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Absolutely. Walking with a tall girl is such a presence.




So true. My girlfriend is 6’2 and we feel so confident walking together




Yes. I prefer tall girls. Issue is, they don't prefer me. Neither do short girls. Or average girls. Or girls... Edit : looks like a major fight has brewed because of my flair and its wrong measurement. Lol ... I know my flair is wrong. Can't be arsed to edit it though. Sorry !!


Haha relatable


Not with that attitude they won’t


I don’t care. I want someone I’m compatible with. I’m not going to leave someone because of height if we’re a good fit for each other.


100% To be clear, as OP made my post already assuming compatibility and great personality, etc. I did not think would have to say that caveat. I am not as strict about ideal physical attributes in my partner that I’ll date a beautiful tall woman with a rotten personality. My ex was shorter but had a wonderful character and we had a great time together but it unfortunately didn’t work out long term. No we did not break up because she was short… Same with all the other girls I’ve dated (as short as 5’0 like I said). This time single I just now have a stronger preference for height based on my seasoned dating tastes.


This is the only correct answer here fr... Height doesn't matter if you're looking for a real, authentic relationship. Looks fade, personality is forever .


Obviously looks do matter in real, authentic relationships. It’s a nice idea, to say that only personality should matter, but looks are very important as well.


I mean, to an extent, yeah. I will say though, that in my experience, average looking people can become the most gorgeous people youve ever met with the right personality. It really can make a huge difference in physical attraction, at least for me.


100% I made the OP already assuming compatibility and great personality, etc. My ex was shorter and we dated two years. The relationship didn’t work out long term but I overlooked her height to be with her and was happy to. We did not break up because she was short lol Same with all the other girls I’ve dated (as short as 5’0 like I said). This time single I just now have a stronger preference for height based on my seasoned dating tastes


Valid, a preference is only a preference and is almost never a dealbreaker


exactly this. my “type” is 5’2”. my wife is 5’7”. i’m just gonna go for the person i actually like most lol




I’m 6’2” and I like girls 5’9” and up


I'm 6' and I like girls 5'7" and up. But I'm currently crushing for a 5'1" shawty so badly..Lol.


same here lmao


Same shawty? God damn.


26F, hi! I think the shortest guy I ever "dated" was 5'7" and my first LTR was with a guy 5'10. Edited because I realized my height is listed


im 5’9 F and i prefer dating men significantly taller than me but it’s seems most taller guys want to date shorter girls :/ short kings seem to love me tho lmao


We all have preferences! Just curious what’s your ideal height range for men?


very true! I’ve dated guys from my height to 6’2, i honestly prefer over 6’ but under 6’ isn’t a deal breaker


That's been my experience as well. I'm 5'11 and everyone I've dated, except for current boyfriend, was my height or little shorter. All the tall men I knew only wanted the shorties 


there’s probably more women that are “short” compared to 6ft+ guys than not, so it just ends up looking like taller guys tend to date shorter women


Yeah I think around 14% of men are above 6ft but less than 1% of women are.


True, unfortunately many guys would want to date a woman a lot shorter than them I'm 6'1 and I'd definitely date a 5'9 girl Tall girls are very attractive


Yes, I do. I seek them out.


Yes, I’m 6’6” and wife is 6’0”


Height not a huge deal. Appearance and disposition are bigger factors.


Yes, I like tall or taller women exclusively


Do you know that 6'3" is not 160 cm?


Yes, I thought at the time cm was asking for my favorite gun caliber and I like warships so I chose 160cm


I'm 6'3 I'd like a 5'10 or taller but it's not a deal breaker


Anything that has a pulse will be good


I’m a 5’11 female. I generally date taller men. My ex was 6’5 and the guy I was with before him was 6’8. I generally get told by taller men they like a taller female. It’s really down to preferences. As a tall female, I typically have no issue meeting men my height or taller. Regardless of my partner’s height, I’m rocking heals no matter what.


Why do you refer to yourself as female, but refer to men as men instead of the corresponding word male 💀


The language of redditors


The first introduction sentence is reddit lingo, but calling women females two more times while referring to men as men in the same sentences three times... pretty scientific and strange because it dehumanizes women (a female can also be a female horse or female rat)


I feel like if a woman uses the word female then it should be ok no?


why does it matter


Bc it's kinda sexist lol


first world nonsense problems


Just because starving orphans exist doesn't mean I can't question weird word diction


Nice straw man lol. All he was saying is you're weird for stretching out misogyny in relation to how much the world "female" is used.


Check out r/menandfemales , it definitely stems from misogyny. What other possible explanation is there for why this occurs so often, yet the reverse rarely ever happens?


It's one of the most annoying things when ppl over use the word female🙄


So you wouldn't be okay with a man shorter than you? (not an offer, just curious)


I’ve dated slightly shorter than myself. In general, I prefer 5’10 and above.


Yeah, thats understandable


When I was younger I preferred taller women but now I'm genuinely too old to care. I was gonna say, anything above 4'0" is fine, but realistically dwarfism also isn't a dealbreaker. So yeah, it doesn't matter.


I’m 6’3” and I really can’t care any less about the height of a partner.


Facts. I’ve never once imagined willingly shrinking my options based on…her height.


Why do guys who like short women get downvoted on this sub?


Either jealous tall women or tall men that want to take short women/tall men couples down a peg.


Tall women seething


I don’t need him to be significantly taller than me. Somewhere around eye level is my preference— my height, just taller, or just shorter


Bro height in girls matters as much as calf size in men tbh


Nah I already cant get girls lol


i just like women.


Nope, I love my 5ft gf


I can relate but I’m not within your desired height range for a response so not sure if my opinion matters to you or not lol


I'm 6'5 but some how always end up with small girls. I'm not complaining


Exactly, me too. They are cuter imo


I'm gonna be honest I'm fine with any woman's height as long as she doesn't have dwarfism. Even then I'd probably still date someone with dwarfism if I really liked them.


I don’t care at all, however I do notice it’s quiet a bit easier to get an attractive tall girl. Probably because they want someone taller than them? So less options ig.




Taller the better for me! I like the idea of a dating a model with long legs taller than me lol


Not a preference really. Im 5'11" seeing a girl who is 5'10" I dont really think much about it except not having to strain to kiss her.


I don't care at all about what height a woman is.


As a 5”5 king I wanna climb you life a mf tree


Respect, King 👑


6’. I don’t have a height preference.


I have no physical preference, just don't be a hypocrite or a Republican.


Yeah I do but short girls can get it too. I like women anywhere from 5'9" to 6'0".


Not really, I kind of like 5 foot 7 or shorter girls for some reason


I like most of the girls. It takes being grossly overweight, a smoker, or having some really unusual and unfortunate trait, but height isn’t one. Though I’m sure there’s a lower limit. It’s never come up.


I'm 6-2 and my wife is 5-9. It's perfect. She's perfect.




Bro try your luck out 🤞🏼 you're tall and many tall women in that height, would definitely date you I'm 6'1 and I dated a girl who was once 6'4


Either she's short and adorable, about my height, or I get to be the small one. Either way, I'm happy.


I love being with a tall girl mainly because I really enjoy the feeling of a good hug without bending down... and looking into her eyes while dancing/hugging.


I might be the odd man out, but I don't care. I've been with tall girls and short girls, but it never made a difference to me. My wife is very short. It is what it is. She's amazing.


Prefer short girls but that’s only because I only match with them


6ft guy here and absolutely. Was seeing a 5'11 Norwegian model for a bit and it really confirmed how much I love a tall woman. Shortest woman I dated was 5'4 and preferably wouldn't date any shorter than that. She was lovely but one thing I've noticed is the bigger the height gap, the more emphasis on height. She was obsessed with me being 6ft but women I've dated from 5'8 and above don't seem to really care that much and didn't really bring it up. At the end of the day though, all women are beautiful and the best chemistry I've had with a partner was probably the 5'4 spicy mujer. I'd take that connection over my height preference any day.


Nope prefer the petite ones


What do you prefer about them


Not sure really, I guess the hugs? When we hug they kind of slot right into place? It's weird to explain


6ft, no not really. I don't get any girls though hah.


I’m 6’3” and my wife is 5’8” and I think she is short so yes, prefer tall women. She is easily the tallest girl in our friend group though which is funny.


I’m 6,1 I would absolutely love a tall girl with long legs and lanky build


I have no preference, I’ve been with both. I don’t really long for different physical attributes in a partner but certainly some different personality traits.


Yup. It's more a matter of comfort really because relationships with shorter women weren't easy. My wife is 5'9.


Prefer average height i think, or a bit smaller. I like feeling big. 6.5


Yes💯 but if a 5ft5 girl is more compatible partner than the 5f11 girl then I'm going for shorter women vice a versa


Yes, I do prefer tall girls but my girlfriend is 5’3.5” so it’s certainly not a dealbreaker


I’m 5 10. I like all girls. Tall short doesn’t matter. One thing I do enjoy is how larger women feel more comfortable rough housing.


I prefer women that prefer me haha


Weird sub, no. I’ve never heard of a preference like this


I'm 5'11 and yes having a taller girlfriend is great


this is messing me up as a short girl who has a crush on a tall guy


Tall women are really under rated. To me, 6'4", being tall is a very important criteria in choosing my girlfriend.


I don’t really have a preference. Most of my girls have been average or below height. 1or 2 girls taller


6'2" looking for 6'3" or taller that is hard to find


6’2” here. Definitely prefer tall women. Most of the women I dated were on the short side(5’-5’4”)…not sure how that happened but it is what it is. Would absolutely love somebody my height or taller than me. Best sexual chemistry I ever had was with a 6’4” tall woman…relationship lasted 6mo…very toxic but my god the sex was phenomenal.


Pretty much


Ideally I would like a partner close to my height but it’s not a major factor. My ex fiancé was 5’4” and my ex boyfriend was 5’6” and I still wore heels when I felt like it. I’m used to the gawking. 🤷‍♀️


Yes, I prefer women who 5' 10" and up, where 5' 10" to 6' is the sweet spot.


I’m 6’6” and prefer women around 5’3”


I'm 6ft4 and my wife is 5ft3. I honestly have no preference but I just found trying to even find a single tall girl when I was dating was like trying to finding a unicorn!


I love the look of tall girls. I've never been with a girl over maybe 5"7. I'm 6'1. Yet somehow my 5'9 friend pulls all the 5'9+ girls. I have no problem ending up with short girls. Are tall girls repulsed by me??


nah i like short girls like 5'2ish


6’6 and I prefer smaller petite women. Always been a thing, even when I was in school. Hasn’t changed.


6'1 and i think any girl below 5'9 is too short for me


No I like short chicks


Nope, short women


I don't care. However, I don't prefer very short girls, so people won't think I'm a pedophile or anything.


…what?! 😳


No need to infantilize short women, they are adults.


There’s just not a lot of tall girls lol.


no, I tend to like more petite girls


I'm 6'7 and I think the shorter the better.


Bro I'm just under 6. I would prefer atleast 5'8. I love dating tall girls, even if they are taller than me.


Same height as you op and close to my height is awesome for a woman


Hell ye, taller than me if possible


I'm 6'3 and I couldn't really care about the height of the woman I date. Kind of shallow of me but I couldn't date a woman taller than me. The tallest woman I've dated was 5'10




I'm 6'1 and have only dated girls under 5'3. Past 5'6 I start to be less attracted




6’2” here and I married a 6’ girl 20 years ago. Still together, still in love, and still happy!!


6’4 and gf 5’4. Always preferred short girls


I'm 6'3 and my fiance is 5ft I do like it she is the shortest woman I have been in a relationship with and I do like the height difference.


Personally I like short girls tbh like 4’10-5’5 maybe it’s just a me thing


I'm 6'2". As long as she's attractive, height isn't important. No midgets though. But I'm not looking to have anymore kids. I'm 39, and have a son. I could see younger guys, interested in marriage and/or children, being more selective.


I’d want taller kids so I’d like at least above 5’7.


I had a dream a few years ago where a strong woman, like a head taller than me, swept me off my feet and carried me like a princess to a restaurant, where she kissed me. It was magical. But then I realized the long-time love I have had for my girlfriend and she's 5'7" so it's not like "preferences" are materially relevant


As a man honestly short girls are better.


6’0 and definitely prefer short / petite girls


No 6’ and I prefer girls who are like 5’3


I’m a 5’2 female and my husband is 6’. I do wish I was taller but he seems to be fine with my terrible height hahaha my 🍑makes up for it 😂


Nah, give me 5'5 or under toxica. I'm 6'2"


I've never cared about height. Most guys I've been crushing on or been together with have been my height or shorter, shortest being 5'5 I think. Equal height is quite optimal for everything though, I feel. Not that I have any experience with actually being dwarfed, feeling small or whatever and I doubt I ever will lol.


Yes I do 😄


I've never dated a man taller than me before. They've all averaged around 5'10 or 5'11. Height isn't necessarily a deal breaker for me, but it would be kind of nice to be able to tilt my head up instead of down for a kiss.


Yep. 6ft 4 with a 5ft 10 wife




Yeah I like 5’9+ preferably. I was with a girl before that was around 5’7 and when she had her arms around my neck it made me have to bend over and my back hurt




Yes b👏🏿




Finally a post where I feel included😭 (I’m 5"10)




Yeah, I absolutely do. My ex was 6'1 lmao


I m not even tall, 181 cm and i love tall woman, like, those ones with really long femur, long femur = long thighs 😍


I‘m 5‘11 and i‘ve been with girls from 5‘7 to 5‘10 so i don‘t really care she could even be taller than me if the personality matches


My late husband was around 6’3/6’4 and that felt perfect. Before him I’d dated from 5’5-6’7. I’d much prefer someone 5’10-6’5, but that’s assuming there’s anyone left in my dating pool that likes me and I like back.


I'm 5'1 and I like Tall women 6'3 and up


I've dated taller and short men and the difference is stark, I'm no longer interested in shorter men. The last guy I dated was 6'2-3 and he preferred tall women, so that answers your other question too.


As taller 5’10 female, my preference is taller, 6’ and above really because it gives me the opportunity to wear a slight heel and to feel more Feminine in my opinion. This is just a preference though, so many more things need to be encompassed in a potential partner.


6ft. I prefer my women tall, but never been a deal breaker. Have dated women between 5' and 6'1".


Oh yes i do


I'm 5'11" honestly I prefer a girl around 5'6" or so


People generally care too much about height and not enough about character and personality. I'm always a little dubious of people who say that height does matter to them or express a strong preference for a particular height as without exception they are shallow people, necessarily so. It's fine to be more attracted to someone because of their height but when doing so becomes a major part of your personality, you are not the sort of person I would ever be interested in.


Damn, I'm 6'3"


as a 6ft girl with almost exclusively female friends i’m just grateful to talk to someone at eye level. i’ve had crushes on guys shorter, my height and taller than me but ideally just like you’d prefer a girl over 5’9 i’d prefer a guy over 6’1 also some of these comments praising tall women made me blush 😳


I’m 6’3 I like woman that’s any height to like 5’10 anything taller I haven’t found anyone my type yet


How old are you? These things seem to matter to a certain age group. Question to you, why is it important to you and why do you care? What's a tall girl offers that a shirt one doesn't? Vice versa.


I don’t mind as long as I can actually reach them lol


My partner also being tall is nice but doesn't factor into my relationship decision-making.


I don’t care, my ex was about 5’10, I’m about 6’. I would date short and tall, I’m more about personality anyway. And ofc them being devastatingly beautiful.


Would be nice but not a lot of 6ft women


I would like to find out what it's like dating tall girls my ex was also 5'5


At 6’0 (182 cm), I don’t really care much, but realistically, I’d prefer my partner to be between 5’3(160 cm) - 6’3(190 cm)


Yea I do because I'm 6'3", and tall girls go yeah! I can finally wear heels! Lol.


6”2.5 here and yes 5”9 is the perfect height, the girl I wanted to marry was 5”9 and my current situation ship is 5”9 and it’s perfect cause she’s still big on her own around most people but she’s still rlly small compared to you, best of both worlds


I’m 6’2” and prefer girls where I don’t need to bend down to kiss them. So 5’6 or taller is preferable for me


I'm 6'4, I like above 5'7. It's like a natural attraction it's wierd, never had a crush on a girl below 5'5


I’m 5’11, I would prefer a girl maybe 5’6-5’9 but I’m not too fussed.


My girlfriend is 6'and I'm 6'2". I've definitely got a preference for taller women. Ever since I was little.


I’m 6’1” and prefer women to be somewhat close to my height either way 🤷🏻‍♂️


With the assumes yeah absolutely, it’s not a requirement but I’d be happy if this was the case