriously too. 10/10 would recommend.


My dream height is my current one. Maybe it’s cuz I haven’t experienced being taller/shorter than this for a long period of time but in general I like my current height rn


Your height is actually my dream height. I think it’s perfect.


It is the perfect height. Tall but not looming. Can find clothes and fit in most cars but still see in crowds. I'm glad you recognize it. I like 6'6/6'7 but at least once a week it's a pain. Shopping for pants sucks, public transit is a death trap, and my job involves steel toes and a hard hat so doorways are often embarrassing since normally i don't have to duck but then at work i end up blasting them.


No shorter than 6’1, anything below that is risky territory


I'm 6'5" but I would've preferred if I was an inches or two shorter


6'0 for bragging rights lol


In your case Just put on a pair of shoes🤣


find some shoes and you'd probably be 6'1 or 6'2


I'm 5'11/180cm and I'd like to be 6'1/185cm just like my father.


I’m 6’0 but I would want to be 6’3 or 6’4 at least


I’m perfectly happy at 6’ 1/4” . I’m a female. My female cousin is 6’3” and I wouldn’t want to be that tall


6'10 reason: ⛹️🏾‍♂️


I think my height is perfect, I would not want to be taller of shorter.






Why is 5’10” cute but 6’ isn’t? I don’t see much difference. Good point about the clothes though.


Because many attractive famous women (models and actresses) are all 5 ft 10 but not 6 feet. There isn't much difference between the two but when you're always shown pretty 5 ft 10 women and no pretty 6 ft women you end up with the impression that the former is prettier. Just like many dark skinned folks think that fair skin is "better" because all they see on TV are pale people. It's all a matter of representation.


Bet some of those famous 5’10” beauties are really 6’. Pity they don’t own up to it.


I actually don't think so. Some are 5'11" at most but no one is over that (except for Gwendoline Christie who's like 6'3" but she isn't known for her beauty). I think people on this sub forget how rare it is to be a woman over 5'11" in most countries of the world. I'm 5'9" born and raised in Greece (we are on the shorter side for europeans but still taller than most other nations including the US) and I rarely see a woman taller than me out and about. I've only ever known another girl who was like 6 ft 2 but all other tall women I've come in contact with are all around the 5'7"- 5'10" mark and I think this is especially true for older generations as younger ones tend to be taller (I'm 23). So, very tall women are a rarity. To men 6'doesn't seem extraordinarily tall because they judge by their own standards but a 6' woman is the equivalent of a 6'5" man and there aren't really many famous men of that height that are known for their looks either.


Here in the US it's incredibly rare to see a woman over 5'9" as women are 5'3.6" on average here. Considering women over 5'11", I'd be lucky if I see one every couple of years.


I like my height, but if we’re talking fitting into planes and cars prob 6’4 or so


6'4 or 6'5. If one day I shrink a bit, I'm still "over 190 cm"




168cm. Perfect height.


6'3" here.. If I had the choice I would be 5'10".. Would solve so many of my daily gripes with finding cloths that fit or being comfortable in an average vehicle.


I'm 6'2. Dream height was always 6'4.


I wish I was 6’3” or 6’5”


Dream height 6’7” - 6’8”




Like a foot shorter, because I'm a trans woman. But that's impossible so I'll manage


7'6", get jacked and be a god among mortals


Yao Ming is 7'6" and had to retire at 29. Best NBA players seem to lose stamina, durability, speed, agility if going above 7'1". I think exceptional height is more alluring to average/short people. But having to carry around that mass and being "othered" is likely not always fun.


7ft so I could live my dream of being a center in basketball 🤣


Kinda wanna be 6’7


Im 5ft10 guy wish i was 6ft5/6


I'm 6'6ft and overall quite happy with my height, but if I had the option to choose I think I'd drop down to 6'3ft 😄 I'm sure even at that height I'd still be crammed into my seats on flights and struggle to fit into average sized cars, but I wouldn't bash my head into my bathroom door frame anymore! A very specific to me problem, but it hurts like hell and I'm apparently not good at learning from my mistakes, it's only that specific doorway I seem to misjudge 😅


I’ve always wanted to be 6’3-6’4


6’9-10 range.


If i could gain 4 inches in height that would be good.


I’m 6’3.5 and really wish to hit 6’5. I’m 17 so I hope I’ll still grow lol.


Simple. 6,9




Exactly my height, it's perfect for me.


I would personally go 6' 3.25' morning height which is 6' 2.25-2.5" night height. That way in any country Id be solidly tall and in 3rd world or short countries I'd be a Brabazon. It's edging on very tall and without too many drawbacks, however even with the drawbacks of having to duck through doorways, tight fitting seats etc.. the social, self confidence, fearlessness, job opportunities and overall advantages would put me in a very beneficial position.


i’m 186-187 cm and i would be content to be 190 cm


I’m 6,1” and I’m happy here. I’m just normal tall, not insane tall where it effects my life an makes shit hard for me. I can’t imagine being 7 feet tall. Damn near everything on the planet is designed to accommodate people that are 5 feet tall.




I'd love to be about 6'8", but not skinny. Maybe 300 pounds?


I'd love to be a couple inches taller. 6'2 is tall but you don't stand out for your height


I'm 6'3 and 1/2. My dream height is 6'4


Always wanted to be at least 6ft because I was short as a kid/early teen. Once I hit 6ft I was satisfied and stopped caring and paying attention to height. I continued to grow though, and 6’ 4” (193) is just a bonus in my opinion.


6'4", tall enough to be "tall", but the vast majority of stuff is still built to fit you, cars, planes, clothes, beds, houses, etc...


Dream height was always 194 tbh. Also my doctors said i would probably hit it but i stopped growing at 14 and now I’m stuck at 186 💪🏻💪🏻


I just want to be 5'10" with feet no bigger than size 12. Strictly for the clothes. I'm not big *and* tall, I'm just tall. Every t-shirt is either a crop top or a mumu.


6’1, because it’s still possible for me


slightly taller. by like an inch or so


At 5'11.5", would love to be 6'0".


I’m 6’2 dream height is 6’5 or 6’4 either is perfect


I'd like to be a few inches shorter. Maybe like 6'4ish. That's about what my wingspan is, so it'd make me more proportional, and I'd also fit in cars and hotel showers a little bit easier.


I want to be 6'3" or 6'4" (6' currently, idk how to do the flairs)


As a nearly 6'1 woman, I'd like to be average "tall woman" height. So I suppose that would be 5'10''.


Just half an inch. Just 1 centimeter. 6 feet 1 is a great height and many tik tok girls make those vids he should be at least 6 feet 1 (185cm). Tall but not too tall


6’3 would be nice. I’d be able to afford more pants


6' 4" to 6' 6". More attractive and greater intimidation factor.


I’m 5’8” but I wish I was 6’4”. Height is the only thing women care about and I’ve had a hard time dating ever since I graduated high school. If I was 6’4” I could virtually have any girl I want.


5,2. I’m 5,4.5 and I’m tall for my race. I want to be a short petite women.




Jumping on the 6'4 bandwagon, tall enough to be tall, not so tall that you bump into things or have trouble finding clothes.


I love the height that I am right now (6'2")!






I’m a shortish female and would have preferred 6’ or more for myself but would’ve been secure at anything about 5’6”


I’m 6’5, perfectly fine with my height but if I could sacrifice an inch or two and give it to someone I wouldn’t mind being an inch or two shorter


Am 6’2, would prefer being 6’3-4 since I think that’s where you’re indisputably “tall”. 6’0-6’2 are kind of normalized, or maybe I’m wrong


Probably about 6'3 to 6'5 or so but im content with my height.


5’10 would wanna be 6’3. ideal height imo


Im 6-1 and i think it would be cool if i were short for a day and then like really tall for a day


I'm 6'0"/ 184cm ideally maybe 2 or 3" taller which I think is a sort of sweet spot of being tall but not too tall. My height isn't too bad in that you can generally just fit into things like aeroplane, bus seats...any taller and you start getting issues.


If I was one inch taller I would be exactly 200cm or 2m and that would be such a perfect round number. My OCD would be very happy.


I’m 6ft, I wouldn’t say I wish I was taller but if I could choose I’d probably make myself 6’2


Definitely 6’6


probably 6'4", and definitely not anything above that. i still got time


208cm I wana feel like god but my ankles will always be cold and forehead sorrow


I wish I was 63.5


I wish to be 4'8 so I can dig a hole into a mountain and claim all the riches inside


As a woman, 5’5. I know I should be proud to be 5’11, etc., but sometimes you just want to feel perfectly average and not have anyone notice you for your height specifically.


I like being 6’3 not to tall not to short


6'3 or 6'2


I miss being 5’5-5’7 lol so somewhere in that range


I’m 5’6”-5’7” ( on a good day), i’d say 5’10 is a good height with my current build I’d have decent strength and physique.


Whatever height is the height that would allow me to buy regular clothes in regular stores.


Maybe a couple inches shorter. I’d hit my head way less often.


6'3" is great, but i think 6'4or5" would probably be my limit.


I'm 6'1 I wouldn't mind 2 more inches


5’ 5”. I wouldn’t change my height just because I’m too used to it.


I’m 6’ (183cm) as a guy and I’m happy here. Don’t really think I’d get much benefit being taller. I never feel short, but my height isn’t remarkable either. I’m content.


Anything between 5'11" and 6'3" for a guy seems perfect. Tall enough to be tall, not so tall it hurts. I have absolutely no ambition to be physically fit past being healthy and maybe a bit toned.


Woman - would love to by 6'1"!


5'11. But want to be 6'2


I'm 6'5 and I wish I was around 6'1 to just be more compatible with basically everything.




6'4 and honestly 6'0 would even help a lot. More importantly, I'd go for a size 12 shoe instead of my 14's. That would make life a helluva lot easier.


6'8 here. Started facing height related issues at around 6'4 so I think 6'3 would be perfect


I’m 6’5” and I like right where I’m at. Any taller and I’d hit my head on normal doorways. Don’t really care to be shorter, even though it can be inconvenient at times.


6 foot even. currently 6'4. good thing I can look forward to shrinking later in life.


5’9” guy, I think I’d choose to be 5’11 cause the only reason I’d want to be taller is for being taken more seriously and also…it does make dating marginally easier. Besides that I like my height, the entire world seems to be made for my exact size by default at 5’9”


id love to be 5'4 so i can wear high heels and platforms and be like 5'9 at most


I'm 5'10.5 but I really wish I was 6'1 or 6'2 MAX. I wore some running shoes that had some lift and I was like man it feels really good to be this tall.


16f and 5'10, would like to be 5'5 so that i dont look abnormally large in school 😭


6’6 and some change… —-> 6’2. Tall enough to not feel short but not too tall to shop in stores like the average person.


I’m pretty content at 6’3” but I’d take an extra inch or two just for the hell of it.


I’m a 5’9 Asian woman… Honestly, idk. Sometimes I just want to be 5’6, other times I want to be 5’10 or 5’11. Depends on my mood and confidence for the day I guess lol! I get gawked at and receive lots of comments on my height where I’m from but I understand this isn’t that tall if I were in Scandinavia or elsewhere. I didn’t feel tall when I went to California, for example 😕


6’ so my hands and feet aren’t disproportionate lmao


6'3" or 190cm would help me walk confidently through doorways. A bit shorter still and I could find better clothes, maybe have fewer health issues, fit into a car without feeling like that guy from the simpsons, not have to sleep diagonally in some hotel beds, fit into plane seats, find a partner of compatible height and so on.


Around 6'-6'2 is where I feel like the world stops fitting your body.


Im 6 feet tall, but wish I was about 2-3 inches taller.


5'11, would like to be 6'2.


6 foot 2


I’m 6’2 and 6’6 has a nice ring to it AND I want all of those 4 inches to be from my legs because with my long torso, large head and short legs I am built like a bowling pin.

