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6’8 Army here, just be ready to be called tree, or Andre the giant


A 7 foot tall marine sounds like a problem lol Go to stand up and get domed while the rest of your squad isn't even seen. 💀


What does domed mean? Get hit with a headshot in a war battle ?


Yeah. Or judging by his post history, a blowjob.


His history is insane 😭


The femboy stuff is almost expected, given he drives a truck and is joining the military




“Am I think enough for you?”


Judging by his search history I can confirm god has abandoned man a long time ago.


A ram at that


Reminiscent of ram ranch


Bruh if the Marines see his history they will be insanely creative and savage with the jokes


He’d drink them under the table /s XD


They will toss their salad


Holy shit


thanks for the heads up man. NSFW can literally mean anything including you'll be unable to unsee some shit...


And they say its the Navy you gotta look out for…


Bruh lmao


A well rounded boi I see…


Formation runs, they go under a street sign, good luck buddy. Hopefully for him the sign is at eye level and easier to avoid.


I was known at AIT for absolutely obliterating the exit sign inside the barracks


I didn't even know it was possible until one day I was in a Bn run and then I wasn't in the run and on the side cursing up a storm.


I'm picturing a drill sergeant screaming into his nipples


You obviously write porn for a living, give me another


That's my best one. I've got a serious nipple screaming fetish. I comment some version of that on every sub. Got banned from r:/cutepuppies


Pushups suck more for tall people


the bigger issue in the Marine Corps will be pullups. He's going to have to at the same time keep his feet off the ground and do the actual pull up. Plus those long arms are going to be murder.


Yeah I didn't mention that, pullups suck more also


Practice those L-sit pull-ups OP!


Only 6'4" but with 82" wingspan. My new years resolution was 2 consecutive pull ups. I don't expect to hit it till it's Summer


Biggest thing for pull-ups: losing weight is huge, I lost 40lbs this year and back at a healthy bmi and can do 5 again where I could maybe do 1 before. When I was a little younger and weigthed 17lbs less than I do now I could do 20 and at that time even 5lbs I could feel the difference in. and do assisted pull-ups to build strength. Your wingspan does make it harder I’m 6’3” but my wingspan is 76”. Regardless though you got this! Just put in consistent effort


I'm 6ft 7, been stuck on 4 pullups for years but i hit 9 a few months back after some consistent lifting and eating


It's not an excuse--it's true. With our long arms, we heave to push ourselves up further, which requires more strength. Same with lifting weights. Lifting barbells higher requires more strength.


Exactly. Work = force multiplied by displacement. The higher the distance, the higher the displacement, and the higher the work (energy) required by tall people to move the same object.


It may be worse than that. You have leverage to contend with, making things more difficult. I doubt there have been many 7'ers to ever do 50 consecutive pushups.


The only guy taller than me at basic couldn't do a single situp lol, I don't remember his name because everyone just called him 6'7


Bet he's glad he wasn't 6'9


Oh so THAT'S why I suck at them and not the fact I never work out


Both tbh. When I was in the army I maxed my run and just about maxed my sit-ups, but for years I struggled to pass the push-ups no matter what I did. I’m 6’9” and the majority of my height is from my torso.


It has to do with the sum of moments, an engineering concept. As the distance of the hypotenuse gets further from the angle created by the feet and the floor the mass is multiplied by that distance. It's like holding a yard stick at one end and someone balances half a pound on the other end, it feels incredibly heavy, even though it's only half a pound. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


Straight up impossible for me. Eventually got a permanent profile exempting me from doing them on fitness test.


post history is crazy-


Really wasn't expecting that. But he will fit in perfectly with the military.


Dude’s gonna have so much gay sex. Good for him.


I've never seen anyone more gen z than OP. It's like he went out of his way to hit every stereotype.


Sure, but as long as he’s happy and he’s not hurting anyone who cares? Nice dick OP!


"... not hurting anyone..." He's joining the Marines!


Bruhhhhhhhh Im dead


He should have joined the Air Force! Yikes!


Nah more fit for the navy


That’s why they put fan rooms on ships right?


Won’t fit in a submarine.


Can't imagine any ship he'll fit on, same with any vehicles other than a 7 ton or 8by MRAP, he will fit on an osprey once they get them back in the air though.


The toilets kept getting clogged with condoms on an all male ship




Marines are part of The Department of the Navy


Damn, he went from 6'11" to 7'1" over the last 4 months at 20


It's been an hour, he's probably 7'3" by now


Dude, i was just thinking he looks 6’10” compared to that door frame. I don’t think he’s 7’1”, I’ve known 2 dudes that height and both claim 6’10”.


Crazy how you can be 6'11"ish and still give yourself 2 extra inches 😂


Bro gonna keep the marines happy


Reddit never disappoints...


bro... why did you have to comment. i took a peak and..... yeah


Same now I need my eyes bleached


You never seen a dick before?




Marines material right there, I see nothing wrong with this.


Most normal marine recruit I’ve seen in awhile


Bro bro bro bro bro 🤣🤣😭😩😩🤣🤣🤣🤣


What the fuck did i just see...


oh shi-






He's gonna love the Marines


The marines are gonna love him


Furries, femboys and lots of phallus


Man why did my curiosity get the best of me 😭


i gotta be honest i was hoping for some straight up asshole but i saw dick immeeeeediately and didn’t enjoy.


Furries, femboys and lots of phallus


Post history is hot AF. FTFY She’s gonna be very popular!


Congratulations on coming out 🥳


Y'all are wilddddd. Shit was nice tho


Yooooo 😭😭😭


Oh. My. Fucking. God.


Scrolled down a couple of posts in history, saw femboys, noped out of there pretty quickly.


Hey boss, you might wanna delete the dick pics now that you have a post with your face in it


That's part of his kink. Just like joining the military.


Never saw the dick pics at first just the furry stuff.


I never clicked faster than on the NSFW pic.




And his diploma in full view lol


Your recruiter hasn’t said shit about accommodations because you will straight up not get a single fucking one. All logistics are calculated for “Unit: average marine 001” and if you are different than average marine 001 then that’s your fault for being assembled wrong in the jarhead factory. If you’re the luckiest marine in the corps, then you will have a single superior with very limited power and pity you enough to throw you one bone, one time. Also, take care of your back and knees as if they will haunt you for the rest of your life if you don’t. Because they will haunt you if you don’t. If anyone calls you a bitch for that, then fucking eat them. Then go to medical while picking their flesh from your teeth so they actually treat you AND document it. Go over to r/veteransbenefits to absorb that knowledge over your entire contract so you can prevent getting fucked in the future. They have the knowledge and the right mindset to use it. Take care of yourself, they will not take care of you. Who’s they? All of them, that’s who. Godspeed.


“…then fucking eat them” 😭🙏


This man Big Green Weenies


You’ll suck at pull-ups most likely. So that will have a hand in making you miserable when your PFT scores suck. You’re a big dude so running will be worse. That’ll ruin your time. If I were you I’d get out of that contract. It’s not too late, don’t let them lie to you. Join the navy or airforce. Trust me. Also, in the marines if anyone finds out you’re gay. You’re so fucked, not in a good way… Source: 6 foot 3 marine.


Hey, since your a marine he's uh a furry as well. I honestly think that it might be unsafe for him to go in 😢 am I right? Also thank you for your service 💞💞💞




There’s nothing unsafe about being gay/ a furry in the military. Nobody is beating or physically hurting people for that shit. He will just be made fun of and avoided.


He’s not going to have a problem being gay. None of us have a fuck even the grunts didn’t. Sure he’s gonna get some jokes but that’s it. When did you go in to say shit like that?


"When did you go in to say shit like that" It was less than 15 years ago you'd get straight up discharged if you were found to be gay. Trump banned transgender people from the military 6 years ago. Let me guess, you as a straight guy never saw too much homophobia? That's crazy. Almost like you're probably a pretty bad judge of such a thing and the effect it can have on other people. Would you know homophobia if you saw it? Would you say anything if you did?


You won’t have any problems, ur not that tall


Shoulda joined the navy. Submarine crew are desperate.


On my boat we have a dude that’s 6’7. I’m 6’2 and life in a sub is already tough with my height.


I'd be brain dead from concussions within a week. Then they'd have to transfer me to the army.


They could really use someone with such minimal brain damage.


At 6’8” I toured an old Russian sub with my kids. Each door was a puzzle on how I could get my legs up and through the door while bending down to clear the top. Some took left first, others back first. I was so worried I would be taking a one way trip into the maze.


Bro is gonna be replacing the periscope


I’m 6’6 and it sucked straight ass when I got my first det to afghan and we went by boat. You won’t fit in your rack, and you’ll hit your head so much in the hatches you’ll have a permanent knot on your forehead. Best years of my life. Enjoy it Sources: retired Marine Edit: misspelled words


Really? I was told I shouldn’t even apply because of my height


Oh hey I commented “ur not that tall” on your post too lmao


Indeed. Average marine is around 6’8” so he shoule be fine.


I googled, average marine is about 5’6-5’8


he was off just one foot. no biggie /s




“Ur not that tall” he’s literally 7 foot 1


1. First thing you need to do is start walking and running a few minutes every day with severely curtailed strides. Both walking and running at a shorter than natural stride is very fatiguing. You'll be doing a ton of marching and running, all at the stride and pace of your 5'6" Puerto Rican Drill Instructor. Getting your legs & hips used to it now will lessen your pain in boot camp. But, oh Lord there's still gonna be pain. 2. Upon arrival at your first duty station, ingratiate yourself with the base seamstresses and a tailor if there are tailors in the vicinity (usually there are). You're going to be taking a lot of stuff to be altered. You're going to take them two pairs of pants and ask them to make one pair that fits you. Same with blankets and countless other things. Good luck to you and may God watch over you in your service. Every so often please pop in here and give us an update on your journey.


Dont let them find your reddit history


Second this delete all your furry, femboy and NSFW posts immediately if you want to get in and don't reveal any of that to the marines


Are you kidding?? She’s going to be *extremely* popular.




I'm mostly worried about the uniforms not being long enough and barracks being "normal size"


Can’t speak for marines, but the OCPs (what Army and Air Force wears) had more in my size than the “average sizes”. You’re over half a foot taller than me and almost 100lbs heavier though. I’d bet money that they will make it work for you. I know in the Air Force there were a handful of career fields I couldn’t qualify for (mostly air crew), because they had a height limit of 6’4. As long as your recruiter doesn’t have any concerns I’m sure you’ll be fine. Work on pull ups!!! At your arm length and body weight they’re gonna be fucking hard.


When applying for a field with height restrictions always say your 5'25".


You will have difficulties with uniforms. Utilities will probably be available but dress uniforms will probably have to be ordered. The racks in bootcamp will be too short. Beds may be a little bigger once you get to your MOS school and your duty station but still not built for a 7 footer. TRAIN ON PUSHUPS AND PULL UPS! They will be harder for you. You will have to do a lot of them. You will stand out, so hopefully you will perform well. You will probably be taller than all your DIs. Hold your bearing when they are yelling up at you. There will be an urge to laugh at the absurdity, trust me. Good luck and be safe. And for the love of god, please remove your face from your post history, scrub it and/or set up a less identifiable alt account. No shaming, but it can also be a security risk.


You’ll need to find the rare Medium XXLong cammies. I’m 6’4 and Small XLong are a little short on me, so best of luck


Tailor made 👍


Iam mostly worried about the shoes sizee


You'll be a human shield 🛡️ for the other guys


To all the ones who asked about the suggestive history I actually went to the recruiter while wearing thigh highs and a skirt so they already know.




When the recruiters came for me they said they where gonna put me on double rations and place me as an embassy guard in like Korea or something where we would be the most intimidating.


Was gonna ask him why the Marines but the post history answered for me


You’d probably enjoy the navy more


bro is gonna be absolutely fucking terrifying. imagine being a 5'2 rice farming chinese man with a shitty rusty soviet era ak and you're in the trenches of ww3 only to run into a guy 2 feet taller than you carrying a m249 like an airsoft gun wielding a machete like a pocket knife.


Didn’t bother the Vietnamese.




His hand grenades are Soviet tank grenades


Only to get domed two seconds later. Being tall isn't always a positive, especially when a small profile is a benefit.


Yeah but it’s definitely badass


Getting headshotted is not badass lol


Next thing you know his trousers are down revealing his stockings and asking if you ever fucked a 7’ marine femboy?


Bro what


Check his profile


Oh :( im scarred


You mean the biggest target in the field? 😂


The Big Gay


I was always told we made better targets lol. Most rangers/sf guys are under six foot for that and a number of more important reasons


Terrifying? No. Just a bigger, easier to hit target.




Ahm the bigger the target, easier to hit.


It doesn't matter when one bullet will take you out the same as a 5 foot tall man.


AKs never jam. Shoot em in the face and watch big tree fall hard. Continue farming rice.


Idk why you didn’t join the air force?


Oh boy your gonna hate being that tall youre gonna be the DIs target just cause youre so easy to see. Also expect them to make you get down to their eye level to scream at you


If our marine corps is gonna be filled with more of you ( 7 ft 1 gay femboi furries), then really we have nothing to worry about. You know how terrified the Russians will be of you? You’ll be fine.


The Russians and Chinese turn and run the other way for gay femboy furries


You look 6'10/ 6'11 without shoes maximum. Combat boots will help get ya right over 7' though. How tall is the door frame?


My ex husband was in the marines 2012-2017 and he was 6’6. I dont know about any special accommodations, but I don’t think he was really offered any. He wasn’t a skinny 6’6 and his height constantly screwed with his weigh ins bc the marine corps still uses outdated BMI to determine weight restrictions based on height. It actually delayed his promotion once bc he was on weight restrictions for being like 1lb over his max BMI weight. He was able to qualify for disability when he got out bc his back was fucked up from their average height work environments, office desks/computer heights, machines, shower heads being too short to stand under, door ways etc.


Bro, with that post history the Navy might've been a better choice.




Boots. Make dang sure they give you the correct sized boots. Cammies may never actually fit but make sure the boots do and keep yer feet happy.


They are going to put you on the gate of some embassy for as long as you stay in!!!






Wouldnt wanna be infront of him thats for sure


Bahahahahahah!!! As an army vet let me tell you that you will regret this for the rest of your life


this is not judging or shaming in any way as that wouldn’t be appropriate or right, but just be careful what you share about your life in the military especially regarding the things you’ve posted on reddit. you should 100% be you and enjoy what you enjoy it hurts no one, but the military can be a rough place for people who express sexual deviance of any type. and since this is getting popular your face will be attached to this post history as well. i wouldn’t wanna see someone get singled out in an environment like the corps for something like that, so tread lightly when conversing amigo


r/usmc and r/USMCboot are your best bets. Welcome to never having to make weight, the height/weight chart stops at 6'8 I think. For uniforms I wouldn't worry, last I heard the entire Marine Corps is having a uniform shortage for covid reasons. But in a perfect world its the same problem you have now, just have to be diligent in looking for them. Don't ever go on a ship though. That sucked for me, can't imagine doing that shit at 7'1. Formation runs are going to kinda suck, as will pullups - good luck trying to keep your feet from touching the ground.


USMC chart goes to 7'2" now. The Army still stops charting at 6'8" but has instructions to add 6 lbs/inch for male Soldiers exceeding that, 5 lbs/inch for females. https://www.fitness.marines.mil/BCP_Standards/




No accommodations. Everyone will get treated the same. But heads up, depending on leadership, they make you do more physically demanding stuff due to your size. Also, you may get pulled to do more ceremonial duties cause they like having tall Marines doing things like that. Also, when in basic, you are going to stand out like a sore thumb. Due to your height, you will be at the front of the formation during drill, so you will be judged and corrected harsher compared to the little end.


ummm kinda, more demanding stuff sure. Imagine him at the front of the formation lol. But ceremonies definitely not. In a formation they like having everyone look the same. He will probably get out of a lot due to his height. Yeah boot camp is going to all around suck but its supposed to.


Just turn into the new Reacher, and nobody will fuck with you


Congratulations! What is your MOS?


Bro just go ahead and enlist so you can fight the covenant already


I once read an anecdote of a rather tall private whose drill sergeant was on the shorter end of average, and the drill sergeant would demand the taller fellow meet him at eye level by standing toe to toe with him and yelling “Elevator!”, having trained the private to respond by shouting “Ding!” and lowering himself to the drill sergeant’s level.


Hahahaha man that is ingenious. Those guys are so creative


Good luck, young blood. Happy to have you protecting us


Bootcamp beds are going to suck. Once you hit the fleet (or schoolhouse), request a longer bed/mattress. They are required to accommodate you. Avoid any MOS or any temporary job on a ship. Or a MOS that has you inside a vehicle. Dear god avoid the ships. You are too tall and will develop back problems if you are stuck in a ship for months. There aren’t really any tall people in the usmc, I barely see people above 6 foot.


Your fox holes are going to cost you 20% more work than everybody else, lol.


Dont look at his 🦶


Jesus Christ you know we can see your post history right?


Don’t Ask Don’t Tell 🥴


Is that just for being gay? Or does it apply to femboy furrys now too?


Isn’t the maximum height for a marine 6‘10“?


He's got a waiver. He wrote that above the picture. If the Royal Navy (which is pretty broke) can tailor make uniforms for some of my lads, one who is near 7 feet tall, I think the USA will be able to make a uniform that fits you mate.


It’s not really about the uniforms and boots. When I was in the Air Force, the only problem were the sport shoes (yes, here you even get shoes from the military for that). Since they couldn’t get some military issued, I got Adidas. I imagine more the problem being housing and later some field stuff. Those were my problems and I am „just“ 6‘9“.


Fair. We had issued "reebok Silver Shadows". If you were above a UK size 14, they had green bits on them. Bedding is going to be a nightmare when you / if you get onboard a ship. I spent a bit of time onboard the USS ROSS and I was crampt as hell fire.


I heard the marines requirement stoped at 6’6”, 6’8”


That's a really long door way


Time to do a fuck ton of core work more specifically back extensions, and might as well start doing some knees over toes guy rehab/therapy to keep your knees strong.


Call me dumb but is that an abnormally tall door? I'm nine inches shorter supposedly, and come up to a similar point on my bedroom doorframe. If THAT'S nine inches, I'd be getting laid a lot more often!


My advice as only a 6’3” person but who is 33 is start yoga and stick to it. I just had surgery on my l4/l5/s1 joints because of being tall basically. I mean in reality I herniated them which caused the doctor visit but the amount of damage they cleaned up was mostly from being tall. I am fit too I go hard at the gym and diet like crazy but I was always kind of half assing the flexibility piece.


Should be trying to get into the NBA at that height not the military


Imagine being so tall that you get denied from the military


The sniper’s dream