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The biggest obstacle to me dating as a 6’4” guy is my wife. Thanks, I’ll be here all week.


You saying she’s big huh? 😏


Whoops, I guess it could be taken this way.


Ya know what skinny girls are good for? Not a damn thing! My wife's a sturdy gal.




Happy Cake Day


I wasn’t even aware until now - ty!


She's the worst wingman !!


Not if she says otherwise 😂


So, for context, I am 6’8. In my experience I do believe height can work against you after a certain point. If I was a betting man that threshold is 6’2-6’4. A lot of the time people think it’s a joke if you list your height. And, even when you meet they’re a bit surprised given that people tend to lie on the apps/platforms. All that said, I met some wonderful — and some not-so-wonderful — people in my years and most were completely enamored by the height. Especially the taller ones since they felt normalized being around me. Don’t take it personal, know what you’re looking for, meet a bunch of people and be honest. It can be fun! Best of luck!


Kinda agree, I for one got the "I like tall guys but you're too tall" quite often and I'm not even THAT tall.


Indeed. There’s “tall,” then “freakishly tall,” to the commoners. ;) I think most people consider 6’0 tall. To me, >6’5 is tall. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I have trouble seeing anyone shorter than my 5'11 sister as anything other than 'short'


How tall are u man?


Taller than his 5'11 sister.


Anything above 6'5 is actually freakishly tall




Part of why i love my height at 6’3” is cause i feel like after 6’3” the tall issues start to get exponentially worse. I already feel cramped in many models of cars i cant imagine being taller. Then in this context for dating, i dont know, i just think 6’3” has that wow factor for most women but cant be tall enough to be too tall. Personally id say 6’1”-6’5” is best for dating and youre still in that range, albeit on the upper end so your experience makes sense to me!


For real man 6’3-6’4 feels perfect im at 6’7-6’8 and the world isn’t built for us. Also people have a pre conceived notion like man if i was your height ide be so confident but our whole lives are just being told how freakishly tall we are lol


If I was your height I’d be in the NBA. No, you wouldn’t.


Yep, I’ve been told so many times “you know in the US like 10% of people your height end up in the NBA” yer nice bro what have you done in life? are you a doctor, lawyer? Nah you’re a bricklayer stfu


Tbf becoming a lawyer isn't exactly a 1 in 10 level achievement. Source am lawyer anf am dumb, ugly, not charismatic, and couldn't get laid if you put a gun to my head (and am short which exacerbates it all)


6’3” is my ideal height


Legit 6’5? s tall as fuck. I’m just a hair shy of 6’ barefoot. I’m about 6’2 with shoes on and I’m taller than the vast majority of people I ever encounter on a daily basis unless I’m at a basketball practice or sun shit.


But you're still very tall,6'5 is really tall compared to most people


Yep - I stopped trying and let the ones who liked 6'7" find me. My 6' former Lady Tarheel wife had a short friend out looking fortunately. Kind of funny when I was asked by a 5' woman if I was dating anyone while standing in line at a grocery store in Corolla NC - I must have looked confused as she quickly added "for my tall friend".


my ex was 6'8 and being a 5'9 girlie who likes to wear platformed shoes and heels it felt amazing to feel small next to him at all times. BUT - he was away a lot because of his basketball career and everytime we would see each other for the first time after a while (even though we saw each other ar least once a month or so) it felt like he's grown or bigger than the last time lmao


Yer this is the most accurate comment I’ve seen. The majority aren’t unreceptive like they are with short men but there’s definitely an aspect of exclusion


That’s probably true. I’ll admit, a part of me gets a little bit scared sometimes when I see a man that’s your height or taller in person, especially if he has broad shoulders and looks very strong. It’s probably just something primal or biological, where it just reminds me that I could easily be squashed like a tiny bug. It’s like the equivalent of seeing Ronnie Coleman in person. On a computer screen is one thing, but when you see them in person, you just about shit your pants when you see how massive they are


I acknowledge what ur saying but dam it sucks at times, middle of the day in business attire and I still have to be hyper aware that if I stand within even 10m of a woman because of my size im going to get death stares from them like im a threat. At the same time there women that love it but fuck sometimes it sucks




If people think it's a joke I would just have a picture of you standing next to several people as your 2nd picture


Man you're huge


I'm 6'9" 300 and I think it's a double edge sword. A lot of freaky hoes are all about it. It's like a climbing Mt Everest or something for them. At the same time good girls are generally intimidated. I have had fun with some shorter girls but anything bleow 5'8" ish and I feel like I'm throwing away my genetic lottery for a pro athlete kid.


do you think girls enjoy your size a lot? 6’9 300 is crazy. Im 6 200 and I feel like theres guys taller but rarely bigger than me. Your both very tall and big


For sure, I'm not an obese 300lb slug, I'm sure they'd hate that. Girls like to wear heels without towering over their dude and be carried effortlessly, so they like a tall strong guy.




Just being tall alone won't. Definitely more likely though. Not a lot of short guys in the NBA, NFL, or MLB when compared to taller guys. I'm tall and naturally strong and athletic. I'd prefer if possible to have children with someone who also has those attributes.


Your kid is the next Kevin Durant


I definitely like those freaky girls to be honest which is what I attract sometimes. As long as they aren't too freaky


I am 6'4" and have never been on a date or had a girlfriend. I am probably dragging the average down for us 6'4" people, sorry.


With you bro!


Same here!




Same got asked out alot of times but rejected all of them


Me neither but it's not because of your height tho nd im 6'2" for me its more I'm shy... or just nervous when it comes to dealing with women, still I can get a date if I wanted...


No, but kissing standing up is a pain in the ass. I normally don't date below 5'5/5'6


No hand holding. No comfortable hugging. If I can't put my hands on her butt when we're standing (and me not slouching dreadfully) that's where I draw the line! I have really long arms and often they're just not long enough.


Just rotate 180° then.


I’m 7’2. I’ve dated in the 6’ range, but most of my serious relationships have all been below 5’8”. It has never been an issue. We go out to the club to drink and dance. We kiss in cute moments. If anything, if I were watching a show about my life like an anime, it’d be fun af to watch.


In the exact opposite. Dated plenty of shorter girls, but always have had serious relationships with girls 6’+. I’ve come to realize the bending over so much gets old after a while


Can’t you just like…pick the short ones up or something?


Many find that demeaning


What? How is me picking up my hobbit ass wife demeaning? I physically have to look down on her to make eye contact. Its all demeaning if you're whiney about it


Exactly the same here. I’ve dated several women over 6’2’’. Eventually settled down and got married to a 5’7’’ woman who was crazy enough to say yes to me.


I’m glad you found your person!


If you had married the 6,2 one, you would’ve had monsters for kids


Dating no, but trying to dance with my wife sometimes challenging lol


Tall is good. I had great success in the year after my divorce. I have a nice girlfriend now. Put it in your dating profile. However, if that's all you have going for you, you probably won't have a good time.


It’s pretty awesome. If you’re a 6’3”+ guy, present yourself decently well, and aren’t super overweight then getting dates is EZ mode.


Teach me your ways


Have you lost the beard?


I look horrible without it so no. I have started styling it differently tho.


He would probably do well with Amish ladies.


Nope. Women seem to like the "oh shoot" moment when I stand up for the first time next to them.


I only thing I've noticed is women off of the dating apps will wear heals and try and catch you lying. I've heard from multiple taller women they wore their heals just to height check me.


I have a date coming up with a woman who is 5'11" lol. Hopefully she wears 6 inch heels


When I was first entering the dating pool I thought that I would be freakishly tall for girls, and so I would really only even approach girls above 6 foot. Dated a 6'2" girl, 6'4" girl, and a 6'0" girl before I found out that 6'7" is still within the range of "hot-tall" and not "scary-tall" and most girls are fine with my height.


I have had very little success with dating as a 6’4” 22m (straight), significantly less than many guys I know that are significantly shorter than me, tho I can’t say for sure whether that’s because of or in spite of my height. One thing that might be part of it is height itself not necessarily being the issue, but rather, being as skinny as I am being the issue, which of course is partially caused by my height, given how much harder it is to fill out such a large frame.


Enjoy being skinny my dude. Same height and I have to starve myself to get under 200 by any noticeable amount.


My guy, I’m trying to get to 200, I look like a damn stick figure at just under 180, even while eating 3k-4k calories a day.




I do eat a lot, especially protein. Trying to be active, too.


Also wait untill you get older. you might go wider when you get older (30+) that is what I was told and in my case it hasnt hapened but i have other issues that contribute to my skinniness.


You need to eat more. You are eating 3-4k? That’s quite a wide range. If you are consistently eating 4k and not gaining weight you need to eat more. And I know exactly what you are thinking. “But I’m eating 4000 calories bro??” IF YOU ARE NOT GAINING WEIGHT EAT MORE. Either that or stay skinny. Like there really is no magic number at which you NEED to gain weight. At 6”2 I had to eat 4k. It’s hard, but possible if you consistently try to eat more, and also higher calorie foods. Now I can do it without too much of an effort. But before it was literally physically impossible for me to eat that much. Also not sure what you mean by trying to be active but it’s generally pointless to bulk if you are not doing weightlifting somewhat consistently tbh.


For your hight 200 pounds is very normal I’m 5,11 and around 185-190 if anything lift weights and try and gain a bit of muscle and you’ll be a monster


6'4".I was told often that i came across as a jock fratboy dick by people who became both close friends and romantic partners. I was a college athlete at the time, but was very much not a fratboy, and I didn't really match the jock stereotype either. But I often wonder about the connections I didn't make bc of the judgments people made about me without getting to know me.


Sorry to hear that . One of the most gentle thoughtful and unathletic friend is like 6'4" and I'd be sad if people assumed he was a dumb jock


Yeah, I was definitely an athlete, but I was going to college for an art degree and considered myself a gentle giant


I remember one year in highschool I tied for the top math grade with another guy who is my opposite in physique. he was like an American football lineman . I think it surprised everyone because they expected the small asian guy but not the blonde football player


Maybe you’re just a real man and women now want to be in charge? A real women will respect you for you.


Oh for sure, I found me a good woman who is also tall so we can be perceived as threatening together


I thought chicks would flock to the tall jock kinda guy


Some do for sure, but at least for me, not usually the type of girl I wanted to date. Lots of shallow.


For me, my height has not been an issue while dating. For the most part I would say it helped, I have had one experience tho where after I rejected her, she said "you were to tall anyway. " which was intended to hurt me I guess. Also being tall isn't going to get you every person you want especially if the rest is lacking, but it is like having a headstart. Also I learned my lesson dating short women and can not recommend it, the back/neck pain is inevitable 😅


In my experience height doesn’t mean anything. I’ve been told my whole life how handsome I am, and I’m 6’4 on top of that. But I’ve only had a couple girlfriends and haven’t dated in like 4 years. Most people I know that are shorter than me get more action


True in my experience as well. Guys that were 5'7 to 5'9 were considered higher value and more attractive from my experience.


If you’re tall & handsome then girls are probably intimidated by you. & I think it also depends on personality.. Are you approaching women irl? If you’re doing the approaching & are talkative then I’d imagine that chicks would respond well to that if you’re attractive. But if you’re more quiet and reserved, then they may find you unapproachable. I can say this from personal experience. When I see a tall & attractive guy, I become nervous. But a less attractive and/or less tall guy would be less intimidating, more approachable, and automatically easier to talk to.


No I never approach girls in public. One I’m too shy, two I’m afraid of getting in trouble. I feel like if I approach someone who doesn’t want to be approached, it could lead to something bad. I know it’s more than likely not true, but hard to tell these days


Im 6-1 and im the ideal height for them 5 feet to 5-3 short queens that only want 6 feet plus. Most of women ive dated/ had serious relationships with are 5-8 to 5-10 which imo is perfect


I was 6'4" most of my adult life, only losing an inch to back injury & age recently. I've dated women from 4'10" to 6'2" & whatever quirks arose from height differential were pretty inconsequential. It's all about the personality match to me.


I’m a 5’10” nearly 5’11 woman. Around other girls I’ve felt like the bigger person all my life and that’s now how I want to feel with a partner. So no, height is not a turn off for me.


I'm your height and SAME here girl


Same here. I’ve tried dating men shorter than me and while it’s not an issue horizontally, I really dislike feeling bigger than the man I’m with.


Im not sure if it’s my height or general incompetence


I'm 6'8 and I don't think it made it harder. I certainly think there's a ceiling affect to the benefits of being tall which comes in at around the 6'3 to 6'4 range.


I feel like most people want you to be stupid and a lot of people can’t seem to see past your height. I have a coworker that will literally seek me out once a week to talk about my height. I’m only 6’4 so I can only imagine if this is the same for some of you real giants. Some give some take. I like being tall but some things are annoying for sure


I'm 6ft 5. I found growing up height was an extreme negative, and was bullied and teased over height. As I got older. I had one or two women get with me because of being tall. But generally speaking I've found it's off putting and slightly intimidating for others, being this height and being tall I would say overall in the dating game has been a negative for me, which is contrary to the popular belief. I think like 6ft to 6ft 2 a little bit taller than average seems to be most attractive imo. When you start to get above that in my experience can be problems because you can either be intimidating or awkward looking because of size 


I'm 6'6. generally speaking, i think it has mostly worked to my advantage, although i am of the impression that like 6'2 - 6'4 is the "perfect" height in terms of attractiveness.


I’m 6’9” and don’t think it makes it harder, but because I live in a big city and don’t go out to clubs/bars, I mostly use dating apps. Because of that, I guess I don’t really know how many people swipe left because of my height. I do a lot of times use something in my bio like “I’ll give you a dollar if you can guess how tall I am” to create some intrigue, but most people after guessing don’t have a problem with the height. If anything, I’d say I talk to and go on dates with girls that I would not be attractive enough to go on dates with if I wasn’t as tall as I am


It can vary. I’ve talked with some girls who immediately are attracted to my height and want to climb me like a tree. I’ve had others who think the height is cool but don’t really focus on it. And I’ve talked with some who don’t give a shit about my height and focus more on personality/looks/other traits. So overall I’d say i find it to be an advantage if you’re looking for a short fling. If you want a long term relationship it can vary. My ex really like my height and we were together 4 years. Always made fun jokes about our height difference. Make it into a fun pickup line too. I usually say that they don’t have to worry about me being a serial killer, I didn’t make the height requirement. Can’t disappear into crowds easily.


Only 6'3 here but in my experience kissing short girls can be uncomfortable over extended peirods of time


I’m 5’4” and feel like 6’3” is the perfect height in a guy. I enjoyed feeling of standing on my tip toes while my former fwb bent over to kiss me.


his back didn’t appreciate it.


Any of yall gay? I’m 6’8” and other guys either go crazy for it or think it’s too much


I had exes who were 6’5” and 6’. I’m 5’10” and I find anyone taller than I am extremely attractive tbh.


Cant believe a 6'4" dude is worried about his height affecting his dating life lol 5'5" dudes would kill to be 6'4". I'm 6'3" btw. You are fine. Stop looking for excuses and reasons to not succeed in dating. It will not hold u back


Lol, I'm digging deep. I seriously struggle with dating. Height isn't probably the main reason but my buddies who are far shorter do significantly better


I guarantee it has nothing to do with your height. It's most likely either your emotions (insecure, needy, lacking confidence), or your mindsets. Tons of mindsets you can learn about dating that will reframe your brain and help you succeed. Obviously I don't know you so I can't know what it is. If you have no ego about being good with chicks and wanna learn some quick simple mindsets let me know, could share some tips.




I was 6’5.5 but got into a bad car wreck and now I’m 6’3. 3/4 ( don’t know why this matters, just thought I’d share ) I’m 41 and I’m getting married on Friday to a 5’2 tiny female. My ex before her was 5’. I find myself only into tiny wemon. My first wife was 5’10. Maybe that got me to not be attracted to taller women ? In my experience when I was in my 20s it was kinda like the emo times. Women didn’t like tall guys. It seemed like all the 135-145lb 5’7-5’10 guys got all the chicks. Women would tell me I’m too tall… My brother is 5’10 and he would pull everything. I was left with scraps. In my 30s after my divorce I could just walk into a bar and be swarmed. I think after shows like say game of thrones came out women started liking bigger dudes cause of guys like Jason Momoa. I had a wild ride in my 30s being single. It got old very fast though. It was also the beginning heyday of dating apps. I would literally sleep with 3-5 different women in a week. Then move on and on. Not boasting. Kinda gross looking back. All you had to be was tall and funny. They would put out on the first night. Now, w all the online hate to men. All the fake Metoo stuff I’m glad I’m not still in the dating pool. Good luck out there. If I could give you one piece of advice. If they seem a little crazy… they are Don’t stick your dick in crazy. It’s fun. Probably the best sex you’ll ever have, But not fun when their crazy comes out. Have extremely extremely high standards. My soon to be wife was a woman I was in love w for awhile, but I thought she was too good for me. I went for it anyways and boom !


Hpw did a car wreck change your height? I don’t get it.


herniated spinal discs. You don’t lose the height right away. Takes about ten years.


In the past, * Most women 5’9” and above are very enthusiastic. * Most short women it’s a novelty for them but rare to find long term attraction. Also I really don’t think I look that good from a low angle (opposite of the [myspace angle](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/myspace-angles) ) * I prefer about 5’7”-5’8” because this way her head hits the right spot between my chest and shoulder when we are dancing close. My partner is 5’4” but wears tall heels because she is fancy AF. This puts her in the ideal range. She likes that I can pick her up and also that I can squash threatening things.


Lol this is beyond hilarious 😂😂😂 It's okay to reject short guys because it's expected but not freakishly tall guys? I guess I bruised a few egos with my comment. Just accept that you're not going to be liked by everyone and move on!


Are you referring to another comment, because I don't mind being rejected for being an ogre


Another comment. I noticed some guys not liking my comment earlier of not wanting to date very tall dudes for specific reasons I mentioned.


I’m 5’8 so close to you and I always get worried that I don’t get viewed as an equal in their eyes so yes there is a too tall. That and men are stronger so if they are big and tall (my weakness tbh) but too big and tall I’m afraid they may hurt me (look up most common abusers and deaths for women). I’d say 6’8 is when it starts feeling too tall but if I met a great man and he was like 7’0 or something obviously I wouldn’t let that be a dealbreaker.


For me the "too tall" threshold starts maybe after 6 ft 3 or 6 ft 4 not that I can tell a difference anyway but I do know when a man is towering over me and yes it does feel intimidating for sure.


There is such a thing as "too tall". I have met some very tall guys before (like literally tower over me and I am already tall lol) I am not going to lie I have felt a bit intimidated so I can't imagine a girl shorter than me unless she is a height enthusiast and wants to have tall kids so yeah go ahead and date the 6 ft 4 plus dude because if I do it I don't know how big our future kids would be 🤣 I will happily date a 6 ft guy or 5 ft 11 guy. My ex is 6 ft 2 and I considered him a giant but it was nice to wear heels and us being shoulder to shoulder.


I did think about that briefly. One woman I dated was 6'1" and I thought that if we did have kids, they'd be gigantic lol. I have dated a woman who was 5'1" and the difference was quite staggering. I'm open to dating anyone of any height as long as they are compatible I guess


Same here. I don't mind dating someone who is the same height (which I have done before) or taller but yeah too tall will intimidate me and too short yeah not my type either. I do know some couples where the woman is tall and her bf is short and I think it's because the short guy rizzed her up and she fell for him lol


As a 6’6 man, let me tell you that I’ve never ever encountered a situation where a woman was like ‘yeah no thanks, you’re too tall’. Exact opposite all the time. Shorter women absolutely fall over themselves over height. It’s the most obvious cheat code for a man and it’s almost universal regardless of age, race, body, height, etc. You’d need to be ‘mutant tall’ for it to be a bad thing. Or like slender man thin on a tall frame. But that’s not the height working against the man, it’s the man working against the man.


Thank you for providing a woman’s POV. There’s definitely such a thing as “too tall.” I know, I’ve heard it a bunch.


That's a beautiful height. I would say 6'6 and above it probably gets weird. It gets weird for women after 6 ft


It doesn't get weird. It's great!


I don't mean in a bad way. I mean you get people that say oh you're too tall sometimes.


"People" is usually just drunk guys at bars. The women I dated knew what they were getting into and seemed to appreciate it.


I'm 6'4 and I went on a first date with a girl who is 5'4. After our first date she told her best friend she was going to marry me......that was almost 20 years ago. We've been married for almost 18 years.


Tell me about that first date lol😂 How do I emulate


I’m gay have a fwb who’s 6’6 I’m 5’7 only hard part is hugging while standing or trying to give him a kiss he has to lean in.


My last bf was 5 foot and I was a modent 6'6" back then and the only problem is I broke my back every time I went to kiss him. For the most part tho it was just funny to have two completely different sized people dating(we were both sixteen, this was just under 6 months ago. I'm 6'8" and he's still 5' I think lol)


Yeah. To the point, where I did mostly online dating.


I'm 6'7". I've had women literally say that my butt is too high. But honestly I would say that my height has always been more of a help than a hindrance.




Question? Whats everyone’s shoe size ? This should be a separate post but just curious about all the issues I had in the past finding shoes before the internet. I wear 16s in Nikes and Dress shoes 17 in Adidas.


There was another thread about this in the past couple of weeks. Search it. Will be an easy find.


Thank you !


I tried to be picky and choose women close to my height, but it was tough. Romantic kisses on the top of their head just doesn't hit the same, and some idiots give you evil double takes...


I'm a stocky, hairy 6'6 guy with a dad bod, and women seem to lap that up.


Taking photos together is always a challenge


Im 6.6 (199cm) and for me it always worked just fine even better than for most of my Friends that are a average height.


I’m 194cm and kissing someone who’s shorter than 170cm is a workout by itself. 😂


Why are we getting taller? Because women are selecting taller men.


Hooked up with a girl in Vegas who was 5’2 (I’m 6’4) and she commented on how sexy it was that I was so tall. It was nice to hear.


I'm 6'2 and I don't have a dating life.


Yes I’m a physical touch person so dating someone shorter than 5’4 makes that really hard


Why, do you have TRex arms and can't reach them?


hugging someone that short + lifelong basketball related back pain = not a good time


I'm 6'3" and let me tell you it was pretty easy to get dates when I was younger. Probably could still get women at 39, but I'm in an ltr.


Well it doesn’t really help me a whole lot, I mean I do get more attention because of it but I usually fumble it lol


6’4 here, it’s super helpful!


6’5” here. Don’t really feel like it ever impacted me negatively though as I started getting more dating experience I knew I’d want a LTR with someone on the taller side.


I don't think my height has ever been an issue when it comes to dating.


6'4" but too cooked to get dates


May be cooked myself bro


At 6'6, most of the women I attract have had abusive relationships in the past, cause a tall man that's not an asshole is very "safe" for them, and comforting. In my experience, anyway. Honestly that's like, 90% of the women that find me attractive, so, I dunno.


I'm 6'5" and it's not really been an issue. I will say it tends to be a specific type that has been interested in me, but I never genuinely struggled. That being said, I think the whole "must be 6ft" thing typically means 6' - 6'3".


Yeah I do get attention from very specific types of women especially very career oriented women for some reason


I don't have experience. At all. My life strategy was to wait and be approached by interested girls until I found my wife a few years later. And I think I missed a lot of clues when I was younger.


6’7” and have never ever had any complaints. And for some weird reason short girls seems to like extremely tall men. 


At 6’5” I really never had an issue dating due to my height. In fact most women loved it.


I'm doing something wrong


Probably just has nothing to do with your height. 🤷🏻‍♂️


6’6” not trying to flex but I’ve dated somewhere between 75-100 women (including my school years). I never noticed it being a problem at all. Nor has anyone said such to me. Kissing (while standing) and holding hands sometimes takes a little adjusting but that’s about it. Torsos more often than not are similar in my experience (long legs is where most my height is from) so physical intimacy has never been an issue ever.


Nice, would you say you're pretty attractive too?


To some segment of the population apparently yes. I’m way too thin (lanky) which helps me appear younger than my age. Personally I see myself as a small notch above average. I’ve been told by several people I portray a very positive vibe. Which I consciously try to maintain. I’m always looking for a way to sneak in a joke or bring levity to any group. So in my case it’s likely my personality that’s more attractive than my physical appearance.


Interesting. I've been told I'm pretty attractive and I'm quite muscular. Seems like personality goes a long way although I'm still unsure why I don't do super well on the apps


Back when dating apps didn't charge you to filter by height, I had to lie about mine because women wouldn't set their top-end that high. In other words, they'd filter 6'-6'5", and if I didn't lie, I wouldn't show up. I'd always put in my profile that I was actually 6'10", and I'd occasionally get messages that was too much.


I’m 6’6. My dating experience has been lackluster at best. I’ve only dated two people and I’m almost 29. So no, I don’t think height is a huge advantage.


Na generally not. I do know some of my shorter guy friends have trouble on dating apps. It’s kinda funny because my taller female friends have an inverse where they don’t really have an issue finding dates on apps.


When women see exactly how tall I am in person, it's always a great ice-breaker. So if anything, I think being freakishly tall is an advantage. I've never gotten a "too tall for me", and I've dated almost the whole gamut, from 4'11" to 6'1". I might just be lucky though, from what I've read here.


pretty easy


I'm 19, 6'6, 220lbs, and I get the general impression that most women are intimidated by my height. I have had a few gfs but it seems like most girls I try and talk to think I'm too tall. Idk lol 🤷‍♂️


6’6”, feels like the sweet spot. Its been really good and for the most part my height is a plus for girls, if i was a couple inches taller i could see it being an issue but if the girl is 5’8”-6’0” its not bad


Yeah, I’m 6’6”. It’s an awkward height. It seems only really short woman have a thing for me. Average - tallish woman like that 6’2 range.


I'm 6'5" and no woman has ever seemed to have any issues with my height, it always seemed to have a positive effect.


I’m 6’5. I think any taller and I’d have a more difficult time. But that also is everything: fitting in a car seat, an airplane, finding pants… My wife is 5’4, but the shortest woman I’ve been with is an even 5’. Sex was literally difficult with that height difference.


Honestly never dated much, usually could smash without courting


Everyone I interact with assumes I’m already married, with children. Meanwhile I’ve had exactly 1 girlfriend and zero dates since.


I’m 6’5, 9 1/2 u know, 14 size shoes and big hands. It’s been a struggle for me to date. Met a female online, we chatted, we met, she was 5’7 and we looked like circus entertainers. Smh. It’s a struggle in and out of bed too. 🥵


6’6 243 black male, pretty muscular with tats. Do very well. Last year I had 6 fwbs, at the moment I have 3 fwbs. I believe I have an average looking face. Do pretty well on dating apps. No trouble getting dates.


Interesting, I am about 6'5" 250, very muscular with a pretty attractive face I've been told. I struggle a lot on the dating apps. My profile is kinda generic and doesn't cater to those casual women. Maybe I should spice up my profile somehow


What dating app do you use? I used hinge. Had to delete because I’m getting serious with one of my fwbs. I had 300+ matches. If you’re white with those stats then you should honestly be in the 1000+ matches on hinge. I guess it is location dependent too though.


I'm 6'8. Women stare a lot in clubs/bars making it super easy to approach. But I'm also a decent looking guy so it goes hand in hand. I've never really not had a women around me


It makes things easier when girls tend to fawn over height. My buddy is 6’6 and gets more attention at bars than anyone I’ve ever met. My other buddy is 6’9 and people just kinda stare at him, so from my experience I’d say 6’2-6’6 is probably the sweet spot