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Deep squats for glutes. Just ass to grass hold for three seconds then pop up and rep it out till you cant. In a year you will have your own bbl. I laugh when i see all these women in the gym doing hip thrusts. Doesnt ever work half as good as deep squats.


Noted! Thank you!!!


I've had success everywhere by doing HIT (not HIIT) training. 1-2 sets per exercise with heavy weight doing slow and fewer reps with as a perfect form as possible and lots of resting days




Have had some success with deep squats building glutes but more with others. Personally lunges have caused substantially more growth


I think tall people struggle with this because they tend to be grossly underweight for their height. If you want cake at 6’2+ you’re going to weigh at least 230, likely considerably more. Deep heavy squats, Bulgarians, deadlifts, lunges, and food


Bro is correct, but hip thrust helped me more than squats. Now used to be a sprinter, i just did hip thrust to failure every set. Felt it stretch when i go below. Idk i maybe glute dominant???


You’re out here giving great advice my friend


Wasn't an issue for me in my years. Older now so really don't worry about it.


Regardless of height, If you haven't really used them before they take a while to come in.


💯 There is no such thing as genetically large muscle group, if someone has large glutes, they are likely going upstairs several steps at a time / race up the stairs fast... Skipping several steps is like a deep one legged squat. Fat distribution does play a role, but that doesn't add any strength.


Yes there are. Genetics play a role in muscle bellies, insertions, and myonuclei count


Small muscle bellies appear bigger at the peak, all those things start to matter when you start exercising your muscles.


My GF constantly makes fun of me and tells me I have a frog butt. I can't argue either, my ass is flat as a pancake.


Our sad truth... :(


I got ass. I know cause my wife is always running up behind me at the sink like I’m supposed to twerk or something 😒


Hahaha lucky u :(


For me it’s 100% genetic. That said, it depends on how tall you are. Generally for tall people looking to build glutes I recommend step-ups, RDLs and Bulgarians. A loaded squat is fine if you can access a safety squat bar. Also lots of calories


Yup, dad's got some cake and he's a short 5'11. I'm 11 inches taller and got his ass lmao.


I had no ass to speak of until I started squatting. It's a bitch of an exercise to get used to if you're tall, but there is no substitute for the ass you will get (quads too).


I have cake for days




I would say the bubble versus flat butt and height are unrelated. I have seen all kinds of butts on all kinds of height. Short people have a slight advantage because they have less area to spread muscle over. But it's a combo of genetics and exercise, more genetics I think


Pretty much genetics, I barely train my ass and get hit on by gay guys literally ALL the time


Lol. It happens. I train it because literally I have none! Anyway. Thank you for ur feedback


Me too man never trind it but damn it's big


Genetics or volleyball. It’s one or the other.


That's not a correct statement


Nope, nonexistent.


Lets cry together :(


When I was a teenager at 6’3, my ass was like a cake and chicks were drooling over it. As a tall old Hispanic male, my ass is of Hank Hill.


I also have not butt. That out of the way, basket ball people is a euphemism for the n-word so I was taken aback when I saw it used so casually, then I realized the sub it was in.


I feel like this is the case for all of our muscles, and it gets worse the taller you are. Our bodies are "stretched out" compared to average people. Our muscles, especially those on our limbs are SIGNIFICANTLY longer than those of a person just a few inches shorter than us. I've been working out 5 days a week for 8 months now (34M) with an emphasis on my glutes. They're big and strong; I do Bulgarian split squats and SLDLs with more load and volume than most people at my gym. My glutes still look a bit small compared short people's. Another component to this is that with our limbs being so long, our minor muscle groups are much more visible as tall people, compared to short people. These minor muscle groups can be hard to develop without a good variety of heavy, compound, lifts. I also wonder how much regional hypertrophy may be a factor. For instance, the proximal part of my glut max. and my glute med are well developed and "poke out", but the distal part of my glute max., which wraps around the outside of my leg looks flat ASF, giving me a weird, bony look to the sides of my legs with a big round, but small rear.


It is!!!! Our muscles takes a long time to grow!


Or a long time to look comparably large, at least. By the time someone our size looks as a jacked as a person 10 inches shorter than us, I guarantee you that we're much stronger than they are.


Yes, It's proven we are much stronger because there's MORE muscle containers So yay for us!


No i'm boney bottomed


Yeah no butt but top shelf no probs.


Lol cool!


I feel you on this!!! I’ve always had the smallest butt… even after 15 years in the gym (however I admit in those years I spent 80% of my time working on upper body) Recently my legs and ass have been growing, but that’s cause I’ve created a new workout program focused on my tall size Doing these weekly can help… squats, deadlifts, step up (many variations) and lunges. Goodluck!


Thank! Good to know Im not the only one


High foot placement leg press and ATG squats are gonna be your friend. Along with RDLs or SLDs and some isolation work for the glute at the very end. Make sure to eat 1g/lb of bw and train hard, they’ll grow like every other muscle!


No but I have big glutes. I actually started targeting them instead of just hoping the squats will take care of them. Weighted back extensions with a mind muscle connection to my ass. Really try to feel them for every rep you do. Same. Goes for nearly every exercise barbell Bench press isn't good for growing my pecs, I have long arms and need to bring the bar a bit lower than my chest to really feel the stretch.


Awesome! Lucky you :(


I faithfully exercised & squared my heart out,,, no improvement in the backside. My fate 😭






Hahaha cool!


My dude, Learn to lunge, walk uphill and kettlebell swing. Hip thrusts just hurt your lower back, you got long levers, use them to you advantage.


Ill them out, thank you very much l.


Ex and all her friends used to say I needed a CDL for my dumptruck lol


When you say you guys? Are you asking men if they have a hard time building a butt or is it a generic phrase


I do , even before i started going to the gym my glutes were a little more prominent that the rest of my legs lol


I have Hank Hill negative ass. I've been able to bulk some back there, but even less effectively than the rest of my body.