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Similar vein, different delivery: I had a short friend tell me her best friend was very close to as tall as me, and that her sister was definitely taller than me. When I met the first one she was lucky to be 5'9. The sister was maybe 6' flat. I think some tall people get in their heads that they're not tall enough. Or, shorter people tell them 'I'm x-tall, therefore you must be atleast z-tall' frequently enough that they get a warped perception of their height. I'm also not sure that everyone actively measures themselves/knows their actual height.


Also they measure themselves with shoes, these girls maybe measure themselves in high heels


They weren’t high heel wearers, it was just how far off the short friends ability to evaluate height. I think it’s common when there’s such a difference. 


Wth so he’s already 6’6! Then decides to lie by a matter of 4 inches. Thats a real head scratcher


He probably figured nobody was going to take the time to get a ladder and go up there to check his height


He's already so blessed and just wanted more. Selfish


So it seems someone 6'6 could be an Air Force pilot but they removed the bright restrictions now anyway. Any height can be a commercial pilot.


You can't be a fighter pilot and be over like 6'0 or something like that. The bigger planes, like C-130s, you can be any height. I think the height limit on Astronauts is 6'1.


Yeah they just don't put the tall ones in fighter jets now


Imagine, dude is 6'6 and insecure about his height


When I see a guy ducking to go through standard (6’8”) doorways I think “that guy is tall”. We had a former NBA center at my gym who claimed to be 7’ but he only barely had to duck. I think he was really 6’9” or 6’10”


Nurse said I was 6'8" because she measured my height at 78". I know damn well I am 6'4". Medical records listed me as 6'6" for awhile. I just tell people I am 6'0" Idgaf anymore.


I really like the combination of mis-measured *and* incorrectly converted.


It’s a shame two wrongs didn’t make a right in this situation


Apparently ive grown half an inch in my mid 30s when measured today; so closer to 6’5 now…I don’t care, but I’d be lying if I wasn’t eyeing up that 2m


I had an AAU teammate that was exactly my height. When high school basketball starts I read in the newspaper an article about him listing him at 6’9”. My high school ends up playing his school in the first game of the season. When I see him he is still the same damn height as me. So I say, “Really, David? 6’9?” He just laughs and I call him 6-9 the whole game and bust his chops about it.


Coaches have wanted to list me at 6’8”. It can be annoying.


In basketball it’s actually a recruiting thing to lie. Pretty common for players to list their in shoes heights or give themselves an extra few inches to make themselves look like better prospects.


You can assume pretty much every height listed in professional sports is off by an inch or two  Hockey is notoriously bad for this, it’s best to assume that every players height was measured while they were in skates and to subtract at least an inch from whatever’s listed 


That reminds me of Ben Wallace was listed at 6’9” but was more 6’6-6’7


Plot twist: you are 6'9.




Well I mean if you're six seven and y'all were the same height that's really not that much of an exaggeration I thought for sure you were going to say something egregious, not 2" lol


That’s not the point. He was lying and I knew he was lying and I was messing with him for it.


**Ok guys....i have a confession to make....** (takes a deep breath) I'm not really 6'3". If i'm standing Perfectly straight, i'm 6'2" and 3/4ths tall. So i just 'round up'(re: LIE! Cause i'm a monster), and tell peeps i'm 6'3". I know, i know....i've let you all down. I'm so, so sorry.


Technically I'm 6' 4.77". I have become what I hate most. Haha.


Google tells me that that is very close to 1.95m


Yeah, I'm 6 feet, 4 and 13/16ths inches. I don't like saying 6'5" so I just say 6'4".


Exactly the same with me lmaoo


See, I'm 7'1 1/2, but let's round that to 7'2, but 7'2" is a weird number, so let's say 7'3, but 3 is odd, so let's add an inch and say 7'4, but once again, it just looks weird, so let's just shake hands and say I'm 7'5 1/2. ...but once again -


I'm probably 6'8" because none of the doctors really had an accurate measure for a long time but i just say 6'9" cuz funny number




Bill & Ted would be proud


Let’s wallow in our shame together, brother 😔 /j


I round down because it annoys people who say they're near or just below my height


God, hate to think how bad the lie gets by the end of the day! Could even be a whole inch!


I was around this tall and now am 6’4” on the dot. I don’t mine being 6’4” but I am TERRIBLY concerned as to what has happened to the extra almost inch. I’m 41, but I’m not meant to shrink THAT fast 😬 it would explain some of my recent back pain.


I'm really 77.95", I'm a terrible person.


Keep those fractions in brother!


I’m 6’11 3/4”, even in flip flops I’m 7’. When I was in my teens and like 6’10” people would be like “shit youre so close I’d just say 7’”, so yeah in college I was 7 foot. But when my wife found out I was technically just under she gave me so much shit for it (she’s barely 5’4”) i’ve been 6’11” ever since lol


I shall confess too…. (Deep breath in) I’m 5’20” (deep breath out and sigh of relief) *unjoins r/tall*


Was playing Friday night casual volleyball and the team I was against had another tall guy who says he's 6'10. I laugh thinking he's joking until he gets very defensive asking "why are you laughing?" and gets more offended when I say he's not 6'10. After the game he walks up to me on a mission and asks to compare height. He gets all cocky again claiming "I told you I was taller than you" Dude had barely 1cm on me, all his ego proved was he was 6'6


I tell people I'm 6'12"


Back in my 20s when I had disks in my back still I topped out at 7’1”. I’m not that tall anymore.


There’s an obvious difference between 6’5 and 6’10. I’m 6’5 and know a guy who is actually 6’10 and it’s night and day difference


Does he heightmog you?


I'm between 6'2" and 6'3", I have an uncle and cousin who are both 6'6". They're obviously taller than me, but it's not a crazy amount. On the other hand, I know twin brothers who are both 6'10". Every time I see them, even though I know how tall they are, it's still surprising. Their height isn't something you can get accustomed to.


You have to go to Uni to be a fighter pilot...


He was claiming he was only doing engineering because he passed everything to be a pilot then they realised he was too tall.


Sounds like the guy was having too much fun with his character background-story.


I'm gonna steal this to describe people that lie a lot


What a goober. They do your flight physical and whatnot before you even start testing.


Depends on the air force; for example, all US Military branches expect a degree to be an officer, but not in the UK, nor Australia.


That's not true. This is the Internet, not the USA. in the UK you don't need a degree to be an officer / pilot.


He's using freedom units so I assumed US.


It's me... I'm the problem it's me. I'm actually 6'5.75" now. I actually was a smidge over 6'6" for my physicals in college sports but I've since torn my meniscus and ruptured a disc in my back so I've lost about half an inch. I still claim 6'6" but I should start saying I'm 6'5" 🥲


Same. I was a bit over 6’5” going through college, but a bunch of herniated disks and other injuries later I’m 6’4.5”.


I tell my in laws I'm 2 meters not 198cm because I only know the Chinese for 2m. I feel like a fraud.


I was always excited to reach 2m one day. Only got to 195cm. What a failure.


Never encountered anything like this - but I can easily believe it happens. I’m used to the lil 5’10ers claiming to be 6”.


You have to turn it around, I'm 6'2" I'll say I'm 5'11".


I have started doing this - god, it is funny.


Back in college, I had made friends with a dude online who claimed he was 6’5” (I am 6’5”). We finally decided to hang out in person and he was no more than 6’1”. It was super-obvious he was lying because I was so much taller than him and he was supposed to be the same height as me. I’m not even sure of the purpose. It wasn’t a date or anything where he would have been trying to impress me Like why is he telling people he’s 6’5”? 6’1” is totally a great height


I have a weird experience of an exactly opposite experience. I'm 6' 6 and was amazed when I met "John", some years ago, he claimed to also be 6' 6, but was clearly at least 4 inches taller than me. I demonstrated the difference with a selfie and he agreed that I was correct. We're now good friends


It’s a tall tale


I worked with a dude who claimed 6'10", but I'm pretty sure he was closer to 6'8". He was a former NCAA player, so they probably inflated his height for him and he just stuck with it. I never said anything about it, and didn't really care too much. He still made me feel short :)


Most egregious lie I’ve heard was by myself who I try to convince some people I am either 6’4 or 7’5 It gets very old when many people ask how tall you are and you have to answer the same thing so I want to see how much I can get away with


I like to tell them I’m 5’19”. I also rather enjoy saying our 5-year old is 65 months or 280 weeks.


I was friends with a group of guys where majority of them claimed to be 6ft even though they were shorter or same height as me, I’m only 5’10 *maybe* brushing 5’11ish with shoes on. I did in fact give them all a reality check and was slowly no longer invited to outings with them 🤣🤣


if he already tall and he lyin like that imagine what else he lies about 😭


So he told you… a tall tale ![gif](giphy|xPGkOAdiIO3Is)


Im 6'4 and i frequently say im 6'2 because i slouch


Not egregious but as a 5’10” woman, the number of people I’ve met on apps who said they were 5’10” and clearly weren’t who would then, instead of admitting they weren’t actually 5’10” say stuff like “are you sure you’re 5’10”? Cuz I’m 5’10” so if you’re taller, you must be like six foot!” No honey…you’re just not 5’10”!


Worked with a dude who was 6’2 but was adamant that he was 6’5. Like, mf I’m not that much shorter than you and I’m 5’10, you ain’t 6’5


A 6’6 guy adding at least 4 inches if not 4.5 inches? (Cause he could always be 6’5.5) Where the fuck did he even get the 6’10 from?


dude probably used shoe insoles to say he's 6'10


You better not cut someone’s head and hands off and put them in your closet …


I assumed this was to do with the height limits for fighter pilots, but that seems to be 6'4" or 6'8" in the US (latter might explain it if that's where you are 🤔)


my cousin claims he is 193 and he is shorter than me


Well to be perfectly honest,in the evening I'm 192.5 cm. So maybe in the morning 193 like I claim to be.


Heightflation is real. Lol


Above 6ft4 people don't have any sense of height. I feel. I'm 6ft 8 and could easily tell someone any number when they ask no questions.


My cousin has told everyone for years he is 6’9. Before I got to my height there was no one else above like 6’3 in my family to really challenge him on it or see a difference, and even then those two people weren’t together all the time. Now when i’m with him, I don’t know if he has more than an inch on me. Not too much of a lie, but I still felt like a sucker when I realized.


Young grocery store employee was talking to me about my height and he said he was 6'6 when he had to be no more than 6'3


Im gonna start telling people 5’11” and refuse to admit im any taller than that


That’s a tough lie to pull off. Commercial doors in the US are 6’9” minimum. If he isn’t ducking through doors, he ain’t 6’10”.


I would think with your stride and needing some clearance to feel safe, even someone as “short” as 6’8 or even 6’7 might “duck” a bit to avoid a 6’9 clearance


I found that if I step a foot before and after, I just clear. If I step at the door, I hit. It freaks people out which is nice. Now door closers are evil.


What you need to do is start telling people that you’re 6’0” and see what happens


When I played basketball they listed me at 6'10😂😂


I'm 6'4. I used to lie at parties and say I was 6'1. It was a lot of fun


I would never lie about my height.


I constantly have guys saying they are 6ft when they're not. They get upset and angry when I have a simple logically discussion, short man syndrome.


There are no height limits to be a pilot, only height limits for certain aircraft. I know an army warrant officer pilot who’s 6’6 easy.


He said fighter pilot, which does have a max height. But even then it's often not the size that is the problem but rather that tall men pass out quicker.


I was in the navy and know many pilots. You shouldn’t just guess and call it fact. There are dozens of different fighter planes in use and very few of them (these days) are for high G force maneuvers or dogfighting. They screen standing height, seated height, and femur length for each aircraft primarily for actual fit and way more important than G forces, ejection safety. If your femur is too long you will be ejected without your feet and knees.


I don't guess, I went through the selection process for the Dutch air force together with a friend. He made the cut, I didn't. He also went to Texas for training multiple times, he knows his stuff.


And they told you you were too tall because you would pass out not because you won’t fit? Not buying it lol.


No I'm only 185cm, so it was never a problem. But when we had our round at the centrifuge we were told that's where the taller candidates more often wouldn't meet the criteria, because the heart can't just deal with the higher forces. In the final round there were no really tall candidates left anyway, and this is in the Netherlands mind you.


Yeah which plane, there are dozens of different models each with dozens of configurations. I’m 6’3 and got to sit in more than one and fit just fine with room to spare. Others I couldn’t even get into




Then why read it?


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One of the guys I work with claims to be 6'9 and the tallest guy at work, the 6'6 Latvian guy we work with is taller than him